How current is the account information in the app or website? Have you tried our SmartHub App? For information on registering for SmartHub, please visit [URL]. Box 669Lexington, SC 29071. To join our list, please select your local co-op below. Follow these instructions: With SmartHub, you view your usage data where and when you want to and you can manage your account right from your mobile device. Address: 123 Main Street, City, St, Zip. Report Outage; . Find out more about SEC's new rate structure! Two-Factor Authentication helps keep your account secure. Bill Pay Convenient and Efficient . Corporate Mission, Quick Links Report an outage Where to find your account number on your bill (pdf). Email: name [@] Heres how to change your preference to participate in paperless billing: Want information on paperless billing, outage alerts and usage updates straight to your email or through SMS? Accept the Terms and Conditions then follow the instructions. Select the Energy Use icon to view your energy use. 2023 A&N Electric Cooperative. Click the Settings icon in the lower right-hand corner. Carolina Country Newsletter; Publications & Reports. On the website, the home page shows all of your accounts along with the amounts due for those accounts and links to other detailed information. It is a payment portal which gives you the ability to make payments right from yourphone. (888) 850-6770 Toll-Free. Residential Payment options are another way were putting flexibility in your hands. It is provided as an option for your convenience. Now there is fiber. If you havent registered yet, follow the instructions below. You will receive another temporary password, and you can try again. Learn how to set up the skill or view and download commands and tips on interacting with Berkeley Electric through your smart home device. That is why we offer the SmartHub account management app. To qualify for this service you must be a residential customer with an acceptable credit rating and you must have had continuous service at your present location for a minimum of 12 months. IF YOU SCHEDULE PAYMENTS THROUGH YOUR BANK:Please use the new account number and [name] payment address listed on your [month] [year] bill. GO. On the app, select Pay My Bill icon. With our Equal Payment Plan, we average your past usage and projected future energy costs, then bill you that amount monthly. Locate your new account number (instructions below) and get registered! As an electric cooperative member, we believe you deserve the best technology has to offer, and were excited to bring it to you. Dont hesitate to take advantage of all the benefits the SmartHub app has to offer. Loading Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative SmartHub Application. You can rest assured that your payment will always be made on time and it saves you from having to write a check and mail it in every month. Webmail Check your email from anywhere. 2023. (Mobile). If you wish to not receive a paper bill, make sure to sign up for paperless billing with a valid email address. If you have questions, we're here to answer them. 2023 Claverack Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. All Rights Reserved. A message can be sent to your email address To enter the SmartHub portal, click here. If you have already registered via the web portal, you will be able to log into the app immediately. I'm being prompted to sign up for paperless billing when I log in. Update your contact information. There are no service interruptions reported at this time. Sign up to access our Self Service site on the login page for SmartHub. An email notification will be sent to you each month when your bill is issued, and you may elect to pay it on SmartHub using AMEX, Discover, MasterCard, Visa or a personal checking account. Download the free SmartHub app for your Apple or Android device. To log in and manage your account pleaseclick here. Please know that throughout this communication process, we will never call or email you to ask for credit card numbers, bank account routing numbers or any other type of personal information. This window will close automatically. If you run into any questions as you explore the features of SmartHub, we will be happy to assist you with any questions! Site is running on IP address, host name ( United States) ping response time 16ms Good ping.. Last updated on 2023/02/27 Weve got solutions to track your energy usage to avoid a surprise bill. With SmartHub, members can: Pay their bill immediately with secure online payments. No deposit. What happens if my temporary password doesnt work and/or Im locked out before I can register? Sign up for email, text and mobile notifications. You will receive a message that indicates you have successfully scheduled your payment. Check your junk mail if you dont see the temporary password email. As times and needs change, we offer innovative ways for you to take control of your electric bill. Board Districts Our representatives can review your past energy usage, discuss trends in your consumption and guide you through potential solutions that fit your lifestyle. Check your daily and monthly kWh use. All of these changes are within the normal operating budget of the cooperative. You can use SmartHub to review account information and pay your electric bill, or you may choose to pay in a different manner. You can choose to participate in paperless billing, which sends bill statements to the email address on your account. 233 Highway 28 Bypass Abbeville, SC 29620. Log into our member portal to set up an account and quickly pay your bill each month. Main Phone: (864) 446-2111 24/7 Repair Line: (864) 446-3111 Internet Technical Support: (888)-446 . SmartHub has several features that make managing your account as easy as possible. Select Market It is a payment portal which gives you the ability to make payments right from your phone. Charles and Winona, GigaWorld Essentials Plus Channel Lineup Altura, Lewiston, and Stockton, MN, GigaWorld Essentials Plus Channel Lineup Cedar Valley, East Burns Valley, Elba, Minneiska, Ridgeway, Rollingstone, St. Charles, Utica, Wilson, Winona, and Witoka, MN, GigaWorld Essentials Plus Channel Lineup Cannon Falls, Miesville, and New Trier, MN, GigaWorld Essentials Plus Channel Lineup Dover and Eyota, MN, GigaWorld Essentials Plus Channel Lineup Elgin, Kellogg, Plainview, and Wabasha, MN, GigaWorld Essentials Plus Channel Lineup Lake City, MN, GigaWorld Essentials Plus Channel Lineup Red Wing and Wacouta, MN, Luminet Channel LineupCastle Rock, Miesville, New Trier, and Nininger Township, Luminet Channel LineupRed Wing, Wacouta, & Prairie Island Indian Community, Luminet Channel LineupRollingstone & Minneiska, Luminet Channel LineupRural Winona County, Evolution HD DTA Set-Top-Box Instructions, Motorola DTA 100 Set-Top-Box Instructions. If you choose to store your login information, any person who has access to your mobile device can access your account. *If you sign up for text message notifications, you will still receive a paper copy of your bill. Sign up for our Bank Draft program, and well automatically draft your checking or savings account monthly for the amount of your current electric bill. Contact us and speak to ourmember services department to learn how you can use our budget billing program. The e-mail includes a link for easy navigation to your billing information. How do I set up stored payment methods, such as a credit card? 2. From superior performance and affordable pricing to increased privacy and unrivaled customer support, CarolinaConnect offers MCEC members the ability to: Upload, download and transfer data at ultra fast speeds Simultaneously stream music and HD video Connect to various smart devices, allowing you to use your home more intelligently and efficiently In the Billing & Payments dropdown click Auto Pay Program, 3. Your Rights If you are experiencing a service related issue, please call (877) 457-9669 to speak to our Wizards Technical Support team. OpenIdLogin Application. Both the Apps and the Web version give you secure access to view your bills, see payment history, make payments on one or more accounts, and set up recurring payments. Southport, NC 28461 Interested in learning more about how you can utilize all that SmartHub has to offer? You can sign up online by registering as a "New User" at the top of the homepage or you can download the Smarthub app for free from the App store on your mobile device. Click on Manage My Stored Payment Accounts. The Easy Pay system accepts AMEX, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. Locations BEMC Headquarters . Select preferred notification method (Text or Email) and fill out the appropriate notification information based on your selection. Use SmartHub to update your notifications preferences. Advance Pay members never pay a late charge, disconnect fee, or reconnect fee. Because we are a co-op, one of our main concerns is making of members' lives easier. View monthly electricity usage and history, including . Through the power of our fiber optic network. If you used the original eBill online bill payment system, you can use the same email address and password to log into SmartHub. Commercial Acceptable Use Policy and Customer Agreement, DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Counter Claim, DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Policy, FCC Emergency Alert System (EAS) Mandatory Accessibility Notice, Residential Acceptable Use Policy and Customer Agreement, Telephone Assistance Plan & Federal Lifeline Program, Accessibility to Emergency Information on Television, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupAltura, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupCannon Falls, Castle Rock, Miesville, and New Trier, MN, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupChatfield, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupDover, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupEyota, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupKellogg, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupLake City, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupLewiston, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupPlainview & Elgin, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupRed Wing, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupRollingstone & Minneiska, Luminet Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupRural Winona County, Expanded Business Essentials Channel LineupSt. You will be notified that your service has been disconnected. Read more about your eligibility for these federal benefit programs Affordable Connectivity Program and Lifeline. Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play on your phone or tablet and search for SmartHub. Select our free and secure app to begin the download process. You can also select the Make Payment button to view payment options for your accounts. You'll still receive monthly statements showing kilowatt-hour usage and the amount due, but with Bank Draft you won't have to remember to make your payment.