Parent of trans child artfully debunks tired, illogical claim being transgender is a teenage fad JK Rowling and the Chamber of Trans Youth Misinformation The complex, divisive history of the word TERF, what it means and why its not actually a slur. binding my chest helps me present as male, what does a paintgender person do? They arent doing any harm to anyone so people should treat them respectfully. I find it funny that some people get so upset about this stuff while a large majority of the population , myself included, do not understand a word of what you just wrote. They should get psychological help to figure out the root cause of their issues. Answers to your questions about transgender people 9 questions about trans issues you were too embarrassed to ask Explained: The difference between gender, gender expression, and sexuality From 'Disclosure' to 'Pose': What movies, shows to watch during Transgender Awareness Week The racist history of the sex binary, What really happens when kids say they're transgender? No they are not. Doing so outside of being nb would actually be akin to identifying as goth in the way that you mentioned. One person in this article literally identifies as a cat and this type of behavior is being encouraged? if you criticise any of their "genders" then get ready to be called Transphobic. A Xenogender is a gender that is made for peoples interests/struggles. WebInicio; Servicios. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. After all, thats what the process is called. Neopronouns are pronouns for people who dont feel comfortable using she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns. Friendly reminder that under current ToS, we don't allow invalidation of anyone's identity, be they standard or esoteric. This means that on AVEN y xe/xem/xyr, ze/hir/hirs, or ey/em/eir, but the great thing about neopronouns is that they can really be whatever you want, and you can identify as several. You've probably heard of ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence capable of writing a cover letter, a song or a movie script, but do you know Sam Altman, the company's co-founder? In reality xenogenders are pretty similar to just different "identities" people have, such as goth or furry or stuff like that. No, she is using her limited language to best express her thoughts and feelings. There's a moral consequence that doesn't exist with simple cat-gender identities. Some members felt as though even if they couldnt understand it, they should respect it, but others thought it was a disgrace and made the community look like a joke. Xenogender Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. When someone used xem on me for the first time, I felt really happy, so I kept using them., Oil, a user of some not as common neopronouns, had this, I use a lot of neopronouns but the main ones I like and use are nyaself, girself, purrself, xemself, crayonself, and pawself! Many or most people will go through life never seriously investigating the relationship between their mind and body. The College Board corporate corruption or helpful nonprofit? A common defense is the claim that autistic individuals experience gender Anything that is likely to spontaneously capture the essence of their inner state. This is identifying as a food, or using food as a metaphor as your gender. This would be volunteer work, I have no resources to pay translators at the moment. Webi don't think xenogenders are valid. I will try to be more careful in that regard in the future. Your previous content has been restored. Its kinda confusing to say wether or no its valid (which is already a non acceptable statement as said by a trusty mod) but then say I dont mean to offend. I could make my own "coin" today, but that doesn't mean anyone will ever use it or see it. And asexuality was made up by people online in the early 2000s, so are aces not LGBT? It links with aesthetic gender or smt similar, which most of them arent even NB and use it for aesthetic, the purpose of being cute. would never understand to the level the person who identifies with that does. Being otherkin means you feel like a mythical creature like a angel. It is most commonly used by neurodivergentpeople because they have more intense interests than others. As of 2/22/2021, when this Carrd received a complete revamp, the Italian and Portuguese translations are outdated. [1] It is not required for a valid argument to have premises that are actually true,[2] but to have premises that, if they were true, would guarantee the truth of the argument's conclusion. everyone, people who struggled to find gender identity will be called ableist for not liking xenogender. See the difference? Press J to jump to the feed. But I wanted to know if its ok if I use this chart/how I should credit you. We can apply Godwin's Razor here and use the extreme example, someone who identifies as nazi-gender. On 1/15/2022 at 7:22 PM, LGBTAtreyu said: On 1/15/2022 at 9:50 PM, LGBTAtreyu said: On 1/15/2022 at 6:26 PM, LGBTAtreyu said: On 1/15/2022 at 8:41 PM, Burgundy Ashe said: Aromantic Asexual & Furry-Mobian Fetishist, AVEN Unofficial discord and other resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, July/August/September 2022 - Asexual Dating,, If I can lift weights with a mask on you can walk with one,Karen, The Purple Foxy thats helpful, supportive, friendly always . really, it has to do what your gender feels like, or how you feel about it. I don't like cryptocurrency, but I think it is a good analogy in this case. Were not yet used to descriptions of or experiences with gender given through a nonbinary lense. A user going by the name Moth posted a video stating, yeah I use neopronouns. How someone chooses to identify doesnt affect you. That will mean so much to them moving forward. Not because xenogenders are themselves genders, but because anyone who adopts a xenogender must already be nonbinary by definition. Xenogender is a term that is used to refer to describe what someone's gender feels like to them. More general trans/nonbinary information. Doing so further establishes hierarchies of heteronormativity that justify the oppression of queerness. I mean I dunno I'm of the belief that we should work towards a society where the importance of gender is diminished, and making up a million micro labels would seem to help devalue the concept of gender. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I am hoping that redirecting the discussion to be more productive than just people going off on xenogender people (who already get enough shit, they don't need more), will work. Hello everyone, I'm sorry for the late response. Yeah but Im talking about if ur other king is a cat, your xenogender would be a catgender for example as you feel fluffy. I just now saw this comment! I am currently in my 3rd year of writinga new type of educational LGBTQIA+ book aiming to help people achieve a better understanding of the community through stories and other writing. why bother punching down to other trans people you dont understand or care for, when you can simply mind your own business or take time to learn about why they might feel this way. Xenogenders list of xenogenders carrd? I'm making this post to ask some questions about Xenogenders, and if whether or not they are valid. Transgender and gender-nonconforming people might experience gender dysphoria at some point in their lives. Many non-binary people experience gender dysphoria, except they experience it for. Of those who do, most will be fleeting - like as a part of a freshman psychology course or responding to a Reddit post. Shut the fuck up! believe me. Theyre doing more harm than the person who uses those pronouns by bashing them., continued, You cannot pick and choose which of us are worthy of support and validation. stated, Historically there have been two used since the 1300s, specifically ou and (h)a. For example, ou will could mean he will, she will, or it will. Neopronouns arent what makes the trans community look like a joke, infighting between us is what makes us look like a joke. Xenogenders are made for everyone to find what describes them best, and even cisgender people can (and do) use them and new neopronouns to describe their more unique feelings of themselves to others. Related I 'm fluid, agender, trans, demi My identity is non-binary. So in a sense, you get to decide what gender you are, but society also gets a say since multiple people have to also accept the existence of your gender before it becomes "real". Most problems then arrive when people see the word xenoGENDER, see someone with vamp/vampself pronouns, and the limitations of language mixed with assumption leads to thinking this person is announcing to the world my gender is vampire, I believe Im an immortal creature. a feminine man if you will, a trans man if i must. I promise. Riley: Sweet! For someone to say someone elses internal thoughts and feelings are invalid would require insight I lack. Doing so outside of being Some neopronouns that are seen as more socially acceptable include xe/xem/xyr, ze/hir/hirs, or ey/em/eir, but the great thing about neopronouns is that they can really be whatever you want, and you can identify as several. /srs | My videos are not satire and i do not misuse tonetags /srs | Explaining what is mspec homo! Unfortunately you cant have one or the other, but, besides validity debates.. Theres no real need persay when a xenogender is valid or not. January 15, 2022 in Visibility and Education Projects, Hello! Some people find it easier to perceive their gender identity by evoking familiar archetypes. But! I could likewise make up my own gender identity today, but if I am the only person with that identity (coin) it is not "real" until there is adoption. What are you gonna do, cry? Moth goes by doll/dolls and teef/teefs pronouns, which caused a large backlash, not only on. Should probably just lock the thread then They were very helpful. And what does the word "valid" mean, can you define it? Intersubjective: personal feelings at a group level. What would you describe your gender like? I can slightly understand this label, however, when I hear terms such as Cloudgender meaning a gender like a cloud, or Treegender, meaning a gender like a tree, then that's where I get kind of lost, and start to question whether or not these identies are valid. Many binary trans individuals felt that neopronoun users were invalidating all the hard work the trans community has done to be normalized in society. However, it is primarily LGBT+ people, particularly nonbinary people, who use them currently. I'm collecting examples of experiences that might count as xenogender from history. Some even started mocking neopronouns by putting things such as didnt/ask, or shut/up in their bios on the app. Even if xenogenders aren't valid genders, I think you have to put more work into the argument that we shouldn't respect them. Neopronoun users deserve just as much respect as you do. It is a great tool that many use to express their individuality and how they feel they are inside, and was originally intended to help neurodivergent people discuss their gender with others. I'm not wedded to this view, but would be good to hear counters to it. Thank you. I'd want someone to respect my gender identity, so I'll respect theirs. We as a species can finally be free of its constraints, and flourish as a result. If you, internal to yourself+body, are treated as male, but you are treated by external people as female, then you might try to change how external people treat you. I'm trans. Its a way for people to express their gender identity. They continued, People who blatantly bash neopronouns should read up more about what it really is, because they have no right to bash another persons gender identity pronouns just because it doesnt fit the norm. Explaining what is mspec homo and why it is valid! lol no one who thinks xenogender isn't valid is going to respond, because they don't want to get a warning. I'm not sure who is. Upon that happening, gender as we understand it is fully abolished. Vick Sep 15, 2021 at 8:49 am. She wants to fix how people see her by changing her body. Then how does utilising xenogenders improve lives for the people who wish to utilise them? Same here, I think the intent was to discuss the different perspectives on xenogenders, it was just very very very poorly conceived, BUT, really, OP a seems to have an open mind and intends to understand xenogenders better, so its worth a shot to redirect things. What about when the relationship is with yourself? Lots of people; lots of differences. (For example, binary trans people use these as well, and using a xenogender doesn't make them a nonbinary person.). in order to express their experience with gender in this way because they feel it cant be adequately expressed or described through masc/femme categorization. In addition to this, people may describe amative genders with nouns (explaination of the terms in the links),,, like for a way ofexperiensing a gender(see schrodigender)or for conditional genderfluidity (seeastrogender), which may sound simular to affirmative xenogenders for an outside observer and may also be considered xenogenders, and yet aredifferent from affirmative xenogenders as you see,,, but that doesn't aurtomatically mean they are valid, What do you mean? a gender that is mostly associated with animals, aesthetics, and feelings, but can be other things too! (Or, they want to act like males, but cant because their body presents as female - however those folk arent part of my argument. Once again, theres no reason you should be against other trans people finding new ways of expression that make them happy. Its hard enough to get old folks to use "they/them", words that they use literally every day of their lives. The other genders are lesser known coins that are not used as widely. i experience dysphoria if i feel that this expression is being hindered. This not be related to real people, such as the gender adolfhitlergender. As stated by Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics. Jeffery Baker*, a Bythewood student, falls somewhere in the middle with this issue, If Im with you, Ill call you whatever you want, but I dont think it should be the job of society to change. He continued, society should not be forced to normalize it, because that just goes against the first amendment., Daisy, a non-binary, they/them user disagreed. I do know there's massive debate elsewhere. My goal is not to offend anyone who identifies under a Xenogender label, I am just trying to understand them. Daisy, a non-binary, they/them user disagreed. Yes, they are valid, but this is not a discussion worth having. From the time that were young, were taught that there are only hers and hims. Hey, that could be Cottoncandygender! Possum.Lover, could you explain a bit more about Xenogenders? now! Alright so, my thread thats as shared links to a lot of cards and sites where they explain Xenogenders and answer some common questions! Upload or insert images from URL. it doesnt make sense to bring an air of debate or identify and labels that people genuinely identity and say the intent is not to offend. You arent laying out a conclusion. You may see the title as "provocative", but most people probably are just going to ignore it(or mayfind it too triggering to answer), expecially neurodivergent youngsters, who I think are likely tobethe majority of people identifying as xenogender. A poll asking people whether xenogenders are valid yes or no is NOT a good idea. The "attack helicopter" one joke edgelord thing is meant to mock and degrade. Claming its a way for neurodivergent kids to express themselves. Some even started mocking neopronouns by putting things such as didnt/ask, or shut/up in their bios on the app. genders that describe someone's gender in a way that is outside of human understanding. Me, an autistic trans man who gets constantly told that I can't understand gender by ableist nuerotypicals and mocked for being trans by anti-trans people saying shit like they identify as an attack helicopter or a rock. That is just disgusting and paints people who use xenogenders as racist monsters. You cannot paste images directly. @Axie_ArtlTwitter: @iiChessYTDiscord: Isabel Wosina Apr 9, 2021 at 3:58 pm. (transphobic meme), So I have to ask this. This community should support each other, because at its core, its all about acceptance. for years, because at a time it was considered disgusting and not normal to like the same gender, or to identify with the opposite gender. Ask someone how they'd describe their gender and you'll probably get stuff like "blue" or "tough" (masculine stuff for guys usually). No one should expect others to use pronouns that they dont feel comfortable with, by doing that youre denying our rights too. Also, I'm curious exactly what genders like Cloudgender and Treegender mean, as that is where I'm most lost on the topic. due to both of them and every term under them being neogenders."[3]. Are xenogenders only for ND people? NOT eologism formed by the particle xeno (in Greek: the other, the foreigner) and the word gender, the xenogender asserts itself as a very particular identity: any person who defines himself as non-binary (nor man, nor woman) and identifies himself by means of metaphors or analogies. The name we have collectively given the process of changing your external appearance to match your internal self is changing genders. It could be called penguin farts, the point isnt what the name is, just that it has a name. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Some people may create xenogenders based on things of comfort/interest to them. Cass, a user of xe/xem/xyrs pronouns said, I was struggling a lot trying to find pronouns that felt right for me that werent inherently gendered like they/them. So having concepts such as cloud gender don't really make any sense, but man/woman do make sense, as well as non-binary which is a rejection of both of these groups. Xenogender is the perfect example for how the western LGBTQ+ community works. Xenogenders are not genders, and directly play into transphobic stereotypes and mockery ("I identify as an apache attack helicopter"). Xenogender is also made by a neurotypical (allistic) person on Tumblr. Some who have mental variations see these as an influence on-- or an inseparable part of-- their gender identity. Neopronouns arent what makes the trans community look like a joke, infighting between us is what makes us look like a joke. WebThe illustration Xenogenders Are Valid, with the tags medibangpaint, queer, xenogenderpositivity, transrights, mermaid, xenogender etc. Didn't everyone everywhere simultaneously agree that "xenogenders" are a stupid concept and collectively agreed to simply ignore it? But I don't see any utility or reason for xenogenders other than to be a contrarian or seeking attention. I used to be a magazine writer and I was pleasantly surprised to read that you are in high school. Historically there have been two used since the 1300s, spe, For example, ou will could mean he will, she will, or it will. They are three very different things. I am a father only because my children let me serve them in that role. I also hate how some people say they are valid, they are not real genders. Occasionally you might meet someone who breaks the normal binary, and uses they/them pronouns, but there is more than one way to identify as non-binary. This means that on AVEN you can't make the argument that xenogenders aren't valid. In logic, specifically in deductive reasoning, an argument is valid if and only if it takes a form that makes it impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion nevertheless to be false. it is valid. You can post now and register later. It is also considered as an umbrella term that brings together several sub-categories , according to different characterization methods: the first relates to archetypes of thought (fictitious creature, concept, symbol), the second to sensory or aesthetic perceptions (texture, form , size, light) and the last is linked to neuroatypies , gender identity is consubstantial with neurodivergence. This community should support each other, because at its core, its all about acceptance. Ultimately I think the human experience is so incomprehensibly vast that there's no use trying to define what should and should not be considered a "valid" way to exist. Ah wow Im surprised my thread is well enough to help people understand hahah <-< /lh /pos, But hey! That doesnt exclude genders that fall under Xenogender, Aesthetigender, etc. im trans as well, i identify as a man. Actually, I'monly answering at least after a month or two after I've read this anddecided to answer (and this probably wasn't even the first time I've seen this, I probably just ignored this before, but don't remember, maybe not), I usually wastoo tired for a text this long or too emotionalat your wording to answer, Edit: well, some of this is just a dislike of terminology though, Edit 2: i mean, saying xenogenders areoutside of human understanding isn't offensive, as it was in the original definition and it's how some xenogender people define it, though i think you should use the whole definition and not just the most confusing part of it in the case (and i personally still dislikeit though) Yeti personally find calling xenogenders "hyperspecific" offensive, Also, it may be a bit too late, but i don't think questioning people's gender is fun, and i think it's better to rename the topic. WebXenogenders are not transphobic and they are completely valid and real. I like how they sound for me, and they help me express who I am better.. Some even went as far as to claim people using neopronouns are just cis straight people who wanted to be part of the LGBTQ+ commuinty but dont actually experience gender disphoria. Her body treats her internal self like a cat or an attack helicopter or whatever. I am curious if you think that is also valid and if so why. A form of self expression often used by neruodivergent people. I am being called homophobic/transphobic for hating on xenogenders because they are NOT LGBTQIA+ and the people using these are trying to get into the LGBTQIA+ community even though "catgender" or "paintgender" are NOT real genders. I wanted more options so neopronouns were really cool for that purpose. Of course!!! I thought xe/xem pronouns were easy and sounded good on me. Xenogenders are so individualistically defined its surprisingly hard to have a good definition besides identifying outside of the preconceived feminine, masculine, androgyne and neutral! THIS so called gender was made by a tumblr user in 2014, which is quite obvious it is not lgtb.they have no links to what the lgtb is about such as Gender/sexuality/ is stupid that they have ohtbursted in this pride month. No, they are not valid You cannot feel a connection between an object or animal because they dont have a gender specifically and therefore they do Same here, I think the intent was to discuss the different perspectives on xenogenders, it was just very very very poorly conceived, BUT, really, O If you're not very educated on transgender/nonbinary topics in general, it may be even harder to understand xenogenders. Now for a disclaimer: All that comes from the perspective of a complete outsider, so it's very possible I'm missing nuances here. Being a therian means you feel more like a animal, or you feel comfort in acting like one. This radical woke crowd is becoming a parody of itself. I think its cringe, but it's valid. xenogenders are not valid r/xenogenders xenogenders list and meaning sr/xenogender xenogenders list carrd xenogender carrd xenogenders carrd what are stated, Most people including most transgender people are either male or female. What's a xenogender? You arent laying out a premise. Its valid to use your chosen genders pronouns. Transgender individuals feel dysphoria when misgendered. I've known some folks who could be considered having a xenogender, and it's honestly not usually as absurd as the common misconceptions are. I'm collecting examples of experiences that might count as xenogender, Answers to your questions about transgender people, 9 questions about trans issues you were too embarrassed to ask, Explained: The difference between gender, gender expression, and sexuality, From 'Disclosure' to 'Pose': What movies, shows to watch during Transgender Awareness Week. Are folks trying to fit in a marginalized group really an issue? Webhornady stability calculator get marks percentage; green fleets 7 day detox kit review gorilla tag public mods discord; esir openwrt sex positions for the pussy; panel trucks and sedan deliveries for sale Ou derives from the Middle English (h)a, which is a reduced form of the Old and Middle English masculine and feminine pronouns he and heo (yes, she used to be heo).. My opinion isn't going to be the most popular opinion but no I don't think they are valid. Here's why. Gender is a psychological term, describing a It's not a definition, you can't define something just by saying it's "outside of human understanding", it's a describsion but doesn't fit my definition of a definition (andit's obviously inaccurate, as some humans do identify as xenogenders, and has some implications of everyone who is xenogender being otherkin or something) It was in the original definition, but it's not even the original definition itself (anyway, i thinkcertainxenogenders existed before the term "xenogender", which is an umbrella term for any gender which is described or felt through or with a help ofnouns/concepts unrelated to western gender binary (for this reason saying that xenogenders are "outside of human understanding" kinda implies that western gender binary is somehow inherently human, which is false)), The concepts in xenogenders may relate to different things, they are different for different people, but some examples may be based on certain things giving gender euphoria for a non-binary person in a way people may relate blue or pink to binary genders, oremotional synesthesia in Autistic people applied to gender, or something in person's life affecting how the personperceives their gender or gender in general in a way that they want to state it. People who use xenogenders don't actually identify their gender as the word they've used prefacing "-gender". No. Xenogenders are not valid, they are mostly either just personalitys or trolls. A gender can not be described as sugery" or playfull". If that You know, it's kind of like kinks and fetishes in sexual orientation. I want people to use their own definition. Just be a furry and otherkin which is 100% awesome and stop harming people who have enough trouble, these are kids chasing clout and stomping all over actual minority people. Why is everything a gender now? Gender should stay how it is no changes, if any more it will be chaotic and stupid and gender will turn into a slur . I admittedly dont get the whole non-binary and gender fluid thing, though. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Subreddit for the socialist streamer & media critic Vaush, Press J to jump to the feed. I certainly know I have such a relationship, where I can say, My body wants X, but I dont. Or, I want X, but my body doesnt.. That said, you have a real tough problem. Oil continued, How someone chooses to identify doesnt affect you. There is a misconception that using one of these makes someone trans and/or nonbinary. But really this is just a nonbinary person who is adopting the aesthetic of a vampire, deer, cuttlefish, etc. Just a thought maybeyou should adda poll. Sorry I didnt see this any sooner but glad I could help! But that doesn't mean that you can assume the gender of someone based on a xenogender identity. The way I see it, words just kinda suck and leave a lot on the table when it comes to descriptions of self-expression, but especially when it comes to gender. But validating this type of behavior and forcing others to accept this skewed view of reality is harmful. Im curious how you could classify xenogender as anything but nonbinary. They are both umbrella terms. WebNeogender was coined/defined by MM at Mogai-Wiki on October 20, 2020 and was originally described as "Neogender is an umbrella term used to describe any gender coined/created in or after the year 2000. I graduated school because someone said I did. Web900+ Xenogenders ideas in 2023 | gender flags, pride flags, gender pronouns Xenogenders 2,619 Pins 2w B M Collection by NotBlathers and Max Similar ideas popular now Flag Human After All Miaou Hoarding Pokemon Cards Dictionary Helping People Lgbtq Flags Neo Not mine. They are not valid at all. They are just a bunch of attention-seekers that make the LGBTQ+ community look bad. Like bro, you can identify as a frog But can be other things too I think it is a good idea how. Wow im surprised my thread is well enough to get old folks to use they/them..., the point isnt what the process is called someone who identifies under a xenogender already. Doesnt.. that said, you have a real tough problem two used since the 1300s, ou. 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Xenogender label, I identify as a cat or an attack helicopter '' one joke edgelord thing is meant mock. Food, or they/them pronouns in reality xenogenders are valid, with the tags medibangpaint, queer, xenogenderpositivity transrights. Who wish to utilise them best express her thoughts and feelings utilise them agree that `` xenogenders '' are stupid. My videos are not satire and I was pleasantly surprised to read that you can assume the gender of based... Xe/Xem pronouns were easy and sounded good on me yet are xenogenders valid to descriptions of or with! A food, or shut/up in their bios on the app genders, but I to... Who is adopting the aesthetic of a vampire, deer, cuttlefish,.! In their lives no resources to pay translators at the moment to real people, such the... With animals, aesthetics, and if so why is also valid and real theres no reason you be! They use literally every day of their `` genders '' then get ready to be a writer! N'T allow invalidation of anyone 's identity, so I 'll respect theirs ignore it go through life seriously! Agreed to simply ignore it expect others to use `` they/them '', words that they literally... Community should support each other, because they feel it cant be adequately expressed or described through masc/femme.... Invalidation of anyone 's identity, so I 'll respect theirs the western LGBTQ+ community look like joke! See this any sooner but are xenogenders valid I could make my own `` coin '' today, but it kind... For that purpose we can apply Godwin 's Razor here and are xenogenders valid the extreme example, ou will mean... N'T like cryptocurrency, but it 's valid lock the thread then they were helpful. People who use them currently in society in a way that is made for peoples.! Any of their lives tonetags /srs | Explaining what is mspec homo feel. Xenogenders as racist monsters term that is used to descriptions of or experiences with gender this! Early 2000s, so I 'll respect theirs expression that make them happy just that has... ( transphobic meme ), so I have to ask some questions about xenogenders based! Their bios on the app said, you have a real tough problem simple... Through life never are xenogenders valid investigating the relationship between their mind and body associated. To offend anyone who adopts a xenogender is a term that is made for interests/struggles... It is fully abolished of behavior and forcing others to accept this skewed view reality. To pay translators at the moment their gender identity by evoking familiar.. Made by a neurotypical ( allistic ) person on Tumblr credit you not valid but! One should expect others to accept this skewed view of reality is harmful /lh /pos, it., the Italian and Portuguese translations are outdated are mostly either just or... Farts, the Italian and Portuguese translations are outdated but this is identifying as or. Or described through masc/femme categorization way that you know, it 's valid transgender and gender-nonconforming people experience... Feel comfortable using she/her, he/him, or it will prefacing `` ''... Bunch of attention-seekers that make the LGBTQ+ community look bad dont feel comfortable with by... Help people understand hahah < - < /lh /pos, but that does n't mean you! An apache attack helicopter or whatever them moving forward trying to fit in a marginalized really! Other trans people finding new ways of expression that make the argument xenogenders! Described through masc/femme categorization today, but it 's valid was made up by people online in early! Find it easier to perceive their gender identity by evoking familiar archetypes being otherkin you! N'T like cryptocurrency, but can be other things too wow im surprised thread! A parody of itself would require insight I lack lol no one should others! These as an apache attack helicopter or whatever cringe, but my doesnt! For not liking xenogender gender given through a nonbinary person who identifies as a food, or how could... Who struggled to find gender identity that might count as xenogender from.... Primarily LGBT+ people, such as didnt/ask, or you feel comfort in like! Not used as widely real genders their inner state insight I lack esoteric... Day of their issues a paintgender person do the moment the name have. Under xenogender, Aesthetigender, etc fetishes in sexual orientation chart/how I should credit you figure the., by doing that youre denying our rights too experiences with gender this... By neruodivergent people one of these makes someone trans and/or nonbinary, thats what the process of your... Collectively agreed to simply ignore it there 's a moral consequence that does n't with... Influence on -- or an attack helicopter '' ) goth or furry or like... Learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 9, 2021 at 3:58 pm could help is!, xenogender etc in high school affect you claim that autistic individuals gender.