It was located outside of Lamsdorf (now called Lambinowice) in southwestern Poland, not far from the Czech border. The Wartime Memories Project will give them a good home and ensure that they are used for educational purposes. The unlucky ones got liberated by the Soviets, who instead of turning them over quickly to the western allies, held them as virtual hostages for several more months. Our collection contains a wealth of material to help you research and find your connection with the wartime experiences of the brave men and women who served in Australia's military forces. Royal Tank Regiment, Rifleman Alec Jay Queen Victoria's Rifles 9th London Regiment. It was opened in 1939 to house Polish prisoners from the German September 1939 offensive. The Soviet Army reached the camp on 17 March 1945. railway depot loading and unloading trains. limestone quarry. For years Prussian and - subsequently - German soldiers had trained there. The camp initially occupied barracks built to house British and French prisoners in World War I. Cape Town In 2005 my mother also contacted Alison Robertson from an advert in the local paper. There were 200 men in the party and their job was to build huts, lay pipes, clear snow etc. Library contains an ever growing number diary entries, personal letters and other documents, most transcribed into plain text. Banstead, B H James E91 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Mittenbruck, Silesia. I recall one of these broadcasts was by Anthony Eden himself. Thanks again for your site. railway building, E494 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Gleiwitz Ost, E535 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Sosnowitz West. Falkirk I thoroughly enjoyed scrolling through the web site earlier today. The only two to survive on Dad's plane were he (Jim Snowsell) and Wild Kipp. Ormskirk At one point, after being recaptured, a German guard ordered him to 'dig his own grave' at the point of a gun and then when he had dug the hole told him to fill it in again. He also stated that the Germans saved his leg when they put maggots on his wound. Tpr. E563 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Bory Jelen Jaworzno, E565 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Sierza Wodna, E571 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Gruden. Clacton-on-Sea Cameron St. It was opened in June or July 1941 by the Luftwaffe and housed mostly Russian air force prisoners from the Eastern Front. Prisoners of War. Altogether, some 35,000 parachute and glider troops were involved in the operation. Jim Henry (The Rapids) This list does not claim to be definitive. [3] In June 1943 it was placed under the administrative control of Stalag VIII-B Lamsdorf and was renamed Stalag IV-B/Z. Prisoners organised educational lessons, sports, entertainments and camp newspapers. All three units held their positions, under constant attack, until ordered to withdraw. The New Zealand gave John a full military funeral and he was placed in a military cemetery there, ironically very near Wiuku where his dad was, we have mom here and she will be placed with Dad in Kelowna if winter ever stops. In the time of successive wars, it provided facilities where prisoners-of-war were detained . Thanks again for the contact. By early 1942 they housed 7,000 prisoners from Belgium, France, Poland and Yugoslavia. Dulag Luft was used for interrogating Allied aircrew who could be held in solitary confinement whilst being questioned for a week or two but some were held for up to 28 days. The Room 42 on the football plaque could refer to a room containing mainly POWs from the 42nd Division. Charles Coward testified about what he saw at Monowitz at the IG Farben Trial during the Nuremberg trials: I made it a point to get one of the guards to take me to town under the pretense of buying new razor blades and stuff for our boys. Permission must be sought for publication. They were originally buried at Lamsdorf but moved to the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery at Krakow after the war. The camp initially occupied barracks built to house British and French prisoners in World War I. The three Lancashire battalions were among the last British troops to embark on the night 2nd/3rd June. By early October 1939 both battalions were in position on the Belgian frontier, where they were joined in April 1940 by the 1st and 4th East Lancashires, both of 42nd Division. Herefordshire, Johnnie P Baple Reginald Ryder If you have a general question please post it on our Facebook page. Dad died in 1957 at age 40, he was damaged coming back from the war PTS a word that came from the Vietnam era, but in those days you sucked it up and most never talked about it again, we basically grew up without a father. Library contains an ever growing number diary entries, personal letters and other documents, most transcribed into plain text. Essex, 26th Jul 1942 10thFeb 2023 - Please note we currently have a huge backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. Mitford Drive Church (My Pilot) Could this be Hank Mullins, RCAF? Roland M. Tucker The Untold Story of Allied Prisoners of War in Germany 1944-45. New South Wales Canada, 20th Jan 1944 All three of the 1st Battalions then took up defensive positions to cover the evacuation of the BEF. They remained in touch post war until Rondeaus early demise. He ordered Gribben now to push the barrow. Fawdon In 1945-1946, the camp was used by the Soviet-installed Polish Ministry of Public Security to house some 8000-9000 Germans, both prisoners of war and civilians. Nr. About 9,000 airmen - 7,588 American and 1,351 British and Canadian - were imprisoned there when it was liberated on the night of 30 April 1945 by Soviet troops. Ladysmith St Want to know what life was like during the War? As a teenager, she remembered Dad's return and how very weak and ill he was. Today there are beautifully kept POW graveyards in peaceful surroundings, filled with birdsong. Very little remains there, but there is an exhibition of daily life in the camps and a reconstruction of a hut where Russian POWs were held (and treated very badly). [4], In 1998, Arthur Dodd, a former British POW from Camp E715, published Spectator In Hell, a book about his time imprisoned at Monowitz. The montage was created in the camp by Warrant Officer William Lawrence RAF. Released by the advancing Russian forces in Upper Silesia. During the Franco-Prussian War, a camp for French prisoners of war was established here, which housed some 3000 French POW's. Helping people find out more about their relatives wartime experiences since 1999 by Christmas celebrations during theSecond World Waroften had to be scaled down or adjusted as restrictions and shortages took their toll. New Westminster, BC Fader St Many of them were finally repatriated towards the end of 1945 through the port of Odessa on the Black Sea. It was opened in 1939 to house Polish prisoners from the German September 1939 offensive. Use on websites that are primarily information-led, research-oriented and not behind a paywall. stone quarry and factory, E119 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Mankendorf. Want to find out more about your relative's service? 1st and 4th Battalions East Lancashire Regiment who joined the 42nd Division in 1940 prior to Dunkirk. The Archive team would love to hear from you. The men were marched along country roads towards the Oder, first north towards Dresden, then when the Germans changed their mind, south towards Bavaria, eventually reaching Stalag XIII-D near Nuremberg. Birmingham, 25th Jun 1942 My Grandfather, two uncles and my dad were all over there during the war at the same time and thanks to God they all came back safe although my father later died of cancer when I was 8 months old. Some of the surrounding POWs were said to have shouted at him and Sonntag took his rifle to show he meant his threat. He was tortured by the Under Officer in charge of his first working party (Groschowitz/ Groszowice) to find out if he was a Jew. Yorkshire, J. Essex, 25th Jul 1942 It is not clear which battalion Robert served with however it is more probable that it was the 1st Battalion which formed part of the final defence force around the Dunkirk beaches. Dad arrived at Belaria in late October44. By 1943, the famous camp for Allied flight personnel in Sagan - Stalag Luft III - had become so overcrowded that about 1,000, mostly non-commissioned flight personnel, were transferred to Lamsdorf. mine. Hornchurch The camp was closed in September 1944 when most prisoners were transferred to Stalag Luft 3. Joe Hunt and Armand Rondeau in particular. Banstead Gillingham STALAG VIIIB/344 LAMSDORF PRISONERS OF WAR Public Group | Facebook. In 1943, the Lamsdorf camp was split up, and many of the prisoners (and Arbeitskommando) were transferred to two new base camps Stalag VIII-C Sagan (modern aga and Stalag VIII-D Teschen (modern esk Tn). Manor House Rd Geneanet a souhait vous faciliter l'accs cette base trs riche. Trpr. Clarkson St In January 1945 the Lamsdorf camp was evacuated and the RAF prisoners moved to various other camps. As a teenager, she remembered Dad's return and how very weak and ill he was. Dudley W. Attwood Use on personal social media accounts, provided the individuals are not promoting themselves commercially. Royal Tank Regiment, The Last Escape. There were less than 200 survivors found. Stalag 8B Usef for: Stalag VIII-B, Stalag vii-b, Stalag-344, Lamsdorf camp Opened in 1939 Stalag 8B was a prisoner of war camp run by the German Army located at Lamsdorf, now Lambinowice, in south-west Poland. I have just come back from a visit to the remains of Stalag VIIIb and the Prisoner of War Museum at Lambinovice (Lamsdorf). Staffs, 29th Jul 1942 Airth Castle Estate IWM collections. The base camp at Lamsdorf was renumbered Stalag 344. Yorkshire Road D. H. Goffee labouring, E490 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Beuthen. Batley Park Road In November 1943 there was another reorganization, Lamsdorf was renamed "Stalag 344", and a large number of prisoners were transferred to Teschen, which became Stalag VIII-B. Oxford St Colchester E110 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Stauwerder, E114 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Gross Kunzendorf. St Helens Laws, Ken Whitely WO 311/948 Shooting of two escaping British prisoners of war at Working Camp 4 (making a rifle range), Ostrowo, Poland (attached to Stalag XXI D, Posen), 15 July . B. Jackson Corrections and integrations. - Stalag 8b Prisoner of War Camp during the Second World War -. The Soviet Army reached the camp 17 March 1945. West Bergholt The lucky ones got far enough to the west to be liberated by the American army. They were ordered to march to the West. Staffs, 20th Dec 1943 There were 200 men in the party and their job was to build huts, lay pipes, clear snow etc. Ayot St. Peter photographs, documents or items from the First or Second World War, please do not destroy them. He said that Joe was part of a working party formed at Fort 11 near Torun. The original pages can be seen in Arthur's Wartime Log - Part 2. Lawrence intended this montage was intended to commemorate the work of Judd Lawson (whose prewar portrait is incorporated in the montage). Mr Cossel said, "Your uncle was working there when he was shot by a German guard. Robert Henry Sharp 1st Lothian Edinburgh Horse Yeomanry. Australia, 28th Oct 1943 The inmates who were selected to be gassed went through the procedure of preparing for a bath, they stripped their clothes off, and walked into the bathing room. Here they worked on a chemical factory building wooden huts, laying pipes and trenches etc. I would very much like to get in touch with Paul Law (William's son who submitted the dairies). Later the Lamsdorf camp was used by the Soviets to house Germans, both prisoners of war and civilians. The visit has really inspired me to make sure that Dad's name is recorded and remembered. He worked in a series of work camps including Groschowitz (Groszowice) from July 1940 to October 1940 on building works, Gumpertsdorf (Komprachcice) from November 1940 to January 1941 on roadworks, Heuerstein, from 25th May 1941 to 3rd June 1941, in a quarry, Setzdorf (Vpenn), from 18th August 1941 to 27 February 1944, in another quarry, Jagerndorf (Strzelniki), from March 1944 to August 1944, on council work, Freudenthal (Bruntl), from August 1944 to September 1944, in a linen factory, and Gurschdorf (Skoroice) from September 1944 to March 1945, a quarry that was also a punishment camp. Six of them were self-contained wards, each with space for about 100 patients. On 10th May 1940 the Phoney War came to an abrupt end when Germany invaded Belgium and Holland. sawmill, E389 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Rudgershagen. He may have arrived too late. A Royal Canadian Air Force POW in Stalag VIII-B prison camp. Some were later released, others sent to Gulags in Siberia. It was the site of the Great Escape in March 1944. Joseph Gribben Princess Louise Battalion Middlesex Regiment (d.27th Mar 1942). railway, E218 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Flossingen, E22 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Gliewitz-Ohringen, E22050 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b gas works, E243 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Breslau (gasworks), E25 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Rauschwalde, Kreis Falkenberg, E256 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Zuckmantel, E260 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Grosszeildel. Restrictions and conditions apply. The majority of the interned were British, French, Polish and Yugoslavian soldiers. Yorkshire, 27th Jul 1942 My father told us that he escaped on a number of occasions, typically from working parties and although he did not achieve a 'home run', he was on the run on VE day having fought in the liberation of Prague alongside Czech partisans. During 1941-42 Stalag 8B was also used for captured RAF non-commissioned officers. Staffs, 1st Dec 1943 Joseph Gribben Princess Louise Battalion Middlesex Regiment (d.27th Mar 1942). Later approximately 100,000 prisoners from Australia, Belgium, British India, British Palestine, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, the United States and Yugoslavia passed through this camp. His wartime experience was instrumental in forming the man he became. The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, Montreal Douglas Johannesburg A part of Stalag VIII-B was separated by building new barbed-wire fences, designated Stalag Luft VIII-B. Ferry Road It is estimated that 200,000 prisoners passed through Stalag 3A during the war of whom approximately 5,000 died. But Gribben unloaded a portion of the land on the ground." 25 Operational Training Unit Wellington lost. At the end of 1943 within Stalag VIII-B Teschen there were about 50,000 Soviet prisoners, and another 10,000 from other countries,[3] including Great Britain, the Commonwealth and Italy. Alison was researching a number of deaths in prison camps. Stalag VIII-B was a German Army prisoner-of-war camp during World War II, later renumbered Stalag-344, located near the village of Lamsdorf (now ambinowice) in Silesia. [3] Some POWs made contact with concentration camp inmates and passed on information about the war's progress that had been acquired using secret radios in the POW camp. The base camp at Lamsdorf was renumbered Stalag 344. There are photos of three funerals at BAB20 on the Pegasus website. Middlesex, Below are messages we have kindly received regarding POWs in Stalag VIII B, Stalag Luft III, Belaria and Stalag III A. I found your site of the utmost interest & somewhat emotional as the man in the front row centre of the RAF group at Stalag V111B was my father, flight sergeant Frank Firman. Hundreds of thousands passed through those gates - and tens of thousands died there. It was located at Barth on the Baltic Coast in northern Germany. In November last year 2011 (Rugby world cup was on there) we went to New Zealand as mom at 91 had passed on we were there two weeks and just as we were leaving John did as well. The Untold Story of Allied Prisoners of War in Germany 1944-45. The whole camp covered the area of 230m x 290m. All the camp knew it. *The names on the lists might not all be listed individually yet on the alphabetical list below (it takes a long time to do this). I looked at the names (listed in Part 2 of Arthur's Wartime Log) and I do recognize the handwriting of my uncle (Albert Siebel). Update: The Wartime Memories Project is unfortunately no longer in contact with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. There were more than 700 subsidiary Arbeitskommandos (working parties outside the main camp). to help with the costs of keeping the site running. I now wonder if it was another soldier who was shotin anargument over a cigarette and thatJoe's shooting was indeed over refusing to pushthe wheelbarrow. The British Medics were going to amputate his leg prior to his capture. Bradford Road West Allied aircrew prisoners were the responsibility of the Luftwaffe and Goering ordered that they were to be treated fairly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Very little remains there, but there is an exhibition of daily life in the camps and a reconstruction of a hut where Russian POWs were held (and treated very badly). Saw Mill, E131 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Tiefbau Pollok. If you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here. Hull, 20th Jan 1944 Many of them died from the bitter cold and exhaustion. Barnsley Arbeitskommandos were set up to house lower ranks that were working in the coal mines, quarries, factories and on railways. Scarborough, 7th May 1942 The camp was liberated by the Red Army on the 26th of January 1945. In 1941 a separate camp, Stalag VIII-F was set up close by to house the Soviet prisoners. London, 19th Oct 1944 Some were later released, others sent to Gulags in Siberia. Jim Humphreys If you have any unwanted The Soviet Army reached the camp on 17 March 1945. Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf and Teschen: documents (microfilm),, Stalag VIII B Lamsdorf and Teschen authorities. She gave us a copy of the Translation of the Deposition of W.J. Lawrence, a trained engineer, carried out clandestine photography in the Camp between August 1942 - February 1945. qw Basic: $26 a month Shopify: $71 a month Advanced: $235 a month ii xj Liberated April 22, 1945. The camp was liberated by the Red Army on the 26th of January 1945. On 1st June a determined enemy attack on the Dunkirk perimeter was halted by the gallant stand of B Company, 1st East Lancashires, for which Captain Marcus Ervine-Andrews was awarded the Victoria Cross (the only one at Dunkirk), assisted by a counter-attack by the Loyals. He said that Joe was part of a working party formed at Fort 11 near Torun. power station, E728 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Neu Oderberg, E732 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Czciakowa, E734 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Schoppintiz, E739 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Dombrowa Grunkolonie, E742 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Ober Lazisk, E744 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Kazimierz, E746 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Konigshutte, E749 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Peiskretscham, E750 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Kattowitz, E753 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Graumanndorf, E755 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Wojkowitz Komorne, E756 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Radzionkau, E793 (E493) Bau und Arbeits, Battalion 21, BAB 21, Stalag 8b, E794 Bau und Arbeits, Battalion 20, BAB 20 Stalag 8b Hydebreck, E8 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Krappitz. My father, P/O GD Campbell, 424 Squadron RCAF, was also at Belaria and Luckenwalde. Shortly after the outbreak of war with Germany the 1st South Lancashires and 1st Loyals crossed to France with, respectively, the 4th and 1st Divisions of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). "As Gribben made no attempts of pushing his wheelbarrow and as other POWs took up a threatening attitude, Sonntag fired." After that, British POWs numbers remained approximately 600 for the remainder of the war. Watery Lane Birmingham, Ron Cartwright The crematorium where 1500 bodies were burnt was in the south-east part of the camp. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below. England, 31st Jan 1942 Today I read the diaries of Private William Law. Andrew Jeffrey Evinou 4th Btn. E715 was next to the I.G. Stalag VIII-B Lamsdorf was a notorious German Army prisoner of war camp, later renumbered Stalag-344, located near the small town of Lamsdorf (now called ambinowice) in Silesia. Sheffield, 27th Jul 1942 On 10th May 1940 the Phoney War came to an abrupt end when Germany invaded Belgium and Holland. Len Walker Albert A. Seibel Stalag VIII-B was a German Army prisoner-of-war camp during World War II, later renumbered Stalag-344, located near the village of Lamsdorf (now ambinowice) in Silesia. It opened in March 1942 by theLuftwaffeto hold captured Allied airmen. The South Lancashires held the far left of the British line, west of Nieuport, the Loyals occupied the fortified town of Bergues on the right, while the East Lancashires plugged a gap in the centre of the line along the Bergues Canal. Many of them were finally repatriated towards the end of 1945 through the port of Odessa on the Black Sea. Saint Road Donnington Beresford Ave My family were told that Sonntag was not seen in the camp again and they believed he was sent to the Eastern Front. Where 8B is shown, this means Teschen. The working party was known as BAB 20/3COY. If you would like to use IWM collections materials in a way that is not covered above, require a commercial licence, high-resolution copies, or have manipulation requests, please contact theMedia Sales & Licensing Team. E. K. West (Lofty) The military court at the time granted Sonntag an acquittal as he had "acted in accordance with the instructions issued by the Kommander i/c POWs, Major General Von Osterrich. Both being from Quebec and able to speak Armands mother tongue they became good pals. Me to make sure that Dad 's plane were he ( jim Snowsell ) and Wild Kipp the... Have any unwanted the Soviet prisoners constant attack, until ordered to withdraw was renamed Stalag.. Abrupt end when Germany invaded stalag viii b stalag 8b prisoner list and Holland personal letters and other documents, transcribed! 29Th Jul 1942 Airth Castle Estate IWM collections about your relative 's service prewar portrait is incorporated in the mines! 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