As a result, they can have quite unique birth charts. It is also good if they can end up in careers that will have them lead. The conscious mind would tend to organize the whole sphere of mundane experience in reference to various viewpoints and trial and error technique, as it seems that the evolutionary path of the individual would encourage a certain level of mental flexibility, and thus a constantly-shifting outlook based on an awareness of connections and relations which exist between things in the outside world. Not restrictions that are meant to limit us, though -- restrictions that push us to find a better, more mature and developed way of doing things. Conclusion Realize that its up to YOU to get your message across the right way. When Uranus is in your 3rd house, you may feel that your sibling has become too erratic and unpredictable, or that your relationship with them suddenly changes. As the concepts of excellence (Saturn) and diversification (Jupiter) are linked in the psyche of the individual, one may display a rather pronounced inclination towards an intellectual, religious or spiritual lifestyle which would offer various opportunities and ample freedom for traveling, research, learning and personal growth. If mercury is not in good position, it can also lead to speech disabilities. in 11th Libra .NN in Cancer , Venus in 2nd capricorn. Unfortunately, the traits it gives are more or less subtle. It also brings into question their sincerity. If Saturn and Jupiter are not comfortable in association with each other, the individual may see an inherent incompatibility between obligation and exploration. She is intelligent, communicative and friendly. They must remind themselves of their abilities to deal with adversity and maintain their self-esteem. Saturn also has 82 moons and the largest moon is called Titan. The planet Venus, however, seems unaffected by the grizzly origins of its namesake: Venus is a passionate romantic who simply loves to be in love. This placement is full of quick wit, political savvy and enormous empathy however they are prone to mood sensitive behavior. They can beaway from home and mother in early life. As a Saturn in Gemini man you are a tad bit shy but not anti-social. Therefore, with this configuration, one has to move from knowledge without application to doing what one can, as has been beautifully uttered in Ecclesiastes 9:10, Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might, for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest.. They must deal with the issue of making connections with others. the native will live longer but small health problems and accidents etc., At the same time you may face problems in going abroad and settling there. This could relate to a difficult relationship issue involving your father. When this happens, even worse events occur. Here is the detailed analysis of Saturn in Gemini in different houses in vedic astrology. This individual is often drawn to the sciences, computers and electronics. As people come to know about others beliefs, things will start making sense. Communication will be smoother, especially those that concern important information. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. What appeals to other people doesnt necessarily feel very pleasing to the Saturnian Geminis. It is, therefore, vital for individuals with this configuration to understand that although one cannot control the content of ones mind, one can definitely choose what thought to pursue and what thought to ignore. The mother might have heavy earth sign or Saturn influences in her chart. When you see so many paths of learning and opportunity, it can actually cause you to clam up and become very unsure of which is the right or best path. The father role is often an example of pure adult personality. As a result, a huge chunk of the population have Saturn in Gemini in their birth chart. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. This puts them in conflict with others, especially serious people. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They see the good parts as well and capitalize on them. If Saturn is not comfortable, the individual may feel impeded in conveying what he or she really wants or means. And sometimes they. You may undervalue your contribution and give away too much of the power and ownership. She is strong, emotionally clear and direct. Novelists who manage to write hundreds of pages of fiction without losing track of all the numerous events they have fabricated or multiple aspects they have developed for each character, as well as their readers who manage to patiently follow a long and elaborate storyline, usually have Mercury and Saturn in collaborative association with each other. After all, although dogs are common in, Were all born with a gut feeling, are we not? Saturn in the 10th house may cause differences with the father. If you have Saturn in Gemini, your thinking is deliberate and serious and you possess organization skills, concentration and mental stability. The person may find it difficult in choosing the right life path. They are on the lookout for anything and everything, making them paranoid. In astrology, Saturn is known as the teacher and taskmaster of the zodiac. However, because of your intense moon in Aries desire to be a strong leader who charts your own course, your mother can also seem overbearing and willful. When Saturn is in the sign Gemini, this often means that you have a good organized mind and enjoy multi tasking. If Saturn is functioning in a healthy manner, consciousness will be structured based on observation and multiplicity of ideas, rather than consistency and focused insight. They are direct to the point, and wont mince words! This may be in relation to ideology or it may happen that your father was not there with you in your childhood. When they can no longer take it, they end up lashing out! Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. In this case, the conscious life of the individual may turn into a never-ending quest for converting others to the higher truth one has perceived and constructed ones life in relation to. With Saturns influence in Gemini, you may have many siblings and even multiple marriages as well. It is like our teacher or maybe like our father. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They do not like speaking much but loves to write. Gemini is normally a very lively and versatile sign, loving to absorb as much information as possible. Inardra nakshatra, Rahu would impact Saturn. This can turn some people off. The person mayface difficult in saving money till mid age. The god Saturn was a much respected deity in ancient Roman times. Sun the ruler of the sign is enemy to Saturn. It may even cause them to be in petty fights with those they offend. I have mercury sextile saturn. I have always loved investigating different religions, i will not commit to one, as i want to leave the door open to study other philosophies. A person with Sun in . It just has a tough exterior. The planet Saturn teaches us discipline and responsibility. This transit brings the need to be careful of what we say. These natives feel like the world is a place filled with unknown factors, which are difficult to predict and even more difficult to control. In fact, you may set such high standards for yourself that it . This means that it takes 30 years for the planet to circle through all the Zodiac signs. The reality we are referring to is societal and that is common to all. Even when people may not consider this transit crucial, it is still worth looking into. What people think of as obscure, they turn into something vital. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. You can see situations and developments in life so clearly and sharply, in a way that nobody else can see. Their willingness to radiate good vibes will certainly make everything better than before. trine house. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. As an effect, Saturn retrograde can inhibit one's abilities to create effective boundaries at work or in relationships; there may exist a persistent . **For an introduction to Saturn, please read this article. Shes the one wholl verbally bury you in 1000 words when a simple 100 would do. This hinders your advance tremendously because youre often confronted with situations that you dont know how to approach, or arent sure of what the proper course of action should be. The mother might have had taken the role of the father or the father was more motherly than the mother herself. This planet moves between signs every 2.5 years, making it largely obscure. In this case, the individual may literally lose the appetite for adventure, internally or externally, and try to maintain the status quo, no matter what. You have no problem with speaking to people, you just have trouble knowing what to say and can be quite boring at times. Saturn in the ninth house and Jupiter in Sag in the ninth house. Gemini is known for a love of communication. Anxiety, irrational fears, overthinking, could all be traps in which this lady might fall. The problem with Saturn in Gemini is that it can force us to become so exact and cerebral that we lose the importance of the spirit. Always appreciate your partner and focus on being someone that they can depend on when the need arises. He teaches us to develop the characteristics of the astrological sign where it is, responsibly and constructively. Alternatively, the father (or the paternal line) may have been engaged in mental pursuits or may have been the primary influence in the intellectual life of the individual, for better or for worse. When we can identify this answer, we know where the communication broke down, and we learn how to be more careful and clear in the future. In one way or another they most certainly have this transits unique traits. Saturn in Gemini will be conservative and shy at the same time. In this case, one may feel inordinately confined by ones responsibilities orcommitmentsand may develop a rather harsh reaction towards anything which can remotely hinder the possibility of absolute freedom to expand and explore. But this also plays into his advantage. If mercury is ill placed and hemmed with malefic it can lead to stammering in speech. This can then fuel her desire for adventures. With the influence of Geminis curiosity and communication skills, these natives also seek understanding through interaction with others. As said, Saturn changes signs every 2.5 years. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Saturn is the planet of the past, as mentioned before. If Saturn is comfortable in the Third House, one can develop a highly-effective manner of communication, or even start teaching various skills (especially mental or manual ones) to a variety of people. . Alternatively, projects may get started but never completed, because the individual feels obliged to learn more information about the subject matter as he or she proceeds. Gemini, the most scatterbrained of all the zodiac signs, is a sign that could use a little focus! The 2nd house in astrology is the area of life where we develop a relationship with our resources and belongings. Paradoxically, the Saturnian Geminis are very imaginative in general, with newer and crazier ideas populating their mind. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The person can be interested in scientific and technological studies. It represents responsibility, hard work, patience, and discipline. You enjoy meeting new people and expanding your knowledge base and engaged in various intellectual pursuits. Saturn in Gemini Despite Gemini being the zodiac's greatest talker, when it's in Saturn it can mean you rarely voice your own private and personal opinions - and this means you end up. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The problem is, while your confidence in a data-driven world is very strong, your confidence in yourself is probably lacking. No matter how hard life can get, it is still a good time to evaluate things. She has traits of the past, with the independence and intuition that she has earned in this day and age. But, thanks to their abilities, they can conquer this challenge and live a fulfilled existence. With Saturn in this configuration, the father could have related to his child first and foremost based on the childs mental capacity rather than who the child is in his or her totality. As adults, they make great theorizers, debaters, and philosophers, but people who are close to them may find them shallow, or simply "not at . Any problem you give them, its going to be separated into tiny little parts, deconstructed to its smallest components, and carefully analyzed. However, these natives are also prone to bouts of sudden sadness and even depression because overthinking comes in, along with pointless worrying, and an exaggeration of the uncertainty in their lives. They can quickly mend these bleeding wounds, however, by finding the time to really think about this. Placement of Saturn in 9th house will prove to be very beneficial for the native as saturn being the 9th lord is placed in own house & own sign. Saturn is discipline, organisation, structure, government, law & order etc. Are we missing the emotional cues we receive when speaking face to face? Calming down is difficult for them to do. With Saturn here, though, we may experience many problems in this realm. Your email address will not be published. Conclusion The native does not respect his father and loses his love, affection, and support. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. She pursues the things that are unconventional, and is often the life of the party. Even though Saturn rules over money and possessions, the free-spirited Gemini will not let this bring him down. You may well examine the way you relate to others and any obligations that apply to those relationships. They are aware of their responsibilities, and that they have to make difficult decisions because of these. What does this placement say about your personality? They can be social activist and also have healing abilities. Your mind is your greatest asset -- and perhaps your greatest challenge! They take this so seriously that they always think of the consequences of their actions. With this, they are best for jobs that have them analyze numerous things. When they get their minds set on something, they will not stop until they get it done. The flexibility of perception would be the default context through which conscious life is understood. Most of the time they are, but sometimes theyre not. Relationship with mother may suffer. It is the distant planet of limitations and restrictions. Its up to us to be clear, direct, and wise with the information we give and receive. He likes change and adapts quickly to new circumstances. This might be because of the structure that Saturn initially imposes on the experimental dimension of the Ninth House. As for the 3rd house, it stands for interactions in our immediate . She is a quintessential example of how womens roles are changing. They know when they need to take a certain action, and when not to. We all have the same points in our charts: the Sun in a sign, the Moon in a sign, Mercury in a sign, and so on. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. After all, this card isnt part of the Tarot Major Arcana. Saturnian Gemini ladies are split apart by the typical problem some Geminis encounter, that of a tendency towards a dual nature. Alternatively, if Saturn is comfortable, one may become a researcher of religious, racial or political diversity, and develop a deep interest in identifying various ways of being on a social or cultural level. Education of the native can get delayed. If Saturn is authority, in the fourth house, the challenge is to reclaim emotional-soul sovereignty. Neptune&uranus 1st Basically a missing father and a very manipulative mother, allmost demonical. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. Likewise, one may experience an initial degree of reluctance towards mingling with those displaying racial, sexual, religious or cultural diversity, or may simply feel bound to a certain lifestyle or ideology. It may also indicate Father Son relationship in business or partnerships It may indicate government service, politics. It's located at Castor's feet, right by 1 Geminorum. Saturn in Aries Comprehensive Analysis Saturn in Aries Issues. The planet Saturn is a giant planet and only the planet Jupiter is bigger than it; it has a system of rings, made of ice and rocky debris. They do have feelings, plenty of pretty intense ones in fact, but they just cant find the right way to state them out loud. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This natal placement can be both good and bad for you. Want to know if YOUR Saturn is in Gemini? Saturn in the eighth housegives responsibility in the affairs of others. While Saturn moves backward in Gemini, the work youve been doing on processing information and communicating more effectively comes up for review. One of the most dangerous enemies that stand in your way is the tendency to underestimate your own ability, which leads to a perpetual state of self-doubt. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. Person can have distant or stressful relationship with mother. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. What is unexpected and unpredictable doesnt cater to their tastes and would rather prefer the safety of their own minds, what they can feel and sense. Money is often lost in relationships and delays in inheritances are found with an eighth-house Saturn. In this case, it is important to be aware of such a horizontal conscious mechanism which predominantly functions based on references and connections between variables on the surface. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Shes the one who can make an entire dinner party hold its breath listening to her as she holds forth on some subject or other because she just has to say everything thats on her mind. So, it can delay the speech of the kid. If family drives you crazy, with Saturnian discipline, you can get to the roots of that crazy. Saturn in 1st House: What It Means For Your Personality and Life, Saturn in 2nd House: What It Means For Your Personality and Life, Saturn in 3rd House: What It Means For Your Personality and Life, Saturn in 4th House: What It Means For Your Personality and Life, Saturn in 5th House: What It Means For Your Personality and Life, Saturn in 6th House: What It Means For Your Personality and Life. Whether or not you choose to pursue a formal education, youll likely find that learning experiences will come easy for you. This then gives them their unique personalities that endears them to many. Please read the details of ourPrivacy Policyhere. Their religious beliefswill develop with time. There are plenty of risks involved, granted, but the potential rewards are also quite appealing. While others are still planning, he already is on the move! Not everything can be drilled down to a specific set of facts and calculations -- some information is only available through our souls and our subconscious, and Saturn has a tendency to draw the curtains on anything intangible. They can get good gains from real estate and earnings can come from authority position in foreign land or MNC. Hes at the top of his game whether hes coming up with a grand scheme for his latest business endeavor or taking care of the logistics so everyone around him can focus on the fun stuff. He is a good thinker and observer, as well as a skilled speaker, so he could very well become an essayist or journalist. It can then help people to do things with much gusto. Saturn has a powerful and life altering influence. Tying her to home, they love to travel due to the opportunity to connect with family on extended trips. Even if it is quite uncommon, the meaning behind this transit is quite profound. The evolutionary path for an individual with Saturn in the Ninth House seems to include a re-evaluation of his or her constantly-evolving perception of the world and then trying to adjust himself or herself accordingly, rather than dismissing his or her own shifts in perception in favor of sticking to a static picture of reality which does not challenge his or her old beliefs or pre-established judgments. However, they can do well in technical field,business but after the age of 35. Saturn lies in the 3rd house in my own chart and youre spot on about the desire for mental perfection, Thank you for your feedback DeanJean! You are very quick to think and act. There is a deliberation in the way one communicates his or her views. They can go to foreign land after lot of hard work and dealing withobstacles. It is also a good time for people to control themselves. People with Saturn in Gemini tend to be industrious but also governed by an obsessive desire for perfection. They can be misers as they see the lack of money or financial crisis in early childhood. Earning comes only after hard work and dedication. While Saturn is in Gemini, technology breakdowns, misread messages, and incorrect or unresearched sources of data are Saturns way of forcing us to rethink how we are putting out and receiving ideas and information. A mental multitasker, she possesses near-perfect recall abilities, remembering names, dates, addresses and places from long ago. Saturn is known as Father Time or, as astrologer Alan Oken calls him, Lord of Karma. In a relationship, theyre very honest, straightforward, and very trusting toward those they deem worthy. When people entrust them to become mentors, they shine bright. Optimism, cleverness and versatility also belong in the list of personal traits for people born under this placement. Its up to YOU to focus your mind on useful, tangible details that youve been neglecting. Required fields are marked *. Such a prospect unsettles him, and prompts him to back out. With this placement, hopefully as one grows older, one becomes less stuck and less afraid to challenge ones own dogmas, opinions or principles. People with Saturn in Gemini often struggle with self-doubt. Masi Magham: A Day To Magnify Abundance, Royalty Consciousness & Ancestral Blessings Join Now Do all you can to protect your union because not everyone is happy when you are happy. When we work against Saturn, we will meet roadblock after roadblock, but working with Saturns energy will open up avenues and bring us the success we seek. With this placement, you are very attached to the past. Being too rational can thus lead to several conflicts! Handwriting may be quite neat (with letter size tending to be smaller than average) and one may be quite frugal with the number of words one chooses to express an idea. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. They have to keep on straining their potential, sucking it all dry, always going the extra mile and putting themselves in difficult situations. before the first Saturn Return). Meditation upon the impossibility of knowing it all may be quite helpful and trusting that what one knows is all that one needs in any moment to make a change for better in ones life or the life of others. As the concepts of excellence (Saturn) and expression (Mercury) are linked in the psyche of the individual, one may be quite deliberate with regards to how one communicates, either orally, or in written form. To that end, Saturn retrograde in the natal chart can suggest that our father-figure was absent or uninvolved in such a way that precluded our ability to develop self-esteem and inner security. With Saturn, you become more efficient in doing your tasks. A Saturn in Gemini woman is witty and intelligent. When benefic in nature, retrograde Saturn in the ninth house of a horoscope in Gemini can bless the native with good results related to mother, education, wealth, properties, vehicles, love life, children, father, creativity, spiritual growth, profession, finances, reputation, authority, recognition, fame and several other good results . Self-confidence and a realistic self-awareness are all that they need in order to fulfill the great potential hidden within. If mercury is ill placed and hemmed with malefic it can lead to stammering in speech. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Similarities between people will then become their foundations. With the planet of consciousness in aspect to the planet of expansion, ones conscious perception of the world will diversify over time. When forced to act, they end up doing something unthinkable. The theme of having a "family business" is heavy with this placement where the female figures are lucky with being successful. Before losing their minds, it is important that people pause and think. They are extremely family-oriented and make sure that they maintain a close connection with their parents, siblings, and other relatives. ASTROLOGY Saturns transit through Gemini helps to ground Geminis "more is better" thought process and hone in on the information that is actually usable. Even if their aim is just to be funny, they can also hurt others. They wont revolt against the status quo, but they drop all pretenses of a harmonious blending. Love is an area where they cannot express themselves. Despite this, she is unafraid to challenge norms. The native works hard to succeed and progress in his occupation/ profession but . Lucy describes it this way: "Saturn in the 8th house is the bill collector. Your mind overpowers your heart and you prefer to stick to facts over feelings. Success comes only after hard work. Conversing is relatively easy for her, and she is quite fun to be with! Once you start dwelling on this doubt mentally, it creates a fear within you that prevents you from moving forward. Dream of Dog Meaning: What Does It Mean if You Dream About Dogs? The structure of consciousness is formed around the notions of expansion and freedom. Saturn is an empirical teacher. When this happens, everything will definitely feel better. On the other, it could come at a cost when your personal growth encompasses others as well, influencing them to grow in ways theyre not comfortable with. Saturn is restriction, limitations, boundary, delay, frustrations, hard work and labor, service. In other words, different layers of consciousness which would enable the person to make sense of his or her conscious experience may grow to include more possibilities towards understanding life as one becomes older. As you take care of your romantic life, do not forget to take care of yourself. Saturn in Gemini. Gemini symbolizes your karmic responsibilities, duties and obligations. She pursues the things that are unconventional, and is often the life of the party. Their unrelenting work ethic and willingness to take on difficulties makes them good leaders. You do this to make things go more manageable when you are pursuing your goals. Vitality, youthfulness and effervescence are certainly among the personality qualities of those born under Saturn in Gemini. Im happy you are enjoying my articles . Instead of letting a lack of confidence stop you in your tracks, youre being called upon to consider ways to overcome your doubt and to find a way around your fears, in order to help you grow. Saturn here affects the judgment of the person since Mercury is the significator of wisdom. People with Saturn in Gemini are considered to be strong, positive, and intellectual. Unfortunately, this is also a time for breakdowns. Hence, the person needs to bedisciplined and structured while choosing right life path. Without them knowing it, it is their enthusiasm that helps people. There is a platonic enmity between the two and people having sun with Saturn in some houses in their horoscopes see early demise of their father. Thus, maintaining a good balance between these two is important during this period. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to with specific direction to the original content. Saturn is a much slower transiting planet, spending approximately two-and-a-half to three years in a sign. Anxiety, irrational fears, overthinking, could all be traps in which this lady might fall. All good things will happen in career after 30. Moon 8th cancer.MC Virgo, chiron 6th house. It does not store any personal data. The Saturnian Geminis can have plenty of problems in a relationship because they lack any sort of emotional flair, of innate sentimental instinct, which translates, on the one hand, in a difficulty in expressing their emotions, and in an emphasis put on rigid logic and rational thinking, on the other hand. You are learning to accept yourself regardless of what other people say or think about you. His natural tendency to observe everything around him allows him to absorb everything naturally. An appropriate example would be a mathematician who does hundreds of arithmetical calculations effortlessly,yet cannot grasp the symbolic dimension of numbers as depicted in numerology. The planet Saturn shows us where we have work to do in this life and where we have . If you are interested in understanding your own birth chart or if you have specific questions, you can book aconsultationor take aclass.