The combination of 1) and 2) above (massage with CBD product) is ideal and literally leaves my muscles singing with thanks. They're not huge twiches usually, not like involuntary ticks, but just localized contractions when my muscles are at rest. However, it will often spread to the areas near that starting point rather than appearing in random places. Notes on Muscle twitches and spasms all over body, The muscles prepare for flight or a fight. She wanted to work up to 400mg a day. A cramp is usually obvious and painful but will eventually stop.". Those are the only places. Erik92351, I saw your post and have the same symptoms as you. Michael- do you too only have twitching? Noticed in2/19 that I was losing strength in my right hand and also began noticing muscle atrophy in my right hand at that time as well. Dont know what to make of it. My muscles twitch a lot each day even when I'm at school. "Fasciculations occur when innervation from the peripheral nervous system to the muscle is not working correctly and a muscle is triggered involuntarily, causing it to twitch," says Dr. Ondo. However, the two disorders are different and do not seem to have any significant link to each other. My dietitian recommended increasing my water intake for the cramps and this has helped immensely. The hand cramps bother me the most because my fingers just freeze up, and I cant use my hand for a bit. And lumba puncture today so hope they figure something out soon, Hi Terry 62719 if you don't mind me asking did you get a diagnoses, Hi dan. In addition to all the supplements, I have also had success with chiropractic adjustments (weekly) that target legs/cramps and neck. Soon my whole body felt like it was twitching. They dont bother too much except when they turn to cramps. I maintain my mindful attention in the present moment and/or awareness of whats happening around me for example, getting lost in thought, Im more prone to startles. "They can be disruptive, but fasciculations are usually nothing to worry about although many people are still curious to understand why they happen," says Dr. Ondo. as being in breach of those terms. respect of any healthcare matters. You may need to ween off, but it's not like a narcotic that you will crave. ALS News Today Forums is strictly a news and information website about the disease. These helped with the cramps and Charlie horses. I thought the fsciculations were my nerves getting better. The feeling was not painful, its just like tightness. Fasciculations themselves can have a range of causes, including the use of certain substances or medications, especially allergy drugs. I too have twitching from my head to feet and everywhere in between since a year ago. Doctors may prescribe medications to treat tremors or cramps. I gave up Gabapentine and went back to diet. The doctor will usually also carry out strength and resistance tests. Treatment depends on the cause of the condition. 3 W Garden St All rights reserved. People with BFS experience a persistent twitch, tingling, or numbness in one or more of their muscles. I haven't visited a doctor. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. But my cell phone ringing will make me jump. Click to reveal Sometimes its calm while other times very hard to eat with a fork or spoon. Another acquired cause is radiation therapy. Perhaps you will request a referral to a neurologist. I sometimes have them in my hands and occasionally on the left, lower part of my face. I have had a plethora of symptoms (twitching all over constantly, especially at night when im trying to sleep; muscle cramping and pain in my calfs, triceps, quads; some weird lip sensation that I cant explain; pain in my feet and hands; fatigue; hand spasms; and some weird all over sensation that feels like a tidal wave of electricity that comes and goes) yet I have not been diagnosed. Early on I do remember a few nights of what felt like restless leg syndrome. I knew this was new and different for me but because it was intermittent I did not consider this symptom very important. John, I dont think there is any established order to what comes first. pALS can experience muscle/nerve twitching at any point. I got bit by a domestic rat in a cage and my anxiety freaked out so badly that I would not calm down until I got the shots. Major symptoms are muscle weakness, tremors and spasms followed by difficulty in breathing, eating and limb weakness. This February of 2023 i had muscle spasm on both thighs. The most common muscles that twitch are face, forearms, upper arms and Benign fasciculation syndrome (BFS) is rare and can be confused with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which is also known as Lou Gehrigs disease. Right bicep, stomache, Right glute. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. They can sometimes be linked to other stress-related symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, and headache. The exact reason for BFS is yet to be found. Memory usage: 65512.0KB, 9 Best Double Chin Exercises That Work Fast, Irritation of the eyelids or surface of your eye, Reaction to drugs, such as corticosteroids and estrogen. We avoid using tertiary references. Now, Ive lost my feet and lower legs, losing the rest of me faster than Id like, especially hands, now noticing trouble breathing, and was put on a BiPAP machine, which helps at night. It worked for me and I am taking 1500 mg of terumic daily which helps cut down inflammation. Twitching started in face (one of my eyes) then spread to the other eye and around the face and down to my lip. They really, REALLY bug me. You can get the shots until the rabies "wakes up," so to speak, and begins its viral infection. Live in the moment and be open to experimenting. Prednisone is often prescribed; however, it may have long term harmful effects. Youre also right, that unfortunately all we pALS have is hope. So my body is calm now. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? The twitching eventually subsided/became less noticeable, and I forgot about it. Ive had twitching for years in my legs and hands, and recently it has started in other areas but no diagnoses. Thanks so much Stephen for the list. Two uncommon conditions called benign fasciculation syndrome and cramp fasciculation syndrome cause frequent muscle twitches and, in the latter case, The twitching also affects the muscle while it is resting. I once had all the symptoms of hiv and didn't even sleep around being a hypo and my kind of work always cutting myself and thought somehow contracted it had like all the symtoms the rash, weight loss, sores in the mouth all except night sweats but was convinced I had it took 3 tests before it clicked I did not have it that's when I learned the power of the mind. And if they happen to you frequently, you might worry whether they're normal. Performance & security by Cloudflare. I dont ignore seemingly-unaffected muscles & tendons; tight hamstrings can really mess up my quads, for instance. These twitches will usually subside when the person stops taking the medication and do not cause BFS. Can diet help improve depression symptoms? All information is useful and warrants further individual review and research prior to subscribing. The twitching cannot be stopped or controlled by the Treatment includes anticonvulsants like phenytoin and carbamazepine to manage muscle ache, rigidity and spasms. It was mostly weakness and left foot drop that I was experiencing at first, but just in the last couple of weeks Ive started to get localized twitching, in my buttocks and my left upper arm. I've been having odd symptoms since April. A normal emg during symptoms is reassuring that it may be nothing sinister but it isn't a guarantee. Added some supplements as well. Current time: 03/01/2023 04:32:42 p.m. UTC Purple vegetables and tubers may have superior anti-diabetic properties. Cramps sometimes come along for a ride. Dehydration. Im thinking: if raising the bodys core temperature can make this happen, then it follows that taking a sauna is worth a shot. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. I had an emg last year that was supposedly negative. I have tried mexiletine (and was part of the clinical trial for that) but it makes me dizzy and I stopped taking it. Do you experience muscle twitching? Very beneficial to those twitchers! These are caused by the tips of nerves (axons) coming into contact with nearby muscles, sending an electrical signal which causes the muscle to twitch. The initial presentation for ALS in most cases is with unilateral symptoms, muscle twitching all over the body is not a sign of ALS. I'm now going into plan B seeing how this is not going away which is body and DNA rejuvenate safely going to hammer my body with nutrients for the brain and antioxidants so if I do have something bad my body will fight back while this is still fresh not after its to late. Those hurt. In Conversation: Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? The muscle may not respond well to exercise, and many people report feeling weakness as well. The muscle twitches originally started in my feet and legs, and was more of an annoyance than anything. I am worried that these symptoms may lead to something greater, as I am only 20 years old and am not sure if it will become worse as time progresses. As for what exactly causes the peripheral nervous system to involuntarily trigger a muscle, Dr. Ondo says the biochemical mechanism isn't fully understood. Trust me. "In cases where muscle twitching is affecting a person's career for instance, facial twitching in someone who's frequently on TV there are medications we can use to relax the muscles and thereby reduce the twitching," says Dr. Ondo. So far my torso has been excluded. They all wanted to call it neuropathy, until a sharp doc at Stanford expressed concern about MND ALS Dx followed 2 months later. The painful cramping you experience during a charley horse, those random body jerks that startle you awake as you're drifting to sleep: Are these also caused by muscle twitching? however , since i love this forum and all of its members , i will add one more supplement to this list which by the way is being recommended by my ALS clinic (top 6th in U.S.) in addition to the the standard protocol ( Riluzole, Radicava), and that is TUDCA. I stepped on a pebble, jumped in the air came down on the front of my foot and fell backwards. My ALS was very pronounced on my left side. Anxiety causes twitching because fear signals to muscles to get ready for a battle. Ive slowly lost a great deal but I can still walk slowly with a rollator or crutches, take care of my personal needs and dressing,prepare simple meals, drive and enjoy many activities with friends. I just dont know what to think or what to prepare for. At the beginning it was only in my tongue but now, almost three years later, I have them in many muscles. Does this sound like what you have? WebMAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY. If stress does exacerbate the symptoms, then some people could find themselves in a cycle of BFS symptoms and anxiety. Aids like wheelchair, walkers and braces may be used. electrode devices (like Dr. Hos) on ALS related atrophy/twitching? Muscle twitching is a very slight, often repetitive triggering of the muscle, but it doesn't bring about a complete muscle contraction. However, if I walk barefoot over a grain of sand on the floor at night, I react from the pain, but I wouldnt call it a startle reflex. Stimulus-sensitive: Outside stimuli, such as lights, noise Fasciculations occur when one or more motor units fire off on their own. A. Didn't know popping was a sign of muscle weakness I have felt popping even as a kid so not sure on that but my throat likes to click here and there when swallowing but looked that up says associated with something else once ur hypersensitive I notice every little thing now it's torture and I'm over it, Great more bad news against me I saw my Ent 3 times and he said nothing about that doesn't happen all the time and lately haven't noticed it but that's funny I use to push my throat to the side to make it stop before but I guess the good news is u don't have als, Also there is a clear explanation online to a clicking sound when swallowing clearly doesn't state anything about muscle weakness in swallowing, Yeah that's the good part, they just don't know who to treat me. Muscle weakness and even complete body paralyses may ensue later on. My startle response is off the charts, sneak up on me and Im on the floor. I just bought some magnesium pills. Same day as the diagnosis, I started to have fasciculations in my thighs. get plenty of resttry to find ways to relaxstretch and massage any muscles affected by crampstry not to worry about it a twitch is usually harmless and worrying can make it worse Twitching involves small muscle contractions in the body. It may sound weird to say but: we dont atrophy from ALS, we atrophy from lack of movement. . Twitching got worse, several docs commented on it, but it didnt ring any bells until one of the sharper docs I saw commented that she was concerned that I presented as though I had MND. Diagnosis Information and General Questions, Mobility Aides, Assistive Technology and Medical Equipment, This topic has 68 replies, 37 voices, and was last updated. Only thing they said was that a nerve in my right hip has been damaged. Yes turns out I've got spine problems L4 L5 disc degeneration and the protrusion is causing S1 nerve root to be damaged. Website: Now, my 85 yr old father seems to fit the bill for respiratory onset ALS. There have been many great posts and sharing of experiences on this topic and others. Trying to live in the moment but not doing it very well. If your brain cant move them, use your hands. WebThe twitches usually develop when the muscle is at rest. Im just super interested in all the supplements our fellow pALS take. That is so interesting that you found relief (albeit some) by adjusting your diet. Loads of Salt/sugar, which attributes to LESS magnesium in out body, combined with not enough fish and vegetables leads to the deficiency. Curious to know if you had numbess in head and feet? Its primary symptom is muscle twitching all over body, which could impact the fingers, arms, legs, back, eyelids or even the tongue. Prayers for all. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Unrelated to ALS, my urologist recently gave me a prescription for Tamsulosin for a prostate issue. By working directly with a doctor to diagnose BFS and develop a treatment plan, many people find they can manage their symptoms well. My husband is having all of these same symptoms. Started adding foods high in potassium, magnesium and calcium. Im praying for the best but my gut tells me different. I was diagnosed with ALS on March 20,2018. But do I think you should get the shots for peace of mind and safety? Muscles contain motor units, which are a group of muscle and nerve fibers that work together to contract a muscle. Im blessed with a SaintAngel (partner) who massages my uprisings (twitching quads/vastus/calves) providing AMAZING relief. The twitching occurs all over my body, including; feet, ankles, calves, thighs, knees, glutes, wrists, fingers, elbow muscles, and biceps. They're one of the best in the country. Trials of arimoclomol (a chemical trigger of heat-shock response) are full, and dammit I want my proteins folded as properly as my t-shirts. Odhett Cojocaru answered. WebCommunities > Neurology > Muscle twitching all over body & numbness . i know this is an old post but did you get any doagnosis? However, if you get the shots any time in there, then it will be eradicated. I am appreciative of this collective insight. Also, learn to anticipate situations where the reflex will happen (maybe not walk barefoot; to avoid stepping on rocks?). "About 70% of people report experiencing them.". 2,637. Twitching is slightly more severe at night and exacerbates during periods of stress, exertion or infection. Posted I know personally if I dont take my vitamins that I feel tired and lethargic quicker. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? WebA: Muscle twitching is very common, especially when people have had too much coffee, too much stress, or not enough sleep. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Ive been having symptoms for months (likely years), but most notably since about March. Bill I never had that problem. Muscle twitches (or fasciculations) are a common symptom in other neurodegenerative diseases, particularly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Every day is a gift; that is why it is called the present. Your muscles are made up of fibers that your nerves control. Trevor, I think most of us who experience twitching notice it more when were not moving or, at rest. So, it is important to move every muscle, every day (range of motion, stretch, light resistance). I do not believe that this is a side-effect from my medication, as I have been on these medications the past few years. ), I was curious how I could self-trigger HSF-1 (heat shock) response. Twitching can occur after physical activity because lactic acid accumulates in the muscles used during exercise. "Fasciculations, which are random, involuntary muscle twitches, are extremely common," says Dr. William Ondo, a neurologist who specializes in movement disorders at Houston Methodist. Our muscles want to cramp, contract & spazz given the slightest opportunity; getting on the floor, keeping them lengthened & modestly exercised (recumbent cycle) seems to calm them down. I would go see your doctor and suggest he should send you to see a neurologist. At first glance doctors look at me like a big strong guy, I have big shoulders and a big chest but after they start looking underneath the cover, they are stunned and don't know what to think. For example, anticonvulsants like phenytoin and carbamazepine are used to treat muscle contractions, ache and rigidity. If symptoms persist, get worse, or interfere with a persons quality of life, they should see a doctor to discuss treatment options. I am 33y/o mom of 2 kids. Beginning to feel a little weakness in my legs but still walking on my own two feet without any assistance for now. WebDr. It is only time after symptoms and the fact you never develop weakness. Our muscles want to cramp, contract & spazz given the slightest opportunity; getting on the floor, keeping them lengthened & modestly exercised (recumbent cycle) seems to calm them down. Now that that no longer works I have found to make them more manageable for me is to make sure I am getting enough carbs through the day. I would like to ask if anyone has suggestions on how to tone down a high startle response Everything seems to startle me? I am 15 almost16 months sincr Mine started. is back then I was sitting more, letting my legs stiffen up and overall feeling tense. How and where did you get your hair analysis done? I take a pain pill before I go to bed to sleep for five hours. Caffeine. Here's the thing with rabies. The reason why its so common is the Western Diet. The twitching remains but it doesnt bother me. I also have cramps, especially in my feet, legs, and hands, which can be painful. Electrolyte imbalance. He also said als doesnt normally start with all over fasciculations. But enjoying nighttime free from pain, at least for the time being. Your muscles are made up of fibers that are controlled by your nerves. The majority of the time they're just something that's visible, not necessarily felt. Tremors can be caused by a variety of things. None of the twitches all over my body started until after I went to go see a chiropractor this last month. I am wondering if this is because we are in Ontario Canada and have a small population they are looking at? With your support, Houston Methodist provides exceptional research, education and care that is truly leading medicine. Vitamin B1 and B12 seemed to help, so I kept taking those, as well as about 20 other supplements recommended by several sources for neuropathy, which was what all the docs said I had since my first complaint in 2018. ?? Totally agree with you and Stephen, thanks so much for sharing. Some dysarthria in January of 2019. Or are they something else? . It is unclear if this stress and anxiety make symptoms worse, though many people report that it does. Stephen You do realize that this list is of the supplements is only a compilation of the various supplements common among the 45 ALS reversals that Dr. Bedlack is studying. right leg somewhat. However, Stephens list is a compilation from Dr. Bedlacks presentation about ALS reversals patients who took these supplements not for muscle twitching, but in hopes to cure their ALS. Lori No, First noticed twitching a couple years ago very minor. Im still trying to determine the optimal temperature and duration for the above; if anyone has insights, please advise. So, it is important to move every muscle, every day (range of motion, stretch, light resistance). Even at 200mg I saw some benefit. Thanks for letting me vent!! Muscle wasting does not usually occur with BFS. Fasciculations may also be linked to other routine factors such as: Twitching in the calves and thighs occurs most often. If the twitching continues I roll on my side and it seems to stop. The twitching occurs all over my body, including; feet, ankles, calves, thighs, knees, glutes, wrists, fingers, elbow muscles, and biceps. In the beginning the baclofin worked for making them more manageable. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 3) Stretching/Foam roller/Exercise. I'm trying to address them but no changes yet. It was one of the symptoms I had never experienced that led me to a neurologist and my ALS diagnosis. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. TeresaElizabeth. And, sometimes, they misfire. I first suspected my throat weakness as being the cause, it's logical, weak muscles don't hold things together good.after my swallowing problems disappeared and my throat returned to normalit was gone, Ya same here didn't play around as soon as I felt something weird my ent who was a dentist as well he is older with a ton of experience saw that my swallowing was normal in a throats scope where they shove that thing up ur nose and he said my throats was dry that's it and the clicking was prevalent at the time .. so even if it was als can't imagine sore throats and all that kick in right away in the first 3 months as it's a progressive disease the mind is powerful .. WebSleep: Muscle twitches happen as youre falling asleep. I take 4mg a day and have not had muscle cramps since starting. low blood sugar levels. This activity is out of the brains control, and the resulting movement can be unexpected. The twitching is stronger with exercise and being on my feet all day. That's because fasciculations in conjunction with other muscle-related symptoms can be indicative of a serious neurologic illness like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease or anything else that damages nerves. I just can't recall. I have also leveraged recent research linking microbiome health in the gut and neurological function. We do atrophy from ALS and it is not only due to lack of movement as a result of ALS. I cant state medically that it gives pain relief, but it is undeniably soothing and its supplemental botanicals are very pleasant. Do I think you have rabies? Im still trying to determine the optimal temperature and duration for the above; if anyone has insights, please advise. I am afraid I will hurt them! This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. I did have some but then I stopped caffeine and ate well and gluten free too. Abnormal gene leads to degeneration of the motor neurons of the spinal cord. A fractured toe later I watch every step now. So, maybe some bananas (potassium), some vitamin c (citrus fruit) and a bit more salt if you use too little could help. If a person is experiencing persistent muscle twitches and has not yet been diagnosed, they should speak with a doctor. Resistance bands are great for this, making it easier from a variety positions. Was managing slightly by increasing magnesium, potassium and calcium. I sincerely wasnt trying to railroad the discussion about muscle twitching. There are lots of ideas to try. My tongue (bulbar), left foot/leg are most affected. Consider that you may have a small fiber neuropathy. They complete quarterly remote visits and 2 in person visits to the clinic each year. Other Benign Causes of Fasciculations. We found out I have nutritional problems through hair analysis. Some possible causes of benign fasciculations in generally healthy people include: stress or anxiety. Obviously I make no medical/scientific claims and recommend consulting your doctor first, but have found this to be a gentle, soothing & comfortable reprieve, possibly reducing the frequency & intensity of muscle twitching. Chiropractic adjustments ( weekly ) that target legs/cramps and neck difficulty in breathing eating... Tongue but now, my urologist recently gave me a prescription for Tamsulosin for a bit the reason its! Fact you never develop weakness started adding foods high in potassium, magnesium and.. We atrophy from ALS and it seems to startle me and many people report feeling weakness as.... Involuntary ticks, but just localized contractions when my muscles are at rest went to go see a.! Being on my side and it is unclear if this stress and anxiety make symptoms worse, many... Go see a neurologist every muscle, every day is a gift ; is. Has started in other neurodegenerative diseases, particularly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) my started! 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