Id like to know where Peter Munsch got his info. To actually expect people to buy that is insanity. I would have cooked, cleaned, take care of my life. But I notice that you didnt point out anything specific that was actually incorrect, although you insinuated that the entire comment was fiction. So glad to hear they are both doing well and that their mothers design talent was passed down thanks much for writing in! If Nancy had done so, chances are she would still be with us. The old boss didnt have opportunity, and I seriously doubt the brother did either (and the hospital certainly didnt, based on the current BS FRL is spouting). Charles Couch, the owner of Couch Oil and Gas, located in Dallas, Texas who has had multiple documented criminal fraud and money laundering complaints filed against him, has apparently, left the country for Ghana Africa, despite multiple warnings by those keenly observing Couchs divestment of investor owned assets, movement of large sums of money and the creation of an alleged fraud involving gold mining in Ghana. Nancy Dillard Lyon, on the other hand, was not as fortunate. Cause thats not what he told me. Richard is innocent. You have to show remorse. We in Connecticut who know him and his family, maintain that he is innocent. but only because they WANT to. What a shame that Nancy didnt tell police her suspicions that Richard was poisoning her. It never happened! Not all cases are such. No rescue. Cmon, FRL, you sound like a character from Pilgrims Progress who has taken up residence in the Land of Denial. Im not saying I think Lyon is innocent but some of your reasoning is absurd! I agree. S: The jury found it implausible that Nancy would choose to die a protracted, painful death (who would, knowing that having given yourself the chance to change your mind, youd done serious permanent damage to yourself?) Did you actually listen to the whole thing? Look it up. Some days one would rather take ones chances with the poisoner. He told the woman he was cheating on her with that his wife had a sickness. The quantum of circumstantial evidence is persuasive, but youre implying that such evidence is of less value than physical evidence. Chemical Engineering Co., where Richard claimed the arsenic came from, said that the receipts it issued to customers looked nothing like the one Richard presented; it was fabricated evidence. I have a hard enough time going to work on a good day, let alone fleeing from someone in the midst of illness. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his pathetic life. Facing reality. Prosecutor passed away May 2020: During an 8-year marriage, the ambitious Nancy had juggled a successful career with motherhood after giving birth to the couple's two daughters. Why is the TX justice system so worried about finding out the truth? Very nice life lessons, as pertains to homicide. Lilis presumed (because ambiguous) claim is far too tenuous as it stands to mean anything (see the questions I ask). You also said no one commits suicide over time. he highest exoneration rate in the country. But hes innocent?!? All of us are sinners and fall short of the glory of our Heavenly Father and his dear son Jesus Christ. Sweet deal? I saw him yesterday. Juries have been wrong. And their current story of accidental death is beyond ridiculous. Nancy Cooke Dillard Lyon Birth 6 Aug 1953. This was unclear from your post. She married Richard Lyon who was also in real estate development but was not nearly as successful as Nancy Lyon. You dont accidentally fill capsules with poison (and the empty capsules were in his apartment), and you dont accidentally take a severe poison over a long period of time. Nancy's father, William "Big Daddy" Dillard, died in 2006 after a 59-year marriage to Sue Stubbs Dillard that produced four children. Nancy would get sick/notice a bad taste/powder in drinks supplied to her by Richard. Lies, thievery, and in this case cold blooded murder. BUT if it werent for those supporters (who were correct), would some of those whose convictions were overturned have remained convicts and perhaps have been executed? Maybe if more people spent their free time helping others, the world would be a better place. AFTER youve done it. How does all that coincide with your accidental death theory??? So sorry to hear you were made ill, Lili. }} Nancy Cooke Dillard Lyon (6th August 1953 - 14 January 1991) was an American woman who was poisoned with Arsenic and killed by her husband Richard Lyon. Im following up: do either of the daughters have a relationship with their father? As FF presents it, theres little doubt Lyons guilty. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. Death 14 Jan 1991 (aged 37) Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, USA. Does that make sense to ANYONE?!? Hes a murderer. He did it and hes right where he belongs. Couldnt wait to get his hands on two more little girls, better yet THESE girls came with a hefty inheritance from their mother, who he victimized repeatedly as a child! See If what you think about juries is correct, its a travesty. Its a pretty common pattern. He prepared documents designed to make it look as though a) Nancy committed suicide, b) her brother murdered her to hide family secrets, or c) an ex-colleague had her killed to stop her from testifying in an embezzlement case. I cannot pretend to know what happened between Richard and Nancy, but I believed then, as now, that Richard loved her once as deeply as he must have grown to hate her. The rich and powerful can accomplish anything they want, even to frame an innocent man. You are a fool. Ive also had a lot of death around me. Being that easily fooled makes you look as gullible as him for imagining he could twist and turn things around and play the blame the victim game and win. Try to do more than a cursory reading. Forensic Filesportrayed Nancy as a sweet and generous soul, an assessment corroborated by Golden, a newspaper reporter who lived in the other half of the duplex owned by the Lyons. RR. The first two didnt work, and you finally finished her off with arsenic, a tried-and-true method of producing death., Creuzot gave him life in jail and a $10,000 fine. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. Why no outrage over what Bill Jr. did and what state would ever hand over two young girls to such a man? Of course there could but theres no reason/evidence to suppose it over and above the explanation that Lyon was the perp so the court didnt. It was Richard who supplied the bogus/forged receipt showing Nancy buying the arsenic (no one has a motive for that, except Richard). Friends: As in this case, you suggest: The hospital may very well have been negligent; it wouldnt be the first time. Nancy was so cute and innocent I wish she was my wife. Update on July 11, 2018: Two corrections were made to the post the website asks for legal help, not monetary donations, and the site itself was created by supporters, according to a representative for Friends of Richard Lyon. Do not listen to others who have ulterior motives or derogatory speech. He was paid off to lie to protect his own skin and to secure the prosecutions case, something even A.W. This murderous scumbag should NEVER be granted parole. They came from different worlds. Polygraphs are absolutely pointless. Because it follows along the south fork of Fish . Did the hospital find arsenical poisoning or is that your own diagnosis? I was only saved by the emergency brakes which stopped me between the first floor and the basement. If he ever does get out, he wont find Tami Ayn Gaisford the co-worker with whom he began an affair while married to Nancy waiting for him. Again, its impalusible). I can tell. But it must be the hospital who Nancy said gave her a nightcap that made her deathly ill, or gave her strange tasting pop at the movies with a strange powder floating on top? Eves belief that he was poisoning her either suggests he may have been (with other circumstantial evidence) or she was framing him. She loved him unconditionally and he latched onto her for his own gain. And it was fake. Owls HAVE attacked, and just because its bizarre, combined with a past that made him look guilty, doesnt mean it didnt happen. Allison is a costume desisigner. I will never believe, as some suggested, that his tears were just a ploy to win the jurys sentiments. I will follow up with specifics about Dr. Bagheri. Read: The New York Times: The Poison is Arsenic and the Suspect is Wood., Ive never seen such a strong largely circumstantial case. 2. It wasnt clear what type of poison he used on that occasion. Otherwise, the murderer benefits from his crime by hiding evidence. Sweet set-up. But judging on how often Ive seen DAs fight AGAINST releasing innocent people who have been wrongfully convicted, there is something VERY wrong in that system, and those are the prosecutors who get ahead to become equally crooked judges. Who cares if he/she is innocent? Richard did well for himself as a project manager at a landscape architectural firm. Firstly, it is difficult to take responsibility for an action that you did not do. During her six-day stay at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas,Nancys violent illness continued and she begged the medical staff to save her life. Something just didnt seem right watching the family as they gathered. I have gut problems to this day; 50+ years later and I spend many nights in the late hours with an upheavalnot a fun thing but nothing like that sick poisoned feeling.and I know mine was a mere dusting of what that poor woman went through. . She told the doctor (her psychiatrist/psychologist) that she believed Richard was systematically poisoning her thats directly from the victim! This scenario was found less likely than that she was poisoned which is reasonable and with which I agree. But members of the jury brought their healthy sense of skepticism with them for the two-week trial. See Never loved her. No longer her brothers or her colleagues as he tried to imply when he testified in his own defense? My state is only slightly better. The Friends of Richard Lyon website was proven to be a money-making scam. Charles Couch lied under oath and by the way, did any of you see this? Burial. The movie made it look like he could be either innocent or guilty. Preyed upon her. Of course, it is a shame that most criminals do not make a complete video of all of their activities and instead try to cover up their crimes. Elvis? The powerful family had to make someone responsible and answer for it, and as always, TX seems to look at the spouse. Not to mention his arrogance in continuing to deny what he did and actually soliciting legal help to get away with it. 3) Richards handwriting was identified by a forensic expert in Nancys diary accusing her brother of sexually abusing her. Alice: From these three facts, we can ascertain that Richard does not have integrity, loyalty, morals, scruples or decency. She was about to testify against her former boss in a trial for an Embezzlement charge but was poisoned before she could do so. I understand their concern. See This article "Nancy Lyon" is from Wikipedia. Oh wait, no, that was BEFORE she went to the hospital. The doctors who took care of Lyon made 2 phone calls to the Dallas County Police and to medical examiner Jeffrey Barnard listing that her death looked like a homicide. I bet you that Friends of Richard Lyon are either one or both of his daughters, or someone hes dating or doing a sweetheart hustle on from jail (a common hustle where inmates answer singles ads and con women into sending them money). As Richard had hoped, Bill Dillard . Nancys death was a tragic accident. Nancy Dillard Lyon was a very successful real estate development project manager from a wealthy family. And its a real shame that good decent people are often the victims of narcissistic creeps. The truth is, there is just far too much that cant be explained away. His next chance will come in 2021, when hes 64. That said, lets review a few facts that Lyon has not refuted. There are far too many crooked DAs and crooked cops. Thats what they are. Very glad to hear hes still behind razor wire. The records for the condo show everyone who had lived there prior to her and after her, but not her. Allison and Anna wish to be left alone by EVERYONE. Juries lean towards conviction, they do not assume innocence as they are supposed to. If there are any others cases like yours, that could be evidence Rogue staff have certainly been known to poison patients. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. Sa. By him wanting to be a cheating Male S..(you know what I mean) So many people in this day and age afraid to do or say anything. And then there was the grandfather who gave his son a pass about the whole thing!! As a police rep on one FF ep commented of a conviction the case of which was re-tried, resulting in acquittal, said: What do you say? He is right where he needs be to keep society safe. Friends of Richard Lyon are hardly friends of justice. Forensic tests. It was a fake receipt that Richard discovered himself, that pointed away from Richard, and blamed the victim! Funny how people can put all their energy and concern into the guilty and never show any real concern for the true victims. That couldnt had been easy for them. Please tell me . If Lyon had been a Texan cop, he may have gotten only 20 years for murder as Joseph Kent McGowen did. Well I do hope their uncle did not destroy the childrens innocence. You posted here in the name of Cathy Hopperstad just above (and on the RL website I see your name is there). But did the evidence support this conviction?<br /> <br /> Mystery novelist A. W. Gray made his nonfiction debut . Good for him. A jury convicted him of first-degree murder, and Lyon began a life sentence at the W.F. According to friends, Nancy had the ideas, Richard the speedy execution.. The SEC brought a successful multiple securities violations lawsuit against Charles O. Couch, in June, 2016, when Charles Couch agreed to pay $10,000,000 to the SEC and some of his hundreds of victims. That Richard should rot in jail when he dies, should rot in hell. The last two are interesting in that Willingham was executed and Danziger suffered permanent brain damage in prison due to mistaken identity by another prisoner. Richard never denied the affair and has done his penance for it. All the evidence against him and he still wont fess up to his crime. But I have faith. She also shut him off from their joint bank accounts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but please dont let that stop you! And there was something to gain from Nancys death: a $500,000 life insurance payout. Thats the problem Perhaps youre implying that too many Americans are stupid, so unfit to serve. Just because youre not aware of who the third party might have been means there wasnt any?! We may be all sinners but not all of us commits murder. Richard & Nancy Lyon Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a Dallas real estate tycoon, reached the heartrending conclusion that her marriage to husband FRL: Thanks; Ill/well read with interest. Just put some updated info on website. After seeing the evidence, youd have to be an idiot to believe Richard, if youre thinking in your right mind. The truth will come out; however, due to blog posts like these and series like Forensic Files, it makes it more difficult. Contents 1 Death 2 Investigation 3 Trial 4 References 5 Nancy Lyon My husband was friends with this guy in prison. Not a very well-made movie. He deserves to die alone in his cell. If Eve had life insurance in Adams favour (or he thought so), and if he were short of money cos of high living, including trying to impress his new girlfriend, with unpaid bills, those are reasonably probative; and unless Eve elaborately set Adam up, a string of witnesses chronicling how they had signed for chemicals addressed to Adam is probative despite absence of proof that he ordered them. Youre crazy (or stupid) if you believe that. When she and her older brother, Bill, were young teenagers, they engaged in incestuous sexual games, which may have crossed the. He already destroyed Nancys and the family did nothing but look the other way. Its no small thing to leave your home and your life behind, especially when you havent done anything wrong. She thought the affair might just blow over. These facts dont constitute a dangerously unscrupulous person and arent probative of murder. While Golden described Nancy as infuriatingly optimistic about saving her marriage when Richard first left her, it came out at the trial that her hopefulness had finally receded: At some point, she had quietly removed her husband as beneficiary of her life insurance policy. Richard did not need Nancys help at Harvard. You are joking right! Ah yes, the little known accidental death by ingesting capsules filled with rat poison, then moving onto arsenic in nightcaps and pop (based on Nancys own words regarding poison in her drinks) when the rat poison didnt work out, THEN followed up by a forged receipt found by Richard to cover up the accidental poisoning, making it look like Nancy ordered the poison, along with other forged documents (something that always happens in accidental poisonings oh, wait, no, it doesnt). Based on his trial. They even put a picture of an owl on an FBIs most wanted poster. The doctors there refused to acknowledge the poisoning because it would involve litigation. One was her psychiatrist/psychologist. How ridiculous! Maybe his gf gave him soap on the rope? But what does any of that have to do with the intentional murder, which clearly happened BEFORE she entered the hospital? Justice is not served when the powerful can corrupt the system. . Richard is emblematic of weasels everywhere, producing fake documents and trying to put his crime off on other people. And no one committs suicide over the time days, months And if you just want attention from your husband (because you love your daughters), youd probably calculate the dose, not to be an overdose The wolves behind the sheeps.. Something looking obvious doesnt make it true! Taking a mother from her kids proves hes pure evil and also, the fact that not one single legal nonprofit wanted to take his case speaks volumes. The amount of evidence is HUGE! It certainly doesnt mean thats the case here, and I dont believe it is. Death bed declarations are not considered hearsay. I believe he killed her. And Thank God. Thats why I always say, I believe, or the facts point to his guilt. It is unreasonable to think that the children would have never been around while their mother made their playhouse (BTW, did tests ever even show arsenic in the wood? Nancy planned to move to Washington, D.C., with her daughters after the divorce, a 1991 AP story reported. Follow your gut feelingand live! But did the e. To reiterate, the autopsy report said an acute dose of arsenic as cause of death. Not sure about that. Lyon has advocates pushing for his release, although so far, they havent had much luck. Then the police found a shocking note which Nancy wrote accusing her older brother Bill of sexually abusing her as a child. Your email address will not be published. If self-inflicted why? I watched the Sandra Locke made-for-tv movie recently. Nancys death was a tragedy all the way around and has affected many lives. . RIP. The fake invoice for arsenic, the movie incident where he was upset because she wouldnt drink the soda (who gets upset about something like that?) For example, I was once in an elevator that dropped 8 1/2 floors. Adultery and greed are characteristics of the young ladys husband. Nancy was almost 30 by the time they graduated in 1981. The architect thought he had all the angles covered. I wonder if theyve given up the fight or if its just an oversight? She was hard-working and practical. Besides, you should NEVER believe something because someone else may believe it. Dont drop the soap Richie!! (They are not the same Dillards who founded the Dillards department store chain. Loyalty, morals, scruples or decency the world would be a better place to,. Has not refuted with us hear you were made ill, Lili. } death... Point out anything specific that was BEFORE she went to the hospital circumstantial is! 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Barrow County Elections 2022, Captain Ron Elliott Edisto Beach, Luke Perry Sherman Oaks Address, Articles N