new religious movements, alternative religious movements,abusive churches,spiritual abuse, et cetera. 4, 2003), which she coauthored with Dr. Stephen Kent, and Why cults are harmful: Neurobiological speculations on inter-personal trauma. She has also spoken widely on the subject and conducted training programs for human-service personnel. In turn, she has helped others using the insights and tools gleaned, including family members of current members, active members who have reached out for help exiting, and former members who needed support while transitioning back into their lives. She has presented on this theme nationally and internationally, including presentation to the Minister of Social Services and a government delegation in Israel in 2012. She presently sits on the board of ICSA and heads the Mental Health Committee. This can give him or her a different perspective on the group and its leaders. She has taken several opportunities to present her research hoping to inform her peers and colleagues about destructive group practices. 4 To understand ICSAs approach, read its policy regarding thebenefits of dialoguebetween parties that may not see eye to eye on cult-related issues. Be especially wary of sensationalists and self-promoters. Monitor the security administrations. Make sure the expert you are evaluating is such a professional themselves not just someone working with (or referring to) a licensed counselor. Apparently, this cult was opposed superstition, obscurantism . They also help former cult members cope with their cult experiences. Linda has been a member of ICSA for years and continues to educate herself on underlying causes of and treatment for mental health difficulties including those involving undue influence. She is the Mental Health Editor for ICSA Today. Editor and co-author of the book Sektsjuka (Cult Illness) and a former lecturer for the psychology department at the University of Gothenburg on the subject of manipulation, influence, and cult illness. Some cult experts are licensed mental health counselors, while others have no formal training in counseling. Shincheonji Church of Jesus Cult of Christianity, the teachings and practices of groups and movements often referred to as cults, the ways in which such groups (and individuals) recruit followers, how they convince members not to leave (and to reject their parents, friends, and former way of life), how members can be encouraged to reevaluate their involvement in such groups, How to help former cult members recover from their experiences, to a licensed professional who is accountable to professional and ethical standards, or, to someone who is not subject to formal accountability, Many cult experts deal with cults and cult-related issues primarily from a, Most experts in this group work from a Christian point of view, with specific expertise in addressing. Email: Phone: (323) 907-2400, Dana Wehle, LCSW, MFA., has twenty years experience as a certified psychoanalyst and licensed clinical social worker in private practice in New York City. Visual: Robert Nickelsberg / Getty Images. Ashley Allen, MSW, LMSW, completed her Masters in Social Work at Monmouth University where she was also selected to coordinate and present the School of Social Works Annual Clinical Lecture Series. Speaking about cults: There is a never-ending discussion about the definition of the term cult. The word is controversial, in large part because over the years it has taken on a negative connotation. Others have (almost) no official presentations to post. He is also interested in the implementation of codes of ethical practices in all kind of organizations and associations in Spain. Usually, a cult leader is a person of tremendous charisma who makes followers feel loved and accepted. What is their religious affiliation or perspective, if any? Ashlen is featured in Season 3 of the BET+ Original Series: American Gangster: Trap Queens. Website:, Esther Ruth Friedman, MA, LMHC, is an expressive arts therapist and licensed mental health counselor with a Masters Degree from Lesley University. Having gained a good reputation, they come recommended by many other reputable experts in the field. Email: Phone: (469) 316-7290, Cristina Caparesi has a masters degree in Science of Education and in Psychology with post masters in Family Mediation and Psychodiagnostic/Psychological Evaluation. He is trained in EMDR and other trauma treatment modalities. Choose the right SEO Training. Some cult observers market themselves with great titles. Anyone may complete the Functional Training Specialist Program, but only those who also hold a current NCCA-accredited certification or an equivalent professional credential will be . Rule #6: Be Open, Inviting and Inclusive. If you are interested in any of these services, please Email:info@hopevalleycounselling.comWebsite:www.hopevalleycounselling.comPhone:+44 1433 639032. If you are in an abusive relationship or know someone who is be sure to seek the help of a licensed counselor. Colleen is a former member of two high demand groups. Ashlen recently completed her MSc in the Psychology of Coercive Control and conducted research on the relationship between reproductive coercion, psychologically abusive environments, and the extent of group identity in a sample of those who have left cultic groups. In addition, though the term has several precise definitionsthe word cult is ambiguous. No need for us to reinvent the wheel: See How to find a qualified therapist. "With thought-stopping techniques," their article says, "members are taught to stop doubts from entering their consciousness about the cult, often with a key phrase they repeat." "Repeating a key phrase" is also known as chanting a mantra. But one thing that continually comes up is that most people who become involved with a cult are going . Former Scientologist and now a licensed psychologist in Sweden. Her passion for social justice and advocacy is exemplified in her counseling practice and current research, both of which focus on effective counseling interventions for marginalized populations, such as cult survivors, domestic violence survivors, and LGBT populations. RETIRN currently has offices in Newark, DE, Lansdowne, PA and Pontypridd, Wales and Buxton, England (U.K.). Bluster may play well in the media and on social media. You do this by keeping your members away from outsiders. This protocol will be introduced to EMS programs nationwide. She is a former member of Kashi Ranch. I am a fully qualified counsellor and teacher and have a specialist masters degree in the psychology of coercive and controlling behaviour and recovery. In 1983, she and her husband, Noel, left their associations with est, The Hunger Project and Sterling Institute and began a personal search for information to aid their recovery process. Helena Lfgren is a licensed psychotherapist, former member of the Unification church (1990-1992), member of the support group FRI, co-founder of the former Swedish support group SESAM, and co-founder of an informal network in Sweden for people who meet members or former members of high demand groups in their work. Step 3: Complete relevent training/internship. The journal and her contribution was entitled, The Last Draw: Cults and Creativity. Email: Phone: (212) 479-7963, Joseph F. Kelly, a graduate of Temple University (focus in religion), has been a cult intervention specialist (thought reform consultant/exit counselor,mediator) since 1989. Not to mention, a passion for fitness! She was primary therapist at Wellspring Residential Retreat for cult survivors, founded by Paul Martin, PhD during his illness; team program developer for DV survivors and children and primary therapist with the Center for Domestic Peace in California; and on staff at various SF Bay area agencies serving adults, children, families, and those diagnosed with severe mental illness. The more information she gathered on the indoctrination processes and thought reform used in cults, the more concerns arose about her involvement in est and The Hunger Project. She has been working with cult-involved clients and their families for over 20 years and gives lectures to students and professionals on this topic. People who exit on their own are sometimes called walkaways. People who have been forced to leave are sometimes called castaways., The same applies to terms such as intervention specialist, cult specialist, thought reform consultant, deprogrammer, or exit counselor, For instance, one particularly bad apple, in several respects, is, Many of them have been particularly nasty about , These scholars have often been referred to as . Ron is a former president of the Wellspring board and is a clinical advisor to both Wellspring and Meadowhaven, a treatment center near Boston. Instead, you will find designations such as exit counselor, thought reform consultant (or counselor), mental health counselor, intervention specialist, etc. Heather is herself a former member of a small personality cult in the 1980s. She received a Master of Social Work from Norfolk State University in 2013 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication from Old Dominion University in 2011. He works primarily with Catholics who seek psychological services grounded in a Catholic worldview. They're masters at expressing their feelings and making their followers relate to them. She has planned and been responsible for a full day workshop for former cult members in Omaha, Nebraska., as well as a one day symposium for medical, law enforcement, clergy, mental health professionals, and the public on Cults and Gangs in Omaha in 2007. Here are some of the most common duties: Keep up to date with security updates and improvements. You and your friend or loved one need professional help from a licensed psychotherapist not an unlicensed cult expert. Deprogramming. ICSA is an open membershiporganization. With the support of a Department of Labor grant, Shelly works with an interdisciplinary team designing and implementing curricula that mitigates psychological trauma reactions for EMTs, paramedics, and their patients. Bavarian Illuminati. Linda can be reached at Get FTB and become a Cult Analyst. In 1999, he received the John G. Clark Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Cultic Studies from the International Cultic Studies Association, and he has been involved in research with former cult members since 1993. or nave people. 4 signs that someone you know has joined a cult, according to a mind-control expert. Credentialing Specialist salaries vary by experience, industry, organization size, and geography. On their channels, you can find videos of them speaking at seminars and conferences. Her areas of expertise are trauma, loss, cult and high demand group and relationship education and recovery, including those born and raised; and motherless daughters, women who have lost their mothers through death, illness, narcissism, separation, or estrangement in childhood, adolescence or adulthood. Rod is also an experienced senior leader and manager in higher education having served for 15 years in the roles of Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Derby, Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston and as Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of South Wales and Dean of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities at Buckinghamshire New University. She is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council, United Kingdom, as both a clinical and a counselling psychologist, and she is a registered counsellor/psychotherapist with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. BENEFITS OF ONLINE CERTIFICATION COURSE. He enrolled in a masters program in counseling and earned a degree and license to practice therapy. Lots of new cults seem to be using millennial-friendly 'life coaching', wellness and yoga as their smokescreen. A few dont. He worked for many years at Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center in Albany, Ohio. Some cult information sites adhere to academic standards, but the vast majority of cult education sites are run by laypeople. In evaluating lay and professional experts, take into consideration demonstrable ability, a proven track record, and their standing among peers. 8. Myan received the AFF Achievement Award (1997) from AFF, the Leo J. Ryan Distinguished Service Award (1999) from the Leo J. Ryan Foundation, and a Lifetime Achievement Award (2011) from ICSA. In 2010, Bill was the recipient of ICSAs Lifetime Achievement Award. Even if you recognize someone from their sound-bites on TV or self-aggrandizing online behavior, its worth doing a little research: Is this intervention specialist, cult expert, lecturer, or institute executive director well-connected? It is the responsibility of billing specialists to collect payments, balance the books, and secure the revenue of the company. Note that some self-proclaimed cult experts have a bias for or against one or more religions.3. Licensed & Board Certified Psychologist Who do they refer to or consult with? Mr. Kelly has also facilitated ICSA workshops for ex-members and families (1996-2018) and has lectured extensively on cult-related topics. Just about everyone draws the line when it comes to the really bad apples. To one degree or another, all cults deny the deity of Jesus Christ. Brainwashing:: Cult leaders are known to repeat various lies and distortions until members find it difficult to distinguish between reality and cult life. The term cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means to worship a deity, but in the last few centuries its colloquial definition has transformed.In a 1981 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton defined three characteristics of a . Our certificate course teaches you field-specific knowledge largely unknown by the public about thought control, and gives you the skills of discernment, detachment, and analysis to understand thought-control organizations and their strategies of operation. What are their professional credentials, if any? Understand how search engines work. Print Email. Atkins points out that cult followers want to feel in it with fellow members AND their leader. Some are helpful; a lot are not. Steve K. D. Eichel, Ph.D., ABPP, CST Dylesia Barner, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker and a second-generation adult survivor. She is a regular presenter at conferences and a published author, including a co-authoring a chapter entitled Pathological Spirituality for a medical text book entitled Spirituality and Psychiatry, published by RCPsych Publications in UK 2009. You must decide whether to entrust this process to a trained and licensed professional or an unlicensed lay expert. Weekdays - 1-1-1.5 hours and one weekend day - 3-5 hours. Cultic relationships are not limited to marriages or domestic partnerships, but can also occur in situations where one person is in a position of power and the other is not. Since 1984, Carol has done exit counseling and writing in the field, as well as serving as director with several organizations boards, organizing and conducting recovery workshops and working with hundreds of people who have walked away from destructive cults. Most cult experts are actively involved in professional associations. Professional investigators make excellent rescue specialists, given the addition of advanced training in the psychoemotional aspects of the assignment. She also facilitates small educational/interactive workshops for former members, face to face since 2009 and online since 2018. 1 Others need professional help and subsequent counseling. And you actually go through a conversation between two Scientologists that, to people outside, would be completely unintelligible.; Ron Burks, PhD, holds an MDiv and an MA in counseling from Asbury Theological Seminary and a PhD in Counselor Education from Ohio University. AtCounterCultSearch.comyou can search for information about (religious) cults, cult-like organizations, and cults experts, as well as paranormal-, New Age, and pseudo-scientific claims across 260+ websites, blogs and forums dedicated to cult research, spiritual abuse information, ex-cult counseling & support. Bill is a frequent speaker at ICSA conferences, and he and Lorna have been the recipients of the Authentic CAN Hall of Fame Award and the Leo J. Ryan Award. Leona Furnari, MSW, LCSW, is a psychotherapist in Boulder, CO, specializing in recovery from trauma, including recovery from abusive groups, spiritual abuse and harmful relationships. adjust their fees according to your ability to pay). He offers psychotherapy to former members of cults and is also employed as a consultant by the help organization for former cult members in Sweden, Hjlpkllan, to train their nationwide network of volunteer workers. To think again is my private practice counselling, consultation and training service. After years of working hard to save the world, she became disillusioned and, after several attempts, in 1992 she successfully escaped this destructive group by running away. She also wrote a chapter on guidelines for therapists in the book, Recovery from Cults, edited by Michael Langone. So you want to be a Cult Leader? Implement training to colleagues. She believes it is crucial that she meet her clients exactly where they are while using her skills to empower them towards individuality. What is a Licensed Professional Counselor? In the 1980s and early 1990s she worked at the JBFCS Cult Clinic, and she continues to see former members and their families at her private practice in Manhattan. Focus on your hygiene. Lois Svoboda, M.D., L.M.F.T., is a former family medicine physician who has been trained in Marriage & Family Therapy and worked as a medical family therapist for 23 years in Wichita Kansas. To Create Your Very Own Cult. She is also a former member who is establishing a Boston area practice designed specifically for ex-cult members: The Gentle Souls Revolution, Healing Arts. In 2007, Bill retired from the Rockland County, NY Department of Mental Health, where he directed several programs and clinics. One expert who himself lacks formal training has gained a decidedly bad reputation due to his sustained attacks on highly qualified cult experts he disagrees with, including degreed professionals. Ms. Allen gained a breadth of experience volunteering at the Cult Clinic of JBFCS in NYC for three years and has gone on to work as a therapist with former cult members in community mental health. Often when this expert addresses a cult or cult-like group he sounds like an authority on the movement, even though most of his information is a rehash of various media reports. He was a psychologist and exit counselor at AIS (Barcelona) for two years. Lay experts exist in every field from plumbers and carpenters to auto repair and medical care. For many years she has given lectures about influence and manipulation, also at the University of Stockholm. This course is a great way to increase your skillset and better your chances of employability. In 2014, she volunteered to interview defendants who were being, or had been, threatened by cultic litigation for an ICSA study on free speech, and reported on their experiences. Who are their professional contacts and affiliations? Some are written by respected cult experts, and some by informed lay (experience) experts. Wendy co-facilitates a monthly support group for former members of cults in the Dallas metroplex. Target people wi. Rod co-founded the Re-Entry Therapy Information and Referral Network (RETIRN) UK in 2004 with Dr Linda Dubrow-Marshall, where he serves as a consultant in helping individuals and families who have been adversely affected by destructive or damaging cults and other extremist and high demand/manipulative groups or relationships. Some cult experts are trained and licensed mental health counselors.Heres what that means: Helping someone leave a cult requires a lot of counseling. Step 2: Develop application support specialist skills. A case Study, Trigger warnings might prolong the aversive aspects of negative memories, ICSA Annual Conference: My Father Leader: A Parent Cult from Inside Out. Their social skills are above par, and they tend to have a good sense of humor. Cult members often prey on people with few friends or family of their own and offer them the chance to become part of a group that will grant them all the friendship they could ever need. Paranoia: To maintain a false sense of comfort, cults often rely on paranoia tactics. Also used by pastors and counselors, as well as writers, journalists, and reporters. Her practice in part includes intensive clinical work with former members, second generation adults (SGAs), and families of adult children in cults. She recovered her voice, and life, through writing, songwriting and music. A cult is a group with a particular and often dangerously fanatical ideology that has certain characteristics. 4. For example, a one-on-one cult can develop between a pastor and a church member, a boss and an employee, a teacher and a student, etc. Since retiring to Fremont, Nebraska in 2004, she opened a counseling practice and is working with people who have exited cults. This is a list of questions you can use to interview a therapist to make sure that you feel good about their expertise, their level of professionalism, and whether or not they feel like a good fitfor you. The list is published on the website of Janja Lalich, Ph.D., an international authority on cults and coercion. Ensure accurate security tools are running properly, including anti-virus software and firewalls. Shelly practices psychotherapy with adults, and she offers individual and group consultation to practicing clinicians. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area. At Cult, we want to give our members the best workout experience and, therefore, having the best trainers is a no-brainer. Stacy J. Willis. Doubts may also grow as cult members ascend in the cult's hierarchy and get a clearer view of how the sausage is really made, family therapist and cult specialist Rachel Bernstein tells Inverse. If you want to contact the publishers of this website, you can do so via Listings were not solicited, and cannot be bought. Much of his work involves counseling, leading support groups, working with those born or raised in groups, and helping former members rebuild their lives. Countless people are or have been trapped in High Demand groups. Website: Email: Phone: 34938034914. Pardon received, with his wife, Judy, ICSAs Herbert L. Rosedale Award. 866-538-9048 (fax) Heather Svoboda, MA LP, is a psychologist licensed and practicing in Minnesota, trained in counseling psychology and marriage and family therapy. It has become a cult. For one thing, many cult experts do not actively solicit clients. If there is no consistency, the transition period may stretch for 3-4 years. There are now groups and leaders online who recruit and exploit people through the web without ever meeting them face-to-face. MeadowHaven can accommodate individuals or families who require long-term (up to a year) care to recover from trauma and cultic abuse. Carol Giambalvos interest in cults and thought reform began in 1978 when her step-daughter began exhibiting a drastic personality change following becoming a devotee in ISKCON. This model is explained in the ICSA Book on Cult Recovery in a chapter entitled Relational Psychoeducational Intensive: Time Away for Post-Cult Counselling. Many are helpful, but many are not. Psychotherapy and Cult Recovery,, Navigating Worldviews & Meaning Making Before, During, & After Meditation-Related Challenges, Social isolation linked to changes in brain structure and lower cognition ability, The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is conducting its 2022 Annual International Conference jointly with Info-Secte/Info-Cult of Montreal Speakers, ICSA Annual Conference Workshops: Working with Born and Raised-in Former Cult Members (for mental health professionals), ICSA Annual Conference: Cultic behaviour in the Church of England. You will need to decide whether to entrust this to a licensed professional or a lay expert. Since 1982, he's worked as a cult intervention specialist, conducting over 500 "interventions" (his preferred term for the cult . This applies to all exercises specialists such as personal trainers and yoga practitioners. The following section . If you include the normal education requirements to complete a college degree, then it takes 7 to 9 years years to become a specialist. He is also co-editor of ICSAs Cult Recovery: A Clinicians Guide to Working With Former Members and Their Families, which is due to be published in 2017. Choose the Right SEO Tools. Patrick Ryanis a graduate of Maharishi International University. Her website:; email: They think they are following the Lord, but they have become like a mannequin trying to pass for a live body. That cult followers want to feel in it with fellow members and their leader large part because the... A mind-control expert, organization size, and can not be bought voice and..., 2003 ), which she coauthored with Dr. Stephen Kent, geography... Of ICSAs Lifetime Achievement Award particular and often dangerously fanatical ideology that has certain characteristics in. Her voice, and life, through writing, songwriting and music atkins points out that cult followers want give! 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