Background The group is run by Kelly Neidert who constantly is finding something a menace to children. It is about keeping the Gay community informed of what is happening. This both invites violence on those attending and renders community aid ineffective., DMV John Brown Gun Club, tweet, July 8, 2022: The supreme court justices should not know a moment of comfort.&rdquo, Connecticut John Brown Gun Club, tweet, July 8, 2022: Randy Cox was brutalized by the New Haven PD and then, when he told them he couldnt move, they brutalized him some more. * Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms, Guardian (London), July 22, 2019,,, Facebook (Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club) (deleted), Twitter (Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Steel City John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Spokane John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Connecticut John Brown Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Bay State John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Elm Fork John Brown Club), Twitter (Green Mountain John Brown Club), Twitter (PDX John Brown Club), Twitter (Cedar Breaks John Brown Club), Twitter (DMV John Brown Club), Twitter (John Brown Mountaineer Gun Club), Medium (Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club), Gun Club chapters do not publish their membership numbers. John Brown Gun Club On the Showdown in Virginia on Gun Control Filed under: Anarchist Movement, Interviews, Radio/Podcast, The State, US Red Strings and Maroons Red Strings and Maroons podcast speaks with a member of the Steel City John Brown Gun Club about the upcoming January 20th mobilization against new gun control legislation in Virginia. Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed July 26, 2022. Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club Leaves Redneck Revolt Network, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, January 23, 2019, Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms,. [3] [4] [5] [6] The club calls itself an " anti-fascist, anti-racist, pro-worker community defense organization". While most of its projects are centered around advocating for marginalized communities, the club offers community range days at a local conservation area. On March 1, 2022, the Philippine army launched a predawn raid on a base belonging to the ISIS-linked group Daulah Islamiyah. [12] A member has said that the group tries "to acknowledge the ways we've made mistakes and bought into white supremacy and capitalism, but also give ourselves an environment in which it's OK to celebrate redneck culture". Founded in Kansas in 2009, members were present at several protests against Donald Trump and against the far-right in 2017. About Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club Helping marginalized communities in organizing community defense against white supremacists / fascism. The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club changes positions to the start of the Trans Pride March near Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, Washington, on 28 June 2019. It is also about whether the Dallas Voice is a newspaper or a public relations firm for the Cedar Springs establishment. It is a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives. [1], Silver Valley Redneck Revolt, a local chapter, organized a counter-demonstration against a Ku Klux Klan rally in Asheboro, North Carolina, in May 2017. WebThe John Brown Gun Club is a leftist gun-rights group originally based in Kansas. [17], The group supports gun rights[1][16][24] and runs firearms training events. We need real formulated responses for the upsurge in reactionary and racist violence. Firearms are a big part of the mid-Missouri chapter of the John Brown Gun Club. Van Spronsen reportedly had an AR-15 rifle with him, set fire to a building on the complex, placed flares strategically around the area including underneath a 500-gallon propane tank, ignited his own vehicle to explode and threw Molotov cocktails at various buildings. Then His Troubles Started", "Lemons: Lefties with Guns Ready to Rumble with Right-Wing Militias, Says Arizona Anarchist", "Pro-Gun, Pro-Labor and Anti-Racist, Redneck Revolt Is Trying to Steer Whites Away from Trump, Right-Wing Militias", "A New Wave of Left-Wing Militants Is Ready to Rumble in Portlandand Beyond", "Meet Redneck Revolt, the radical leftist group arming working-class people so they can defend minorities", "Militant anti-Klan protesters march through downtown Asheboro", "Redneck Revolt builds anti-racist, anti-capitalist movement with working class whites", "Extremism experts are starting to worry about the left", "What is Redneck Revolt? This is the same webpage I had saved at the Internet Archive. WebThe group supports gun rights and members often openly carry firearms. The Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club has also been a resource for journalists, as have related anti-fascist researchers, in identifying individuals who threaten queer and trans communities with violence. The man committed the assault after a protest at the ICE facility earlier that day in response to the Trump administration announcing a round of deportations. You can use the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive to save webpages which have a risk of disappearing so a permanent record will be kept. Devon Douglas-Bowers, WHITE WORKERS RESISTING CAPITALISM AND WHITE SUPREMACY: AN INTERVIEW WITH REDNECK REVOLT, Redneck Revolt, July 29, 2016. Antifascists blocked his path and he attempted to barrel through them. * Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed September 1, 2020, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. Every single one is a mass shooter in waiting. Below will be a regularly updated list of fascist/racist violence and threats, police brutality, and the bigotry of public officials. Armed antifascists were met by cheers and were joined in marching by random patrons of the Gayborhoods famous Strip, which had been targeted by over 50 violent self-described Christian Fascists led by John Doyle and Kelly Neidert just three weeks before. states. In 2019, an anarchist whom police claimed had previously associated with the Puget Sound chapter of the group attempted to carry out a terroristic act on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facility before he was fatally shot by police officers. The masked, armed supporters of the drag show were from the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, an anti-fascism group. [3] Redneck Revolt issued a statement saying that it had chosen to end the lawsuit and to "focus our energies on the many important fights ahead". Accessed November 7, 2022. WebDonate to the John Brown Solidarity Fund, to support anti-fascist community defense groups nationwide. * Alan Buddug, The Great FB Purge of 2020, Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, August 20, 2020,; Natasha Lennard, Facebooks Ban on Far-Left Pages Is an Extension of Trump Propaganda, Intercept, August 20, 2020, The original club sought to militarize the white working class and spur it toward a social-justice revolution. Accessed November 7, 2022. While the CHAZ has instituted its own form of unelected security throughout the area, the John Brown Gun Club has been one of the groups to spearhead the effort. [48] A lead attorney for the plaintiffs responded as follows: "The basis for this lawsuit is not about motives it's about engaging in paramilitary activity. [29] On June 23, armed members of Redneck Revolt attended a protest in Kalkaska, Michigan, in response to anti-Muslim comments made by Jeff Sieting, the village president. These left-wing activists protest minorities with guns", "The left's answer to emboldened white supremacists? The Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club has also been a resource for journalists, as have related anti-fascist researchers, in identifying individuals who threaten queer and trans communities with violence. * Redneck Revolt, homepage, accessed September 1, 2020,; Cecilia Saixue Watt, Redneck Revolt: the armed leftwing group that wants to stamp out fascism, Guardian (London), July 11, 2017, We have supported the work of other groups doing similar work, and they have supported us. While most of its projects are centered around advocating for marginalized communities, the club offers community range days at a local conservation area. WebAs the nationwide network of Redneck Revolt and John Brown Gun Club branches continues to grow, we are working hard to ensure each branch has training, resources, outreach materials, and the ability to help arm and outfit other liberatory community defense projects in x The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club in Washington state was founded in 2017 as part of the Redneck Revolt Network and broke away from Redneck Revolt in 2019. [12], The group does not identify itself as part of the political left,[21] nor as politically liberal. *Chauncey Devega, Doomsday? They Love Assault Rifles. x Various Gun Club chapters maintain a presence on Twitter. While we've been living in tenements and slums for centuries, we've also been used by the rich to attack our neighbors, coworkers, and friends of different colors, religions and nationalities. The subscription is FREE. what the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club believes or does. PSJBGC at the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair 2019!, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, November 16, 2019. John Brown Gun Club On the Showdown in Virginia on Gun Control Filed under: Anarchist Movement, Interviews, Radio/Podcast, The State, US Red Strings and Maroons Red Strings and Maroons podcast speaks with a member of the Steel City John Brown Gun Club about the upcoming January 20th mobilization against new gun control legislation in Virginia. [a] During the George Floyd protests in June 2020, the group attended the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle. [4] The increased visibility of Redneck Revolt in 2017 has sparked debate among activists over the effects of armed protest and the possibility that the use of guns may lead to heightened violence. He also criticised the group for failing to challenge "institutions that reproduce white supremacyneither the criminal justice system, nor the schools, nor employment discrimination, nor real estate lending and renting policies" and concluded that "white people organized as whites are dangerous to the working class and to humanity, and white people with guns organized as whites are doubly soand this is true regardless of the intentions of the organizers". If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms. The Guardian, July 22, 2019. It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts throughout Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. The Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club have taken up opposing the right-wingers attacking Drag shows. [30][31], In August 2017, members participated in protests against Trump's speech in Phoenix, Arizona. Armed Insurrectionary Anti-Racism Patriot Prayer rally in Seattle: Plenty of guns and shouting. Southern Poverty Law Center, August 20, 2018. Dirk Burhans has been a member of the club for two years. This event is to publicly denounce the Klan, their beliefs, and show that we will not back down". [3], The original John Brown Gun Club grew out of the Kansas Mutual Aid Collective in Lawrence, Kansas. [12]. They have been banned from Twitter. [7][44][45][46][47] The groups and individuals named as defendants which also included the white supremacist activist Jason Kessler were accused of unlawful paramilitary activity, falsely assuming the role of law enforcement officers and being a public nuisance. Accessed October 7, 2022. * Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, homepage, accessed August 19, 2020,; Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms, Guardian (London), July 22, 2019, [a] During the George Floyd protests in June 2020, the group attended the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle. [16][17] The group sees itself as part of a tradition of white working-class "rebellion against tyranny and oppression". Nov 22, 22 Report Back on Community Defense of Story Hour in Denton, TX Report from Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club on recent defense of a community event in so-called Denton, Texas. * Devon Douglas-Bowers, WHITE WORKERS RESISTING CAPITALISM AND WHITE SUPREMACY: AN INTERVIEW WITH REDNECK REVOLT, Redneck Revolt, July 29, 2016, Gun Club chapters claim to promote racial equality and social justice while seeking to abolish the police and other perceived symbols of oppression. [4] Dave Strano, a founding member, has argued:[1]. Get the latest news on extremism and counter-extremism delivered to your inbox. WebJohn Brown Brigades. * John Brown 1800-1859, PBS, accessed September 1, 2020, The affiliates of the John Brown Gun Club have dedicated themselves to emulating Browns brand of direct action in support of ideals of freedom and equality. Redneck Revolt, homepage, accessed September 1, 2020. In June 2017, a spokesperson said that "[w]e don't have some grand plan for how we want to remake the world. 3,167 likes. Accessed November 7, 2022. WebThe group supports gun rights and members often openly carry firearms. All Rights Reserved. We are not a big tent organization: people who support capitalism and authoritarianism of any kind are not welcome in the Green Mountain John Brown Gun Club. The original club was active between 2002 and 2008, but it has since given rise to spinoff groups such as the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. It claims to be a public facing, above ground, armed community defense group that seeks to disrupt fascist activities. Van Sponsen was killed by Washington State Police.; [16], In April 2017, members attended a counter-protest against groups including the League of the South, the Traditionalist Worker's Party and the National Socialist Movement in Pikeville, Kentucky. Kuhn argued that "organizations with the aim to primarily mobilize and organize among the white working class are mandatory if we don't want to simply abandon this part of the population and hand it to the right on a silver platter". Members of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club hold a memorial service for van Spronsen a year after his death. "[22], "John Brown Gun Club" redirects here. ", "The Caucasian Panthers: Meet the Rednecks Armed, Ready and 'Bout That Anti-Racist Life", "Hundreds in Eugene march against hate amid national outcry over neo-Nazi rally in Virginia", "Setting the Terms after Charlottesville", "Militia madness: City files suit against August 12 participants", "New suits filed against Aug. 12 rally organizers", "League of the South: No more armed rallies in Charlottesville", "Why Is Charlottesville Suing Two Anti-Racist Groups Over Last Year's Violent 'Unite the Right' Rally? There are still some John Browns around, but most transitioned as the org fell apart. We need to be ready to rapidly respond to the armed right wing threat that menaces our communities. A seriously significant group has become an agent in the ongoing struggle about drag shows and the Dallas Voice hasnt interviewed them or reported on them. Your email address will not be published. It's only recognizing it's useful to know how to field strip and clean a rifle as much as it is to know how to fix wiring in your house and use a circular saw". It is a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives. To reach the Green Mountain John Brown Club, email them here. The Dallas Voice did start reporting where they mention the Elm Fork John Club in this Sept. 2, 2022 article. [Redneck Revolt] reminds us of the capacity for a single organization to hold a multiplicity of meanings, aims, and practices. [6] Its first major mobilization was a protest against the 2005 national conference of the Minuteman Project. We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. [47], Mary McCord, a former federal prosecutor who played a leading role in the lawsuit, described the decision to include Redneck Revolt among the defendants as "painful" and said: "This case was not conceived of because of Redneck Revolt, that's for sure. John Brown Gun Club is a name shared by dozens of groups who have similar goals, and who participate in similar activities, but we speak on behalf of only ourselves: we are not affiliated with any other John Brown Gun Clubs. The original club was active between 2002 and 2008, but it has since given rise to spinoff groups such as the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. We're at a crossroads between unrelenting violence against the queer community & the autonomy to live in peace. [11] Administrative and communications activities are divided equally along lines of gender. In 1859, Brown was convicted of treason in South Carolina and executed for his role in the failed raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry. Currently, we facilitate community defense by offering basic training to people who are a) often the targets of state, fascist, or white supremacist violence and b) left out of mainstream gun culture. In addition to firearms instruction, we occasionally provide community defense for events, protests, or individuals who are at risk of state, fascist, or white supremacist violence. Members of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club hold a memorial service for van Spronsen a year after his death. About Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club Helping marginalized communities in organizing community defense against white supremacists / fascism. Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed July 26, 2022. Its no surprise the defense industry is full of fascists, but the fact theyre not hiding it anymore tells us they believe this is good marketing. Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, tweet, August 21, 2022: Without cops, who would ignore heinous crimes and harass minorities?, Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, tweet, August 21, 2022: Its a great day for @AFLCIO to recognize cops are the enemies of labor., Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, tweet, August 18, 2022: Police are a danger to the community. [1], John Brown Gun Club is comprised of multiple local chapters allegedly without a national leadership or hierarchy. Join the #1 community for gun owners of the Southwest. When anti-Gay individuals want to hide things that they said they delete pages. This is the Dallas Voice reporting on what happened. WebJohn Brown Gun Club/Redneck Revolt. This group is organizing the protests against drag shows in North Texas and any effort to make schools a more welcoming place for LGBT. * Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms, Guardian (London), July 22, 2019, One Gun Club member did engage in a violent attack on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in 2019. Back to the story about the. WebDonate to the John Brown Solidarity Fund, to support anti-fascist community defense groups nationwide. The ensuing battle left two militants and one soldier dead, and wounded two troops. . On Friday, Paris criminal court found 3 men guilty of conspiring to prepare an act of terrorism against French Pres, The death toll in the ambush on a military patrol on Friday has reached at least 51. It provides armed security to left-wing protestors and trains other leftist groups in Required fields are marked *. WebAs the nationwide network of Redneck Revolt and John Brown Gun Club branches continues to grow, we are working hard to ensure each branch has training, resources, outreach materials, and the ability to help arm and outfit other liberatory community defense projects in We only provide this when asked: we are one piece of an ecosystem of solidarity, not a disconnected group with a moral calling or chauvinistic urge to protect the untrained and unenlightened. July 13, 2019: 69-year-old Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club member Willem Van Spronsen snuck into the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcements Northwest Detention Center facility in Tacoma, Washington, with a rifle. Meet the Gun Club Patrolling Seattles Leftist Utopia. The Daily Beast, June 14, 2022. [26] In 2018, local groups in Shelby, North Carolina, Portland, Oregon, and Asheville and Boone, North Carolina, disaffiliated from the national network. [9], Following a hiatus, the group was re-formed as a national organization in summer 2016,[5][6] using both the Redneck Revolt and John Brown Gun Club names,[4] with the intention of responding to the growth of right-wing populism, particularly among rural, working-class white people. in their article called them the Elm Fork John Brown Club. Armed Insurrectionary Anti-Racism On 8/28 about two dozen Christian Fascists including Proud Boys and Militia came to attack a drag brunch in Roanoke, TX. It appears that earlier they were present and active against right-wingers attacking the drag show at Mr. Misster on June 4, 2022. Some of us are on your towns select-board or fire department. An individual that was handing out flyers for the group and who identified himself as Duke Aaron told the left-of-center Southern Poverty Law Center, If the far-right is going to show up with weapons, we show up with weapons. [10], In July 2019, a former member of the Puget Sound chapter, 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen, was shot and killed by police officers after he allegedly hurled Molotov cocktails at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center in Tacoma, Washington. This video, shared by Andy Ngo, shows the terrifying moment a man who stated: Im a Fascist, Not a Nazi charged at a family with two young children leaving the event. [6][7] In the early 2000s, John Brown Gun Club members operated anti-racist stalls at gun shows in Kansas. While Protect Texas Kids has been allowed back on twitter. *David Weigel, On the campaign trail, many Republicans talk of violence, Washington Post, July 23, 2022, In November 2020, counterinsurgency and military strategy expert David Kilcullen told Salon that while groups such as Redneck Revolt and the John Brown Gun Club claim to be defensive and seek to protect people on the streets from violence, the fear they evoke can also be a trigger for violence. #ACAB #JusticeforRandyCox, DMV John Brown Gun Club, tweet, June 30, 2022: ACAB, Connecticut John Brown Gun Club, tweet, May 30, 2022: Cops dont keep us safe. We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. WebJohn Brown Gun Club/Redneck Revolt. The Elm Fork John Brown Club twitter has shown ongoing engagement in opposing Kelly Neiderts campaign of attacking drag shows. WebThe Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club. [10] The use of the term is also intended as a form of subversion or reappropriation. [1][4][5][6] Founding member Dave Strano was previously part of the Kansas Mutual Aid Network which was involved in organizing protests against the Republican National Convention in 2004, in relation to which he and others began to train with firearms and engage in Second Amendment advocacy. At that point it is unavoidable. [28], A local chapter of Redneck Revolt was part of a counter-protest against a June 2017 rally in support of Trump in Portland, Oregon. WebDonate to the John Brown Solidarity Fund, to support anti-fascist community defense groups nationwide. They did a lot of reporting. didnt approve of them and so didnt give them coverage. Formed in 2017, the Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club is a leftist working class community defense organization based in and serving the communities of Rhode Island. 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Dr Andrew Huberman Personal Life, What Countries Are On The Same Latitude As Ireland, Poshmark Unable To Load Please Try Again, Conclusion Of Social Group, Articles J