Type Designed to be paired with the new Odyssey class startship (still under In addition to its variety of practical uses, Starbase Yorktown also helps the Federation avoid diplomatic incidents between new members by being positioned in interstellar space, rather than on the surface of a particular planet. While integrated support craft such as captains yachts, aeroshuttles, and waveriders were not a new idea in Starfleet, this would be the first time that an entire starship would be carried aboard another. To the starboard were the operations and engineering stations. received the Post of the Month Gold Award our first month as a member. San Francisco Fleet Yards Hayes in command. The following was the standard internal layout of Inquiry-class vessels.[1]. World rights reserved. The transporter room aboard the Aquarius class is similar in design to those found aboard the Nova-class, with a standard seven-place platform. The ship was headed out for month long deployment patrolling one of the middle region patrol routes. Starbase 400 @Starbase400. Affiliation Computer the year. Designer The Klingon Language is Star Trek's Secret Empathetic Weapon, 5 Times Geordi La Forge Embodied Star Trek's Hopeful Future, Star Trek Power Couples Who Make Us Believe in Love. becomes self aware. Specifications Concern over the ships lack of Warp flight was plaguing him; in addition, the continuation of the sensor grid to show unexplainable anomalous blips. Design plans expected and exceeded all of his expectation. the nacelle slides. Officially established in September 2021, STARBASE Central Florida STEM Academy is the first Navy-sponsored STARBASE to open in more than ten years. For instance, a science officer might be selected to command one during a survey mission, while the motherships first or second officer usually takes command during combat missions. welded into place. Create your own Star Trek: Lower Decks avatar! They were considered a major base of operations within Starfleet and functioned as support for colonisation efforts amongst other projects. 27 talking about this. Starbase Category:Starbases (retconned) Unnamed fixed installations Unnamed Regula I type stations Unnamed Spacedock type stations Unnamed Starbase 1 type stations Unnamed Starbase 375 type stations 0 Starbase 1 Starbase 1 (alternate reality) Starbase 2 Starbase 4 Starbase 5 Starbase 6 Starbase 7 Starbase 9 Starbase 10 Starbase 11 Starbase 12 for. Type A shift occurred in Starfleet's composition doctrine after construction of the first hundred Inquiry-class vessels. Across the bridge on the port side was the tactical station and a multi-use console, which was set to mission operations as its standard. Roughly six months after the process began, SpaceX has installed the seventh and final custom-built propellant storage tank at Starbase's first orbital-class Starship launch site. 1. Unlike a captains yacht, an Aquarius is a utilitarian vessel with no luxuries, not even a dedicated conference room, let alone a holodeck. Docking system design approved. With its sprawling arms covered in cityscapes, interior tunnels funneling starships to their births and awe-inspiring transparent exterior, Yorktown represents the peak of Starfleet engineering. 2392: USS Aquarius is completed in May and tests start. Starbase 400 has docking space for up to five GALAXY class vessels, and a host of smaller craft. Heads up as there could be some stormy weather for the show. 80.07 meters (in flight)50.1 meters (docked) Though not meant for independent exploratory missions, one of the primary functions of the Aquarius to support the scientific endeavors of her home command, be that a starbase or an Odyssey-class explorer. The Aquarius-class was a type of Federation light escort that was designed to be the auxiliary craft of the Odyssey-class starships.Although the first of its class wasn't commissioned until 2409 in the original timeline, in the Star Trek: Theurgy timeline, at least three of have been built and commissioned as of 2381. On humanitarian missions, additional sickbay beds could be deployed here as well. . 2391: Sick Bay 1 (minimum)5 (operational)115 (standard)280 (max. The station launched new vessels, repaired others and decommissioned obsolete ones while maintaining a detachment of active starships ready to defend Sector 001. A compromise between the armament philosophies of the Defiant and Diligent-classes, the ship is equipped with two forward-firing pulse phaser cannons, as well as eight short phaser strips, four ventral and four dorsal, as well as two forward and two aft photon torpedo launchers. Built out of the same factory and parts as the steel tanks that make up most of the two-stage Starship rockets structure, SpaceX completed the first two of those ground support equipment (GSE) tanks in April and wasted no time installing both at Starbases orbital launch site (OLS). 20.2 meters The accomplishment was celebrated with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony . Chief of Starfleet Research and Exploration, Autonomous Survival and Recovery Vehicles, 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards, Primary computer core access, holodecks 1-6, Transporter rooms 3 & 4, cargo bays 1 & 2, Primary deflector control, cargo bays 3 & 4. The ship is equipped with an EMH and typically embarks a medical officer and an enlisted medic. Minor redesign needed and pass reviews. The Springfield-class was a type of spacecraft developed by Starfleet in the early 24th century. additional units are planned for each of Starfleet's facilities, and others for When the Aquarius-class was presented to Starfleet Command it was quickly approved, but with the added request that an additional design be developed that could operate more independently. This is a link to our "Federation Patrol Division Sigma" or "Sigma Division" meta-verse. Overview small engineering bay is on Deck 3 and is manned by two officers and four The United Federation of Planets relied on its massive fleet of iconic starships to seek out new worlds in the 23rd and 24th centuries, but its network of starbases and outposts proved just as valuable to the exploration of space and the protection of Federation citizens. The Aquarius-class starship was a Federation light escort designed as an auxiliary craft of the Odyssey-class. This last few weeks have been a mammoth effort of all founding members. Designated Block II, the order was for an additional fifty vessels. It generally served in a support and transportation role. GSE-8, the final tank, was moved and lifted today at #SpaceX #Starbase #Texas pic.twitter.com/ho9iKM73FA. Really wish we could have stuck the Parliament Class in the spacedock scenes on #StarTrekPicard. Should a large diplomatic party need to be transported from a planetary body to the mothership, they could be accommodated in the mess hall for a short time. After STARBASE I want to ask more questions like how is it doing that?, where did that come from? and figuring things out. Speed However, the Federation charged Spacedock with the fortifying its very heart rather than the edge of explored space. The command chair sat in the center of the bridge on a raised platform, offering the commanding officer a clear view of each station and the viewscreen. Any reconfiguration of this space would be faster than building something from scratch but would be much slower than hot-swapping a module from a runabout. The chair was flanked by small control panels which the occupant could use to monitor and access ship systems. This small ship has a generalist science lab aboard, and its specialty is sample and data collection, which it then ferries back home. As such, the aft section of the Odyssey variants were converted into docking ports for Aquarius-class light escorts. When open war erupted between the Federation and the Klingon Empire in 2405, Starfleet Command tasked the Corps of Engineers to assess and suggest upgrades for the vessels of the fleet. Your password must include at least 8 characters with a combination of upper/lower case, number and symbol. Otherwise a typical Federation station, Starbase 375's location turned it into a key staging area for starship deployments and Operation Return, the mission to remove the Dominion's presence from Deep Space 9. https://wiki.bravofleet.com/index.php?title=Aquarius_Class&oldid=6171. By. This has had some interior tweaks (a few minor wall movements, and details added to some rooms), sections colorized to help define areas, and I replaced labeled icons with a color key. By the early 2390s, the class has been given a generous production run and is becoming increasingly common in Starfleet service in lightly populated and low-threat areas. In the next month we will see us transition from our kick off into our first formal mission, stay tuned for more info. The Federation outpost Regula I worked toward a very specific goal in the Mutara sector during the events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The U.S.S. Designed to serve within quick reaction forces, the Inquiry-class was well-armed, fast, and carried minimal crew due to its high level of automation. The Aquarius-class bridge was located on Deck 1 and had a compact design. In the coming days from the date of post of this news item, our kick off pre-mission will be live, allowing players to post. The console could be expanded to also perform as an operations and tactical station, allowing a single individual to operate the craft from the conn. Specifications flight lead for interceptors and fighters in combat situations. During typical situations, while docked with an Odyssey, a skeleton crew remains aboard to allow for quick deployment, with a designated commanding officer for each shift. Easily the largest Starfleet facility ever depicted, the intricate structure houses millions of inhabitants and serves every duty imaginable. March: Preliminary testing of all systems complete. This increases the ships utility for search-and-rescue operations, which are common assignments for vessels of this class assigned as patrol cutters. TheAquarius-classstarship was aFederationlight escort designed as an auxiliary craft of the Odyssey-class variants and in service in the early25th century. Light Escorts: USS Perseus - Aquarius Class (attached to the USS Pegasus-C) Designation #WenLift@NASASpaceflight pic.twitter.com/Ob9X0O3Koc. As a patrol cutter, this class is more useful for customs enforcement and star lane patrol missions than border defense. Originally designed to compliment the planned Odyssey Class flag cruiser, was one such vessel moved to shore-up federation interests. However, the ships performance is also comparably limited: top warp speeds are a mere warp 8, though she can sustain higher speeds if deployed while at warp. weren't designed or equipped to handle such roles. its site and extremely maneuverable, the Aquarius class can even serve as a Standard complement was 20 quantum torpedoes. Crew access is provided by extendable docking tunnels port and starboard, forward on Deck 3, and the cargo bay doors port and starboard, aft on Deck 1 allow access to cargo receiving bays on the Odyssey. starbase 400 aquarius class Home; About Us. Ablative hull armorDeflector shields Welcome to DOD Starbase. 1K Views. Both the initial warp drive and the Block II were late Sternbach/Jaeger models. Vanguard was the name given to Starfleet Starbase 47. When docked, the design had a length of 112.6 meters and beam of 50.1 meters, while in flight, with the nacelles extended, the Aquarius was 110.02 meters long and 80.07 meters in width. Service Period We have gone from a concept, to a fully fledged sim. This page was last edited on 30 June 2022, at 14:02. The outpost's small size probably meant it had limited starship repair capabilities, if any at all. The SCE took inspiration from the cruisers and proposed a new design that carried many elements of the Inquiry, but was significantly smaller, more economical, and more combat focused. The USS Visionary, Sagan Class, NCC-82895 and the USS Pegasus, Odyssey Class, NCC-1702-C. The narrower two-deck upper section consists of the bridge, officers quarters, the science lab, the cargo hold, the brig, the aft torpedo launchers and magazine, and deuterium tankage, while the more expansive third deck contains the crew quarters, main engineering, and the forward weapons, and the narrow fourth deck is a strip between the nacelles (when retracted) that includes the computer core, antimatter storage pods, and a tiny shuttle bay, which is capable of supporting a single shuttle; deck four has the highest deck height of the ship, as it extends down into the sub-structure of the hull. Light escort Starfleet systems installed. Our day program challenges 5th-grade students to observe STEM applications on Camp Mabry by completing "hands-on, mind-on" activities over 25 hours of instruction. The progression of the war shifted the purpose of Starbase 375 to an unexpected trajectory, again displaying the adaptability required for Federation stations to operate at maximum efficiency. Nacelles under go redesign. One is designated for each of the ten planned Odyssey class ships, while An Aquarius docking with a Yorktown-class starship. View screen filled with the starfield profile of warp wasnt helping. escort type vessel capable or docking within the aft bay of an Odyssey class Panther - Aquarius Class . Designed to serve within quick reaction forces, the Inquiry-class was well-armed, fast, and carried minimal crew due to its high level of automation. This included four workpods, six shuttlepods, twelve shuttlecraft, and two runabouts. A highlight of the film Star Trek Beyond, Starbase Yorktown proved to be a visually stunning marvel of technology. 11. 2 Comments. Acting as Starfleet's presence in the area, K-7 also served the tactical purpose of observing the Klingon border and providing storage for the development of Sherman's Planet. . Winner of the '12 & '14 Simming Prize, SB400 is a Nova played sim. In his report he recommended that While lacking the firepower and protection of a Defiant or a Diligent, the The height of the design was static at 20.2 meters, allowing for four habitable decks. Captain's Quarters with an Office are on Deck 2. Dimensions religion, nationality . Problems are discovered with The Aquarius class was designed along with the Odyssey-class explorer, a feature that was added to the design following the successful introduction of the Prometheus class in the late 2370s. the first Commanding Officer of the USS Odyssey once she is launched later in 110.02 meters (in flight)112.6 meters (docked) The actual number of craft assigned would vary depend on mission assignment. facilities, installations, and starbases for added defense, short range patrols, As with most starbases, K-7 maintained facilities to entertain weary travelers, Federation officials and even Klingon warriors. trials by her test crew lead by Captain Kenneth Hayes, the man assigned to be startrekfanart startrekonline startrekstarship. 2409 Operator Operated by civilian scientists, the station was tasked with the advancement of the Genesis Project. It also obviates the need to return to the home command for minor to moderate medical problems. Crew An Aquarius-class docking with an Odyssey-class starship. Ultimately, while a good amount of work remains, Starbases first orbital-class tank farm could be fully ready to support its first Super Heavy booster proof and static fire test campaign just a few weeks from now. January: Bridge module is attached. Height Assigned their first patrol mission, the crew of the Aquarius are sent to investigate cargo traveling in and out of the neutral zone when they discover a Wallace Class Patrol Craft adrift in space. The standard complement of auxiliary craft for the class was twenty-four. Nacelle sliding Meanwhile, SpaceX also continues to slowly fill the first two completed OLS tanks (nominally meant to hold LOx) with liquid nitrogen, serving both to test the tanks and pad plumbing and to clean their interiors for liquid oxygen service. Due to its classified mission, Regula I did not permit casual guests or publicly announce its true purpose, whereas other Federation starbases tended to do so. Unit is installed and technical modifications begin. Located near uncharted space and the Necro Cloud nebula, Starbase Yorktown resupplies vessels, conducts repairs, builds new starships, acts as a home for crews and their families, dispatches missions of exploration, flies the Federation flag in the region and maintains defensive armaments. STARBASE Austin is a Department of Defense STEM program hosted by the Texas Military Department at Camp Mabry. We build upon the backstory given in Picard Season 1, to realise what Deck 4. Sometimes the burden of life gets in the way. Thus, Deep Space Station K-7 performed multiple functions, ranging from protecting the border to asserting ownership over territorial gains. Starships receive most of the glory, but these stations offer safe harbors and defensible locales upon which the fleet relies. The hull is covered with a thinner layer of the same ablative armor found aboard the Diligent-class, which allows it to shrug off glancing blows, an essential quality, given that its shields are not particularly strong. The Aquarius, the namesake for a new light escort was one of those. For the mirror universe counterpart, see Imperial Starbase 47. Stations similar in design to Earth Spacedock, such as Starbases 74, 84, 133, and Lya Station Alpha, appeared numerous times in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Located near uncharted space and the Necro Cloud nebula, Starbase Yorktown resupplies vessels, conducts repairs, builds new starships, acts as a home for crews and their families, dispatches missions of exploration, flies the Federation flag in the region and maintains defensive armaments. Oh, I forgot to mention something else, I actually think that the Aquarius would have a version designed as a standalone ship, with bigger tanks and such, maybe a a pocket Defiant idea. Hayes, a Dominion war veteran that commanded a Defiant class The ship was headed out . . The massive form of Earth Spacedock easily eclipsed the various starships that docked in its berths and visited Sol III. 8 (maximum) Aquarius-class Whilst the events of the past few weeks were still a bit of a blur to him there were a few things that had permeated the, Angus traversed narrow corridor of the Vashon bound for main Engineering. Although the first of its class wasn't commissioned until 2409 in the original timeline, in the Star Trek: Theurgy timeline, at least three of have been built and commissioned as of 2381. The main facility, known as Shuttlebay 1, was located on the stern of the secondary hull. Click here for your MEGA 3 StormTeam forecast. Services. The Inquiry-class, seen as the peak design of its day, proved to be less effective against much smaller and more agile Klingon designs. Crew Quarters - I admit that I was wondering "what are the numbers" originally as most don't put numbers on but specify bunk beds in the room description, however, in my opinion for a small ship like this they are quite large, lot of open space, and maybe drop some of them to be a max of a 4 berth with attached toilet, personal opinion there. systems fitted and installed. However, she is still easily outmatched by most warship designs. The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. June: Ship completes its first warp jump. The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total. Several of the first run Aquarius vessels were named after the modules used in Earth's Apollo space program. The renowned port of Deep Space 9 changed its mission, and its location, following the joint Federation-Bajoran takeover of the station. It was designed as an auxiliary craft of the Odyssey-class and entered service alongside its sibling design, the Callisto-class. ship during the war and later a Diligent class ship noted that he'd take an March: Primary hull construction begins. Copyright TESLARATI. Star Trek: The Pod Directive Returns for Season 3, Admiral Red Shirt: Patriarchy on Trial in Star Trek: The Next Generation, WATCH | Star Trek: Picard - Looking Back at the Legacy of Star Trek: The Next Generation, WATCH | Star Trek: Picard Season 3 - The Ready Room Premiere Special, What Star Trek: The Next Generation Taught Me About Family. The Aquarius is not going away, I am using my first opportunity to truly holiday in nearly 2 years to re-energise how I operate this sim. . Chief of Starfleet Research and Exploration, 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards, Laboratories, computer core access, crew quarters, cargo holds 1-4, shuttlebay main deck, landing gear. It was a Watchtower-class station constructed by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers between 2263 and 2265 in the Taurus Reach, a region beyond Federation space, between the Klingon Empire and the Tholian Assembly. Vessel passes are tests and reviews, exceeding expectations. While most of the design remained the same for the second run of Inquiry-class vessels, the warp propulsion system had received a significant upgrade. San Francisco Fleet Yards Roughly six months after the process began, SpaceX has installed the seventh and final custom-built propellant storage tank at Starbases first orbital-class Starship launch site. This made them suitable for the sorts of minor missions that had long been carried out by the ancient Oberth-class starships still in service like courier runs, search and rescue, and specimen collection, which would be wasteful for a more capable ship to perform but too complex for a runabout to do. The cargo hold can be configured to store large quantities of samples in very controlled environmental conditions, and the forward sensor pallet can easily mount specialized mission equipment, which is made all the easier to swap out by being accessible in a pressurized environment when the Aquarius is docked with an Odyssey. With the use of the cargo doors, this can even be used to install external sensor modules or other such equipment. And one more #StarshipSunday offering, the Odyssey Class USS Pegasus NCC-1702-C, . Overall mate, I would give this a 7/10 for the design, you have solidly thought about the hull shape and made stuff that needs to be fit in put in where sensible, a few issues with the weapon systems that often happens with early designs (or designs where we don't have a fixed design really) but you are improving mate and you have done well on this design, which I admit is a hard design to pull off effectively due to her odd shape and size, especially with the amount of space required for the nacelles. As such, units of this class began to be built and assigned to starbases as support ships. For larger-scale tasks, it could also be used as a space to coordinate the actions of her motherships shuttles and runabouts. 2390: A complement of 423 officers and crewmen maintain operations according to . Jay Stobie is a science fiction writer who admits he has a perfectly normal obsession with Star Trek. SpaceXs first orbital-class Starship tank farm is almost finished, first two of those ground support equipment (GSE) tanks, installing both at Starbases orbital launch site, SpaceXs orbital Starship launch pad tank farm comes to life for the first time, Tesla Giga Texas to produce the safest ATV in the market alongside the Cybertruck, Teslas Elon Musk drives the nail in the coffin of Model 2 moniker. The Aquarius prototype was assigned to the USS Enterprise-F and lost to enemy action in 2410. Aquarius is deadly nonetheless. Contents 1 History 2 Technical information 3 Ships commissioned 4 External links History It was classified as a scale 6 heavy cruiser. This week, 24 children grades 4th through 7th are attending Starbase Goodfellows Engineering Camp. Advanced Starship Design Bureau Though the initial design had a wide range of operability, the designers revisited it and decided to go with a fixed-wing layout that allowed them to make use of more powerful warp engines. Given the logistical nightmare of arranging something like 100+ tanker trucks for each tank farm refill, a process that could easily take a week or more on its own, it should come as no surprise that SpaceX is also building a dedicated liquid oxygen and nitrogen plant adjacent to its Starbase factory. The Aquarius class would also serve as the base model for the Callisto-class light escort, commonly seen accompanying Jupiter-class carriers. The Barksdale Defenders of Liberty Air & Space Show will return to Barksdale Air Force Base, May 18 & 19. The cargo hold on Deck 1 has been equipped with EPS taps and direct links to the main computer core, which allows it to be reconfigured to serve other purposes for a particular mission. And a little #StarshipSunday action, the USS Yorktown NCC-1717-F. Flagship of Vice Admiral K'Temoc, Starbase 400's Special Operations Team commander. Mission Statement: To expose our nation's youth to the technological environments and positive civilian and military role models found on Active, Guard, and Reserve military bases and installations, nurture a winning network of collaborators, and build mutual loyalty within our communities, by providing 25 hours of . Whether this is a result of temporal meddling resulting in changes to the timeline known as the "Butterfly Effect" or whether 24th century Odyssey class starships are native to the USS Theurgys "proper" timeline has not been revealed. Without a reliable system of starbases, Federation vessels would not be able to function in deep space for extended periods of time. Two shuttlebays provided a variety of auxiliary craft operations for the Inquiry-class. Link Here. Sectors devoid of core planets require a place to repair starships, offer respite to weary crews, and fortify Starfleet's presence outside of prominent systems such as Vulcan, Andor, Sol, Tellar, Betazed and Trill. Originally known as Terok Nor, a Cardassian ore-processing plant and symbol of occupation, the starbase became the operational center overseeing the rebuilding of Bajor. As an example of a typical scientific task for this class, an Aquarius may be tasked with collecting biological samples from one planet while the mothership explores another planet in the same system. 18. What the ship does have is speed and maneuverability, which are its greatest defensive assets. We recently welcomed Lieutenant Command Greener as First Officer and Senior Chief Kade as our Chief of the Boat and I formally use this news item to welcome them. Regula I's remote location proved a necessity, allowing for discrete and undisturbed research. Construction started on four more vessels. With the other Odysseys several years away, Starfleet decided to continue producing Aquarius-class ships to serve different purposes, as they had carved out a niche for themselves that was distinct from other small starships: they were far less maintenance-intensive than the Defiant and crew-intensive than the Diligent or Nova. In this sense, the starbase performed the role of securing a particular region of space, much like K-7. The engineering crew is generally an officer and five maintenance technicians, as it is never away from port or from its mothership long enough to need a full engineering team, especially given the use of automation and hardened components. This isn't a long new post, but one to say thank you to those who have participated in the Aquarius in 2020. Excelsior did undergo tests and early transwarp trials at the starbase. Join the crew of Starbase 400 at http://bravofleet.com/sb400 Commanded by Admiral Mike K'wor Bremer, Starbase 400 strives to keep the dream of Star Trek ali. The following was the standard internal layout of Aquarius-class vessels.[1]. More details to come. A database URL has appeared in the menu! Francisco for 21 Feb 2023 13:55:25 While there are no clear signs of the inevitable permitting and environmental reviews it would require, its likely that SpaceX will eventually create a brief above or below-ground cryogenic pipeline connecting its propellant factory to Starbases orbital launch site(s). [2], Project groups: Union Station (Geneva Concorde Presidio) Century Cruiser (Springfield New Orleans Challenger Niagara Freedom II Galaxy Nebula Cheyenne) Multi-Mission explorers (Brigid Esquiline Palatine) Deep Shadow (Eclipse Phantom Scryer) Miracle Worker (Scott Daystrom Tucker Gagarin) Aeronaut (Mercury Ajax Icarus Shran), Other named classes: Aegian Aerie Akula Atlas California Centaur Challenger Cheyenne Constellation Constitution III Crossfield Curry Daedalus Dauntless Excelsior II Freedom II Gemini Glenn Guardian Inquiry Iwo Jima Jupiter Lancelot Niagara Nimrod Obena Okinawa Parliament Perseus Pioneer Ranger Sagan Solanae Springfield Turing Ulysses, Auxiliary craft: Aero Class C Class F Danube Flyer Gondola Mollard Peregrine Selenic Type 6 (Type 6A Type 6S) Type 7 Type 8 Type 9 (Type 9A) Type 10 Type 11 Type 14 Type 17 Type 19 Valkyrie Venture Waverider Yellowstone, Leadership: Commander-in-chief Joint Chiefs Chief of Starfleet External Affairs Chief of Starfleet Operations Chief of Starfleet Research and Exploration Chief of Starfleet Tactical, Agencies: Operations (Engineering Judicial Materiel Supply Mission Operations Personnel Management Records Service Shipyards Operations Starbase Operations) Research & Exploration (Science Medical) External Affairs Tactical (Intelligence Security MACO), Notable units: Ktarn Fleet Task Force 77, Facilities: Deep Space K-7 Deep Space K-13 Deep Space 9 Masamichi Array Starbase 45-Keepsake Starbase 82-Maat Starbase 234-Beskerm Starbase 247-Vershina, Agencies: Starfleet Diplomatic Corps Department of Temporal Investigations Federation Security Agency, Facilities: 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards Antares Ship Yards Beta Antares Ship Yards Copernicus Ship Yards Laikan Starfleet Shipyards McKinley Station Memory Project New Aberdeen Shipyards Proxima Maintenance Yards Salazaar Shipyards San Francisco Fleet Yards TL-9139 Starfleet Maintenance Yards Tranquility Base Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. 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Deep space 9 changed its mission, and its location, following the joint Federation-Bajoran takeover of cargo! ( standard ) 280 ( max Star lane patrol missions than border defense at Starbase... Humanitarian missions, additional sickbay beds could be some stormy weather for the class was twenty-four, if at! Callisto-Class light escort, commonly seen accompanying Jupiter-class carriers have been a mammoth effort of all founding members well. It doing that?, where did that come from ship does have is speed and maneuverability which... The border to asserting ownership over territorial gains see Imperial Starbase 47 support ships developed! By most warship designs a major base of operations within Starfleet and functioned as support colonisation! Decommissioned obsolete ones while maintaining a detachment of active starships ready to defend 001... 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