Pater noster -- Our father; the Lord's prayer. Armed prayers, i.e., with arms to back them up. Etenim, haud paucis locis non veritas, sed mendacium fucata quadam ratione effertur; non amor, non caritas, fovetur, sed odium excitatur ac livida simultas; non civium concordia extollitur, sed . Per saltam -- By a leap; by passing over the intermediate steps. -- To change the subject abruptly; to talk at cross purposes. Confession is as healing medicine to him who has erred. We have verified experts who translate .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt, .rtf, .txt, .ppt, .pptx files. No ruler can sin so long as he is a ruler. Filii non plus possessionum quam morborum hredes sumus -- We sons are heirs no less to diseases than to estates. Vox et prterea nihil -- A voice and nothing more. Postulata -- Things admitted; postulates. Asinus ad lyram -- An ass at the lyre, i.e., one unsusceptible of music. Usque adeone / Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter? "Eripuit clo fulmen sceptrumque tyrannis" -- He snatched the lightning from heaven and the sceptre from tyrants. Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas -- Plato is my friend, but truth is my divinity (literally more a friend). Those who write books on despising fame inscribe their own name on the title-page. Long enough for the demands both of nature or of glory. Amicus humani generis -- A friend of the human race. Qui nescit dissimulare nescit vivere -- He who knows not how to dissemble, knows not how to live. When a disaster happens, every report confirming it obtains ready credence. Mens conscia recti -- A mind conscious of rectitude. Per fas et nefas -- By right ways and by wrong. Ingenio non tate adipiscitur sapientia -- Wisdom is a birth of Nature, not of years. Ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas abesse videtur -- Wherever there is a display of art, truth seems to us to be wanting. Rien n'est si dangereux qu'un indiscret ami; / Mieux vaudroit un sage ennemi. Prudent questioning is, as it were, the half of knowledge. [Greek: Nomiz' adelphous tous althinous philous], Non bene imperat, nisi qui paruerit imperio. We provide a translation into 70+ languages. -- Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue? A posse ad esse -- From possibility to actuality. Indignor quidquam reprehendi, non quia crasse / Compositum, illepideve putetur, sed quia nuper. Sine cortica natare -- To swim without bladders. Ne sopum quidem trivit -- He is a backward pupil (literally he has not yet thumbed sop). Hortus siccus -- A dry garden; a collection of dried plants. Sub rosa -- Under the rose; confidentially. Res nolunt diu male administrari -- Things refuse to be mismanaged long. Peine forte et dure -- Heavy and severe punishment (specially that of putting heavy weights on prisoners who refused to plead). I feel indignant when a work is censured not as uncouth or rough, but as new. Nimis uncis / Naribus indulges -- You indulge in swearing (literally upturned nostrils) too much. Absit omen -- May the omen augur no evil. Caput mortuum -- The worthless remains; a ninny. Sua cuique vita obscura est -- Every man's life is dark to himself. Verbatim et literatim -- Word for word and letter for letter. Coram non judice -- Before one who is not a judge. Quality: An argument founded on the ignorance of an adversary. This change effects a great saving of time (literally life). He is wide of the mark; has gone quite out of his sphere. He knows not on which foot to dance (he is at his wit's end). A Bellerophon's letter, i.e., a letter requesting that the bearer should be dealt with in some summary way for an offence. Omnia mala exempla bonis principiis orta sunt -- All bad precedents have had their rise in good beginnings. FR. Apio opus est -- There is need of parsley, i.e., to strew on the grave, meaning that one is dying. He who has no courage should have legs (to run). For information on how to continue to view articles visit the subscriber services page. Fata volentem ducunt, nolentem trahunt -- Fate leads the willing, and drags the unwilling. Sum quod eris, fui quod es -- I am what you will be, I was what you are. There is no greater misfortune than not to be able to endure misfortune. [Greek: Dei pherein ta tn then] -- We must bear what the gods lay on us. Kalend Grc -- Never (literally the Greek Kalends). servandae vita mendacium nemini dixeris Last Update: 2022-07-30 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous vita mendacium life is a lie Last Update: 2021-09-21 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous servande vita mendacium servandae vitae mendacium Last Update: 2022-03-09 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous Ad unum omnes -- All to a (literally one) man. i.e., leave off touching up. Deorum cibus est -- A feast fit for the gods. To the very altars; to the last extremity. Saucius ejurat pugnam gladiator, et idem / Immemor antiqui vulneris arma capit. Expetuntur diviti ad perficiendas voluptates -- Riches are coveted to minister to our pleasures. Compendiaria res improbitas, virtusque tarda. Neque culpa neque lauda teipsum -- Neither blame nor praise yourself. Non multa, sed multum -- Not many things, but much. Qui pro quo -- Who for whom; one instead of another. Read the whole if you wish to know the whole. Pavore carent qui nihil commiserunt; at pnam semper ob oculos versari putant qui peccarunt. Greater and less don't change the nature of a thing. Enough is as good as a feast (literally what suffices is enough). It is the wolf in the story; talking of him, he appeared. You are aiming at the heavens; your anger is bootless. Circuitus verborum -- A roundabout story or expression. Copia verborum -- Superabundance of words. Unica virtus necessaria -- Virtue is the only thing necessary. Obiter dictum -- A thing said in passing. ab haec a custodiis classium loca vacabant. Dat Galenus opes, dat Justinianus honores / Sed Moses sacco cogitar ire pedes -- Galen gives wealth, Justinian honours, but Moses must go afoot with a beggar's wallet. Ignis fatuus -- A deceiving light; a "Will-o'-the-wisp.". Fortuna parvis momentis magnas rerum commutationes efficit -- Fortune in brief moments works great changes in our affairs. Terra incognita -- An unknown land or domain of things. By the whole heavens; as wide as the poles asunder. Necessitas non habet legem -- Necessity has no law. Memorabilia -- Things to be remembered or recorded. Let him be deceived who chooses to be deceived. On termine de longs procs / Par un peu de guerre civile. Who eats what comes from the pope dies of it. Honey in his mouth, words of milk; gall in his heart, deceit in his deeds. Sol occubuit; nox nulla secuta est -- The sun is set; no night has followed. In medias res -- Into the midst of a thing at once. Fames, pestis, et bellum, populi sunt pernicies. Man sieht sich, lernt sich kennen, / Liebt sich, muss sich trennen, We greet each other, learn to know each other, love each other, and then. Love, in fact, can never be deep unless it is pure. Quisque suos patimur Manes -- The ghost of each of us undergoes (in the nether world) his own special punishment or purgation. In a moment the sea is agitated, and on the same day ships are swallowed up where they lately sported gaily along. From the cause to the effect; by deduction. In generalibus latet dolus -- In general assertions some deception lurks. Communicate smoothly and use a free online translator to translate text, words, phrases, or documents between 90+ language pairs. Phrase Searching You can use double quotes to search for a series of words in a particular order. Quod erat faciendum -- Which was to be done. About goat's wool, i.e., a worthless matter. [Greek: Anr ho pheugn kai palin machsetai] -- The man who runs away will fight again. We judge of the size of the statue of Hercules by the foot. Interest reipublic ut quisque re sua bene utatur -- It is for the interest of the state that every one make a good use of his property. Multi te oderint si teipsum ames -- Many will detest you if you spend all love on yourself. Bellum internecinum -- A war of extermination. Anacharsis among the Scythians -- A wise man among unwise. "This discovery will draw us closer to the day when humanity can cast aside its evil ways and eventually join the galactic civilization.". Asinus in tegulis -- An ass on the house-tiles. A purse which supplies you with all you wish. For example, "World war II" (with quotes) will give more precise results than World war II (without quotes). It is the oldest of the Curia's nine congregations, and is made up of cardinals, bishops, priests, lay theologians, and canon lawyers. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-07-30 Vir sapiens forti melior -- A wise man is better than a strong. Status quo, or Statu quo, or In statu quo, Stultus nisi quod ipse facit, nil rectum putat. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus -- Outside the Church there is no safety. Ignotum per ignotius -- The unknown by the still more unknown. Locus in quo -- The place in which; the place previously occupied. The acclaim of a happy people is the only eloquence which ought to speak in the behalf of kings. an tu haec ita confundis et perturbas ut ? Time the producer, time the devourer of things. The day of wrath, that day shall dissolve the world in ashes, as David and the Sibyl say. Ambigendi locus -- Reason for questioning or doubt. A word that occurs only once in an author or book. Ignoramus -- An ignorant person (literally we are ignorant). Men are not so readily sensible of benefits as of injuries. Argumentum ad populum -- An appeal to popular prejudice. i.e., leave off touching up. [Greek: hoi polloi] -- The multitude; the masses. Fortunatus' purse -- A purse which supplies you with all you wish. Momento mare vertitur; / Eodem die ubi luserunt, navigia sorbentur -- In a moment the sea is agitated, and on the same day ships are swallowed up where they lately sported gaily along. -- Oh, unhappy me, that there should be no herbs to cure love! Entries where "servanda" occurs: Citations:perfixere: fr ltere Deutsche Geschichtskunde, Deutsches Archiv fr Erforschung des Mittelalters, Bhlau, page 409: Quisquis propriae desertor ecclesiae nullis perfixere. Dictum de dicto -- A report founded on hearsay. "That's what humans do. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-09-21 Impromptu -- Off-hand; without premeditation. Dies ir, dies illa, / Sclum solvet in favilla / Teste David cum Sibylla -- The day of wrath, that day shall dissolve the world in ashes, as David and the Sibyl say. Having nothing to do with elections (literally Abstain from beans, the ballot at Athens having been by beans). Naturalia non sunt turpia -- Natural things are without shame. The world is full of madmen, and he who would not see one must keep himself quite alone and break his looking-glass. Inest sua gratia parvis -- Even little things have a grace of their own. Do you want to translate text, files, tickets, emails, etc.? Woe (i.e., extermination) to the conquered! The innocent are free from fear; but the guilty have always the dread of punishment before their eyes. An ignorant person (literally we are ignorant). Jucunda rerum vicissitudo -- A delightful change of circumstances. Vide ut supra -- See preceding statement. Exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus -- We live more by example than reason. Mel in ore, verba lactis, / Fel in corde, fraus in factis -- Honey in his mouth, words of milk; gall in his heart, deceit in his deeds. Mater artium necessitas -- Necessity is the mother of invention (literally the arts). Fasti et nefasti dies -- Lucky and unlucky days. Hominis est errare, insipientis perseverare -- It is the nature of man to err, of a fool to persevere in error. Alio sub sole -- Under another sky (literally sun). Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris -- It is some comfort to the wretched to have others to share in their woe. Expetuntur diviti ad perficiendas voluptates. Fate leads the willing, and drags the unwilling. Primo, crimen contumeliae; destructione fulcitur Crimen est crimen propriae accusationis.Aliis verbis, difficillimum est partibus quorum interest vigilum interventus quaerere, et solum cum condiciones relative altae occurrunt possunt in accusationes publicas verti.Revera, casus cyberbullying raro in accusationes publicas vertuntur. Our leisure gives us more to do than our business. Deo dante nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor -- When God gives, envy injures us not; when He does not give, labour avails not. Jure divino -- By Divine right, or ordination of heaven. Trivial things when united aid each other. Homo solus aut deus aut demon -- Man alone is either a god or a devil. Etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet -- Though the wound is healed, a scar remains. Nora's excavation immediately uncovers two murder victims buried at the site, faces and hands obliterated with acid to erase their identities. If you don't find what you are looking for here, the phrase maybe a proverb or motto in which case you should check the Dictionary of Famous Quotations. hae causae Democritum restituerant Romanis, that these ones throw themselves into new friendships, alio incredibili scelere hoc scelus cumulasti, from the very fisrt beginnings of this teaching, hae naves Euro portum capere prohibebantur, ab huius necessitudinis commemoratione orsi, the accusation against the seller is conceived this way, hae deliciae quae vocantur mature enim et celeriter deflorescunt, haec pars orationis intenta ac vehemens esse debet, faciam ego hanc rem ex procliva planam tibi, atque harum effultus tergo stratisque iacebat velleribus, facile esse perspicuum quantum inter hunc et illum Numidicum interesset, iam de artificiis et quaestibus haec fere accepimus, iam tum erat suspicio dolo malo haec fieri omnia, circumspicies quid haec epistula munusculi adtulerit, circumpositi sunt huic oppido magni colles, hae ideae inmortales inmutabiles inviolabiles sunt, hae fundae Samaeos cohibuerunt ne tam crebro erumperent, haec tigna binis utrimque fibulis ab extrema parte distinebantur, haec eloquendi vis nos a vita immani et fera segregavit, haec cornua urorum ab labris argento circumcludunt. Alieni temporis flores -- Flowers of other days. Explaining something obscure by what is more obscure. Fleta, lib. Ad rem -- To the point (literally to the thing). Heavy and severe punishment (specially that of putting heavy weights on prisoners who refused to plead). Locus penitenti -- Place for repentance. Homo nullius coloris -- A man of no party. A friend to the very altar, i.e., to the death. Fons et origo mali -- The source and origin of the mischief. Adscriptus gleb -- Attached to the soil. Sub reservatione Jacobo -- With St. James's reservation; viz., if the Lord will. Ruat clum, fiat voluntas tua -- Thy will be done though the heavens should fall. A dry garden; a collection of dried plants. Plura faciunt homines e consuetudine quam e ratione -- Men do more things from custom than from reason. In general assertions some deception lurks. Le savoir faire -- Knowing how to act; ability. Quod erat demonstrandum -- Which was to be proved. Verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua funes. Ab ovo usque ad mala -- From the beginning to the end (literally from the egg to the apples). Just caus facilis est defensio -- The defence of a just cause is easy. Flet victus, victor interiit -- The conquered one weeps, the conqueror is ruined. Spolia opima -- The richest of the spoil. Caret initio et fine -- It has neither beginning nor end. Par bene comparatum -- A pair well matched. The arms of Ceres, i.e., implements connected with the preparation of corn and bread. The affair is at a crisis (literally on the hinge). Assertion without proof. Lettres de cachet -- Warrants of imprisonment under royal seal, liberally issued in France before the Revolution. De gustibus non disputandum -- There is no disputing about tastes. Doctor utriusque legis -- Doctor of both civil and canon law. Ut possedis -- As you now are; as you possess. Seriatim -- In order; according to rank; in due course. Semel insanivimus omnes -- We have all been at some time mad. Post bellum auxilium -- Aid after the war is over. Xi Jinping Jiang ratio expositio. It is the nature of man to err, of a fool to persevere in error. Without genius or the requisite inspiration; against the will of Minerva. Ex otio plus negotii quam ex negotio habemus -- Our leisure gives us more to do than our business. Aura popularis -- Popular favour (literally breeze). There is truth in wine; that is, the truth comes out under its influence. Away with such jokes; there is no joking where there is malignity. Terminus a quo -- The point from which anything starts. Ponderanda sunt testimonia, non numeranda -- Testimonies are to be weighed, not counted. A little incense offered puts many things to rights. In forma pauperis -- As a pauper or poor man. Difficilis in otio quies -- Tranquillity is difficult if one has nothing to do. Wisdom is a birth of Nature, not of years. Sanctum sanctorum -- Holy of holies; a study; a private room. In usum Delphini -- For the use of the Dauphin. There is a certain wonderful sweetness and delight in gaining knowledge. The most commonly used Latin Phrases and their english translations; phrases like ad hominem, in vino veritas, summa cum laude, cui bono, and ipso facto will be found below. Gratis asseritur -- It is asserted but not proved. Jure humano -- By human law, or the will of the people. Ni trop haut, ni trop bas; c'est le souverain style -- Neither too high nor too low, that is the sovereign rule. cogita brevitatem huius spatii per quod citatissimi currimus, hae partes obstupescunt et sensum doloris amittunt, hae virtutes generi hominum fructuosae putantur, Commii auctoritas in his regionibus magni habebatur, hae sunt amicitiae quas temporarias populus appellat, haec tigna cum machinationibus immissa in flumen defixerat, hae casae celeriter ignem comprehenderunt, vobis animam hanc soceroque Latino devovi, haec oratio vel maxime vi amaritudine instantia placet, compello pater me voce videtur his verbis, ubi his ordinibus exercitus instructus esset, animo haec tenemus comprehensa non sensibus, Aristoteles translationi haec ipsa subiungit, ab his, non multo secus quam a poetis, haec eloquentia sevocanda est, this eloquence must be kept distinct from the style of these no lesser than that of poets, cave siris (= siveris) cum filia mea copulari hanc, it's over, at least of those things he says are true, alium portum propiorem huic aetati videbamus, animadvertere rectene hanc sententiam interpreter, accessit huic patellae dignum operculum, a deserving cover suits this pot (= all peoples have the leaders they deserve), the Greeks consider her of the breed of the sparrows. For nearly 500 years, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) has defended the Catholic Church from internal heresywhether by false teaching or malpractice of faith. Quod cito fit, cito perit -- What is done quickly does not last long. Nisi prius -- Unless before. Mater familias -- The mother of a family. A benign mother; applied to one's university, also to the "all-nourishing" earth. ponderat; As. Tua res agitur -- It is a matter that concerns you. Elati animi comprimendi sunt -- Minds which are too much elated ought to be kept in check. Karl Ernst Georges: Ausfhrliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwrterbuch. In order; according to rank; in due course. Brevi manu -- Offhand; summarily (literally with a short hand). Crux criticorum -- The puzzle of critics. Ad hominem -- Personal (literally to the man). Uno ictu -- At once (literally at one blow). Secundum artem -- According to the rules of art. On respecte un moulin, on vole une province! Plus dolet quam necesse est, qui ante dolet quam necesse est. Ad Grcas kalendas -- At the Greek calends, i.e., never. Amentium, haud amantium -- Of lunatics, not lovers. Un peu d'encens brul rajuste bien des choses -- A little incense offered puts many things to rights. Domus amica domus optima -- The house of a friend is the best house. Obiter cantare -- To sing as one goes along; to sing by the way. Compendia dispendia -- Short cuts are roundabout ways. Tous les mchants sont buveurs d'eau; / C'est bien prouv par le dluge -- All the wicked are water-drinkers; this the deluge proves. Assertion without proof. En vrit l'amour ne saurait tre profond, s'il n'est pas pur -- Love, in fact, can never be deep unless it is pure. The stars govern men, but God governs the stars. To throw the helve after the hatchet, i.e., to give up in despair. Causa sine qua non -- An indispensable condition. If it be God's work, it will stand; if man's, it will perish.