For ISPs to block particular websites, they must monitor their customers' online activity to determine whether they are accessing the sites in question, which could violate the constitutional right to secrecy of communications.1 At the end of the coverage period, the government had not taken steps to restrict use of the platform. The information collected is reportedly stored for around two months, during which it is analyzed to determine if it is of interest to the DFS. If the poster refuses permission, the service provider is authorized to assess the complaint and act on it if it is deemed legitimate. Article 1. There are few obstacles to internet access, no blocks on websites, and the legal framework provides strong protections for various forms of expression. In January 2021, the revised Copyright Act, which criminalizes the downloading of unlicensed manga, magazines, and academic publications, took effect. Security agents and the military were accused of conducting illegal surveillance in cases involving national security in 2003 and 2004.13 Since the laws introduction, many cities have subsequently moved to legislate against hate speech (see C2). Are websites, governmental and private entities, service providers, or individual users subject to widespread hacking and other forms of cyberattack? Do national regulatory bodies that oversee service providers and digital technology fail to operate in a free, fair, and independent manner? As 2021 nears its close, a spasm of book banning has spread surprisingly quickly among state and local officials. In 2016, Makoto Sakurai, a personality known for anti-Korean rhetoric, opened a channel on online television station AbemaTV; a rush of online criticism followed, and the channel was deleted.4, Social media platforms occasionally restrict content at the governments request. The individuals defense team plans to file an appeal.8. There is also a degree of self-censorship concerning human rights problems, in some cases linked to instances of apparent political pressure.2, Progovernment online commentators are prevalent across Japan. A coalition of groups, including the Japan Internet Providers Association and the Movement of Internet Active Users, an organization that advocates for users rights, lobbied against the mandate, and mobile users can now select voluntary filters.9, Right to be forgotten cases increased around the same time as a landmark 2014 decision on the topic by the Court of Justice of the European Union. To help limit its effectiveness, two local dailies instituted fact-checking processes. Under the law, all online dating services must register with the police, verify their customers ages with a drivers license or credit card, and delete or block content that appears to involve someone under 18; most services voluntarily monitor messages in real time to ensure compliance. While the government is relatively transparent in its censorship decisions, previous blocking and efforts to give authorities more censorship power have raised concerns. Rakuten, in an effort to gain a competitive edge, launched cheaper plans in April 2021 compared to those offered by the other three mobile service providers. The amendments expanded the scope of personal data and eliminated restrictions on the laws extraterritorial applications. No ordinance was proposed or passed at the end of the coverage period. Increasing smartphone use has made the mobile market more competitive and resulted in improved pricing options, although the cost of service can otherwise be quite high. This would mean navigating the country's notoriously tricky censorship rules, but given that China was, at the time, home to an estimated 560 million gamers, the commercial appeal was irresistible. The amendments are set to come into effect in 2022.1, In May 2021, the government launched an investigation into the data management polices of LINE, a messaging application with servers based in Japan, after a report revealed that Chinese engineers had accessed LINEs data without the companys knowledge. Other laws regulate online activity but are not known to have resulted in abuse or disproportionate penalties. Internet caf users are required to produce formal identification documents such as a drivers license, and to register their name and address. Japanese and American Legal Systems. censorship - The Japan Times censorship Asia Pacific Jul 25, 2021 One month since closing of Apple Daily, concern over Hong Kong free press lingers by Caroline Tam Apple Daily's closure and. Political rights and civil liberties are generally well respected. The court stated that removal of information can be demanded only when privacy protection concerns clearly outweigh the publics interest in the disclosure of information online.12 A number of laws regulate online activity, including by imposing civil and criminal liability. However, there is some criticism that the ongoing price war has prevented smaller companies from entering the market.4 The PS4 launched in 2013, but Japan's release came afterward. In June 2016, the Supreme Court dismissed a legal challenge to the police practice of monitoring places of worship and other venues used by members of the Muslim community. The server is misbehaving. For example, the Jiminto (LDP) Net Supporters Club (J-NSC), organized in 2010, had about 19,000 members as of 2017. Edit: is it true CERO does not need to look at PC games? Published Dec 29, 2021 Negima!? In March 2020, the government approved a revision of the Copyright Act, making it illegal to download manga, magazines, and academic publications, in addition to music and videos including in the previous version, without the copyright holders permission. Amendments passed by the Diet in 2015 defined personal information in more specific terms as biometric information and numeric data that is capable of identifying a specific individual.5 In June 2018, police announced that they arrested 16 website operators for allegedly using a service called Coinhive to mine cryptocurrencies via visitors computers without their consent.4 although the program continued. It is a troubling sign of the times in Japan when the government fails to unequivocally condemn threats of violence that target freedom of expression while politicians grandstand on censoring art. Under the amended law, overseas companies are also obligated to notify the government of data breaches that involve sensitive information, cause financial injury, or affect more than 1,000 users. The future of an independent NHK is crucial given the increasing demand for impartial, objective and trusted sources of information. Due in part to strong infrastructure, internet access is widely available to users in Japan. Japanese man arrested for stealing women's shoes and replacing them with new ones; Japanese office disaster: man pees in drink bottle of woman coworker because "he liked her" Japanese Twitter reacts to Logan Paul's "Japanese Suicide Forest" video; Man travels 100 kilometers in middle of the night in Japan to punch another dude in . Voters found to have improperly solicited support for a candidate via email could be fined 500,000 ($4,534) or imprisoned for two years.10, Article 175 of the penal code bans the sale or distribution of obscene material, and while the relevant provisions date back more than century, they are considered to apply online.11 Are there laws that assign criminal penalties or civil liability for online activities, particularly those that are protected under international human rights standards? The constitutional right to secrecy of communications is also protected under telecommunications laws.2 Outstanding challenges include ethnic and gender-based discrimination and claims of improperly close relations between government and the business sector. During the COVID-19 pandemic, medical personnel were also targets for harassment on social media. Look at western porn, the most fucked up shit that they make is incest and adults that looks like teens, in the other hand Japanese porn has the most fucked ul shit that you can ever see in porn, from rape to gruesome torture and pedophilia, just to show how the dumbness of governments is unlimited. In contrast, when private individuals or groups organize boycotts against stores that sell magazines of which they disapprove, their actions are protected by the First Amendment, although they can become dangerous in the extreme. In this case, a man asked Google to remove search results documenting a crime he committed over five years earlier.11 Under the amended law, an individual can request the court to disclose information about a sender who posted defamatory content. Customers in small cities, towns, and villages paid an average monthly price of nearly 3,024 ($29.04). During Diet sessions, when questions were raised as to whether the Ministry of Defense and the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office were intercepting phone calls and e-mails, the government declined to answer.12. Mori resigned a week after the petition was created (see B8). The MIC requested that four industry associations monitor false or unsubstantiated content circulating about the disaster online. March 23, 2021, 2:30 PM Japan granted asylum to less than 1 percent of refugees and asylum-seekers who applied in 2019, despite having the third-largest economy in the world. Uh oh. Some observers said this was an attempt to control public discourse, though deletions were not widespread. Reasons vary from keeping inappropriate material out of reach to trying to stop protests and other public demonstrations from being organized. The reporting claimed that the government deployed a clandestine online surveillance program, dubbed MALLARD, to observe communications passing between satellites.16 Facebook has suppressed content posted by Palestinians and their supporters speaking out about human rights issues in Israel and Palestine. In Japan it is now against the law to be mean on the internet. Following her death, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications announced her intention to amend the Provider Liability Limitation Law (see C4).5 2, A 2003 law protects personal information collected electronically by private and public-sector organizations when it consists of more than 5,000 records.3 While the censorship and oppression Imperial Japan committed against journalists and the Japanese left pales in comparison to its actions and cover-ups in countries such as China, Korea and the Philippines, it should nonetheless be publicized and confronted. With this, they brought an end to his nine-month spree of destruction. The law is scheduled to take effect by the end of 2022. Four of its women characters, Jean, Amber, Mona and Rosaria, would be getting new "alternate . Japan has a diverse online landscape. Update: February 8, 2022 A ccess Now and civil society organizations from across the globe are calling on the international community and technology companies to stand with the people of Myanmar and resist the coup both physical and digital. Man arrested after using AI to 'destroy' censor mosaics in Japanese adult videos Oct. 25, 2021 06:00 am JST 0 Comment TOKYO Kyoto prefectural police officers have arrested a 43-year-old male resident of Takasago, Hyogo Prefecture. In a 2008 report by the UN Human Rights Committee, they expressed concern about discrimination against LGBT people in several areas, including housing. In February 2021, weekly news magazine Shukan Bunshun reported that NTT's president and other executives had repeatedly treated officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, including Deputy Director General Yasuhiko Taniwaki, to lavish dinners.6 Arbitrariness And Censorship Are Back In The West Written by Thierry MEYSSAN on 02/01/2021 When we founded the Voltaire Network in 1994, our first concern was to defend freedom of expression in France, and then around the world. You will go to prison. Google reported 145 requests for user data between January and June 2020 and produced some data in 83 percent of cases.16 Does the government place restrictions on anonymous communication or encryption? These rights are generally upheld in practice, though some social and legal constraints exist, and several laws have negative implications for free speech. Observers have accused MIC officials and the prime minister's office of trying to restrict or influence content under the broadcast law.3, There are substantial concerns that MIC officials are increasingly influenced by business executives who use gifts to garner favor for their policies from government officials. The company said it complies with requests that are based on a warrant, an investigation-related inquiry, or an emergency order under the Japanese penal code and criminal procedure code.15 In April 2021, a bill was unanimously passed and enacted in the Diet which amends the Provider Liability Limitation Act to make it easier to identify users who allegedly slander people on the internet. Heightened awareness of nonconsensual sharing of intimate images and online harassment culminated in the adoption of a law criminalizing such activity in 2014. Donald Trump's claim that his anti-BDS order "targets antisemitism" was presented as fact in the New York Times headline ( 12/10/19 . If a device is successfully hacked, its owner will be advised to strengthen security measures, for instance by making their passwords more complex. Criminal sanctions for misusing personal data and restrictions on the transfer of personal data to overseas jurisdictions that lack equivalent safeguards were also strengthened.7 and Japan Airlines changed its dress code, allowing female flight attendants to wear pants and flat shoes.6, Four civil society organizations, J-ALL, Athlete Ally, All Out, and Human Rights Watch jointly called for online signatures for a petition calling for the government to adopt legislation that protects members of the LGBT+ community from discrimination; the petition, which was submitted to the LDP in March 2021, had over 40,000 signatures from Japanese individuals.7 While Article 21 of the Constitution of Japan guarantees freedom of expression and prohibits formal censorship, effective censorship of obscene content does exist and is justified by the Article 175 of the Criminal Code of Japan. The Imperial Throne shall be dynastic and succeeded to in accordance with the Imperial House Law passed by the Diet. While users have a choice of providers for internet services, certain companies dominate the market. However, several cases of online harassment were documented during the coverage period. In June 2019, the movements organizer, actress and freelance writer Ishikawa Yumi, submitted an online petition, which then bore almost 20,000 signatures, to the Health Ministry calling for an end to the requirement.4 In April 2018, the government asked internet service providers (ISPs) to block manga piracy sites, including Mangamura, AniTube!, and MioMio, prompting a public debate that highlighted tensions between the protection of intellectual property on one hand and users rights to private communications and the constitutional ban on censorship on the other.2 In February 2019, civil society groups and ordinary users issued a joint statement asking the MIC to suspend the program,5 : spring pictures) that are banned in present-day Japan and were printed and published in the USA. #censorship. Article 2. China. Masayuki Nakamoto, 43, was said to have made about 11 million yen ($96,000) from peddling over 10,000 processed porn clips, and was formally accused of selling ten hardcore photos for 2,300 yen ($20). The Agency for Cultural Affairs has jurisdiction over copyright law and provides guidance and supervision to copyright management organizations, including JASRAC. While both uploading and downloading pirated material was already illegal under the copyright law, with uploaders subject to 10 years imprisonment or fines of up to 10 million ($90,692), the version in effect since 2012 added two years in jail or fines of up to 2 million ($18,138) for downloading a single pirated file.4, In response to the attempted blocking of manga piracy sites in early 2018 (see B1), the Cultural Council of the Cultural Affairs Agency discussed amending the copyright law to expand the types of content that would be illegal to download or reproduce beyond pirated music and videos, to include material such as social media posts showing animated characters or personal blogs with icons containing copyrighted images.5 Kisha clubs include reporters covering institutions such as government ministries or major corporations but are only open to traditional media companies.1 With the space for such advocacy under threat in many . Internet censorship is the suppression of information online or access to the internet by a regulatory body. In April 2021, Reporters Without Borders also criticized the kisha club system in their annual World Press Freedom Index.4. On February 2, 2021, the Indonesian Government enacted the implementing regulation of the Omnibus Law (Law No.11 of 2020 on Job Creation) regarding the environmental sector, Government Regulation No. The China . While these provisions were contested, and revisions are still planned,9 The panel allegedly suspended its efforts to draft the legislation in October 2018 after failing to reach consensus on whether the blocking would violate the constitutional right to secrecy of communications.5, ISPs voluntarily filter child sexual abuse images, and many offer parents the option to filter certain other content to protect young internet users.6 The law did not actually ban or penalize hate speech, leading some critics to argue that it would be ineffective.6 I know they sold 2 different versions of RE games at least, a more censored version and a less censored version for adults. Shortly after NTT announced that it would comply with the governments request, a customer sued the company on the grounds that the blocking violated privacy guarantees.3, In the wake of the blocking attempts, the government indicated that it would introduce new legislation to expand its authority to formally order blocking, which current legislation allows only for sites found to host child sexual abuse images.4 Cybersecurity efforts ramped up ahead of the summer Olympics, which were originally planned for 2020, particularly around internet of things (IoT) devices.1, In October 2020, the UK National Cyber Security Centre revealed that Russian military intelligence was planning a cyberattack on the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in the summer of 2021 in an attempt to disrupt the event.2 A new player, e-commerce company Rakuten, which seeks to become Japans fourth major mobile service provider, launched its mobile service in April 2020.2. Japan tends to censor some stuff like decapitations and gore. Changes to broadcasting laws in 1950 prohibited the government from direct interference with programmingthough its board of governors is still appointed by the prime minister and its budget approved by the Dietand permitted the establishment of private commercial broadcasting stations. 22 of 2021 on Environmental Protection and Management ("GR No.22/2021"). Messaging apps, such as WhatsApp and Viber, are often. Ahead of the Okinawa gubernatorial election in September 2018, misinformation again spread online.4 In May 2020, many celebrities voiced their opposition to a draft bill that would allow the government to delay the retirement of senior prosecutors, arguing that the bill undermined the constitutional separation of powers.3 The group essentially serves as an online public relations effort for the LDP, though its rules make clear that members are responsible for their own social media posts. That same month, the ministry disclosed that Kobe Steel, NEC, and aerial surveying company Pasco were also targeted by cyberattacks between 2016 and 2018.9, Public attention to cybersecurity threats has increased since mid-2015, when 1.25 million citizens were affected by the release of personal information obtained by hackers who illegally accessed Japans pension system using an email virus.10, In 2020, as Japanese companies shifted to telework during the pandemic, the number of ransomware attacks surged to unprecedented levels, shutting down operations and paralyzing computer and email systems. (Feb. 22, 2021) On December 30, 2020, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin signedFederal Law No. Police can request these details, along with usage logs, if they detect illegal online activity. The Act on Prevention of Improper Use of Mobile Phones (2005) requires mobile voice communication carriers to verify the identity of subscribers when a contract was terminated or transferred, in order to prevent a situation in which cell phone subscribers cannot be identified. The law obliges agents to notify targets of wiretaps after investigations are concluded and inform the Diet about the number they implement annually. Authorities have used the law to convict the operators of manga piracy site Mangamura (see C2 and C3). Article 3. Are individuals penalized for online activities, particularly those that are protected under international human rights standards? The UNs special rapporteur for privacy noted ahead of the laws passage that in order to establish the existence and the extent of such a planning and preparatory actions, it is logical to assume that those charged would have had to be subjected to a considerable level of surveillance beforehand.7, Under a wiretap law enacted in 2000, law enforcement agents may seek a court order to conduct electronic surveillance in criminal investigations involving drugs, firearms, human trafficking, or organized murders, in an exception to articles of other laws that explicitly forbid wiretapping.8 Explicit images of genitalia are forbidden in Japan . LINE reported that 80 percent of the global law enforcement requests for user data that it received between July and December 2020 came from Japanese entities. However, in February 2020, he was convicted and received a 100,000 ($906) fine, after the Tokyo High Court overturned the acquittal.7 The article does not define what constitutes obscenity, leading to concerns that it could be invoked against artistic expression or used to curtail the rights of LGBT+ people.12. Happily, if history is a guide, this accelerating spread of censorship will. The Emperor shall be the symbol of the State and of the unity of the People, deriving his position from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power. It was not clear how much of the monitoring involved digital as opposed to physical surveillance.14. Three men and three women, who acted as instructors and executors alongside Hoshino, were also convicted of violating the Copyright Act.1 In one significant instance, government officials and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) withheld data about pollution after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. , particularly those that are protected under international human rights standards ) on December 30,,! Such activity in 2014 images and online harassment were documented during the coverage period implement.... Particularly those that are protected under international human rights standards number they implement annually by a body... April 2021, Reporters Without Borders also criticized the kisha club system in their annual World Freedom... At PC games management organizations, including japanese censorship laws change 2021 need to look at games! Organizations, including JASRAC services, certain companies dominate the market CERO does not to. 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