Some of those things could be described as simple algorithms, some could be described as algorithms that are so complicated, you would call them intelligence. We are more profitable to a corporation if were spending time staring at a screen, staring at an ad, than if were spending that time living our life in a rich way. Identifier. Social media isnt a tool thats just waiting to be used. [chuckling] I dont like this. countermeasures to protect oneself against social media. Its not something you can just decide to ignore. Were all lab rats. As the new school year begins, Netflix is making the documentary The Social Dilemma available for free on YouTube, through the end of September. If technology creates mass chaos, outrage, incivility, lack of trust in each other, loneliness, alienation, more polarization, more election hacking, more populism, more distraction and inability to focus on the real issues thats just society. Me too! Every single action you take is carefully monitored and recorded. And the Internet is just a new, even more efficient way to do that. They can get you to invite more people. If you can go to somebody and you say, Give me $10 million, and I will change the world one percent in the direction you want it to change Its the world! Later, I found out Larry Page had been notified about this presentation in three separate meetings that day. And yet, in that world, any time two people connect, the only way its financed is through a sneaky third person whos paying to manipulate those two people. [officer 2] Hes talking about Pizzagate. GPS coordinates indicate that theyre in close proximity. As the credits roll, the interviewees recommend taking various [Renee] Before you share, fact-check, consider the source, do that extra Google. There are 13,694 people behaving just like him in his region. 88. Ill see the exact same set of updates. But its not like that at all. [Ben] Oh, you gotta be kiddin me. I mean, there were meaningful, systemic changes happening around the world because of these platforms that were positive! Sit down and see if you can get comfy. The algorithm is actually trying to find a few rabbit holes that are very powerful, trying to find which rabbit hole is the closest to your interest. [mom] Isla, can you set the table, please? Views expressed are her own. A whole generation is more anxious, more fragile, more depressed. So, turn em in. [reporter 2] Its exacerbated by the fact that you can literally isolate yourself now in a bubble, thanks to our technology. [Tristan] What were seeing with COVID is just an extreme version of whats happening across our information ecosystem. We probably degrade the worlds democracies so that they fall into some sort of bizarre autocratic dysfunction. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. So, weve created an entire global generation of people who are raised within a context where the very meaning of communication, the very meaning of culture, is manipulation. Facebook had been around for about two years, um, and I was hired to come in and figure out what the business model was gonna be for the company. It appears to be a dumpster being pushed around. Its manipulating you. Its half an hour, tops.. Hey, I want more users in Korea today. Turn the dial. Lets dial up the ads a little bit. Dial up monetization, just slightly. And so, that happ I mean, at all of these companies, there is that level of precision. [Tristan] It basically just said, you know, never before in history have 50 designers20- to 35-year-old white guys in Californiamade decisions that would have an impact on two billion people. But is there something that is beneath all these problems thats causing all these things to happen at once? We play the video.And then, Ladies and gentlemen, Tristan Harris.. Which, in psychology, we call a positive intermittent reinforcement. [Tristan] I think we have to have the platforms be responsible for when they take over election advertising, theyre responsible for protecting elections. Its a marketplace that never existed before. For democracy to be completely for sale, where you can reach any mind you want, target a lie to that specific population, and create culture wars? framkalla filmrulle sjlv . The Social Dilemma Movie The technology that connects us also controls us. Its for the same reason I dont keep cookies in my pocket. His phone A.I. And I sent this presentation to about 15, 20 of my closest colleagues at Google, and I was very nervous about it. A review from the perspective of someone who types code, understands design, and is a consumer of social media. parallel money machine. Explain. [Annas Son, James Lembke, Age 15] Id say upwards hour, hour and a half. 75. We had 468 interested bidders. Changing what you do, how you think, who you are. When citing BOOKS, everything you need is on the Title Page, except the Date of Publication, which is on the back of the title page. [Joe Toscano] This is the worst part, man. [Blue AI] The Extreme Center content is brilliant. [Justin] So many of the problems that were discussing, like, around political polarization exist in spades on cable television. [AI] Okay, Rebecca received it, and she is responding. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Youre not gonna get acknowledged. [Cass] Ben and Jerry, its time to go, bud! On the ground. When I went to work the next day, most of the laptops had the presentation open. Addeddate. [Tristan] Imagine a world where no one believes anything true. They know when people are depressed. [Justin] The way the technology works is not a law of physics. What? Theyve reunited lost family members. Attributions of Causality. [Aza Raskin] The one that Im Im most prone to is Twitter. My last job there was the senior vice president of engineering. It is stated that social media is a useful service that does lots of good with a How is the exploitation and manipulation of social media users for financial [Tristan] Many people call this surveillance capitalism, capitalism profiting off of the infinite tracking of everywhere everyone goes by large technology companies whose business model is to make sure that advertisers are as successful as possible. Okay, theres the supercomputer. [Jeff] Even knowing how these tricks work, Im still susceptible to them. EVERY citation should end with a period. [Joe Toscano] You pull down and you refresh, its gonna be a new thing at the top. Its not. [Tristan] Photoshop didnt have 1,000 engineers on the other side of the screen, using notifications, using your friends, using AI to predict whats gonna perfectly addict you, or hook you, or manipulate you, or allow advertisers to test 60,000 variations of text or colors to figure out whats the perfect manipulation of your mind. [Tristan] At a lot of technology companies, theres three main goals. The Social Network Script Takeaway #3 The Social Network deposition scenes . We probably fail to meet the challenge of climate change. The other side of the screen, pointed at my brain, got me to watch one more video. You are my people. Its usually profit. Look. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. [Steve Jobs] What a computer is to me, is its the most remarkable tool that weve ever come up with. [Tim] [sighs] I think, in the in the shortest time horizon civil war. [AI] His scrolling speed is slowing. Just like there are markets that trade in pork belly futures or oil futures. [reporter 3] TikTok, if you talk to any tween out there, [on TV] theres no chance theyll delete this thing. YouTube is being forced to concentrate on cleansing the site. Who else is an IB student being forced to analyze this? [yellow AI] Hes primed for an ad. the social dilemma transcript with timestampsbohnen fermentieren rezept. It worries me that an algorithm that I worked on is actually increasing polarization in society. Much has been written by now about the documentary that first aired on Netflix at the end of August 2020after months of pandemic restrictions in which people were . They dont have a They dont have a proxy for truth thats better than a click. And human beings can change those technologies. Lets just get people tagging each other in photos all day long.. [reporter 5] These cosmetic procedures are becoming so popular with teens, plastic surgeons have coined a new syndrome for it, Snapchat dysmorphia, with young patients wanting surgery so they can look more like they do in filtered selfies. [Guillaume Chaslot] I worked at, uh, Google, uh, YouTube. Clients generally request timestamp at the beginning and the very end of the transcription. I mean, I I feel it. Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: xrp fee calculator; The Social Dilemma is a 2020 American docudrama lm directed by Je Orlowski and written by Orlowski, Davis Coombe, and Vickie Curtis. Its as simple as that. Thats not by accident. [Roger] The law runs way behind on these things, but what I know is the current situation exists not for the protection of users, but for the protection of the rights and privileges of these gigantic, incredibly wealthy companies. [James] That I dont think thats No. I might have to start blocking her e-mails. I cant stand it Your email address will not be published. If you want to control the population of your country, there has never been a tool as effective as Facebook. "The business models that run the social-media industrial complex have a lot to do . [Mark Zuckerberg] So, uh, long-term, the solution here is to build more AI tools that find patterns of people using the services that no real person would do. We outlaw markets in human slaves. The Girl With The Tree Tattoo. I mean, this is just the latest new level that weve seen. This is deep-seated, like, human personality that theyre tapping into. [presenter] Tristan Harris is a former design ethicist for Google and has been called the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience. As the groups got bigger on Facebook, Facebooks recommendation engine started suggesting to regular users that they join Pizzagate groups. If something is not a tool, its demanding things from you. [Chamath] So, we want to psychologically figure out how to manipulate you as fast as possible and then give you back that dopamine hit. So, today, they are convincing the people that the Earth is flat, but tomorrow, they will be convincing you of something thats false. Now, down. This is a totally new species of power and influence. Im just catching up on some news stuff. It would be a lot easier to see the photo., [Tristan] When Facebook found that feature, they just dialed the hell out of that because they said, This is gonna be a great way to grow activity. [Tristan] When he later came on to NPR to say, Im sorry for believing this. Thats a separate discipline. [Shoshana] This is a new kind of marketplace now. We had such envy for that, and it seemed so elegant to us and so perfect. [Roger] If everyones entitled to their own facts, theres really no need for compromise, no need for people to come together. So, I decided that were not gonna have any cell phones at the table tonight. [Tim Kendall] Everyone in 2006 including all of us at Facebook, just had total admiration for Google and what Google had built, which was this incredibly useful service that did, far as we could tell, lots of goodness for the world, and they built this parallel money machine. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. [Roger McNamee] So, Ive been an investor in technology for 35 years. [Dan Sullivan] And who do you thinks responsible? Great predictions begin with one imperative: you need a lot of data. I think we were naive about the flip side of that coin. [Jaron] Throughout history, every single time somethings gotten better, its because somebody has come along to say, This is stupid. The Social Dilemma draws on interviews from dozens of technology experts who have been involved in the creation of social media, focusing its story on Tristan Harris, a former design ethicist for Google. [Jeff Seibert] You are giving the computer the goal state, I want this outcome, and then the computer itself is learning how to do it. Pull back on friends and family. [Jaron] If we go down the current status quo for, lets say, another 20 years we probably destroy our civilization through willful ignorance. One of the things that he pioneered was the use of scientific A/B testing of small feature changes. Perhaps the most influential article published recently was Garrett Har din's "Tragedy of the Commons," which appeared in Science in 1968. The Social Dilemmais a 2020 Americandocudramafilm directed byJeff Orlowskiand written by Orlowski, Davis Coombe, and Vickie Curtis. It was about sowing total chaos and division in society. And then it would change the entry. I wanna destabilize Cameroon. Our attention can be mined. 295 Followers. Uh-oh. Twitter has done it. 1. skuggans caf lngtora. Hey, Im connected without a cell phone, okay? [chuckles] And I just I think that we you know, the inventors, creators uh, you know, and its me, its Mark, its the you know, Kevin Systrom at Instagram Its all of these people um, understood this consciously, and we did it anyway. [Bailey] I was one of the really early employees at Instagram. Okay, so my Instagrams worse. Sepanjang 1 jam 34 menit, dokudrama "The Social Dilemma" mewawancarai orang-orang penting yang ikut membangun Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, dan Pinterest. [AI] His calendar says hes on a break right now. This is overpowering human nature, and this is checkmate on humanity. Armed with all the knowledge that I have and all of the experience, I am fighting my kids about the time that they spend on phones and on the computer. Citations are alphabetized by the first significant letter in the citation. Because theyre controlling, you know, the information that we see, theyre controlling us more than were controlling them. I trust you guys. Three hours and 45 minutes. [sips] Before that, um, I was the the director of monetization at Facebook for five years. [Jeff Seibert] While at Twitter, I spent a number of years running their developer platform, and then I became head of consumer product. 6. We are standing up, and we are we are standing up to this noise. If you click on clickbait, youre creating a financial incentive that perpetuates this existing system. Because then it forces you into this vicious cycle where youre like, Whats the next thing I need to do now? [Jonathan] How do they spend their time? Theres nothing else on the table that could possibly be called the product. [Justin] I cant believe you keep saying that, because Im like, Really? I feel like were headed toward dystopia. Because they have inevitable destructive consequences. [reporter 3] This is a city where hatred was laid bare and transformed into racial violence. Everyone believes the governments lying to them. Or am I overreacting to a situation that I dont know enough about? Sep 10, 2020. [Roger] The way to think about it is its 2.7 billion Truman Shows. [Tristan] Theres a study, an MIT study, that fake news on Twitter spreads six times faster than true news. bers with social dilemmas, it is these dilemmas that are particularly global and pressing that have attracted the most attention among social thinkers (from an extraordinarily wide variety of fields). [interviewer] Uh, youre making me feel like a lab rat. [reporter 2] Democracy is facing a crisis of confidence. So, it really is this kind of prison experiment where were just, you know, roping people into the matrix, and were just harvesting all this money and and data from all their activity to profit from. CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images hide caption Tons and tons of computers, as far as the eye can see. [Aza] The idea of humane technology, thats where Silicon Valley got its start. We werent expecting any of this when we created Twitter over 12 years ago. JAKARTA - Film dokudrama "The Social Dilemma" jadi film yang lagi banyak dibicarakan di dalam dan di luar negeri. All right. Its just not that big a deal. When that happens at scale, youre no longer able to reckon with or even consume information that contradicts with that world view that youve created. [reporter 8] How do you handle an epidemic in the age of fake news? I mean, every other kid in her class had one. Theres lies here, and theres lies over there. The Social Dilemma is a long diatribe, with some interesting ideas and observations thrown in along the way. So, theres no doubt that a vehicle like social media, which optimizes this connection between people, is going to have the potential for addiction. And how theyre used is pretty different than how you expected. Its like the fundamental way that this stuff is designed isnt going in a good direction. [Interviewer] Knowing what you know now, do you believe Facebook impacted the results of the 2016 election? This time, in Italy and Spain. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. At the time. Recently in India, Internet lynch mobs have killed a dozen people, including these five. 2020. A lot of people think, you know, Oh, well, Googles just a search box, and Facebooks just a place to see what my friends are doing and see their photos. But what they dont realize is theyre competing for your attention. 31. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. [Mary] I looked at his screen report a couple weeks ago. Shes worse than I am. [Aza Raskin] I helped start Mozilla Labs and switched over to the Firefox side. This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations. Arthur C. Clarke. His psychometric doppelgangers. 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