hide caption. Coffman, age 72 at his sentencing in April, was also carrying two handguns at the time of his arrest. Charges: This list of offenses covers only those a defendant pleaded guilty to, or was found guilty of at trial. I can`t believe nobody is comming to their rescue. The video was used to dragnet these folks and to triangulate with their social media postings. "If Cynthia didn't create the Patriot Freedom Project many families would have suffered," the wife of one inmate told NPR. As of 6 May, federal agents have arrested 810 people across all 50 US states and in the District of Columbia, for crimes ranging in seriousness from picketing or parading without a permit to the rarely used seditious conspiracy charges levelled against leaders of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers extremist groups. he cant appear to lobby for them or the commies will use it against him. Once this was exposed to the nation, the Democrats had to retreat and rebuild using a different strategy hiding their true intent in bills with wonderful names all were traps to continue their drive for total control. NOW WATCH: One year later: Insurrection at the Capitol where are they now? Kelly did not respond to a message from NPR seeking comment. But resentments have built among the defendants who said they did not receive donations from the group. "As the Select Committee concludes its work, their words must be a clarion call to all Americans: to vigilantly guard our Democracy and to give our vote only to those dutiful in their defense of our Constitution," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in the report. Not to do so raises serious suspicions, suggesting those in charge can do as they wish, are unaccountable. Jacob Lang, who has pleaded not guilty to allegations that he assaulted police with a shield and a bat, praised Hughes and Patriot Freedom Project for providing support to some families and defendants. Justice Department lawyers said Curzio had an undisputed history of membership with an extremist group known as the Unforgiven, a violent, white supremacist gang operating both inside and outside of the Florida corrections system. Merediths mother contacted the FBI, and members located him at a Holiday Inn a mile from the Capitol. Imagine the optics of families throwing their arms around the freed thoroughly overjoyed. And defendants are often reluctant to talk publicly, because they worry their comments might be used against them in court. But after NPR's reporting, a group of inmates organized and contacted NPR. Many defendants made menacing or threatening comments on social media and elsewhere in the days around Jan. 6, though prosecutors in both cases argued there were unique factors that distinguished the two men criminally from other rioters. But then Fellows said he found out the group, led by Cynthia Hughes of New Jersey, was going to pick and choose which defendants and families to support. But really, he's not dangling pardons for the 01/06 terrorists. Stay up to date with what you want to know. He'll serve 8 months in prison and pay a $2,000 restitution fee. That is exactly what we should all be doing, putting the truth of events out there constantly, exposing corruption Democrats and RINOs, putting the history of our founding, the writings of the Founders, the history of the world and exposing how it is repeating. He was later sentenced to 3 months of home detention, followed by 18 months of probation, and was ordered to pay a $742 fine and $500 restitution. The Long Island DJ who recorded himself smoking marijuana inside the U.S. Capitol building was sentenced to three years and five months in prison after pleading guilty to all 10 charges he faced, including civil disorder and committing an act of physical violence on Capitol grounds. He also tried to throw a speaker at the police, but. Barnett was photographed with his foot on a desk in Pelosis office during the violence at the Capitol. I never forgot about the prisoners of January 6th. You didnt just come up and sock a guy in the face, Lamberth said at the sentencing. 6 Jan 2023 Two years ago, on January 6, 2021, a crowd of thousands attacked the United States Capitol in an effort to stop the certification of the 2020 election results, spurred on by. We fn disarm them and then we storm the fn Capitol.. In December, he received a sentence of 28 months in prison with credit for time served. Jail Began Decades Before Jan. 6 Defendants Started Raising Concerns; A Judge Urged The Justice Department To Investigate Jail Conditions For Jan. 6 Defendants; Judge holds Washington, D.C., jail officials in contempt in a Jan. 6 riot case. Who are they and what are they charged with? AccuWeather: AM showers before a mild afternoon, 2 Senate Democrats join GOP in rejecting socially conscious investing rule, rushing it back to Biden for a promised veto, There's no shortage of salt for NYC roads. This table includes the names, accepted charges, and links to court documents of all the people who have pleaded guilty as of February 13, 2023. Insider has since stopped tracking guilty pleas and the charges handed down to Capitol rioters, but other sources, like George Washington University's Program on Extremism, continue to keep track. I envision a new J6 committee which investigates as a first order of business the conduct of each and every individual J6 prisoner. It brought the government to a screeching halt that day, Judge Royce Lamberth, said during the sentencing of Frank Scavo in November. A combination of that intense proximity, the stress of criminal cases and a fight over more than a million dollars donated to support the defendants has contributed to the rift. The FBI is still attempting to identify people from the Capitol siege. Many participants in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots are being held in solitary confinement in Washington, D.C.'s city jail, a situation that's drawing scrutiny from Democratic Sens. "Patriot Freedom Project will never stop fighting for these people, their families, and their children." Continuing: confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor Occurred? Dinesh D'Souza attends the premiere of his film Death of a Nation in Washington, D.C., in 2018. This table is tracking them all. Absence violates rule of law. In December, Federal District Court Judge Royce Lamberth sentenced the 28-year-old Thompson to 46 months in prison with credit for time served, along with 36 months of supervised release and a required payment of $2,000 in restitution. On several occasions judges have expressed misgivings about whether the actual criminal charge matches the misdeeds of the defendant. Gracyn Dawn Courtright carrying a sign that reads 'members only' in the Capitol. | Jon Cherry/Getty Images. If sohow many? NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO RECEIVED MISDEMEANOR SENTENCES: NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO RECEIVED PRISON TIME: prosecutors approach is almost schizophrenic. Fellows was locked up for harassing his probation officer and ignored court orders before his trial. At least 800 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. Why were they not mentioned in Trumps new announcement for his 2024 plans. Violating the terms of either can result in additional punishment, including incarceration. No one arrested for being in the Capitol on January 6th has been charged with insurrection, sedition or anything even close to toppling the government. And they still eat up his broken promises. Clean house of all leftist ideology employees. Stay up to date with what you want to know. Heres a list of the people who have been subpoenaed by the Jan. 6 committee. Here are several takeaways from the past year of sentences. Though there may have been as many as. Even convicted murderers and terrorists enjoy more rights than the January 6th detainees. In December 2022, the committee formally recommended four charges against Trump: conspiracy to defraud the US, conspiracy to make false statements, obstruction of an official proceeding, and inciting an insurrection. ", "Tempers naturally get short," he said, with "cliques solidifying further into independent 'camps' as time progresses.". Pro-Trump protesters gather in front of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. I suppose even Jews at one point in Germany thought if they would say/agree Heil Hitler, then they would stop being poor and hungry, that the economy would improve. The record is strangely incomplete, access restricted, word barely getting out, and what we know is not reassuring. At least 73 rioters have been sentenced so far after pleading guilty to the charges against them. Barnett, age 60 at the time of his arrest, is scheduled to stand trial on Sept. 6 and could face a sentencing of up to 87 months in prison if he is found guilty on all charges. He had sent a text earlier that day that said, Calm before the STORM, seemingly referring to a cataclysmic event in which QAnon followers believed that Donald Trump would expose a cabal of satanic pedophiles. According to a Department of Justice database, there have been about 978 people charged and arrested with multiple crimes related to the attack. We hope you've enjoyed this article. Over two years later, more than 1,000 people have been charged. Defendants repeated violent assaults on law enforcement for the purpose of overturning a democratic election warrant a significant term of imprisonment, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Juman wrote in the sentencing memo Dec. 10. In one video he posted to Facebook on Jan. 6, Fairlamb yells: What patriots do? He was released in April while he awaits his trial, after spending nearly four months in jail on charges including obstructing an official proceeding, entering the Capitol while armed with a deadly or dangerous weapon (a stun gun), and theft of government property (for stealing a piece of government mail). But prison time may be another story. Later that day, the person Chapman communicated with on Bumble contacted the FBI. I did storm the capitol, he wrote in a message. That early trend is likely to continue going forward, though it could evolve somewhat as prosecutors proceed with cases against those accused of more serious and complex offenses. Only around a quarter of those arrested185 individualshave received criminal sentences, while the rest are waiting for their trials or havent yet reached plea agreements. Florida resident Paul Hodgkins was the first person federally sentenced in relation to the attack. See, e.g., Capitol Breach Cases; One Year Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol; At least 800 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. In addition, she has a year of supervised release following her sentence, will need to complete 60 hours of community service and must pay $500 in restitution for damages to the Capitol. He also sprayed a fire extinguisher directly into the tunnel onto police officers. A POLITICO analysis of every sentence to date in the Capitol riot shows that judges have been wary about imposing long prison terms except when violence, or the threat of it, was involved. Thank you for your scope of coverage. Others have gotten more deeply invested in the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory and have even been writing letters to a post office box that they've heard reaches Trump. God will not forget them. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. An even deeper divide has grown around the issue of money. All political solutions are gone! Produce a list, AMAC, dont leave them in obscurity. Thomas Sibick has pleaded not guilty to several charges, including the alleged assault of Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone during the riot. Example: From the end of Reconstruction to the 1970s, the Democrats ruled the South with an iron fist implementing Jim Crow laws (segregation), blocking people of color from voting. Weiss, 61, will be required to register as a sex offender for 25 years. Standing by is the ACLJ, who meets with each wrongfully imprisoned J6-er and begins to file a case on behalf of each prisoner individually, and collectively as a class action against DC Govt the Capitiol Police, the C^^IA, and F^^BI. And on December 19, 2022, the select committee recommended four charges against Trump: The recommendations, however, don't carry legal weight and the DOJ isn't obligated to follow them. There are more than 725 people who have been arrested for crimes tied to the assault on the Capitol and investigations are still ongoing, and more than one-tenth of those 87 have been sentenced as of Jan. 21. ), Ronnie Sandlin who prosecutors allege breached the Capitol, smoked a joint in the rotunda, and tried to "rip" the helmet off a police officer said he was even more concerned by the group's "belligerent responses to any suggestion that they should be transparent with the fund." But since most rioters were allowed to walk free that day, it's taking years to track them down. Videos from the Capitol riot show Fairlamb climbing on inauguration scaffolding, pushing a police officer into a group of people and punching the officers face shield. "And in the meantime, people should just honestly not donate to Patriot Freedom Project.". Your commute. That inmate, like several others, told his story to NPR on the condition of anonymity to describe the pressure-cooker environment inside the jail. Copyright 2023 AMAC, Inc. / AMAC Senior Resources Network. Download the WUSA9 app to get breaking news, weather and important stories at your fingertips. They said they were concerned that the jail grievance system could be used to retaliate against them. The charges theyve pleaded guilty to include assault on law enforcement and obstruction of a civil proceeding. What is anyone doing to prosecute the criminals that are comitting these crimes against these "I started Patriot Freedom Project to help the J6 prisoners and their families," Hughes wrote, in part, in a statement to NPR. I dont think Ive seen in all my years as a judge, quite such a collection of weapons, said U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, according to The Washington Post. Should,should,should,but what is anyone actually doing to get these Patriots out of jail. I give up on AMAC. It also helps to quiet the obvious concern that every law-abiding citizen should have in light of this scenario. Your news.Sign up for the Capitol Breach email newsletter, delivering the latest breaking news and a roundup of the investigation into the Capitol Riots on January 6, 2021. The exterior of the Washington, D.C., jail where a group of defendants charged in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol are detained. The rioters attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6 were not mere trespassers engaging in protected First Amendment conduct or protests, Howell said during that sentencing, during which Jack Griffith of Tennessee received three years of probation. Heres a look at what happened to 14 of the most high-profile Jan. 6 rioters. I dont have money, but I have time and I can write. The harmless activity is shown. Democrats go on and on ad nauseam that they are protectors of democracy, all the while destroying the very foundations of the Constitution and democracy. Thomas Sibick has pleaded not guilty to several charges, including the alleged assault of Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone during the riot. Many hospitals still requiring even people with open cannulas to wear masks over their faces. Judges are not required to follow the recommendations made by either side, though they typically use them to calibrate a given sentence. Over two years later, more than 1,000 people have been charged. Every American is owed that clarity. Anyone who spoke out faced the wrath of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), the Democrats secret army. According to CBS News' Scott MacFarlane, the handful of high-level January 6 defendants still held in the D.C. jail pending trial have rejoiced over McCarthy's transmission of footage to Carlson . There is a strong argument that anyone who was there that day deserves jail, Boasberg said. The referral doesn't carry any legal weight, and the Justice Department doesn't have to bring charges because of it. All Rights Reserved. Everyone, the President and Congress members on down to the lowliest intern at the Department of Justice, bears responsibility for the integrity of the implementation of constitutional rights by law. Judge appointed by: Name of the president who appointed the judge to the federal court in D.C. An asterisk (*) designates a senior status judge. 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