Eso s: justo esos apellidos no parecen de origen vasco porque no tienen grafa en euskera. Imagine for a moment that the main character of Spanish film comedy phenomenon Ocho apellidos vascos was not a posh Andalusian from Sevilles Triana neighborhood, but his Madrid equivalent from Serrano street, complete with well-ironed polo shirt and gelled hair. If, as I say, the Andalusian stereotype has been used for so many ends, and if we Andalusians have been taught to laugh at ourselves since we were children, we are not going to get annoyed at seeing a posh Andalusian becoming the leader of a violent Basque nationalist kale borroka group, or dressing up as a radical abertzale leftist out of love. Thick with local references, its hard to see that interest will extend too far beyond Spain, or at least Spanish-speaking territories, though there may be remake possibilities if some canny scriptwriter can be found to translate it wholesale into another culture. Flags do not offend us, but nor do we use them as offensive weapons and, of course, our regional green-and-white flag would never prompt a war. Mejore su francs con solo 15 minutos al da. Ocho Apellidos Vascos, or its English title, Spanish Affair, is a romantic comedy, and I say that fondly. Ocho Apellidos Vascos - characters and quotes Term 1 / 68 "me vas a secuestrar?" "en plan de hablar" - Rafa Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 68 "Are you going to kidnap me?" "in a manner of speaking" - Rafa (to Amaia on the bus) Stereotype of basques - refers to ETA Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by [18] Desde el diario El Pas, Borja Valero incluso vaticin que podra ser la pelcula del ao.[19]. O nome do filme faz referncia aos oito sobrenomes bascos que diz ter o protagonista, mais concretamente: Gabilondo, Urdangarn, Zubizarreta, Arguiano por via paterna e Igartiburu, Erentxun, Otegi e Clemente por via materna. Los vascos son as, mucha independencia, pero al final lo espaol les encanta, Merche - The Basques are like that, a lot of independence, but in the end they love Spanish. - Cuntos narradores puedes identificar? 0.0 / 5. Tengo estudios de maestra y tengo experiencia. Rafa - I like her because she is very sincere. The fantastic Clara Lago, who is from Madrid, effortlessly slips into her role. A movie we need to see if we can understand Spain. Estreouse en Espaa o 14 de marzo de 2014 . Students shouldnt have any serious comprehension problems with this one, and it comes with the advantage of exposing students to some of Spains most recognizable regional stereotypes, and in particular the cultural contrasts between the south (Andaluca) and the north (the Basque country). La frmula sin solucin. Its a comedy from Emilio Martnez Lzaro, a director with a long albeit not very extensive body of work which includes a series of quality titles: films such as Los peores aos de nuestra vida, Carreteras secundarias, El otro lado de la cama, and Las trece rosas, all confirm Martnez Lzaros filmmaking skill. Koldo - I've been a bit naive because look that Sevillian had a f-ed up accent. Gaudi. The title of my piece is '"marriage itself as theater": The Performative Politics of Marriage in Ocho . Octavio Paz - A 100 Years Go By in a Flash. La pelcula termina con la promesa de Rafa convertida en realidad: la nueva pareja paseando por Sevilla en un carro de caballos, con Los del Ro cantando de fondo. Sinopsis: Rafa (Dani Rovira) es un joven seorito andaluz que no ha . Respondido inicialmente: Qu significa ocho apellidos vascos? Required fields are marked *. Rafa, poco antes de llegar a su destino, la ve bajndose del autobs y entrando en su casa. I need a kalimotxo to put up with this. All Rights Reserved. SUSCRIBIRSE AHORA De 'Ocho apellidos vascos' a 'Los amantes, Western con un carcter muy particular, series adictivas y comedias que nunca fallan. , Euskadi tiene un color especial! VBC72. Talk about a culture shock. Spaniards were forced to wait in eager anticipation for our own version until now. Le petit lapin Cursos de guin en Crdoba para analizar el xito de 'Ocho apellidos vascos' y 'El Prncipe' Publico. {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. El humorista es Rafa (Dani Rovira), estereotipo de andaluz: chistoso, simptico, improvisador, trabajador de cuello azul, costalero y socio del Real Betis Balompi. Ocho apellidos vascos un filme espaol dirixido por Emilio Martnez-Lzaro, con guin de Borja Cobeaga e Diego San Jos, protagonizada por Clara Lago, Dani Rovira, Carmen Machi e Karra Elejalde. Merche - All my life being mother and son and we had not realized it! Really? El amor y las risas!, porque aqu, de hecho, abundan los prejuicios, los chascarrillos a cuenta del vecino de villa-de-al-lado y las bromas gordas, bien gordas sobre los usos y costumbres de los del norte y los del sur, tan lejos y tan cerca, tan distintos y tan, sin embargo, parecidos. 8 apellidos vascos. Wardrobe: Lala Huete Hay que reconocer que es una apuesta arriesgada al . [8] Para las escenas costeras se eligi la localidad vasca de Guetaria. Emilio Martnez-Lzaro, 2014). . Producers: Ghislain Barrois, Alvaro Augustin, Gonzalo Salazar-Simpson Menudo crack! Sin embargo, al final de la pelcula, no es importante y incluso Koldo y Merche son amigos; La representacin vasca queda muy ridcula y exagerada, y el director se recrea en ello, mientras que los sevillanos no salen tan mal parados. En el viaje en autobs conoce a Merche (Carmen Machi), una mujer extremea de mediana edad que vive en el Pas Vasco. Merche, hacindose pasar igualmente por una vasca (con el nombre falso de Anne), sale a saludar a Koldo y a Amaia, quienes a continuacin se marchan. Ocho apellidos vascos es una pelcula dirigida por Emilio Martnez-Lzaro con Dani Rovira, Clara Lago, Carmen Machi, Karra Elejalde .. Ao: 2014. "Have some fun", the way I love Andalusians and hair gel. Thats why a few years ago, six to be exact, when the French film phenomenon Bienvenue chez les ChTis came out, French teachers were delighted to have new teaching material endorsed by the sheer number of its viewers; Bienvenue broke just about every box office record in France. The true star of the movie though? Una serie de circunstancias llevarn al joven sevillano a tener que hacerse pasar por un autntico vasco e ir enredndose cada vez ms en el personaje para lograr sus propsitos. Cast: Clara Lago, Dani Rovira, Carmen Machi, Karra Elejalde, Alfonso Sanchez, Alberto Lopez, Aitor Mazo character and theme in Ocho apellidos vascos (Spanish Affair), this accessible guide will enable your students to understand the historical and social context of the film and give them the Merche - All my life being mother and son and we had not realized it! !, y de los sevillanos no estara tan seguro!!! Semipresencial en Aguascalientes, Maestra a distancia en Actividad Fsica y Salud, Maestra a distancia en Energas Renovables, Descubre un completo Directorio de Centros de Formacin, Mejore su italiano con solo 15 minutos al da. Hay muchas pelis espaolas mejores que esta o al menos decentes. Con 10 millones de euros recaudados y aplausos en cada pase, 'Ocho apellidos vascos' se convierte en el inesperado fenmeno del ao en un sector muy necesitado de xitos Amaia- Rafa, thatthati think that at the end, we missed a day, Las ganas que tena yo de conocer aqu a alguien que no fuera de Argoita, Merche - The desire I had to meet someone here who was not from Argoita, no tienes que seguir viviendo en las Vascongadas, Rafa - you do not have to continue living in the Basque Country. Why speak in a language that Spaniards dont understand? wonders Rafa to a group of Basque followers he has inadvertently picked up in a nod to Life of Brian. Her fisherman father, fervently nationalistic Koldo (the reliably wonderful Karra Elejalde, inexplicably underused in Spanish film) is returning for the wedding, and so as not to disappoint him, Amaia pleads with Rafa to pretend to be Basque for three days, which is a bit like asking Dolly Parton to play a Scotsman. Disfruta con nuestros Crucigramas para expertos! And when a people is capable of that, it is free of hangups; its identity is so fluid, so porous, that little by little it is certain to seep into everything that comes near without needing to plant its flag of conquest. Screenwriters: Borja Cobeaga, Diego San Jose Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. Spanish Affair / Ocho apellidos vascos (2014) , , . "in a manner of speaking" - Rafa (to Amaia on the bus) Stereotype of basques - refers to ETA, "bunch of layabouts" - Amaia (about Andalusians) - stereotype, "solamente os levantis de la siesta para ir de juerga" - Amaia, "you just get up from your nap to go and party/binge" - Amaia (about Andalusians) - stereotype, "I wish it had worked out" - Amaia (about her relationship with Rafa), "a m no me toques espaolazo que te denuncio" - Amaia, "don't touch me Spanish I'll report you" - Amaia to Rafa (in the bar at the beginning), "I wasn't very polite" - Amaia to Rafa about when they saw each other again, "I've fallen in love" - Rafa to his friends in the bar the next morning, "head over heals" - Rafa describing how he loves Amaia to Merche, "this woman is crazy" - Rafa about Amaia on the bus to Sevilla, "until tomorrow dears" - Merche to Amaia and Koldo (same thing the celebrity Anne says on TV), "he seemed very nice to me" - Merche about Koldo when they first meet, "si vamos a ser sinceros nos lo decimos todo" - Merche, "If we are going to be honest, we say everything" - Merche to Koldo on the boat, "Amaia no me tiene que gustar a m, es l el que se va a casar con ella" - Merche, "I don't have to like Amaia, it is him that's marrying her" - Merche to Koldo about Rafa and Amaia's relationship, "she missed you a lot" - Merche to Koldo about Amaia, "how pretty you are" - Koldo to Merche in their lounge, "I'm going to be a grandfather" - Koldo to Amaia when he sees the wedding dress and thinks she is getting married, "you're not understanding anything" - Amaia to Koldo in the car, "no me ves en seis aos, no me conoces y a l slo de un rato" - Amaia, "you haven't seen me in six years, you don't know me and you know him even less" - Amaia to Koldo when he criticizes Rafa, "yo tambin te ha echado mucho de menos" - Koldo, "I have also missed you a lot" - Koldo to Amaia after Merche tells him that Amaia missed him, "yo ya te veo y yo s que andas enamorada" - Koldo, "I see you and I know you are in love" - Koldo to Amaia at the wedding, "cuidado con esta chica que a m me parece un poco manejanta" - Merche, "careful with that girl, she seems a bit bossy to me" - Merche to Rafa about Amaia at the port, "you're being a pushover" - Merche to Rafa, "por qu no te vienes un da a casa y te preparo unas migas" - Merche, "why don't you come to my house and I'll prepare you some migas" - Merche to Rafa on the bus when they first meet, "tranquilo, estuve en el taller de teatro y debo ser camalenica" - Merche, "Relax, I was in a theatre workshop and I had to be a chameleon" - Merche to Rafa when he asks her to pretend to be his mother, "me habis trado y me habis vestido de gilipollas" - Amaia, "you brought me here and you dressed me like an idiot" - Amaia to her friends at the bar talking about the flamenco costume, "what confession?" The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). Lee sus 16 crticas, Sigue sus publicaciones In the end, the Andalusian succeeds in winning the heart of the Basque girl, and in a sharp ironic twist, shows us the trick of the story: the horse-drawn carriage serenaded by Sevillian band Los del Ro (of Macarena fame) that ends the film confirms that we really are capable of laughing at ourselves. Pond sur la mousse Al da siguiente Koldo, a pesar de haber dicho que se marchara, decide quedarse para la boda y exige que esta sea oficiada por el cura de una ermita de la costa, el padre Ignacio. During the theatrical release, circulated two versions of the movie. Quiero que sepas que todo ha sido mi culpa. 806 8067 22 0.0 / 5. All se encuentra con varios presos, y finge ser un miembro de la kale borroka para ganarse su simpata. Ella. As, emprende una loca aventura enfrentndose al miedo de un lugar desconocido, distinto a todo lo que ha visto hasta ahora. Me gustara ensear espaol en cualquier parte del mundo. [13] A finales del ao, la cinta cerr con casi diez millones de espectadores y cerca de 60 millones de euros recaudados. Rafa pasar entonces a llamarse Antxon, nombre euskera al que decide adems acompaar de unos cuantos apellidos vascos: Arguiano, Igartiburu, Erentxun, Gabilondo, Urdangarin, Otegi . The script was written by Borja Cobeaga and Diego S. Jos, the screenwriting duo who have already had a hit with Pagafantas. Los personajes de Ocho apellidos vascos se caracterizan por ser muy slidos. En relacin con los actores, el trabajo de Karra Elejalde fue el que ms elogios recibi. The effect is a softer ow sound that I havent heard in practice since my linguistics class last spring. Y quizs a alguno le moleste la ligereza con que se trata el terrorismo etarra y el nacionalismo abertzale. Hasta que un da todo cambia cuando aparece la primera mujer que se resiste a sus encantos: Amaia, una vasca. Lago has a certain melody to her voice that makes you feel like youre floating. Colma su paciencia ver sobre el escenario a un monologuista haciendo chistes con tpicos sobre el pueblo vasco, por lo que ella se levanta de la silla y se enzarza con l. Ver Ocho apellidos vascos 2014 Online Gratis Pelicula Completa En Audio Latino, Espaol, Ingles, Castellano, Subtitulada, Se Puede Descargar Ocho apellidos vascos 2014 Por Mega, Torrent, Google Drive, Calidad 1080p, HD 720p, 4K Ultra HD, DVDRip Por 1 Link, 1 Click. Lee sus 920 crticas, Sigue sus publicaciones tienen jugadores hispanos y de dnde son. Amaia - do you see me riding a buggy of those so tacky. Keywords: spanish movies,spanish films,language lessons,spanish stereotypes,spanish film,language teachers. Euskadi tiene un color especial! Ocho Apellidos Vascos Buy or rent R YouTube Movies & TV 161M subscribers Subscribe 107 Share Rafael, a Sevillian who has never left Andalucia, decides to leave his homeland to follow Amaia, a. He sido un poco ingenuo porque mira que tena un acento jodido el sevillano ese. Aparte, de ser andaluz, sera sevillano, no de CrdobaSoy sevillano del barrio de la Cruz, Rafa- I am Basque! Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Harvey Guillen, Reparto An Italian remake was made in the form of Benvenuti al Sud, a nearly identical version adapted to Italys geolinguistic circumstances, a film that also broke box office records in that country. Rosa Maria Sard Roser (as Rosa Mara Sard) Berto Romero Pau Beln Cuesta Judit Alfonso Snchez Curro Alberto Lpez Joaqun Josep Maria Riera Alcalde (as Josep M Riera) Csar Maroto Cartero (as Cesar Maroto) Esperanza Pedreo Lotera Betsy Trnez Mosso 1 Mar Alain Hernndez Mosso 2 Arnau Agustn Jimnez Anselmo Javi Chou Joserra Mara Forqu Seguramente se refiere a la comedia de enredos homnima de 2014, donde Amaia (Clara Lago), una chica vasca, hace pasar por su prometido a un sevillano, Rafa (Dani Rovira), para presentarlo a su exigente padre Koldo (Karra Elijalde), quien le impone el requisito de reunir . Sinopsis: Rafa (Dani Rovira) es un joven seorito andaluz que no ha tenido que salir jams de su Sevilla natal para conseguir lo nico que le importa en la vida: el fino, la gomina, el Betis y las . Luego pasan por un bar donde Rafa vuelve a toparse con su cuadrilla, los muchachos que haba conocido en la crcel, y luego, a pesar de haber demostrado no conocer el euskera, se vuelve el lder de una manifestacin independentista por las calles del pueblo, de la que, mirndola por televisin, tambin se enteran sus amigos de Sevilla. Its like living in a little country within a country the autonomous communities even have their own languages. In a sequence guaranteed to raise eyebrows in certain sectors of Basque society, he then proceeds to chant anti-Spanish slogans in Spanish. 'Ocho apellidos vascos' rompi la taquilla y ahora se va de, Te proponemos salir, por un momento, del terreno de Steven Spielberg y Ridley Scott, y adentrarte en una lista con la reivindicable, Desconecta de todo con esta seleccin de pelculas con las que pasar un buen rato. Para olvidarle, viaja por primera vez a Sevilla con sus dos mejores amigas, aunque se siente incmoda dentro de un vestido de sevillana en un tablao flamenco. Ocho apellidos vascos se estren en marzo de 2014. El chico se enamora completamente de ella y cuando regresa a su ciudad, este se da cuenta de que tendr que viajar al norte si quiere recuperarla. Executive producers: Javier Ugarte, David Naranjo, Koldo Zuazua El guion lo firmarn nuevamente Borja Cobeaga y Diego San Jose. 2014. Amaia: You don't say! Underline the word in parentheses that best completes each sentence. La boda va a tener lugar en la dicha ermita, que en la realidad es la de San Telmo, junto al mar Cantbrico, en Zumaya, Guipzcoa. Todo cambia cuando conoce una esposa que se resiste a sus encantos: es . Todo ello, para que su futuro suegro est satisfecho de que su hija tenga una relacin con un vasco de pura cepa, y con sus ocho apellidos vascos. It begins in a Sevillan bar where a Basque woman is out with her friends. Esta pgina se edit por ltima vez el 5 feb 2023 a las 23:02. The Spanish title Ocho Apellidos Vascos directly translates to Eight Vascan Last Names, which is another interesting aspect of the movie, to an American at least. , Euskadi tiene un color especial! Rafa (stand-up comic and presenter Dani Rovira, debuting in a feature here) stands up at the local fiestas and tells a couple of anti-Basque jokes, offending Amaia (Clara Lago), already unhappy at having been dressed up in the local costume. o Muchos chistes sobre Basques Parece que estos mujeres son Basquees Personas no le gustan los Vascos? Es posible juntar a un fan de Kortatu y a otro de Los Del Ro y lograr que se caigan bien? Los vascos son as, mucha independencia, pero al final lo espaol les encanta, Merche - The Basques are like that, a lot of independence, but in the end they love Spanish. los ms populares entre los hispanos. Para ello, y en contra de los consejos de sus amigos, decide viajar al ficticio pueblo de su pretendida, Argoitia, en el corazn abertzale del Pas Vasco. Bit naive because look that Sevillian had a f-ed up accent estara tan seguro!!!!! Amaia, una vasca y lograr que se caigan bien origen vasco ocho apellidos vascos characters tienen... No estara tan seguro!!!!!!!!!!! Personajes de ocho apellidos vascos, or its English title, spanish Affair / ocho apellidos vascos se en! Resiste a sus encantos: Amaia, una vasca communities even have their own.... I 've been a bit naive because look that Sevillian had a with! Duo who have already had a f-ed up accent justo esos apellidos parecen. Basques Parece que estos mujeres son Basquees Personas no le ocho apellidos vascos characters los?., spanish Affair / ocho apellidos vascos ( 2014 ),, were to..., Alvaro Augustin, Gonzalo Salazar-Simpson Menudo crack that Sevillian had a hit with Pagafantas son! 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