Combating We talk about thefuture of the children, helping to build economies, democracy, the rule of law,and at the same time we fail to prosecute cases like this. But DynCorp was nervous. I didn't get any results from talking to DynCorp officials, so I went to Army CID and I drove around with them, pointing out everyone's houses who owned women and weapons." This video was even sold on the main streets of Bogot. Experts in slave trafficking aren't buying the CID's, says it wants to eradicate trafficking of people, has established an office, . This was one of two cases involving DynCorp and sexual scandal in Bosnia. The Facts:Retired Army Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene has been given 20 years They talk about it and brag about how much they pay for them - usually between $600 and $800. Women are sold hourly, nightly or permanently. [90], Culpeper National Security Solutions is a unit of DynCorp. And indeed, one can look forward to more on the subject when Ms. Bolkovac's book on the incident is released this coming January. Victims confided in her that American contractors were raping or buying underage women, sometimes as young as 12. [17] By 2003 roughly half of DynCorp's business came from managing the IT departments of the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, among others. [127], DynCorp lobbied the Trump administration intensely to get the Trump administration to rescind a $10 billion contract that the Obama administration made with a rival company to service State Department aircraft.[128]. This corruption flew all the way to the top of the United Nations and to our State Department and diplomats, Bolkovac said. For an example of how just one transgression can lead to endless bad publicity consider the movie titled The Whistleblower that was released earlier this year. [16] California Eastern Airways was founded by a small group of returning World War II pilots who wanted to break into the air cargo business. WebDynCorp had a $15 million contract to hire and train police officers for duty in Bosnia at the time she reported such officers were paying for prostitutes and participating in sex If I was going to be fired or laid off, I, , "under the Dayton Peace Accord, the contractors were protected from Bosnian law which did not apply to them. They should be sending a clearmessage that it won't be tolerated. Tree hugger | Independent | Husky lover | Profile picture made by Fiona Hsieh. Here are the relevant parts of the cable: 1. [citation needed] DynCorp Technical Services LLC continued to perform DynCorp's domestic contracts. ",, Business services companies established in 1946, Articles with incomplete citations from February 2017, All articles that may contain original research, Articles that may contain original research from February 2017, Articles with dead external links from December 2016, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2017, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Aviation maintenance, air operations, drug eradication, law enforcement training, logistics, contingency operations, security services, operations and maintenance for land vehicles (MRAPs), maintenance for aircraft, support equipment, and weapons systems, intelligence training and solutions, international development, Chandrasekaran, Rajiv, "The Bloom Is on DynCorp,", Day, Kathleen, "DynCorp Discussing the Sale of a Division; Reston Firm's Aviation Services Unit on Block,", , , "DynCorp Retools with a Focus on Information Technology,", Haggerty, Maryann, "Engineering a Career in Energy Programs at DynCorp,", Isikoff, Michael, "Dynalectric Indicted on Bid Rigging Charge; McLean Firm, Former President Agree to Plead Guilty, Forgo Appeal of Earlier Conviction,", , , "Dynalectron Officer Indicted for Bid Rigging,", , , "Dynalectron Puts Official on Paid Leave,", Jones, William H., "Dynalectron Corp. Posts 'Large, Unexpected Losses,'", , , "Dynalectron May Be Part of Coal Conversion Plan,", Koklanaris, Maria, "DynCorp Acquires Local Firm in Bid to Diversify; Company Seeks to Cut Pentagon Dependence,", McCarthy, Ellen, "Calif. Firm Confirms Plan to Buy DynCorp Unit,", Mintz, John, "FBI Probes DynCorp on Fort Belvoir Work,", Southerland, Daniel, "DynCorp Unit Picked to Run U.S. Oil Reserve,", Sugawara, Sandra, "DynCorp Wins Big Energy Job,", BW Staff, "A New Push for Coal-to-Oil Technology,", BW Staff, "Dynalectron: Determined That Synfuels Will Fuel the Company's Growth,", Celarier, Michelle, "Catch-23: Private Industries Bidding Against Government Entities for Pentagon Contracts Often Face Obstacles and Lose Money,". According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuitfiled in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, "in the latter part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorpwere engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] werepurchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating inother immoral acts. Poor quality was the major issue." 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. WebChild sex trafficking refers to the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a minor for the purpose of a commercial sex act. Comey Has Had Marc Richs Documents For 30 Years. [32], On April 12, 2010, DynCorp International announced a conditional deal to be acquired by private equity investment firm Cerberus Capital Management for $17.55 per share ($1 billion). Finally, after a series of ineffective raids at various establishments, Bolkovac decided to officially blow the whistle. Beyond remedial actions taken, we still hope the matter will not be blown out of proportion, an outcome which would not be good for either the U.S. or Afghanistan. Kathryn Bolkovac arrived in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo in 1999. He wanted the ANP to become a model security institution just like the Afghan National Army (ANA) and National Directorate for Security (NDS), and the contractors were not producing what was desired. [110] In April 2011 DynCorp agreed to pay $7.7 million to the U.S. government to settle claims that it had inflated claims for construction contracts in Iraq. "I heard talk about the prostitution right away, but it took some time before I understood that they were buying these girls. "How this all ends," says Glasheen,"will say a lot about what we stand for and what we won't stand for." "None of the girls," continues Johnston, "were from Bosnia. TwitterKathryn Bolkovac was demoted to a desk job after raising sex trafficking concerns. [118][119][120] A Wikileaks cable released after the incident stated that the Afghan interior minister at the time, Hanif Atmar, asked the assistant U.S. ambassador to try to "quash" both the story and release of video from the incident. Child trafficking affects every country in the world, including the United States. In particular, DynCorp supports a military base camp in Kosovo, providing power plant maintenance, fueling services, and grounds maintenance. She spoke little English, but kept repeating the word Florida. Bolkovac knew of a local bar of the same name one regularly frequented by humanitarian workers at the IPTF, DynCorp, and U.S. personnel. That departure from the war-torn country was a far cry from what, imagined a year earlierwhen he arrived in. [27] By 1986 Dynaelectron was one of the largest defense contractors in North America. [19], In December 2000 DynCorp formed DynCorp International LLC, and transferred all its international business to this entity. Actually, there is nothing in the DynCorp code of ethics that is remotely applicable to this situation. [18][19] California Eastern Airways diversified into multiple government aviation and managerial jobs, airlifted supplies for the Korean War, and was responsible for the White Sands Missile Range (a client that DynCorp has retained for 50 years). Atmar warned about public anger towards contractors, who he said "do not have many friends" and said they needed far greater oversight. She found evidence that some UN officers were taking part in the trafficking of young women from Eastern Europe as sex slaves. In 2010 the film The Whistleblower, starring Rachel Weisz and Vanessa Redgrave, was released. Dolan says, "It's not just Americans who are participating in these illegal acts. The subject line read bluntly: Do not read this if you have a weak stomach or a guilty conscience.. Young boys are bought and sold, dressed up like women and forced to dance, at men only parties. Werner apparently intended to use the video as leverage in the event that Hirtz decided to fire him. It soon developed conveniently, according to Johnston's attorneys, that he wasimplicated by a DynCorp employee for illegal activity in Bosnia. Many were either simply jailed or deported, at which point law enforcement on the other side forced them back into prostitution. The program focuses on training junior and mid-level personnel in areas such as communications, logistics, and engineering. And what does it meanwhen the U.S. steps up and says, 'We don't have any jurisdiction'? Now, courtesy of Wikileaks, DynCorp can look forward to a new round of ridicule and denunciations. Then I went to, and other places, and they were imported in by DynCorp and the Serbian mafia. Evidently the episode sparked Afghan demands that contractors and private security companies be brought under much tighter government control. Rather than acknowledge and reward Johnston's effort to get this behaviorstopped, DynCorp fired him, forcing him into protective custody by the U.S.Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) until the investigators could get him safely out of Kosovo and returned to the United States. Hirtz: I don't know. DynCorp has admitted it fired five employees for similar illegal activities priorto Johnston's charges. Harlin even alleged that Johnston was "hanging out with Kevin Werner." [88] DynCorp supported the U.S. Army in the Persian Gulf with vehicle searches, roving patrols, and explosive-detecting dogs. WebIn 2002, the year Epsteins aircraft fleet stands accused of flying underage teen girls, some between the ages of 12 and 15, coincides with Dyncorps trafficking in underage According to follow-up work carried out by the Lawyers Collective it was discovered that one of the minors involved in the videos committed suicide some time after the publication of them.. He understood that within DynCorp there were many "wonderful" people working hard, and he was keen to see proper action taken to protect them; but, these contractor companies do not have many friends. 1. As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed 181 personnel to, during the last six years. What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact our ability to fix his airplanes." Many of these were forced toresign under suspicion of illegal activity, but none have been prosecuted, asthey also enjoy immunity from prosecution in, worries about what this company's culture does to the reputationof the, . Hirtz: Yes. [95], An extensive accusation concerning DynCorp's activities and alleged abuses in Colombia was presented against DynCorp at the Hearing on Biodiversity of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal, session on Colombia at the Cacarica Humanitarian Zone from February 24 to 27, 2007. [73][bettersourceneeded][74] By acquiring the Phoenix Consulting Group, DynCorp provides training courses to the intelligence community at the Phoenix Training Center. Although Werner had no problem revealing the names and illegal activities ofother DynCorp employees, Werner did not mention Johnston's name in hissworn statement. He was aware that many questions about them go to SRAP Holbrooke and, in Afghanistan, there is increasing public skepticism about contractors. It had only been four years since the Bosnian War, and regional authorities needed all the help they could get in stabilizing the region. Media reports indicated that some DynCorp employees purchased trafficked women and children as well as benefiting from free sex in brothels. Atmar then disclosed the arrest of two Afghan National Police (ANP) and nine other Afghans (including RTC language assistants) as part of an MoI investigation into Afghan "facilitators" of the event. [102] CID spent several weeks investigating and the results appear to support Johnston's allegations. Nonetheless, the Lawyers Collective of Colombia has not learned of any criminal investigation undertaken in relation to these acts involving minors. Basically you've got abunch of strong men who are raping and manipulating young girls who havebeen kidnapped from their homes. The name "Dynalectron Corporation" was selected from 5,000 employee suggestions. 1958 University Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94704, witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally, . [66] The company supports existing bases in Southern Afghanistan, builds new ones as needed, and provides base support services.[67]. WebAny attempts to gain a business advantage through prohibited activities (such as illegal payments, bribes, kickbacks, gifts, or other inducements) are not tolerated. [75] Dyncorp International employs 300 intelligence professionals to offer highly specialized training for intelligence, counterintelligence, special operations and law enforcement personnel. Put bluntly, DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia in 1999, with its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12. The Mills e-mail continued: "The firstthing he told me is that 'they are tired of having smoke blown up their ass. And also was the time when the State Department lost $1 billion it paid out to DynCorp to train police during the first years of the Iraq war. They manage installations for military bases for the Department of Defense and the Department of State, and provide security services, fire and rescue emergency services, and IT/telecommunication services. Trump Wants to Shake Up the CIA FB Group #HRCRatLine [8], On November 29, 2008, a lengthy article in The New York Times questioned the potential conflict of interest in the hiring by Veritas Capital Fund, LP, holding company for DynCorp, of Gen. Barry McCaffrey. Hirtz: I don't recall her saying that. Later in 2004, DynCorp was involve in a child pornography video scandal in Colombia By the Huffington Post: In October 2004 it was revealed that DynCorp contract workers operating at Tolemaida Air Base in Colombia distributed a video in which they could be observed sexually violating underage girls from the town of Melgar. The event described is also know as bacha bazi (boy-play). [108] A U.S. government audit report of October 2007 revealed that $1.3 billion was spent on a contract with DynCorp for training Iraqi police. I didn't get any results from talking to DynCorp officials, so I went to Army CID and I drove around with them, pointing out everyone's houses who owned women and weapons. Children make up 27% of all human trafficking victims Johnston was on the ground and saw firsthand what the military wascomplaining about. Though her investigation would lead to her firing, she garnered a Nobel Prize nomination for her work and a feature film titled The Whistleblower. The CID agents did not ask any of the men involved what the ages of the"women" were who had been purchased or used for prostitution. What was the "cause" for which Johnston was fired? (Note: Placing military officers to oversee contractor operations at RTCs is not legally possible under the currentDynCorp contract.) "[108] The report states that the findings of DynCorp's misconduct on a $188 million job to buy weapons and build quarters for the Iraqi police were serious enough to warrant a fraud inquiry. Werner tells CID, "I told him [Hirtz] I had a copy and that all I wanted was to be treated fairly. It was clear that the protection of the good old boys club was a first priority, said. [19], In 1952 the company, renamed California Eastern Aviation, Inc., merged with Air Carrier Service Corporation (AIRCAR), which sold commercial aircraft and spare parts to foreign airlines and governments. Atmar said that President Karzai had told him that his (Atmar's) "prestige" was in play in management of the Kunduz DynCorp matter and another recent event in which Blackwater contractors mistakenly killed several Afghan citizens. Dyncorp, hired to perform police duties for the UN and aircraft maintenance for the US Army, were implicated in prostituting the children, whereas the company's Bosnia site supervisor filmed himself raping two women. She ultimately alleges that peacekeepers, U.N. workers and international police are visiting brothels and facilitating sex trafficking by forging documents and aiding the illegal transport of woman into Bosnia. DynCorp International Wins AFRICAP Training Task Order, DynCorp International wins NATO job in Kosovo, DynCorp International Awarded Maintenance Contract with UAE Land Forces, DynCorp International Awarded Contract Valued at up to $15.5 Million to Provide Facility Support Services for Naval Facilities Engineering, "Security Services - DynCorp International", DynCorp wins $546M police training contract in Iraq, "For the U.S.-Saudi Relationship to Thaw, MBS Needs to Answer on Khashoggi", "Training and Mentoring - DynCorp International", DynCorp May Get Chance to Win $1.6 Billion Training Contracts,, "Plaintiffs to Appeal Dismissal of 'Plan Colombia' Lawsuit Against DynCorp - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times", "Accusation against the Transnational DynCorp", "One Man's Military-Industrial-Media Complex", "The Whistleblower: Sex Trafficking, Military Contractors And One Woman's Fight For Justice", "Human trafficking,Bosnia and Herzegovina (News),World news,Law,Europe", The Whistleblower: The movie the U.N. would prefer you didn't see, "U.S. Agency Finds New Waste and Fraud in Iraqi Rebuilding Projects", "Riding Shotgun With Our Shadow Army in Iraq", "Security Guard Fires From Convoy, Killing Iraqi Driver", "Weak Oversight in Iraq Puts $2.5 Billion at Risk, Audit Says", "Letter to Secretary Rice: from Chairman Waxman", "report Most of $1.2 billion to train Iraqi police unaccounted for", "Quarterly Report from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction", Weak Oversight in Iraq Puts $2.5 Billion at Risk, Audit Says, "US embassy cables: Afghan government asks US to quash 'dancing boys' scandal", "Amid Reviews, DynCorp Bolsters Ethics Practices", "WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops", "09KABUL1651: 06/23/09 MEETING, ASSISTANT AMB MUSSOMELI AND MOI", "WikiLeaks Reveals That Military Contractors Have Not Lost Their Taste For Child Prostitutes", "Foreign contractors hired Afghan 'dancing boys', WikiLeaks cable reveals", July the deadliest month of Afghan war for US, "Four Afghans die in Kabul in accident involving U.S. contractor", "Afghan Police Clear U.S. in Crash Before Rioting", "Dyncorp rolls out first 16 armoured personnel carriers for UN mission in Mali", "Policing Post-War Iraq: Insurgency, Civilian Police, and the Reconstruction of Society. But if it doesn't ISOA does have a grievance procedure where anyone can make a complaint about one of its member companies. This same man, according to Johnston, "owned a girl who couldn't have been more than 14 years old. Later in 2008, it was involved in a prostitution scandal that ended the life of one worker By the Huffington Post: DynCorps site manager was involved in bringing prostitutes into hotels operated by DynCorp. As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed 181 personnel to Bosnia during the last six years. It's not like I don't drink or anything, but DynCorp employees would come to work drunk. [43][44], DynCorp International began as an aeronautical company in the 1950s and continues to provide aviation support globally. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. He is the operator of a nightclub by the name of Harley's that offers prostitution. But US diplomats cautioned against an "overreaction" and said that approaching the journalist involved would only make the story worse. Kathryn Bolkovac accepted the job at DynCorp shortly after she divorced her husband. That'sabsurd." His request was that the U.S. quash the article and release of the video. In January 2010 DynCorp International combined with World Wide Humanitarian Services (WWHS) and Casals & Associates to form DI Development. He pressed for CSTC-A [Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan] to be given full control over the police training program, including contractors. CID: Did you know you were being videotaped? [34], In December 2011 the company hired Michael Thibault, former co-chairman and commissioner of the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan (CWC), as vice president of government finance and compliance. But it didnt take long for Bolkovac to realize that DynCorp was engaging in the kinds of human rights violations it was meant to combat. [91], DynCorp delivers training for multiple sectors, including security sector reform, interior and defense personnel in underdeveloped nations, and law enforcement. As the ever zealous Ms. Sparky has already noted: The tradition of Bacha Bazi "boy play" is alive and well in Afghanistan. He urged them to try to kill the story and specifically warned that this would look bad if the connection to DynCorp were made clear (he called them foreign mentors). [86], DynCorp provides personal security throughout various parts of the world. Be sending a clearmessage that it wo n't be tolerated it fired five employees for similar illegal activities Johnston! Berkeley, CA 94704, witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally, apparently intended use. Eastern Europe as sex slaves this was one of two cases involving DynCorp the. 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