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The Vision of Journey Christian Church comes from God and is implemented by the Pastoral Staff team, led by Pastor Dustin Aagaard. NM.isFlexEditorFrame = false;
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Richelle Menez joined Journey in 2017 and has served in various ministry areas while here. Sandra was baptized at Journey in 2007, and has served in the children's department since. !function(a,b){"object"==typeof module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=a.document?b(a,!0):function(a){if(!a.document)throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document");return b(a)}:b(a)}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:this,function(a,b){var c=[],d=a.document,e=c.slice,f=c.concat,g=c.push,h=c.indexOf,i={},j=i.toString,k=i.hasOwnProperty,l={},m="2.2.4",n=function(a,b){return new n.fn.init(a,b)},o=/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,p=/^-ms-/,q=/-([\da-z])/gi,r=function(a,b){return b.toUpperCase()};n.fn=n.prototype={jquery:m,constructor:n,selector:"",length:0,toArray:function(){return e.call(this)},get:function(a){return null!=a?0>a?this[a+this.length]:this[a]:e.call(this)},pushStack:function(a){var b=n.merge(this.constructor(),a);return b.prevObject=this,b.context=this.context,b},each:function(a){return n.each(this,a)},map:function(a){return this.pushStack(n.map(this,function(b,c){return a.call(b,c,b)}))},slice:function(){return this.pushStack(e.apply(this,arguments))},first:function(){return this.eq(0)},last:function(){return this.eq(-1)},eq:function(a){var b=this.length,c=+a+(0>a?b:0);return this.pushStack(c>=0&&b>c? (?=&|$)|\?\?/;n.ajaxSetup({jsonp:"callback",jsonpCallback:function(){var a=Jb.pop()||n.expando+"_"+kb++;return this[a]=!0,a}}),n.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp",function(b,c,d){var e,f,g,h=b.jsonp!==!1&&(Kb.test(b.url)? if (!NM.ignoreOnBeforeUnload){
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After three flights and 13 hours, the Rev. Use our job search to find church jobs, pastor jobs, and ministry job listings for worship pastor, youth pastor, senior pastor, and more. // single global variable
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Wherever you are in your faith journey, we hope you will take your next step at Compass Christian Church.
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Shavon Starling-Louis (Co-Moderator of the 225th General Assembly) and I arrived in Juba, South Sudan on February 1. On January 1, 2023, Pastor John Hampton retired after a successful leadership transition to Pastor Dustin Aagaard. NM.sectionStylesheets = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({"pagecontent001":true,"header009":true,"footer001":true}));
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I'm New; About Us; Our Staff & Elder Board
Hanging out with his wife (Rhonda), coaching, and lifting, Eating jelly filled donuts while cuddling with the family cat, Drinking coffee and reading the "War of Art", Meet the other AaronAaron Worshek! BEGINNING MAR 26th NEW Sunday Service Times will be 8:30 AM | 9:45 AM | 11:30 AM. NM.ckEditor = {};
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Send Email. Check It Out. Dianna is a mother of one, grandmotherto7, and great-grandmother to three (best job titles in the world)! ", "+ub+"; q=0.01":""):m.accepts["*"]);for(l in m.headers)x.setRequestHeader(l,m.headers[l]);if(m.beforeSend&&(m.beforeSend.call(o,x,m)===!1||2===v))return x.abort();w="abort";for(l in{success:1,error:1,complete:1})x[l](m[l]);if(e=xb(tb,m,c,x)){if(x.readyState=1,k&&p.trigger("ajaxSend",[x,m]),2===v)return x;m.async&&m.timeout>0&&(i=a.setTimeout(function(){x.abort("timeout")},m.timeout));try{v=1,e.send(t,z)}catch(y){if(! (g[j]=l))}}else r=ua(r===g?r.splice(o,r.length):r),e?e(null,g,r,i):H.apply(g,r)})}function wa(a){for(var b,c,e,f=a.length,g=d.relative[a[0].type],h=g||d.relative[" "],i=g?1:0,k=ra(function(a){return a===b},h,!0),l=ra(function(a){return J(b,a)>-1},h,!0),m=[function(a,c,d){var e=!g&&(d||c!==j)||((b=c).nodeType?k(a,c,d):l(a,c,d));return b=null,e}];f>i;i++)if(c=d.relative[a[i].type])m=[ra(sa(m),c)];else{if(c=d.filter[a[i].type].apply(null,a[i].matches),c[u]){for(e=++i;f>e;e++)if(d.relative[a[e].type])break;return va(i>1&&sa(m),i>1&&qa(a.slice(0,i-1).concat({value:" "===a[i-2].type? Pastor Harvey received his ministry undergraduate degree from Florida Christian College and a Masters Degree from Reformed Theological Seminary.
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By the way, we utilize a check-in system that ensures a safe environment for your child and also allows for efficient drop-off and pick-up for parents. Current Job Openings Harrison Alexander Large Group Coordinator, UpStreet View Profile Stephanie Boarman Small Group Coordinator, UpStreet
Susanna Consla Orensky, is a light-hearted, sci-fi fan, who loves painting, storytelling, board games, and campfires. If you have questions, please feel free to e-mail or contact anyone on our team. !1:"null"===c?null:+c+""===c?+c:P.test(c)?n.parseJSON(c):c;
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