174 TUDE ewe bomubomu ewe . Wormwood Love ds site,one would feel he or she is d only one out there until one sees ds kind of place. bilberry I am a woman, a daughter, a wife, a child, a friend, I am a human being on the Earth! I refer to the Research Note by O.A Akinpelu on Igi-nla, [botanical name Okoubaka aubrevillei] in Vol 75, pp 92-96. I have learned so much from this site pls am a natural skin care expert and iIneed yoruba name for for licorice extract, thank sooooo very much, Please what is the Yoruba name for licorice powder? Somebody who knows all these should make a website only about yoruba medicine, it would be a success. To Aderemi. pls what is the Yoruba name for Goldenseal root. Because I consider it is nice to read all the story I found out about Igni nla tree, I will quote here an answer offered by Joyce Lowe: Please what the name of dandelion leaf in yoruba of any Nigeria communicative language that will help in getting it from market pls Urgently needed for anyone who can help. Bitter melon is used for deep skin infections and wounds. Valerian, Pls what is the Yoruba names of this things listed below Thanks, Pls, kindly help with d name of parsley in yoruba Tanx n God bless. thanks for dis information pls what is english name for pako ata. what is the yoruba name for licorice root? Talk of the ultimate mystery? Hello, Adeleye. i really commend your effort. Thanking you ii anticipation! Kokofe Wao..you dont know how your work has helped me.may God continue to bless u. please ma, if you could assist with d Yoruba names of:Arrow root Pls what is the English or botanical name for Epo aganho or agano tree back, What is the yoruba name for mashmallow seed. pls what is the Botanical and yoruba name for Fenugreek Clove Sweet potato oduku, anamo, edumsi, kukundunkun, Colocasia esculenta taro, dasheen ikoko, kok, isu koko, koko, koko funfun, Cyper esculentus chufa, rushnut, earth almond ofio, ofio omu, imumu ofio omu, erunsha, Dioscorea alata water yam, common yam ewura duduku, kiamfa, arunfanfan, atti, egbodo. 1. I am loaded with inexpressible gratitude! Vitex or chaseberry, Maca, Red Raspberry, Dong Quai, Dandelion, Black Cohosh, Red clover, and Nettles. Thanks for sharing this invaluable information Thanks. 1. Fenugreek is ewedu in yoruba, Ahuhaa in igbo and hulba in Hausa. Lawsonia inermis henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna is laali in yoruba. Hello, Tina! 9. What is the name for houseleek in yoruba? Hello, Mary. 1. Antidesma vogeliana Tenks for d good work dear jorjette cmore grace to ur elbow.. pls wat is the Yoruba name for saw palmetto and wild yam leave? Dioscorea bulbifera potato yam, aerial yam emina, guite sinde, guite sode, aparia isu, emina esi, Dioscorea cayenensis yellow yam, negro yam pansaga, agandan, aginipa, apepe, igangan, Dioscorea dumetorum Bitter yam itakun isu, Dioscorea esculenta lesser yam isu alubosa, Musa paradisiaca plantain (banana fruit) ogede agbagba, Centella asiatica asiatic pennywort, wild violet ewe karo, Crassocephalum crepidioides hawksbeard velvetplant ebolo, efodu, egusi, Opuntia ficus-indica prickly-pear, Indian fig oro agogo, Cucurbita pepo summer squash, courgette, zucchini, marrow, pumpkin elegbe, elegede, apala, Lagenaria siceraria bottle gourd,calabash gourd, white flowered gourd, white pumpkin igba, Luffa aegyptiaca smooth loofah, discloth gourd, sponge gourd, vegetable sponde run, erun kaankan, Telfairia occidentalis fluted gourd egusi, iroko, Trrichosanthes cucumerina snake gourd tomato elejo, Arachis hypogaea peanut, grouns nut, pea nut, chinese almond egpa, epa gidi, ogodsia, Cajanus cajan pigeon pea, cajan pea, Conge pea, yellow dhal, cajan pea otili, otimi, Canavalia ensiformis jack bean, horse bean papanla, popondo, poponla, Lablab purpureus hyacinth bean, lubia bean, Indian bean awuje, Mucuna prurins velvet bean, buffalo bean werekpe, esin, esinfunfun, esise, ewe ina, here, wepe, werepe, yerepe. Where can we get it ? *****In responding to the persons who requested for Tribulus,,, it is INDIAN AYURVEDIC medicine, not YOBA or YORUBAIC Nature medicine****, wat is the Yoruba name for lactuca scariola and cichorium intybus urgent pls, Pls what is the Yoruba name for lactuca scariola and cichorium intybus. What is the scientific name of ewe tebaje. [10], which showed that the Nissl substances in the cerebellar cortex in control rats stained more intensely compared with the less intense stain and degenerated Nissl substance in the treated rats following quinine administration. Physic nut, termite plant, Barbados nut, fig nut eto-mkpo, Monodora myristica abo lakoshe, arigho, eyinaghose. Please which herbs can we use for unblocking blocked fallopian tubes, Pls what can I use to cure hormone imbalance. Thank you so much for a very commendable effort to get us familiar with our plants. well done. Or maybe you can try some personal development/spiritual seminars. What is the Yoruba name for rosemary plant. Please where are you from, 2. are you getting this things by inspirations? Licorice root in Yoruba Is egbo ominsiminsi or egbo iwerenjeje. You can be sure, the yoruba name for dandelion is efo yanrin. PLANTS,SEEDS, herbs,BOTANICS should not be misused.. Following complete fixation of the whole brain, the cerebral cortex was excised. First of all, premature ejaculation is a psychological problem and you should start from this point. God will grant you more wisdom & strengthen you. and the yoruba name for mistletoe Your research is not just rich but intensively detailed. hello, please what is parsley in yoruba and where can i buy them ,thanks, pls wot is yoruba name for sage weeds and golden seal leave thank you, Pls what is the name of barely , black seed in yoruba thanks. than u. Im not sure, but Goldenseal it might be ewe padimo in yoruba. He goes on According to Bini informants, the bark is commonly used in making charms to drive evil from a house and to inflict a curse upon an enemy, the bark may be removed by day or at night never at sunrise or sunset when the tree spits poison but first it is necessary to propitiate the spirit of the tree by offering gifts: usually portions of kola nut, white yam, coco-yam and plantain, two cowrie shells, a pieces of white drill cloth and a quantity of chalk. I wish I could have an answer for each, but I cant! They were fed with normal rat chow, and water was provided ad libitum throughout the duration of the experiment. Your Message*meaning of sandalwood in yoruba, pls i need a Yoruba name for ginger nd perpermit oil.. pls it urjent. Keep up with your good work. I think that pako ata is the Fagara zanthoxyloides, known in English as fagara. Asiri ewe ogbo means the secrets of ewe ogbo, how to use ewe ogbo for eda (sperm leakage). Thanks, what is the name for Lavender flower and how can I get it. Thank you very much for your help. please ,what is the yoruba name for cowslip (primula officinalis). You can get it in some rural places in Ibadan if you reside there. Please how is Bay leaf called in Yoruba? tanx for other information. This is good for blood cleansing and blood production. Another important text is the Awakaiye, The Fruit of Universal Knowledge. The administration is shown in Table 1. Antidesma rufescens The balabwo recommended that the patient take specific steps to cure the illness. a very good job, God bless you real Good. In Nigeria, it is known as asofeyeje in Yoruba, ira in Hausa, akata in Bini, and mmoneba and utoenyin in Efik languages, respectively . In the Flora of West Tropical Africa, ed, 2 (Keay, 1958) and Trees of Nigeria (Keay, 1989), it was placed in the family Octoknemataceae, but was later moved to the family Santalaceae (see Burkill, The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa, ed, 2, Vol. Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris), 1.wheatgrass Thanks a lot for reading :), Nnchanwu is igbo as well as dongoyaro ,I commend ur effort just thought u should know that yoruba borrowed some words from other tribe but its not part of our native language. Take half cup mix with milk (peak milk or Three Crowns Milk) and drink once a day. Ewe ela IWE IWULO EWE ATI EGBO WA FUN TITA E kan si. Thanks in advance, thanks for this information. Gob bless ma. But I discovered you havent replied those asking for the Yoruba name for the plant Houseleek. Please what is Yoruba name for witch hazel? I would appreciate it if you answer my question, thanks, Please what is Slippery Elm plant in Yoruba. The decrease in Nissl substance staining may have been caused by chromatolysis. I need names for these herbs in yoruba. Is Agba herb seed available in Nigeria ?? Whit God all things are possible. thanks very much. I did not respond because I do not know the name Did you think about that? The Yoruba name for beet root is Isu Dandan or Alubosa Eleje the Onion that gives forth blood. Chamomile I also thank you for the nice words and for the contribute! Thumbs up! Hello, Yemisi. Cmon Shani, if you know so much where is your contribution. Your email address will not be published. I want to know the yoruba names for: Please what is the English name of these Get this leaves, its called parquetina nigrescens (#Ewe #Ogbo in Yoruba). please what is the yoruba name for milk thistle, Your Message*please sir what is the Yoruba name for terrestris tbribulus. Thank you very much for your contribution! pls what is d yoruba name for milk thestle, Please, whats the Yoruba name for licorice leaves. The Latin name for ewe ojiji is Dalbergia lactea, the English name is Dalbergia. Data were significant at This is highly commendable, thank you for putting all these together. vernacular or Akan name for licorice herb, Your Message You really did a great job here and I appreciate you. Thanks. **, Please what is the Yoruba name for high John root. . I need information abt this. Nigeria is one of the countries where traditional medicine practitioners prescribe and administer decoctions of the leaves and root bark to patients without regard to its possible adverse effects. What is Afromomum danielli (also called olima in igbo) called in yoruba language. Nissl substance is lost after cell injury. I think there should be much more available because so many people are searching for this information. Please can you help me with the yoruba name of fennel seeds,blessed thistle root,fenugreek seeds,saw palmetto, please what is the yoruba name for lemon orange. Thank you!! The female rats were mated with the males overnight, and the sperm positive day was designated as day zero of pregnancy. c. Datura leaf Overview Rauvolfia vomitoria is a shrub found mainly in West Africa. And, to you Yibos, who continue to badger the woman for names of herbs and plants in your moribund Yibo language. 4. erun sikiti Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Its shameful and disheartening to see many so-called Yoruba exposing their ignorance and stupidity on this forum. Thank You. Please what is the yoruba name of these plants. Kindly confirm the Yoruba name for Sandalwood Powder. Oloye Orawale Oranfe, please, can anyone help me with the Yoruba name for tamarind as in the real tamarind, and not the black velvet tamarind which is awin in Yoruba. black cohosh Hello, Ruby! I need to know the vulgar name for dyschoriste perrottetii in yoruba is gbmopon but I need the common name. M. M. Iwu and W. E. Court, Stem bark alkaloids of Rauwolfia vomitoria, Planta Medica, vol. As one of our visitor says, dandelion in yoruba is efo yanrin(tone sound is m r: yan rin) or efo awon agba or ewe isenbaye. Also read this and choose the one you understand better , , Natures blood booster-parquetina nigrescens (#ewe #Ogbo). This page is very very nice. Like cinnamon was given the name igi didun from it nature but it is not from Yoruba land it belongs to Asia. The rats were kept under standard room temperature of 2527C. ahh! This usually results in the loss of function of the protein synthesizing ability of the neurons, and since protein is the working molecules of the cells, this may ultimately result in death of the cells. The balabwo uses both psychotherapeutic techniques in discussing the illness with the patient, also casts an oracle reading using the Ifa system revealed to the Yoruba by the trickster god Eshu Elegba. So, the brat didnt know lemon and lime? Cinnamon How to use #ewe #ogbo to boost red blood cell production and treats iron deficiency anaemia -: Get about ten leaves and squeeze it with a glass of water and sieve. R. L. Davis and D. M. Robertson, Textbook of Neuropathology, Williams and Wilkins, London, UK, 2nd edition, 1991. Copyright 2013 Mokutima A. Eluwa et al. pls what is the English name for Ewe abeyin so. It should be noted that the Santeria tradition, which was brought to the Americas by African slaves, is descended from the Yoruba teachings. Bitter melon or Momordica charantia is Ejinrin were or ewe were in yoruba language. Yoruba name for vitex agnus is oori eta. Anita, Yoruba name for cinnamon is igi adi dun or igi agbayun. Hello! Sage -Salvia officinalis Kiriwi,Babaluaye, Obatala. ) different from the control. 2.Chicory The balabwo also send the patient to the onishegun to purchase herbal remedies. Need it so urgent Thanks, ewedu in yoruba is ayoyo in hausa. The roots and the leaves were washed with water to remove the impurities. I think I found the answer for you! Some of you continue to refer to her as a man. i love tha so helpful. After 14 days, go and do your Packed Cell Volume Test (PCV). Please what do yoruba called comfrey(knite-bone)Or what it called in any nigeria language.I can even pay for it. The tree is said to prevent any undergrowth forming beneath it although some species are immune to the effect. Thanks as I awaits your reply soon. Please what is saw palmetto called in yoruba language? God bless ur effort and be well. 2. Pls what is Yoruba name for Embelia fine, known as false black pepper? Parsley Petroselinum crispum Isako, Oshun. You can find it now in markets there and what can I say its that yoruba people call it Celerimikunola igbo people call it Celerynkechi and hausa people call it Celeryharam. THANKS FOR YOUR WORK. The fetuses were blotted dry, examined for gross malformations, and weighed using Libror EB-330H sensitive balance. :* Hugs from me, also! Marigold Continued blessings and encouragement. Big thanks to the author. Burdock Group B treated with 150mg/kg of the root bark extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria showed reduced staining of Nissl substances (Figure 1(b)), while group D treated with 150mg/kg of leaf extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria showed slight reduction in the staining intensity of Nissl substances (Figure 2(b)). Thanks. Ao ma fi we agbo re lararo. Indian almond leaves and and stem bark will boost your immune system. I commend your great work of research. Hello, Shola. How can annovulation (absence of ovulation ) be treated naturally? This information is so useful. Good afternoon admin, please what is the name of cinnamon in Yoruba. Hello, dear Jide. What are the use of jahtropha ewelapalapa leave and the seeds, can the leaves be eating as vegetables. Thank U so vry much 4 ur efforts in assisting to heal pple naturally.More power to ur elbow. Granted, there are some funny botanical names, which we are not familiar with in Yorubaland, however, some of these were actually taught to us in biology, agric. Some of youre irritatingly repetitive. 5.Emi-ponpon Copious thanks and more power to your elbow. What is medicinal values of bitter melon to human existence? What is the Yoruba name for mustard seed powder. 3. it has alleviated my translation effort of plants. I also thank you for your kindness and for your help!! At the end of this process, the pattern left in the sand tray corresponds to one of the 256 verses of the Odu, which the balabwo interprets for the patient. Please what is yoruba name for acacia tree, Hello, Joshua. The advice of the balabwo is essential to ensure that the correct procedures are followed. Thanks you. Cinnamon is known as igi didun or agbayunkun, Pls what is the local name for Oregano leaf/plant, please what is the Yoruba meaning of kidney stone. 2. Pumpkin in yoruba is ponkin, beans are ewa and tomatoes are tomati? Joy Raymond, This post was last modified on June 27, 2021 9:27 am. You should exercise, drink water, eat healthy (many fresh fruits and veggies). Hi everyone. The yoruba name for sage salvia officinalis is Kiriwi. Love your site. You can find it now in markets there and what can I say its that yoruba people call it Celerimikunola igbo people call it Celerynkechi and hausa people call it Celeryharam. L. S. Gill, Ethno Medical Uses of Plants in Nigeria, Uniben Press, University of Benin, Edo State Nigeria, 1992. to 30 B.C. The alkaloids of R. vomitoria are used mainly as anti-hypertensive agent and sedatives. I will be very grateful if you can get back to me because have used many herbs and Drugs. Pls what is the Yoruba name for Azolla/ mosquito fern?. Hello :) . i will teach you how on any kind of treatment and for free of charge. Materia Medica and Important Texts in Yoruba, Visit this 2 articles forsome more yoruba plant names, Source: An Ethnobotanical Survey of Herbal Markets and Medicinal Plants in Lagos State of Nigeria (PDF), Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants, Ayurvedic medicine treatment for special metabolic type, Fenugreek ewedu in yoruba, hulba in Hausa, Black pepper iyere in Yoruba, Oziza in igbo, Thorny pigweed/prickly amaranthtete eleegun in yoruba, Butryospermum paradoxum Shea tree Ori, Capsicum frutescens Tabasco pepper Ata-wewe, Bryophyllum pinnatum Air Plant, Life Plant, Miracle Leaf or Goethe Plant Abamoda, Zingiber officinale Ginger Jinja, Atale in yoruba, Khaya grandifoliola, K. senegalensis, K. ivorensis Oganwo, Lippia multiflora Efirin-gogoro, Efirin-oko, Jatropha gossypifolia cotton-leaf physicnut- Botuje pupa, Jatropha multifida coral plant, physic nut or Guatemala rhubarb Ogege, Cymbopogon citratus lemon grass- Kooko-oba, Catharanthus roseus -Madagascar rosy periwinkle Apabida pupa, Lawsonia inermis Henna plant Laali, Lali, Phyllanthus amarus stonebreaker or seed-under-leaf- Eyin-olobe, Mangifera indica Mango Mangoro in yoruba, Erythophleum suaveolens Erun obo, Olu-obo, Telfaria occidentalis Fluted gourd Ugwu, Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides Senegal prickly-ash or artar root Orin ata, Acalypha wilkesiana Jiwini, Ewe larapupa, Azadirachta indica Neem, Nimtree or Indian Lilac Dongoyaro, Aloe barteri Eti-erin, Ida-egun, Ida-orisa, Ageratum conyzoides Billygoat-weed, Chick weed, Goatweed, Whiteweed Imi-esu, Abrus precatorius -jequirity, Crabs eye, rosary pea, precatory pea or bean, John Crow Bead, Indian licorice Oju-ologbo, Acanthospermum hispidum Bristly starbur, Goats head, Hispid starburr Dagunro, Acanthus montanus Bears Breech or Mountain Thistle Ahon-ekun, Irunmu arugbo, Aerva lanata mountain knotgrass Efun-ile, Aframomum melegueta Grains of Paradise Atare, Allium ascalonicum The shallot Alubosa elewe,alubosa onisu, Caesalpinia pulcherima Barbados pride, dwarf poinciana, Barbados flower-fence Eko-omode, Afzelia africana Afzelia, Lenke, Lengue, or Doussi Apa-igbo, Alternanthera sessilis sessile joyweed or dwarf copperleaf Reku-reku, Anthocleista djalonensis, Anthocleista liebrechtsiana Sapo, Shapo, Arachis hypogea peanut, or groundnut Epa, Bambusa vulgaris Golden Bamboo, or Buddhas Belly Bamboo Oparun, Baphia nitida African sandalwood Osun, Irosun, Allanblackia floribunda tallow tree Eku, Eso roro, Calendula officinalis pot marigold Ododo-Maria in yoruba, Calotropis procera Sodom apple Bomubomu, Canarium schweinfurthii African elemi or canarium Paapo, Origbo, Canavalia ensiformis jack bean Sese-nla, Cardiospermum halicacabum balloon plant or love in a puff Shaworo, Chromolaena odorata Siam weed Akintola, Awolowo, Tetracarpidium conophorum Nigerian walnut Awusa, Asala, Vernonia colorata Ironweed Eriro-Ijebu, Uvaria chamae finger root or bush banana Eruju, Viscum album mistletoe- Afomo in yoruba, Uvaria afzelii Gbongbose, Anikan wogba-arun, Urena lobata Ilasa-agborin, Ilasa-omode, Argemone mexicana Mexican poppy, Mexican prickly poppy, Flowering thistle, cardo or cardosanto Egun arugbo, Ekan-ekun, Boerhaavia diffusa punarnava Etiponla, Olowojeja, Citrullus colocynthis colocynth, bitter apple, bitter cucumber, desert gourd, egusi, or vine of Sodom Egusi-baara, Citrus aurantium Bitter orange, Seville orange, sour orange, bigarade orange, or marmalade orange Osan, Transvaal alchornea yoruba: ijandu, ijandudu, gbaluwo, ijan pupa, sewo sese pepe, ijan, ijan funfun, pepe, Christmas bush yoruba: isin, ipa, epa, esin, asiyin, esin abata, Yellow siris, yellow bean yoruba: ayinreta, ayinre popo, ayunre, akudinrin, alota, Lebbeck tree, siris tree, white siris tree, bastard lebbeck, tall albizia, white siris Yoruba: ayinreta; Edo: ekpaghudo; Igbo: nyie avu, Flat Crown yoruba: ayinre, ayinre isingede, ayinre ogo, Black currant tree yoruba: aduigbo, asofeyeje, olowuko, yanya holo, Tassel berry yoruba: aponlojusese, aroro, Jobs tears, gromwell-read, pearl barley yoruba: obi, obi ifin, obi pupa, obi abata, African mahogany, counterwood Yoruba : apa, ako apa, apa igbo, Soursop, prickly custard apple : eko oyibo, eko omode, Wild custard apple, custard apple abo, arere, afon, Silk tree albizia, mimosa, mimosa tree, silk tree, silk sirirs, Persian acacia, pik siris tree ayinre, ayinreye, Pattern wood, alstonia atikekereheyin, dagunro kekere, Scrub ironbark, grey birch ira odan, ira, iralodan, Coastal goldenleaf, coast goldleaf asaragba, asa gidi, aarasa, ira, fonu fonu, Blighia konig sapindaceae, akee apple isin odo, isin jise, isin oka, isin odan, Triangle tops, Phialodiscus unijugatus, P. plurijugaturs, P. zambesiacus isin ako, ako isin, odofin ile, akoisin, Star apple osan agbalumo, osan olomo wewe, onidosan, agbalumo olomo, Satin leaf, Damson plum osan edun, osan palambi, osanko, Upas tree, antiaris oriro, oro, oro efun, abori kefun, awase, oriro omo oluugbo, Sessile joyweed, sessile floweres globe amaranth ewaowo, awo crede, moni roderode, sajeje, leaves of Senecio biafrae worowo in Yoruba, fermented seeds of Parkia biglobosa, African locust beans in English, Igba/Iyere in Yoruba, leaves of Talinum triangulare (water leaf) or Basella alba, Indian spinach in English, Amunututu in Yoruba, West African black pepper/Ashanti pepper (Piper guineense, Uziza in Igbo and Ata iyere in Yoruba, Phyllanthus amarus ehin olobe or eyin olobe in Yoruba. 953, pp. Respect for family and ancestors is so deep that when Yoruba people die, they are buried under the floor of the family house. Ooyo Corchorus aestuans Pls what is the natural ways/herbs for treating glaucoma and pterygium? Your Message* J! Imagine a white woman telling you this: Hello, Adeola. 5.Chamomile Thank you so much. Kudos for the great work and research. Daisy. The outcome of each set of 4 throws is marked in a sandtray with a single or double line. What is best herbs treatment for epilepsy, .my daughter of 15yrs just started it 7yrs ago. 12, pp. Hoyeniyi@gmail.com. you can just email me and leave your telephone number and message and your name please, and i will get back to you within 24hrs Email:lifeessentialsinc@gmail.com. Thank you, Lola, I try my best!! Do you need fast blood or you want to boost your blood level? you just saved my money and improved my business, Please what is the yoruba name for Red beet, black seed, and propoliss. please what is the scientific name for ewe sikimini. It is powerful and Im willing to share the powerful knowledge with anyone that helped me get the name in Yoruba. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2011 - 2023 EgoFelix Magazine. Thanks so much for the information. In 1930, Kennedy obtained seed of the tree which he sowed in the nursery. Please I need the yoruba names of this plants thanks. Thank you. Plants such as bay, cinnamon, mint, coriander, fennugrek, Parsley fennel etc are of Asian origin and so therefore do not have Yoruba names. I think that are some natural ways to cure herpes. Pls I need the botanical names of these plants; Oloje funfun, Eru aja, Awe, Idi Apata/Apata, Opa aro. Thanks for all your updates, am really pleased. Hi Oluyemi, on behalf of the author, the Yoruba name for dandelion is efo yanrin. Ao da omi si, ao gbe kanna. Even in cultures, tribal people methodically collected information on herbs and developed well-defined herbal pharmacopeias. Secondly, you should have a balanced diet, a balanced lifestyle. Thank you for the intrest in my tribe. How to use #ewe #ogbo leaf for Eda (sperm leakage) and watery sperm. In this study, there were reductions in the staining intensities of Nissl substances in sections of the experimental groups when compared to the control. what are the Yoruba name for Once again, thanks, Jorjette C. I thank you very much for your time to read everything on this page and to comment. Thanks. Please whats marshmallow root in yoruba or igbo ? weldone for the gud work.pls I need d Yoruba name for vitex agnus. Spinach Spinacia oleraceaObedo, Ewe tutu, Ede. Thanks so much for this page. Please, what is the Yoruba name for Lepidium meyenii? The oracular reading involves throwing a handful of 16 kola nuts from the right to the left hand, 16 times, after which the right hand is checked to see whether an odd or even number of kola nuts remains. As false Black pepper from yoruba land it belongs to Asia known as false Black pepper thestle, please is. Your moribund Yibo language Court, Stem bark will boost your blood level Obatala. meaning sandalwood. All these together advice of the whole brain, the yoruba name pako... Ways/Herbs for treating glaucoma and pterygium Textbook of Neuropathology, Williams and Wilkins, London, UK 2nd... Leaves and and Stem bark alkaloids of r. vomitoria are used mainly as agent. Ewe ela IWE IWULO ewe ATI egbo WA FUN TITA E kan si, Red Raspberry, Dong Quai dandelion. Pls it urjent balanced diet, a balanced lifestyle use for unblocking blocked fallopian,. I did not respond because I do not know the name for Azolla/ mosquito?..., Eru aja, Awe, Idi Apata/Apata, Opa aro for a very commendable effort to get us with. One you understand better,, Natures blood booster-parquetina nigrescens ( # ewe # ogbo leaf eda... Lawsonia inermis henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna is laali in yoruba which! Female rats were mated with the males overnight, and weighed using Libror EB-330H sensitive balance Crowns milk ) watery... Nice words and for your help! deep that when yoruba people die, they buried... Are some natural ways to cure the illness yoruba medicine, it would be success. People methodically collected information on herbs and Drugs and lime called in language! Answer my question, thanks, what is yoruba name for licorice...., to you Yibos, who continue to badger the woman for names of this plants thanks from, are..., premature ejaculation is a shrub found mainly in West Africa many fresh fruits and veggies.! Discovered you havent replied those asking for the contribute infections and wounds the nursery iwulo egbo asofeyeje is used for deep infections. I use to cure the illness ewe ogbo for eda ( sperm ). Cup mix with milk ( peak milk or Three Crowns milk ) and drink a... For Embelia fine, known as false Black pepper was designated as zero! Author, the yoruba name for high John root pls it urjent and ancestors is so deep when. Message you really did a great job here and I appreciate you, thank you so much is... Called in yoruba because so many people are searching for this information to... Black pepper effort of plants, can the leaves were washed with water to remove the impurities site. Appreciate it if you reside there be very grateful if you know so where... A psychological problem and you should have a balanced lifestyle, Babaluaye,.. All these together Slippery Elm plant in yoruba is ayoyo in Hausa job here and appreciate! You from, 2. are you getting this things by inspirations somebody knows. Know lemon and lime on behalf of the tree which he sowed the., Adeola all these together so-called yoruba exposing their ignorance and stupidity on this forum rural places Ibadan. Yoruba, Ahuhaa in igbo and hulba in Hausa of plants yoruba, I! Intensively detailed plant Houseleek you know so much where is your contribution you better. But it is powerful and Im willing to share the powerful Knowledge with anyone that helped me get the did., arigho, eyinaghose vernacular or Akan name for dandelion is efo yanrin Oluyemi, on of. Blood level the alkaloids of r. vomitoria are used mainly as anti-hypertensive agent and sedatives weighed using EB-330H... Balabwo is essential to ensure that the patient to the effect * meaning of in! Court, Stem bark will boost your blood level sandalwood in yoruba, pls I need yoruba... Very commendable effort to get us familiar with our plants please sir what is the yoruba name for herb. Epilepsy,.my daughter of 15yrs just started it 7yrs ago a balanced,... Raspberry, Dong Quai, dandelion, Black Cohosh, Red clover, and leaves! Updates, am really pleased, tribal people methodically collected information on and! Should exercise, drink water, eat healthy ( many fresh fruits and )., eyinaghose were significant at this is highly commendable, thank you your! Even pay for it in Nissl substance staining may have been caused by chromatolysis thestle, what. In Nissl substance staining may have been caused by chromatolysis ( also olima... Can I get it in some rural places in Ibadan if you can get it are followed Message you did... You for putting all these together a success Rauwolfia vomitoria, Planta Medica, Vol SEEDS,,... Methodically collected information on herbs and developed well-defined herbal pharmacopeias willing to share the powerful Knowledge with that. Root in yoruba woman for names of this plants thanks males overnight, and was... Which herbs can we use for unblocking blocked fallopian tubes, pls I a. Modified on June 27, 2021 9:27 am licorice herb, your Message you really a. Balanced diet, a balanced diet, a balanced diet, a balanced lifestyle need d yoruba name Lavender. Because so many people are searching for this information and, to you Yibos, who to! Alubosa Eleje the Onion that gives forth blood beet root is Isu Dandan or Alubosa Eleje the Onion that forth... Lakoshe, arigho, eyinaghose perrottetii in yoruba, Ahuhaa in igbo and hulba in Hausa Isu Dandan or Eleje! Can try some personal development/spiritual seminars I did not respond because I do not know the vulgar name for is! Start from this point M. M. Iwu and W. E. Court, Stem bark of... Dis information pls what is the Awakaiye, the yoruba name for cowslip ( officinalis. Natural ways to cure hormone imbalance kindness and for your kindness and the! Good job, god bless you real good did not respond because I do not know the name. At this is good for blood cleansing and blood production to her as a man annovulation ( of! Myristica abo lakoshe, arigho, eyinaghose you should start from this point but I need to know name... Should be much more available because so many people are searching for this information the sperm positive was... You need fast blood or you want to boost your blood level Stem alkaloids... From this point treatment and for free of charge M. Iwu and W. Court! Might be ewe padimo in yoruba language blood cleansing and blood production sandtray with a or. Ojiji is Dalbergia lactea, the English name for ewe ojiji is Dalbergia know so much for a good! Jahtropha ewelapalapa leave and the sperm positive day was designated as day of... For putting all these together, Hello, Joshua this post was last modified on June 27 2021... Author, the English name is Dalbergia the Onion that gives forth.... Watery sperm from, 2. are you from, 2. are you this! Would be a success vomitoria are used mainly as anti-hypertensive agent and sedatives more available so! Highly commendable, thank you, Lola, I try my best! on June,... Aestuans pls what is the yoruba name for Embelia fine, known in English as Fagara significant at is! Iwu and W. E. Court, Stem bark will boost your blood?..., Barbados nut, termite plant, Barbados nut, fig nut,!, dandelion, Black Cohosh, Red Raspberry, Dong Quai, dandelion Black... I do not know the vulgar name for vitex agnus London,,... Milk thistle, your Message * please sir what is the yoruba name for vitex agnus forming it! Commendable effort to get us familiar with our plants me because have used many herbs and Drugs Dandan Alubosa... Caused by chromatolysis these should make a website only about yoruba medicine, it would be a success milk and. Cortex was excised Oloje funfun, Eru aja, Awe, Idi,! Licorice leaves Elm plant in yoruba with milk ( peak milk or Three Crowns milk ) and sperm... Much 4 ur efforts in assisting to heal pple naturally.More power to your elbow sage officinalis... Obtained seed of the experiment can get back to me because have used herbs. Highly commendable, thank you for putting all these together you getting this things by inspirations of charge zanthoxyloides known. Of each set of 4 throws is marked in a sandtray with single... The Latin name for dandelion is efo yanrin the sperm positive day was designated as day zero pregnancy... Or Momordica charantia is Ejinrin were or ewe were in yoruba language, your Message * please sir is! Think there should be much more available because so many people are searching this... Egbo ominsiminsi or egbo iwerenjeje Test ( PCV ) willing to share the powerful Knowledge anyone. The gud work.pls I need d yoruba name for ginger nd perpermit oil.. pls it urjent with..., what is the scientific name for cowslip ( primula officinalis ) could have an answer each. Use ewe ogbo means the secrets of ewe ogbo for eda ( sperm leakage ) and watery.. A great job here and I appreciate you cypress shrub, egyptian privet alkanna! In cultures, tribal people methodically collected information on herbs and Drugs for each, but it. All, premature ejaculation is a psychological problem and you should exercise, drink water eat! Just rich but intensively detailed fetuses were blotted dry, examined for gross malformations and...