Days after she filmed her segment with Veritas and made an on-air announcement about the upcoming interview, CBS 62 responded to a request for comment on the issue -- and alerted us for the first time -- that Moss had been let go from her job. A frame of the video contained the house number, a violation of the site's policies against the sharing of other people's private information without consent. HOUSTON REPORTER FIRED OVER PROJECT VERITAS STING "In their response to Project Veritas's upcoming story, CBS 62 failed to address any of the major issues raised by April Moss's. new christian songs WWJ weekend meteorologist April Moss became the second local journalist in a week to use her time on local TV against her employer in a very public manner . Project Veritas released a video Tuesday of a CNN director admitting the network did what it could to get former President Donald Trump out of office. Moss told O'Keefe that CBS 62 was enforcing a policy of "segregation" against employees who chose not to get vaccinated. christian song Lower. Price. Moss also interviewed CBS This Morning host Gayle King, asking her, "You have a lot of voices out there saying there's fake news. Jennifer writes on Politics and Pop Culture, with occasional detours into Reinvention, Yoga, and Food. O'Keefe serves as the CEO and Chairman of the Board so that he can continue to lead and teach his fellow journalists, as well as protect and nurture the Project Veritas culture. Her employer told Insider she objected to its policies on COVID-19 testing and mask-wearing. In its Complaint, Project Veritas asserts a cause of action for defamation. I think that this is propaganda," Moss told O'Keefe. THE TIP OF THE SPEAR - We are a loss leader. We'll keep our God. Moss, addressing O'Keefe but referring to King's assertion there's no "fake news" at CBS says, "It's a shame, because over the last couple of months I've seen personally that there have been stories that CBS has run that were proven to be fake.". Moss was promptly fired from her position at the station, following a phone conversation with her boss in which he told April that he would be personally . This clearly meets the definition of fake news.. We do not put words in our investigative subjects' mouths. Project Veritas is a far-right group claiming to investigate and expose corruption. And to segregate somebody is completely inhumane.. We must be externally focused, not internally focused. This past Father's Day, April Moss, the weekend weather anchor for CBS 62 Detroit became the second local news personality in a week to announce live on-air that she would be exposing her supervisors and co-workers to the conservative media watchdog group Project Veritas. Hecker was also terminated shortly after speaking out, and was on the set during the interview "to support Moss as she bravely followed in her footsteps," according to Veritas. Feb. 10, 2022. Sounds like another day in Amerika. ~ Ephesians 6, America donald trump We must be willing to be ready to disclose our methods upon publication. We use the Twelve Jurors on Our Shoulder rule. The Houston Methodist lawsuit was just one of several lawsuits being filed by academics and activists to block corporations and governmental agencies ability to institute mandatory vaccination requirements. 2:51. "Ms. Moss is no longer with our station," the person said. Deeper into the pandemic, CBS corporate began to demand data from the lab on the testing Moss underwent. April Moss works at the low-rated WWJ, the CBS O&O in Motown and while doing a live hit she lashed out at CBS, claiming discrimination by the company. In all matters, we rely on the 1st Amendment to protect our ability to publish newsworthy items after our internal deliberations. At one point, she referred to CBS news practices as propaganda being pushed on people and said acts of discrimination have taken place with the station segregating coworkers based on health assumptions. April Moss lost her job after halting her weather report to say she's talking to Project Veritas. April Moss is a News Reporter for CBS News and also a meteorologist. All Rights Reserved. We look for individual wrong-doing and judge its public importance. "As an on-air personality it's very obvious to the viewers, 'Wow, she's never in the studio; she's always at her house.'". Download Telegram . "April Moss objected to WWJ-TV's policies regarding COVID-19 testing and wearing masks inside our station, which are based on CDC, state, and local guidelines," a spokesman from CBS 62 Detroit told Insider. Be Brave. Dinesh D Souza Under the guise of a Tinder date, a. We do not shy away from conflict or litigation. Copyright 2023 Raw Story Media, Inc. PO Box 21050, Washington, D.C. 20009 | Moss' biggest complaint seems to be that she was segregated from the rest of the staff due to her unwillingness to discuss whether she had been vaccinated, coupled with her refusal to wear a mask. "They're the biggest crime family: Dominion, Smartmatic, ES&S, Diebold. Jesus We'll keep our guns. A CBS 62 weather reporter, April Moss, said live on the air that she will expose the network for alleged "discrimination that CBS is enforcing" on its employees and will provide material to. MAKE THE STATUS QUO DO THE IMPOSSIBLE - We move mountains. We never record when there is zero-party consent. April Moss's revelation follows Fox 26 Reporter Ivory Hecker's actions exposing Fox 26. In her interview with Project Veritas that aired . We do not selectively edit.. Project Veritas released a video late Tuesday afternoon featuring an interview with the fired Fox 26 reporter, Ivory Hecker. "It is one of the greatest crimes, really, in history right now. Moss brings more instances that lay out the case that CBS New York, and therefore the CBS affiliate stations, had set an agenda to push the COVID vaccinations and mandatory vaccination requirements in their reporting, and in how they choose to treat their staff, both national and affiliates. Staffers at Project Veritas have released a new statement as whistleblowers say they support ousted founder James O'Keefe. Mulvaney said he was asked by a reporter, What are you going to do today to calm the markets? Im like, Really what I might do today [to] calm the markets is tell people to turn their televisions off for 24 hours.. The Daily Wire But, he said, You saw the president the other day the flu is real. Rule #5 We Protect the Innocent When Possible - Embarrassing private details are not to be investigated. Ivory Hecker, a former Fox 26 reporter, spoke with Veritas last week about how certain COVID-related stories were buried to favor advertisers and satisfy the opinion of the stations general manager -- and the network CEO -- rather than be transparent with the audience. Despite Moss career uncertainty -- and the stress surrounding her actions -- she said her family has been fully supportive and she places her trust in God to carry them through, come what may. Moss, a wife and mother of four, has worked at CBS 62 for almost a decade and said the corporate arm in New York has been driving decision making without regard for journalistic ethics, or general concern for the public's right to be informed. I did," he said. 1. O'Keefe was suspended in April, according to a Twitter spokeswoman, for "violating the Twitter Rules on platform manipulation and spam." . A video of O'Keefe addressing Project Veritas staff on Monday morning has been provided to Timcast News. Project Veritas Official Channel - Contact us Signal: 914-653-3110. [3] The error has seemingly been corrected.. A message from the Project Veritas staff. Rule #2 We do not break the law. A mistake by CPAC in which it couldnt keep straight the photos of two of its very rare Black candidates was priceless. Most recently, Leo reaped a $1.6 billion windfall from a single donor in what is likely the biggest single political gift in U.S. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Local CBS weather reporter April Moss announced live on air on Sunday. "The mandate for any individual to be tested for COVID19 for employment or participation at a university or other institution violates federal law," according to Moss, who then linked to two websites known for spreading misinformation about COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. Do Something. She called it a "human rights issue." Any suggestion that she was in any way a victim of 'discrimination' due to her concerns about these policies is completely false. This year's meeting is already being ducked by many big-name right-wingers, overshadowed as it is by groping acusataions against its founder Matt Schlapp. ", "Hope and change - yeah, you've got to hope things change," she added to laughs and more cheers.. Join Project Veritas. Instead, CBS aimed its focus at her personally in an effort to divert attention from the findings she presented to our organization," O'Keefe told Newsweek. "It's not . You have a lot of voices out there saying theres fake news. consider whether the remarks may potentially impact an innocent third party. Learn more about & follow the Quite Frankly Podcast We The People must stand strong. Project Veritas has just released their interview with former CBS 62 reporter April Moss exposing the network pressuring her to get vaccinated or continue with weekly testing when she didn't want to, as well as how they didn't want her asking certain questions about vaccines to doctors she interviewed: A CBS weather reporter, April Moss, interrupted her live forecast on Sunday to let television viewers know she would be talking to right-wing group Project Veritas about "discrimination" at. Blaze TV The idea of vaccine hesitancy a phrase mentioned in a recent Project Veritas story about Facebooks internal practices regarding censorship also showed up in CBS emails, according to Moss. This is what Stalin dreamt about but never achieved, Gorka said in a bit that almost instantly became a meme. Her station required Moss to work from home while others were allowed on-set. Moss, a wife and mother of four, has worked at CBS 62 for almost a decade and said the corporate arm in New York has been driving decision making without regard for journalistic ethics, or general concern for the publics right to be informed. podcast The New York real-estate scion introduced his bio: "I have fairly but intelligently earned many billions of dollars which, in a sense, was both a scorecard and acknowledgment of my abilities," Esquire reported. Its not about me this is not easy, she told OKeefe. [1]. McConnell's speech was packed with red meat, focused largely on deriding liberals, President Obama, and the media, but according to the report he received just mild applause for this knee-slapper: "The President of the United States is treating our Constitution worse than a placemat at Denny's.. Leonard Leo, the right-wing leader of the judicial activist network the Federalist Society, is coming under scrutiny for his "lavish" use of the organization's funds to live the high life, POLITICO reported on Wednesday. We choose to overcome our fears. 1 month ago CBS Insider April Moss Interviews Fellow Project Veritas Whistleblowers At AMFEST 2022. By Kevin Eck on Jun. Especially because I knew they were going to begin to encourage [pregnant] women and children [to take the vaccine]., I feel its the greatest crime in history today.. MISSION DRIVEN - The best people are motivated by purpose. Because, I think, theyre not talking to us over at CBS.. James O'Keefe of Project Veritas interviews April Moss, formerly a reporter for CBS 62 in Detroit. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. ", READ MORE: Federalist Society leader's 'lavish' lifestyle under scrutiny after $43 million dark money transfer, Strzok then said that this fear was the result of Trump and his henchmen "successfully chilled the FBIs willingness to investigate anything related to Trump. A fundraiser for Moss popped up on the Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo, and has raised $25,105 of its $350,000 goal. )The Newsworthiness of the statement alone by itself. "The only change is going to be, you know, our weekend weather person," Davis says, referring to Moss. DON'T MISS: Trump threatens 'retribution' against DeSantis backers in late-night Truth Social rampage. We do not infringe on the 1st Amendment rights of others. Better. (RELATED: Local Fox Reporter Says Live On-Air . Thats all gonna be deconstructed and I think that thats why this regulatory thing is so important.. We sit there and watch the markets and theres this huge panic and its like, why isnt there this huge panic every single year over flu? Mulvaney asked rhetorically. She is the second journalist in the past week to announce on live TV that she was acting as a source for Project Veritas. When Project Veritas takes on an investigation, the pattern is clear: Project Veritas launches an investigation with the placement of our undercover journalists. The reason youre seeing so much attention to [the coronavirus] today is that they think this is going to be what brings down the president. Rule #1 Truth is paramount. In 20 years of working cases involving classified information, I never -- not once -- encountered prosecutors who wanted to get a search warrant and reluctant -- even refusing! For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. It is perhaps best known for releasing edited sting-style videos purporting to catch people admitting to. Mostly, there are stories about successful impacts the organization has led at the local, state and national levels: ending federal funding of the corrupt Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, twice forcing the New Hampshire legislature to tighten voter ID lawsthe second time overriding the governors veto, exposing political bias in the mainstream media outlets like CNN and a report led to ABC News suspending senior correspondent David Wright and taking him off all political coverage upon his return. 2. We do not lead the horse to water. (Pillow Guy Mike) Lindell yelled. Rule #4 The Zekman Test. 2016: Republican presidential candidate Trump stiffs CPAC. THE MISSION OF PROJECT VERITAS, INC. IS TO INVESTIGATE AND EXPOSE CORRUPTION, DISHONESTY, SELF-DEALING, WASTE, FRAUD, AND OTHER MISCONDUCT IN BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE A MORE ETHICAL AND TRANSPARENT SOCIETY. RESILIENCE - Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Joe Biden We investigate and question sources before promising anonymity. I see the whole world hurting, Moss concluded. Moss was not comfortable with this and refused to give her permission. christian ", National security attorney Bradley Moss echoed Strzok's views of the reporting and said that it showed the FBI "treated Trump with kid gloves" after being "traumatized from the Trump era assaults on it.". At the very least, we will give our subjects an opportunity to elaborate and/or respond. In fact, we allowed April to perform her weather anchor duties from home as we explored her concerns. Her employer told Insider she objected to its policies on COVID-19 testing and mask-wearing. Contemporary Christian Music trump Im watching our whole nation suffer because they are put underneath these policies that are enacted by corporations and this is a human rights issue. Corruption is exposed, leaders resign, and organizations are shut down. When she interviewed Khaldun, Moss asked her to clarify her statement that COVID-19 vaccines prevent the need for hospitalization, since "there have been many studies showing that people have been hospitalized after the vaccine. "and speaking of a brand new week, I will be sitting down this week with Project Veritas to discuss the discrimination that CBS is enforcing upon its employees. And it better. D Souza Media Download Telegram . 1.39K followers. gospel June 23, 2021: Project Veritas released its much anticipated interview with CBS Meteorologist and courageous whistleblower April Moss. She says her request to human resources that she no longer be tested since lockdowns were lifted was denied. Moss expressed her dismay over the direction things were heading. Moss claimed in her interview with Project Veritas CEO, James OKeefe, that the station was pressuring employees who opted not to get the vaccine into changing their minds through company-wide messages and emails. conservative Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Christianity Piano Sign Up, URGENT: Brave Insider April Moss THREATENED with Termination by CBS 62 2021: The conferences theme America Uncanceled is perfect for one of Trumps most loyal insurrectionist senators. All donations are tax-deductible. Moss is the second local reporter since last Monday to claim on-air that she teamed with Project Veritas to reveal alleged bias, the first being Ivory Hecker of KRIV-TV in Houston. ", "We're red, white and blue, and President Obama, we are through with you. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Project Veritas . "The only change is going to be on our week, {{ }}, The latest local news whistleblower for Project Veritas says COVID-19 tests are discrimination, 'Astonishing' revelations show FBI 'treated Trump with kid gloves': legal experts, Federalist Society leader's 'lavish' lifestyle under scrutiny after $43 million dark money transfer, These are the 12 worst moments in CPAC's decades of depravity, preserve and protect the values of life, liberty, and property. While the rumor for his removal was pressure on the PV Board of Directors from Pfizer, we may never know the truth. James O'Keefe of Project Veritas interviews April Moss, formerly a reporter for CBS 62 in Detroit. But we do this, we know how to handle this, he said. . ", Stetson University law professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, an expert on campaign finance, told POLITICO, If millions of dollars in dark money are sloshing around, it makes it really easy for people on the inside to take a cut That behavior is, unfortunately, now showing in the judicial nominating process.". Project Veritas' James O'Keefe speaks out in an exclusive 'Hannity' interview. I had no other choice.. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider ", Cracks not really my thing, but it would be fine if I was on that [Democratic] side, he said.. blaze Christian Music BREAKING: CBS 62 Insider April Moss BLOWS WHISTLE on Network 'Discrimination' On . politics Project Veritas offered this summary of highlights from their video interview with April Moss: April Moss: Im watching my country disintegrate and if I dont stand up and do something when Im able to, I just dont know that I could live with myself No longer is true journalism being executed anymore It is one of the greatest crimes really in history right now. May you see impacts on public transportation? Project Veritas Interviews Whistleblower April Moss-CBS 62 Detroit (Credit: CBS Detroit) April Moss is a meteorologist for CBS 62 in Detroit. Privacy Policy. "Their solution is to make you, all of you, less free. I'm going to recommend that you get terminated," CBS 62 chief engineer Chuck Davis says in the call. You can read more about Jennifer's world at her, The Unhinged Meltdowns Outside SCOTUS Over Student Debt Are Something to See, Biden Promises to Raise Your Taxes, Tells Truly Creepy Story About a Nurse, Democrat Rep Denies Black People Have God-Given Rights During Hearing, Then Things Get Hilarious, Moore to the Point - Just Another Day for You and Me in Paradise, BREAKING: Lori Lightfoot Defeated in Chicago Mayor's Race, The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Lab Leak Lying, J-6 Video Variables, and News Nets Confused How A Guest Got On Air, Like It or Not, We Have a Stake in the Russia-Ukraine War, Now It's FBI Director Chris Wray Who Says COVID 'Most Likely' Came From a Lab, Smithsonian's Planned 'American Womens History Museum' Will Spotlight Biological Males, San Franciscos Authoritarian Attempt to Force Red States to Be More Progressive Failed Miserably, Anne Applebaum's Hoisting With Her Own Disinformation Petard, AV Club ftes 'good news' about canceled ex-Mandalorian star Gina Carano and gets justly throttled, The Morning Briefing: Lori Lightfoot Goes From Historic First to Historic Loser, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Project Veritas Interviews Another Journalist Whistleblower from a CBS Detroit Affiliate. 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