In truth your fear is equally unjustified as someone who washes their hands 20 times instead of once. I've had all sorts of themes, so I unfortunately have been through quite a lot. So you're not completely paranoid- like many Third, the basic reality is that you (we!) Your obsessive thoughts will keep the anxiety high no matter how often or how much reassurance you get. Visit our Anxiety Center to learn more about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), However police may think otherwise, if my student informs police, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Probably she has a point. Dealt with it how I deal with all my other obsessions. Every person with OCD believes 'the problem is' and says their fear really can happen. It could also result from breaking the law knowingly or unknowingly and resulting in jail time. Usually I wrote only scientfic papers - youtube format was new for me and I was ready for it. I'd just go ahead and keep your Put another way, they lose their sense of agency. But in Russia you can get jailed for justification of terrorism, I don`t think that I justified it - I never said it`s OK to blow up things and spread terror - I just explained it from political science standpoint. Press J to jump to the feed. That means when those thoughts come up, instead of ruminating, just say, You know, I cant be certain about what will happen. Please note that this article is for your information only and does not constitute clinical advice or establish a patient-psychologist relationship. What are your compulsions? * An exposure may also provide an opportunity to disconfirm an expected negative outcome of a certain behavior, but RF-ERP does not see this as the primary way that exposure works. If you suffer from claustrophobia, you might dread CT scans, MRIs and other tests that require confinement. Do you have access to CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy? But in the case of those with OCD, these thoughts can be very paralyzing. ivleo Im about to lose my job, my girlfriend and my dog because of this and I need help. I feel like I don`t know. If you fear that you may have OCD, its best to visit your primary caregiver and seek treatment. I eventually got a job and just forced myself to work through the brain fog and fatigue. Secondly, the compulsions can be dangerous. Yes! I get severe anxiety whenever I'm around the police. I am 20 years old, and have been suffering from OCD for almost 8 years now. Sign up for a new account in our community. I recently visited Youtube channel wich is opposite towards Kremlin. Im working on realising this and letting go, accepting im not in control and it may happen it may not, but I dont need to focus on it now. Study the law, learn about scams and stuff so you will never ever fall under a victim or get in trouble because of ignorance of the law. WebFear of going to jail OCD describes an irrational fear of going to jail. I always play out scenarios where I might have done something illegal on accident (going a bit over speed limit, messing up on paperwork, etc.) I see how they can be interpreted in other way is someone wants to. A am a political scientist and I dwell in Moscow since I was born. Its relatively normal for one to fear real-life events. As this article mentions in the previous sections, constantly fearing getting OCD may develop into the condition. I was off the entire winter again with a lot of time to overthink and worry. First post on this forum. My brain swears "they" are coming for me. Yes you are definitely not alone. So, rather than fearing what hasnt happened, its better to focus on your present. The fear of ending up in jail is common among people with OCD. So if you're fearing jail, watch YT videos about jail, look at riots about being in jail or vividly write a paragraph or two of imaginal exposure, talking about your worst prison related fears. They are not. WebYou can't go to jail unless you commit a crime punishable with jail time. However, we are not able to help with suicide on an internet forum. You're overestimating how hard it actually is to get sent to jail. OCD symptoms are thus strategies that the person with OCD uses to protect themselves from their Core Fear, whatever that might be. Not understanding why theyre doing what theyre doing only adds to the feeling of not having control. For some though, the fear can be very overwhelming. To be honest, I am even sometimes thinking of commiting suicide as a means to end this constant anxiety. So, its okay not to panic when you get these thoughts. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. OCD is a common mental health condition. But what it does take is effort every single day That's why I am interested in hearing about the experiences of any individual who think they may suffer from a fear of going to the bathroom. Do not copy or redistribute in any form! I have an obsession with obtaining a criminal record and therefore sabotaging my career, as well as going to jail. The thing is, that you can recover from OCD and medicine is not a necessity to do so. Most people have this fear despite committing no crimes. If you are looking for a place to start let me give them to you. I don`t get why medication is not working properly, why I can`t get rid of this "swarm of fear thoughts", The thing is that my psychiatrist believes that OCD is only part of the story and that in general I have a shizotipical disorder. Even if this possibility were real, how should I behave? ), what they really fear the most is the emotional state they associate with that event, and their actual worst fear would be experiencing that emotional state forever. Identifying and understanding the source of your intrusive thoughts will help you keep these thoughts away easily. My therapist believes that CBT is not for me. She says that my problems and emotional traumas run much deeper, that CBT can help. Generally psychia Privet Richard. (My attempt at 'hello' in Russian!) In OCD the thing we fear always seems very real and very likely to happen unless we do the comp I think I would prefer to die than to experience years of prosecution, trial and imprisonment. Posts: 10. Yeah, I've found that jail thoughts can't really be logically defeated. I didnt really think it was that big of a deal at the time, but it really breaks me now. But contrary to what common sense might suggest about OCD patients, these people arent more likely to commit more crimes than usual. Can anyone relate? They happen often and cause great anxiety. No scheduling or phone calls. My hands get clammy, my heart races, etc. I am deeply ashamed of what Ive done (it Always something super bad. I immediately assume that I've done something wrong and that they're going to haul me off to jail or kill me. It was one of the worst experiences of my life for this reason. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. It might, or it might not be the case. You may or may not have a schizotypical disorder as well, but overcoming obsessions is mainly about stopping the compulsions which keep it going. 1. However I am so much afraid of law enforcers, that it became much more than "ordinary obession". So, does OCD cause fear, or does fear cause OCD, and is OCD based on fear? Choose the person you may want to confide in very carefully. Same with you, wanting to go and ask the secret services for reassurance only maintains your belief that getting jailed is a likely outcome of this. WebIt's going to take hard work every single day. by coconutjam82 Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:31 am, by coconutjam82 Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:31 am, by coconutjam82 Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:18 am, by coconutjam82 Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:51 am, by sillycaterpillar89 Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:16 am, by eightpencils Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:52 pm, Return to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Forum, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 36 guests. Could you buy one for delivery to Russia, or download an e-book online? People with OCD often cognitively distort their reality. I often have intrusive thoughts about harming/killing myself, so much so that I have attempted it this past summer. But perhaps the worst part of OCD is this feeling of total powerlessness to exert any control over them. WebFirstly, OCD is an anxiety disorder, and can lead to other disorders, like depression, which can cause suicidal thoughts. Sign up for a new account in our community. I feel so much sorry for myself. Somehow I started beiing afraid of russian police (or secret services) more than I am afraid of cancer. Then I catch myself and get so distressed about magical thinking. I feel like because they are technically three number sixes upside down, that it is somehow immoral. I remembered walking down the corridor from intake going thru barred doors that had to be buzzed in order to open and then the 8 of us approached the main cell house door that slid opened and closed behind us once we entered. Ruminating? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Is the event real or imagined? I spent alot of money seeking reassurance from lawyers (they say - no risk). Back when I was a kid, the shcool I was at recently had a load of new buildings completed and we had the queen coming to officially open the building. So, talking yourself through these thoughts should help you rationalize better. 4 steps don`t work properly with this particalar obsession. Thoughts that are not acted on are to some extent just thoughts, hon. And Im willing to curb it. This is their Core Fear. Finding a lump on your testicle definitely requires a visit to the doctor to get it checked out. But there are many causes of testicular lumps, so For example, fear of getting dirty is an OCD disorder. My Phychatrist told me that the other options of meds have worse effects. And somehow the problems with criminal code fear me much more than rabies, HIV or even cancer. Checking? But I actually imagine spending time in prison and how I'll manage my OCD (Contamination) in prison. You can manage it more with a better response system. They may have some of the same treatment options. At the end of the summer I was told they had to let someone go and I was the newest so I lost another job. I know it's a compulsion, and a part of me knows that I will always be doubtful, but I feel as if I have a moral obligation to do so somehow. Why not talk to your therapist about the 4 steps? February 17, 2022 in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent and unwanted thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive and cause distress or anxiety. Like Ill catch myself defending myself in my head against people that arent even real lol. Most of us have at least once felt the urge to bend the law at some point in our lives. Press J to jump to the feed. But realistically there is no reason for it to happen I just hate that thought so much. I'm not asking for a diagnosis but could this potentially be a form of OCD? But its best to not worry about these things too much as everyone has irrational fears to some extent. Do you have a fear of going to jail or OCD? Because your thoughts are fear-based, its important not to avoid them. Better to not want to kill or maim, but sometimes not acting on thoughts is the best we can shoot for. Your worries could stem from an external cause that is registered subconsciously in your brain. Force yourself to go through with it, please. I'd say that communication is key; you're struggling with whether to go off the meds or not, as well as a bunch of other things, and I think you should communicate that with your girlfriend and anyone else you think it would be helpful to. Thank you for this comment. Unfortunately I can`t afford it. By now, you may have already seen the term fear of going to jail OCD floating around. (I know its wrong and understand the severity) I had to go to court and everything. I keep reviewing my memory to check if I had any clear and unmistakable intention to threaten/cause harm to my classmate. Its more natural to run away from those that seem scary. Prison reentry programs provide a sense of belonging, structure and support for people coming out of prison. I still sometimes think I'll end up in prison for some reason. We`ve been discussing methods in political science and I mentioned that rational choice paradigm can explain terrorism and portrays terrirists as rational actors. They need to accept their fear is out of proportion to reality and stop seeking reassurance. I have never related to a comment more. It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. I tell myself it's OCD and let it go. 2 Snowbear Your words are kind and warm Though I don`t get how to draw the line between realistic fears and unrealistic. For instance (sorry for de Right now, Im stuck on the fear of going to jail because of my real event OCD. A subreddit dedicated to discussion, articles, and support regarding OCD. 02 While he still struggles at times, he's developed habits that allow him to cope with his OCD on a daily basis, such as meditation, staying active and using humor to address his thoughts. We dont want to give But what it does take is effort every single day and pushing into your fears. I've also stopped myself from googling every single thing I'm worried about and to get information about who has been arrested for what. I think that it depends on the subjetive experience you're having due to these thoughts. Its just not relevant to the crime. Thats part of the fear that freaks me out the most, the fact Im thinking about what my life would be if it happened. But you can`t go to secret serrvices and ask them: "guys, are you OK with my words or are you going to prosecute me?". WebWhat are the symptoms of OCD? I worked out, ate healthy and tried to keep a positive attitude but my job was ruining my life. How do you cope with these kind of thoughts? I asked to delete the video with me and the Youtube channel agreed. I read books, I play games, but fear thought are "floating around". WebOCD/Anxiety/Fear of prison and Hell Long story might be hard to follow I dont know where to start, stay with me please. Generally psychiatriast diagnose me with shizotypical disorder and emphasize that "medication first, talks later". Additionally, they may use emotional reasoning where one regards their emotions as facts. I told the doctors my story and they diagnosed me with OCD/Ruminating Thoughts. Is the fear of going to jail the worst possible outcome to this event? You need to see this as OCD. Please read below for more information and resources about about OCD and the subreddit. I, in my infinite childhood wisdom, thought it would be hilarious to bring a laser pen to school with me that day, despite it being on the wideley circulated list of items we were explicitly told to not bring that day. +1(415)-323-0836 (Whatsapps), [emailprotected]. I would think this falls under intrusive thoughts. WebMost of the folks here though have fear of getting caught for no reason but my fear is the environment in the jail, just thinking about it makes me anxious and get into It helps. It really helps. My doc says that my OCD is a symptom of more general shizotypical disorder and so meds are more important than anything First of all, I have real event ocd, so I get it. So whenever I'd start to freak out she would talk me through the law and legal stuff. They may begin with hints of truth, which is why they can be so alluring and grab attention fast. These fears can be intense, even if you have nothing wrong. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A program offers compassion, empathy and they are being treated as a human being. I felt terrible about it and the guilt was killing me. She means that I am not ready to public speaking atthe moment and that I should abstain from it since the act of public speaking leads to me later re-watching videos, micro-analyzing my words (seeking criminal meaning in them) and paying momey to lawyers. Press J to jump to the feed. It can sometimes take years of silent suffering for several people before seeking professional help. WebHow rational is this fear/am I going to jail. This has also evolved into my kids being taken away too. Im so predisposed to thinking Ive done something wrong, even when I havent, that I can totally imagine myself giving some nonsensical incoherent false confession. Accepting these thoughts will help you understand your fears better as well. Like what if There are plenty of good self-help books in English. Idk. For example, both conditions are characterized by intense irrational fear. ALL of my obsessions are about either getting sued, going to jail or accidentally making someone else go to jail. And most of the things on that list I was like 15 and didnt know better, but Ive just accumulated so much guilt and fear I guess I assume the worst will come of everything. I wrote a more detailed response to OP on this same thread and I'd recommend giving it a once over. Do you ever fear losing control? The next step is attempting to stop taking these thoughts personally. I am afraid that I am lying to myself and painting a better picture of my character than I deserve. I was terrified I was going to jail and they'd throw away the key. I have had OCD for a very long time, but recently it's just been getting out of control. I wish I never wisited that Youtube channel and never spoke for it. There are several resources and experts that specialize in treating OCD. Those are the signs that OCD is in play. You can learn to ignore these thoughts, it's not easy, but it can be done. I realize that in UK and US CBT is a dominant school. Furthermore, I'm reminded of a technique from Katie d'Ath's videos on YT, talking about an effective strategy to counter OCD. Is there a concrete way to accept this and live in peace regardless? Fear of going to jail OCD describes an irrational fear of going to jail. And then do something else asap. Maybe also communicate with your psychiatrist the extent of the effects of the meds on you (w/ your job, relationship, general happiness, etc.) I highly regret it, however, I am terrified of it happening again. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She says that my current emotional condition and public speaking won`t just how to say it.. work out? Even if you get temporary relief the doubt (and fear) always returns soon after. OCD/Anxiety/Fear of prison and Hell. The headline might just have well have said, Killer has brown eyes.. But you have to take a leap of faith and stop looking for any kind of reassurance for a while to get there. Fear of contamination (germs, viruses) 2. It is extremly big. Intrusive thoughts are not rare in such cases as well. It is incredible how our thoughts can seem pointless once we voice them aloud. Five common categories of obsessions include: 1. A subreddit dedicated to discussion, articles, and support regarding OCD. Logically I can't think of any reason it would ever happen, but that fear is constant. . I posted a similar thread over on the anxiety board. wont get better until we get used to uncertainty. People with OCD may also fear blasphemy, violent acts against others, and doubts about doing everyday tasks wrong. They will no longer seem threatening and lose meaning once you acknowledge them. Just make sure when it happens to not check for reassurance like going back to the spot or inspecting your car because for me I am 20 years old, and have been suffering from OCD for almost 8 years now. How your mind keeps going over it, churning. I don`t get how to draw the line between realistic fears and unrealistic. Like what if I don't fill in this paperwork correctly and have to go to jail or get in a lot of trouble. Later, these feelings enable ritualizing and maintaining the fear of real-life events, such as fear of going to jail OCD. All rights reserved. This was my biggest obsession as a kid. Only having intrusive thoughts isnt a marker of an accurate diagnosis. If you experience these thoughts excessively, it is probably a good idea to seek professional help. It makes me not want to leave my room. Only by stepping in and not stepping back will you begin to see progress. This means that I generally tend to have bizzare thoughts, Privet Richard. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder message board, open discussion, and online support group. After I failed the test and realized I had to go back to these awful jobs my depression/anxiety got much worse. Also during this time I lost 3 jobs in 2 years from being laid off Im a good worker it was just bad timing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It is difficult to say with conviction whether it happens for sure because each case is very different. Fear-obsessive Thoughts Of Going To Prison? WebIt is important to understand that OCD can make a person uncertain about the most basic things that they think, see, hear, touch, or experience otherwise. My therapist believes that CBT is not for me. Until next time, take care and be well. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. * Sometimes this requires teaching them how to exercise control (e.g., how to stop ruminating). And longest. Dude, I have this too! Any advice is appreciated. It's a very scary thing :/. That is what I fear the most: not being able to find a job, putting my parents in debt, and other things like that. I went through a phase of this. And though I position myself as "pro-Kremlin expert" (though I try to remain as much scientist as possible), I still fear this scenario much. Thoughts like terrified of breaking the law without my knowledge, why do I constantly fear going to jail may nag their minds constantly. So much so that they cant put it past them and start falling into the loop of intrusive thoughts.. what ifshe was in denial and finallysnapped , what if she finally remembered things that I couldn't remember) and decided to press charges? Richard Rahl I live in the UK. What would a courtroom say?". Fast forward about a year I was living with my girlfriend in her house and we just bought a dog and I had a decent job working at an asphalt plant making better money and not killing myself everyday, things were okay. I tried to get better jobs but either realized I was to dumb or didnt have the qualifications. If it is really bad, where it impacts your social, mental, emotional functioning (or whatever) to a degree such that there was a reddit post made, you should consider seeing a therapist. however in Russia it is not. Can you access books on OCD and CBT in Russia? Never asked for it but never stopped it either. The best I can do is to go by my therapist's word that I've done no wrong, and that the "victim" seems to be fine and even told methat I've no need to apologize. The persons subjective lack of agency regarding their symptoms worsens as theyve been doing those symptoms for a longer and longer time, because they have so many experiences of feeling as though they dont have a choice about doing them. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Forum. My doc says that my OCD is a symptom of more general shizotypical disorder and so meds are more important than anything else. In OCD the thing we fear always seems very real and very likely to happen unless we do the compulsions to stop it. Please read below for more information and resources about about OCD and the subreddit. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. I also have always been afraid of law enforcement unnecessary. Then, because Ive been somehow immoral, I will get prosecuted for something and go to jail. You need to understand why these thoughts are disturbing you in the first place. Right now, I'm stuck on the fear of going to jail because of my real event OCD. This is where it all started. Why Do I Always Feel Out of It? Most people On 30/12/2020 at 13:26, Richard Rahl said: But if theerapy isn't on offer then all you can do is read the self-help books and try to apply it as best you can yourself. If youre experiencing intrusive thoughts, the best thing to do is to accept these thoughts. Those who struggle with But I accept that. For instance (sorry for details) several years ago I found a lump on my testicle (sorry again) and got immediately scared that it is testicl cancer. Furthermore, as time goes by, they may not remember what they were so afraid of (if they ever even knew). Your mindset has to change to a recovery mindset if you want to get better. Again they are going through an adjustment to a new norm. I have run The person with OCD is like someone with a gun to their head. Please read below for more information and resources about about OCD and the subreddit. DUDE. WebPeople with OCD are afraid of making a mistake that they cant take back, one that would lead them to experience their most feared emotional state forever. I started taking Luvox. My girlfriend gave me a second chance and I started making it up to her things were going okay for a while but the drugs have made it impossible to function and have a normal life and I cant take it anymore. 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