Gender stereotyping is unfair since male and female are human beings. They encourage their members to live holy life while on earth so that they will return to God in heaven after death. Advantages of Living Together in the Family. It is love that binds members of the family together. Both men and women have the same rights under the law e.g. Gender stereotypes can limit achievements. This could lead to divorce. substance D. emergency, Which of the following chemicals should be carefully handled in the science laboratory? Orebanjo et al pages 10 14. Religious institutions especially Islam and Christianity teach that God is righteous and merciful. Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. All the following are stale foods except A. food that have lost its freshness B. food that is dry C. food that is still fresh D. food that is old. block moulding, bricks laying, carpentry, tanker, and lorry driver etc. It can also be described as the illegal or wrong use of drugs and other, Drug abuse can be prevented in the following ways, Children in public and private schools should be visited while the adults (Parents) are reached through hand bills, posters, bill boards electronic media programme. Provision of basic needs: The family is responsible for the provision of basic needs like food, clothes and shelter for the children. Good social behaviour: The family provides avenue for the teaching of acceptable cultural values by parents to their children. They both go through puberty and share romantic feelings. Infidelity: Extra marital relationship by either of the couple can cause misunderstanding and divorce. The conditions for marriage are as follows: Topic: Effects of Lack of Readiness in Marriage Relationship, TOPIC: FAMILY AS THE BASIC UNIT OF SOCIETY, PERIOD I: ADVANTAGES OF LIVING TOGETHER IN FAMILY. In our Social Studies lesson today, we will be looking at the topic "Leadership And Followership". Gender roles are taught from the birth to death. Good Counselor such as religious leader also help to solve marital challenges and problems. The parents must ensure that they live in a safe environment. Stop running in the classrooms and stairway. Accident is also unfortunate and unexpected event that destroys lives and property. Women should raise the children since they carry and deliver the babies. It is marriage that joins a man and a woman to become husband and wife. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Avoid exposed or live electricity cables or wire. It encourages the exploitation of the weaker sex. Infested Foods: The foods which have been contaminated by houseflies or other animals. Values are also defined as the degree of importance an individual attaches to a particular thing. The Yorubas call God Olodumare or Olorun. Report accident to parents, elderly persons and teachers. Harmful substances are food, water, fruits or drugs that are unfit for human consumption. Association of Pharmacists C. National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control D. Drug Hawkers of Nigeria. The teachings of Islam are contained in the Quran which is the Holy book of the Muslims. Christianity: Christianity is a religion that teaches about Jesus Christ. It also has the potential to supply an individual with great opportunity. Etc. Make sure the tables and the chairs are arranged properly. Pages 91 95. Muslims go for their pilgrimage in one of the following cities A. The children will be exposed to many dangers. Update: March 18, 2022 9:17 am SECOND TERM SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS: JSS 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Values Meaning of Values and their Importance Sources of Values Factors that Influence our Values Values Clarification Understanding one's own Values Culture and Social Values Top Degrees Values help to regulate peoples behavior. Some feel the best way to forget their sorrow suppress, anxiety, frustration and sadness is to drink heavily, smoke cigarette or take any hard drug, Need to exhibit negative behaviour or face people. Values clarifications prevent us from making mistakes in life. This lesson note covers all the topics in JS2 SOCIAL STUDIES (Third Term) and serves as a reference material to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easier, saving you valuable time to focus on the core job of teaching. Social studies teaches us our roles and responsibilities in the environment we find ourselves. What is the full meaning of EFCC and mention two of their functions. The conditions for marriage are as follows: Effects of Lack of Readiness in Marriage Relationship, TOPIC: FAMILY AS THE BASIC UNIT OF SOCIETY. They are: Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. OluwasolaOyewole. Culture, traditions and beliefs of the people influence gender roles. General cleanliness of the school environment and maintenance of the school facilities. Each family inquires into the family background of the other to know if the family is well mannered and does not suffer from any incurable diseases. Muslims believe that there is only one God and Mohammed is the messenger. 2.Greed: A greedy fellow does not get satisfied with what he has as a result get involved in corruption of different types. Macmillan Social Studies book 2 by M.A. The basic needs are food, shelter and clothing. Values promote peace and progress B. values enable us to commit crimes C. Values enable us to choose bad friends D. Values enable us to make mistakes. Primary Social Group B. In order to avoid the negative effects of gender stereotyping, we must promote genderequality because of the following reasons: SolakatNew syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. OluwasolaOyewole. Student Guides Polyandry refers to a marital relationship between A. a man and a woman B. a man and two women C. a woman and a woman D. a woman and more than one husband. All Rights Reserved |. Women are not supposed to propose marriages. Guest post jss1 scheme of work A. Stale food B. expired drug C. fake drug D. jollof rice. Select many subjects together in one subscription at a discounted price. With our Social Studies lesson notes JSS1, JSS2 and JSS3, you don't have to worry about a lack of material for teaching. B. HIV/AIDS etc. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Some professions are regarded as exclusive career for males. Value promote positive relationship among different people. Pages 91 95. Orebanjo, I.O Osokoya et. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Islam iii. The basic needs are food, shelter and clothing. It is the man in most cases that approaches the girl and asks her to be his wife. Media Influence: The media e.g. Mention five ways corruption can be prevented. The parents should show love and affection to their children while children should love and respect their parents. To reduce insecurity of working or standing alone, To get recognition and status in the society, To enjoy success that comes through group work or action. Accident is a harmful in nature. FIRST TERM JSS2 SOCIAL STUDIES EXAMINATION QUESTIONS - EDUDELIGHT.COM THEORY:Instruction: Answer only three questions from this session! Social Justice: We should treat people equally and fairly. The essential needs of males and females are food, clothing and shelter. NDLEA. Please note that Social Studies lesson note for JSS2 provided here for Third Term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work. CHEMISTRY NOTES Learncurve Social Studies. A. head of the family B. women propose marriages to men C. women perform manual jobs D. women are cooks in the homes. This could be football match drama concert etc. Back to: SOCIAL STUDIES JSS2 . Effects of Lack of Readiness on Marriage Relationship, Similarities and Differences Between Male and Female, Meaning and Examples of Gender Stereotypes, Negative Effects of Gender Roles/Stereotypes. . Education of children: The family creates opportunity for the children to receive formal education by sending them to school and paying their school fees. What are the roles and responsibilities of the mother? al. A certificate is also given to the couple. UCE PAST PAPERS Husband and wife should endavour to love one another. Simplified Social Studies book 2 by Yusuf R.A. freedom of association, movement, expression etc. List and explain the types of corruption. The Muslims main day of worship is Friday. This could be as a result of misunderstanding and constant quarrelling between husband and wife. Marriage provides a framework for the raising and training of the children. List and explain three consequences of drug trafficking. Pages 52 54. Values enable us to choose friends that share the same values. Suggest ways of preventing intake of harmful substances. List and explain three types of group behaviour. Waste no time. if money meant for road repair is shared by the officials in charge of the contract. Boys scout C. Girls brigade D. Nigerian Labour Congress. Which of the following does not belong? List and explain the various types of religions institutions. Students should be able to: Sub-theme: Fundamental of Social Studies family as the Basic Unit of Society. Values help to regulate peoples behavior. It discourages honesty, integrity and hard work, Stiff punishment for corrupt leaders and officials. PHYSICS NOTES What are the advantages of living together in the family? People will like to marry from families that have good reputation. Corruption is a major problem in Nigeria as a nation. Harmful substances are also contaminated food, drinks and drugs that destroy the body. Children receive values from their parents. All the following professions are regarded as male professions except A. bricklaying B. carpentry C. nursing D. lorry drivers. Values also mean the worth of a particular thing in monetary terms. 05 Human Trafficking I. Do you want the complete Second Term JSS2 Social Studies Lesson Note? Males are stereotyped as being uncaring, more rational, strong, brave, rough, staying away from home and being more interested in sports. Members of the family should live in unity and love one another. Muslim marriage is conducted in the ______ A. house of the bride B. house of the bridegroom C. in the hotel D. in a town hall. Women should raise the children since they carry and deliver the babies. What are the subjects that make up of social studies? Downloads. What are the factors that influence our values? zimsec o level geography form 4 A nuclear family consists of a man, his wife and their children, while an extended family is made up of a man, his wife or wives, children and other relations like cousin, nephews, grandparents etc. Mention and explain five types of marriage. The Hausa/Fulani call God Allah or Ubangidi. These lesson notes cover the following topics for JSS2 First, Second and Third Term Social Studies: FIRST TERM 1. Forgiveness: Couple should be able to forgive each other whenever an offence is committed, Tolerance: Husband and wife should learn how to tolerate each other weakness, Trust: Couple should build their relationship on trust and mutual understanding, Faithfulness: Couple should be faithful to each other. List the general objective of social studies. al. Females are responsible for general house chores. Both males and females are similar in the following ways: Gender roles refer to the behaviours considered appropriate for males or females in a culture or society. HistoryWorld ReligionsGeographyU.S. Respect B. Injustice C. Honesty D. Self control. Mutual Respect: Respect for each other reduces challenge in marriage and also promotes cooperation. There are two common types of family in our society. Mention the names we call God in different communities in. State the aims of servicom; 3. Females are to wait for male to initiate relationships and sexual advances. Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. Oluwasola Oyewole. Women are not supposed to propose marriages. Identify the effects of lack of readiness in a marriage relationship, Students should be able to: The following are gender similarities except A. males and females have the same genitals B. the essential needs of both males and females are the same C. they both go through puberty and romantic feelings D. they can play different games. Radio, television and newspapers tend to have both positive and negative influence on children and youths. 2. Topic: Servicom. A group of senior students may force the junior over to donate. Orebanjo, I.O Osokoya et. Fighting in a school is a form of A. courage B. self control C. indiscipline D. self determination. Identify the necessary conditions for marriage. Social Studies for Junior Secondary School by Anlepo, Mohammed Ezegbe and Salau. Copyright 2019 - 2023. zimsec o level notes pdf download, Copyright 2023 | Designed By Louis Logiciel | Some Rights Reserved, 2ND TERM JSS2 SOCIAL STUDIES Scheme of Work and Note, Names we call God in Different Communities in. Values clarifications serve as a guide in our relationship with other people. Both males and females are similar in the following ways: Topic: Meaning and Examples of Gender Roles. Suggest ways of preventing accidents in the school. Mention four steps to take when sexually abused. b. Pages 39 44. ss1-3 Scheme of Work Self control: Being able to control your own actions. Basic Science Lesson note for JS2 (Basic 8) Second Term 16. NAFDACiv. Give the meaning of gender roles with examples. What are the benefits of religious institutions? TRADING This is the act of buying and selling of goods and services to sustain the economic life of a nation. Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime. SolakatNew Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by Oluwasola Oyewole pages 39 44. Do have a great moment studying with us! Careless usage of chemicals in the school laboratories will causes accident in the school, Exposed live electricity cables or wire will cause accident in the school, Students playing rough plays and running on the staircase will cause accident in the school, Student climbing trees in the school will cause accident in the school. In order to avoid the negative effects of gender stereotyping, we must promote gender equality because of the following reasons: Solakat New syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. Oluwasola Oyewole. Being clear about our own values and beliefs helpus to make decisions that feel right to us. Stop running in the classrooms and stairway. Death: The loss of either of the couple through death poses a great challenge to the family. A family with good reputation is trusted by the society. Equality: Understanding that everybody has the same rights irrespective of their ethnic groups and gender. Equality: Understanding that everybody has the same rights irrespective of their ethnic groups and gender. These are the nuclear and the extended family. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims, and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved. The JSS2 Social Studies lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject. Gender equality enables males and females to see themselves as partners in a relationship. Nuclear B. Explain the purposes of marriage, Students should be able to: KCSE FORM 2 NOTES List types of group behavior. Another name for Muslim marriage is Nikkah. Extortion: This is an act of forcing some one or an individual to pay for a service that should be free example. 2. Religious institutions teach their members to shun all forms of evils and criminal activities. The youths and children often times seek guidance and counseling from their peers instead of their parents. The husband should love the wife and the children and the wife is expected to submit totally to the husband. It is the man in most cases that approaches the girl and asks her to be his wife. Males are often the head of the family which means they dictate what is to be done. Values clarifications serve as a guide in our relationship with other people. Reading Assignment: Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A. red cross, girls guide, boys scout etc also teach values. What are the steps to take when accident occur in the school? The family is the smallest social unit of a society, it is the part through which a child comes into the world. Mention five dangers of drug trafficking. Pages 25. Lesson Objective: by the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to: 1. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all JSSs in Nigeria, in other words, all private JSSs in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Social Studies. The Muslims main day of worship is on A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday D. Saturday. A family with good reputation is trusted by the society. Muslims believe that there is only one God and Mohammed is the messenger. Values clarifications help us to become the kind of person we want to be and live the kind of life we want to live. We have JSS & SSS lesson notes. Agriculture Topical Question and Answers They aid in the systematic presentation of content to students and guide Social Studies teachers from deviating from lesson objectives, Social Studies lesson notes for JSS1, JSS2 and JSS3 has been prepared to be used by subject class teachers and students alike. Government should intensify efforts at educating parents and youths about effects of drug abuse. Identify four dangers of drug trafficking. Business Education One of the following is not a pillar of Islam. Islam: Islam is the religion revealed through Prophet Mohammed in the Arabian city of Mecca. 4.8. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Disclaimer. More funds should be provided and necessary laws should be made to ease their job, What do you understand by drug trafficking. Critical thinking: Social studies teaches students about history and enables them understand how society has evolved. Muslim marriage is conducted in the ______ A. house of the bride B. house of the bridegroom C. in the hotel D. in a town hall. Confide in a good counsellor particularly the school counsellor, your parent or your spiritual guardian i.e your pastor. People will like to marry from families that have good reputation. A sudden occurrence of an event that is harmful in nature is known as A. accident B. suddenness C. substance D. emergency, Which of the following chemicals should be carefully handled in the science laboratory? Gender also refers to the sum total of cultural values, attitudes roles, practices and characteristics based on sex. Pouring water on the floor will make the floor to become slippery, thereby causing accident. What are the benefits of a group behavior? Peer Group Influence: Peer groups have positive and negative influence on children and youths. Price: 1000 500 This lesson note covers all the topics in JS2 SOCIAL STUDIES (First Term) and serves as a reference material to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easier, saving you valuable time to focus on the core job of teaching. Expired Foods, Drugs or Drinks: They are items that have stayed longer than their consumable periods. Mutual Respect: Respect for each other reduces challenge in marriage and also promotes cooperation. List and explain two effects of drug abuse. I made it free for tutors, parents, guardians, and students who want to read ahead of what is being taught in class. What is the full meaning of the following?i. We have provided you with Social Studies JSS1's first-term scheme of works only so that you get a preview. A. television B. market C. parents D. educational curriculum. Being clear about our own values and beliefs helpus to make decisions that feel right to us. A child may also observe what his or her parents are doing and try to imitate them. SEE ALSO JSS1 Second Term Social Studies Lesson Note - Safety Clubs as an Agent of Socialization; Structure and Process of Forming Road Safety Club in Schools. The following agencies have been put in place by the government to eradicate corruption, they include the EFCC, ICPC, Code of Conduct Burea. Males are stereotyped as being uncaring, more rational, strong, brave, rough, staying away from home and being more interested in sports. Good family reputation enhances trust and confidence. Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies teaches students about history and enables them understand how society has evolved holy! In unity and love one another the husband should love and affection to their children while should..., attitudes roles, practices and characteristics based on sex the sum total of cultural values, attitudes,! Choose friends that share the same values live the kind of person we want to be done:. 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