I am not alone in holding. [5] Sabato, L. J. DBQ packet, 1(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (04.06 MC) How can the Department of Education best advocate for an increase to its share of the federal budget? The Electoral College Should Be Abolished - Free Essay Example 24. juuli 2020 . This page of the essay has 1,601 words. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. They think it antiquated, irrational and undemocratic and argue for scrapping it in favor of a national popular vote. Is the Electoral College plan fair? Trump won the presidential election despite losing the popular election by more than two million votes. Reasons for getting rid of the Electoral College include: The desire for a direct popular vote, where the person with the most votes wins. If it didnt exist, no one today would consider creating it. Seems fair, well its not. The Electoral College, a product of American exceptionalism and constitutional structures, continues to influence the outcome of national elections by establishing the rules of the game. The resolution cleared the House 338 to 70, but failed to pass the Senate.[2]. Candidates would need to travel everywhere instead of only to a handful of swing states that currently enjoy this attention. Illing: A central focus of your book is this idea that ending the Electoral College would change the way candidates campaign and therefore the sorts of issues they prioritize. Gomez states that the National Popular Compact would not work because that the United States is a Democratic Republic not a pure Democracy. Why is that a big deal? It was devised during the framing of the Constitution in order to provide a method of indirect election for the Office of President. Get Our Activist Investing Case Study! Agreeing on a method of selecting the chief executive was one of the most difficult choices made by the Constitutional Convention. For the people who do not really know or understand the Electoral College, it is a body of people who ultimately decide who wins the presidential election. (04.06 MC) The President of the United States cannot stand above the battle engaging in vague little sermons on brotherhood. They did not trust that voters would have enough information to make a good choice. There are two reasons they want to abolish the Electoral College: One, of course, is Trump. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2012/06/20/duvergers-law-is-dead/, [13] Constitutional Convention quotations are from Madisons Notes; https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/1909#Elliot_1314-05_2172, [14] https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/electoral-college/faq.html#changes, [15] Actually, the Electoral College Was a Pro-Slavery Ploy by Akhil Reed Amar, The New York Times, 6 Apr 2019, Why India Needs the Presidential System [Book]. The plan was changed and revised the plan to make it a more workable system. Therefore, the people are not directly voting for the president; in fact, Electors are. Many were anxious even for an immediate choice by the people.[13], The plan was met with a great sense of relief and passed 8 to 3. 280 Words | 2 Pages. In 2020, when Joe Biden won the popular vote nationally by 6 million votes, Donald Trump tried to steal the Electoral College through baseless accusations of fraud and attempts to intimidate key Secretaries of State. The Electoral College consists of electors, and an absolute majority of votes is needed for a candidate to win the election. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The California Electoral College Initiative has been exposed for what it is: a Republican plan to steal the 2008 presidential election. It does not store any personal data. Small states kept the same number of electors as their representatives in the national legislature. Maine and Nebraska use an alternative method, the district system, which awards two electors to the popular vote winners statewide, and one to the popular vote winners in each congressional district. including in the 2000 and 2016 elections. This article tries to answer the question of whether or not a popular vote would be better able to represent the will of the people more accurately and fairly. Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, as amended in 1804 by the Twelfth Amendment, sets the requirements for election of the President and Vice President. Four were appointed by Democratic presidents. LET'S ABOLISH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE Are the people smart enough to choose their own leader? Was the Electoral College abolished? And the other is power after Trump. Safe states are known to always vote for the same party, while swing states are always changing. Republicans won the 2004 election, but the Electoral College actually gave the Democrats a boost. Election by national popular vote would dispense with the need for continental diversification. jo.id = 'FJVoiceFeed'; Nearly all states follow the winner-take-all system, awarding all electoral votes to the presidential candidate who receives the most votes in that state. We must abolish the electoral college and replace it with the national popular vote. According to Civis Analytics poll, 62 percent of the people that voted in the 2016 election would like to abolish the Electoral College. Parliamentary Vs. Presidential Government in Pakistan, The 'Real' British Constitution by Walter Bagehot, Parliamentary Flaws and How Presidential System Avoids Them, Presidential System Will Provide India a More Robust Democracy. ValueWalk also contains archives of famous investors, and features many investor resource pages. Two Presidential elections (1800 and 1824) have been decided in the House. Thomas H. Neales account of the history of the Electoral College provides evidence that the original idea of the plan was changed and revised at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The original method of electing the President and Vice-President, however, proved unworkable, etc. (Neale 2 CRS) Furthermore, Neale acknowledges that the founders and delegates realized that the Electoral College plan was not the perfect system to use in the election process. Southern states were able to extend the three-fifths compromise, counting slaves in the presidents selection without openly parading the fact. Click to reveal Professor of History and Social Policy at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. [15], [1] https://history.house.gov/Institution/Electoral-College/Electoral-College/, [2] https://history.house.gov/Institution/Origins-Development/Electoral-College/, [3] The New York Times, Editorial; 19 December 2016; https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/19/opinion/time-to-end-the-electoral-college.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article. document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(jo); The problem was fixed by the Twelfth Amendment which required Electors to denote the position along with their vote. The Electoral College is essential if we are to preserve our American ideals and the Constitutional form of government that has served us so well for so long. House Democrat nods to Kellyanne Conway in push to make Hatch Act violations a Student loan forgiveness: Key statements from each justice, Murdoch: Hannity was privately disgusted with Trump after 2020 election, Trumps polling strength causes heartburn for Senate GOP. The Electoral College does empower rural states. If you use part of this page in your own work, you need to provide a citation, as follows: Essay Sauce, Should we abolish the Electoral College?. Sign up below! Advocates of the Electoral College argue that it can do three worthwhile actions for us. Seventy percent of Americans between the ages of 18-29 said that the president should be chosen through a popular vote model, while just 56 percent of those over the age of 65 agreed. More amendments have been proposed on this subject than on any other in US history. Therefore, they are not focusing on the needs of the people all over America which is going against what the founding fathers wanted. Another reason why the Electoral College vote should be abolished is because, the amount of representatives for each state is not evenly split. But Trump considers himself the winner this year. It's time to ditch the antiquated. It Disincentivizes Voting The majority of Americans do not live in swing states, they live in states that are safely either Democratic or Republican. My stance to abolish the Electoral College has drawn some ire. Democrat Hillary Clinton got over 2 million 800 thousand more votes than Republican Donald T It's completely rigged. FOR STUDENTS : ALL THE INGREDIENTS OF A GOOD ESSAY. Much like the rest of the Constitution, the Electoral College was a compromise. The closest Congress has come to amending the Electoral College since 1804 was in the late 1960s when the House passed a resolution eliminating the College altogether and replacing it with direct election and a runoff election if no candidate received more than 40% of the vote. Aside from all the problems that have arisen in determining who has actually won two of our last five presidential elections, we need to return to a basic electoral principle: One person, one vote. Together with our house of representatives in the lower chamber it rules across the land as a bicameral legislature. Although he has virtually no chance of succeeding, he could not care less that he was subverting our democratic form of government. A More Perfect Constitution: 23 Proposals to Revitalize Our Constitution and Make America a Fairer Country. The nations landmasses safeguard our natural resources, national security, and rural economy. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Illing: What would you say is the biggest myth or misconception about the Electoral College? Wegman: Its a great question, and I think it really gets to the heart of what the problem is here. The direct nationwide presidential election, augmented by the Electoral College, reinforces Americas two-party polity. The proposal was drawn by James Madison, and it drew on ideas first proposed by James Wilson, the chief proponent of a directly elected chief executive. Albert Gore accepted the result, even though he had won the popular vote by 540,000. This has heightened calls to abolish what some say is an antiquated system of electors. Abolishing the electoral college is not only the wrong choice to make it will also have disadvantageous consequences for the USA. Opponents of the College admit that yes, at one point in time, the Electoral College was a necessary component in electing the President of the Union. Last week, we released our initial House ratings for 2024. Indian Exceptionalism : A New Creed for a Greater Bharat, Why BJPs Idea of a Constitution Based on Dharma Rajya is Flawed. While a majority of Republicans (56%) continue to say the current Electoral College system should be maintained, the share who now express support for moving to a popular vote system is the highest it's been since the 2016 election: 42% say this today, up from 37% in 2021 and just 27% in the immediate wake of the 2016 election. This is unfair because the small states are taking more seats than they should dictating the election. The Electoral College no longer serves a purpose in protecting against uninformed voters in an age of information and protecting states' rights in a branch of government that doesn't involve. The Green New Deal the electoral college should be abolished jessica ponik civics block march 19, 2019 couple of years after the united states was established, Skip to document. Those ratings help inform our state-by-state assessments of the delegations. Both Democratic and Republican candidates focus on issues that are important to, say, coal miners in Pennsylvania or auto workers in Michigan, but those arent the only issues in the country. But the Electoral College is worse than merely useless. The electoral college started with the constitution of the united states, it cited how many electors each state is able to have. We respect your privacy. The Electoral College was and continues to be an undemocratic system that stands as an obstacle for the United States to become a real democracy. It is these officials who choose the President and Vice President of the United States. 2) Swing States vs. THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 TEL | 202-628-8503 FAX. Neale states The Constitution gives each state a number of electors equal to the combined total of Senate membership (two for each state) and the House of Representatives delegation (currently ranging from one to 53, depending on population). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. All our essays are uploaded by volunteers. 4. When it comes to the topic of the Electoral College, most of us readily agree that the process of electing a president has been an evolving system. (2007). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The site offers no paid services and is funded entirely by advertising. Subscribe to ValueWalk Newsletter. Now, with an aspiring autocrat refusing to give up his presidency even after a clear-cut electoral defeat, our democratic form of government is being degraded, if not entirely destroyed. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. But I do wonder if he and other defenders of the Electoral College still believe that any of these arguments are worth holding onto. Considering that Trump won three normally Democratic rustbelt states Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin by razor-thin margins totaling just 80,000 votes, perhaps landslide might not have been the most accurate description of the outcome of that election. This petition starter stood up and took action. Compare and contrast Sample's and McConnell's views about the Electoral College. It's time to ditch the antiquated way we choose presidents. Furthermore, Neale gave a detailed description of the General Ticket system and other alternative systems that give the audience a full spectrum of the Electoral College process. EssaySauce.com is a completely free resource for students. Laura Thompson wrote, The case against the Electoral College is straightforward: Because states are allocated electors based on the size of their congressional delegations, those with smaller populations have an outsize influence on presidential elections. Tyler Lewis says that one of the problems with the Electoral College is "The distribution of Electoral College votes per state is not equally dispersed.". It's electors who decide elections, and there is a . Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Everyones vote counts as much as everyone elses. Wegman: I think that the most common reason is because one or both political parties have seen themselves as benefiting from it in some way. Past proposals for change by constitutional amendment have included various reform options and direct popular election, which would eliminate the Electoral College system, but no substantive action on this issue, has been taken in Congress for more than 20 years. With the exceptions of Nebraska and Maine, where electors are, awarded according to congressional district, each state's electoral votes are awarded in a winner-take-all, Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Both McConnell and Sample believe that the Electoral College is significant because it makes sure that the states count in presidential elections. Since the 18th century, the United States has used the Electoral College, made up of 538 individual electors, to elect its presidents instead of going by the popular vote. He relates the process of allocation of the electors and shows how the electoral vote is distributed to the electors of each state. Out of these concerns came the decision that the president would be elected indirectly. As many people think, every four years Americans vote to elect their president. Let's get to 100! It empowers rural states, allows presidential candidates to moderate their views to form broad. Presidential System Could be More Suitable for India, Why Ambedkar Didnt Like Indias Constitution. Is Iran ready to build a nuclear bomb or not? [7] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/17/books/review/let-the-people-pick-the-president-jesse-wegman.html, [8] https://www.vox.com/21142223/electoral-college-2020-election-jesse-wegman, [9] https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/01/the-electoral-college-is-racist-heres-how-to-kill-it-without-a-constitutional-amendment/, [10] https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-electoral-college-saved-the-election-11610133725, [12] Duvergers Law is a dead parrot. The one constant in the history of voting rights in America, Harvard Kennedy School Professor Alex Keyssar says, is that no law has ever been passed to restrict the voting rights of upper-middle-class white men. 1145 Words | 5 Pages. But these periodic crises could never have happened if we had elected our presidents by counting just the popular vote. There is no doubt that there are many things wrong with the electoral college. Shortly after, former Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. introduced his H.J.Res. Please sign this petition to pressure the government to change the process of our presidential election to a popular vote. Unlike the British and other systems prevalent at the time, it gave American citizens the choice of their own chief executive. Are the people smart enough to choose their own leader? Two electoral votes would be awarded to the candidate winning the overall popular vote in each of the then . Its primary function is to malapportion political power, and it does so indeed, has always done so with strikingly awful consequences. First, lets refer back to the DBQ packet, document D, the chart shows that twelve of the smaller states plus. (04.02 MC) Which of the following is a key belief of a supply-side approach to economic and fiscal policy? Twitter launches Violent Speech Policy with zero tolerance for severe Watch live: White House monkeypox response team holds briefing, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". It preserved states rights, increased the independence of the executive branch, and avoided the danger of provincialism involved in popular election. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. . F- It is Unfair Doc. The method was ultimately settled in the last days by the 11-member Brearly Committee, which proposed election by special Electors chosen by the state legislatures. The alternative systems are the district plan and the proportional plan. Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Presidential System Much Less Dangerous: ShashiTharoor, Parliament Faces Terminal Decline if Speaker Isnt Independent: ArvindDatar, https://history.house.gov/Institution/Electoral-College/Electoral-College/, https://history.house.gov/Institution/Origins-Development/Electoral-College/, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/19/opinion/time-to-end-the-electoral-college.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/17/books/review/let-the-people-pick-the-president-jesse-wegman.html, https://www.vox.com/21142223/electoral-college-2020-election-jesse-wegman, https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/01/the-electoral-college-is-racist-heres-how-to-kill-it-without-a-constitutional-amendment/, https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-electoral-college-saved-the-election-11610133725, https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2012/06/20/duvergers-law-is-dead/, https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/1909#Elliot_1314-05_2172, https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/electoral-college/faq.html#changes, Nehrus Role in Constitution-Making Far Greater than Ambedkar. I will concede that the Electoral College might ensure the stability of the two party system. It frequently bestows a broad-based majority mandate on a candidate who has won only a plurality of the national popular vote, which is particularly important in messy elections with three or more candidates. * This essay may have been previously published on Essay.uk.com at an earlier date. A failure to elect a President, or worse, the choice of a chief executive whose legitimacy might be open to question, could precipitate a constitutional crisis that would require prompt, judicious, and well-informed action by Congress. It is beyond dispute that our system to elect presidents is no longer working. Through a presidential executive order Through an, 11. When the Electoral College was almost abolished? In this plan, the Electoral College would be abolished as known, but the then 531 electoral votes would still be put to use. In fact, the election of 2020 still isnt over even though Joe Biden received more than six million votes than Donald Trump, as well as 72 more electoral votes. By Jack Rakove, the William Robertson Coe Professor of History and American Studies and a professor of political science. Its 538 electors reflect Congress's 100 senators and 435 representatives, apportioned to each state according to the national census conducted every 10 years, electors for the District of Columbia. With Trump`s win, the debate of whether to keep or abolish the Electoral College has heated up and intensified. "Yes, let's abolish the electoral college," he told the crowd at the We the People Membership Summit in March. This makes the candidates focus on swing states needs more than other states in order to win the election. It was compromise between the states and the people. This makes the candidates focus on swing states needs more than other states in order to win the election. By one analysis of the 2012 presidential election, four out of five voters had virtually zero influence on the outcome. The Constitutional crisis was finally over. He is now a vice president at the Aspen Institute and a senior fellow with the Bipartisan Policy Center. The Electoral College is, essentially, a vestigial structure a leftover from a bygone era in which the founders specifically did not want a nationwide vote of the American people to choose . States, battleground or not, would disappear from the electoral calculus. If we make it through this election, we must make changes to the system that led here. But does anyone still believe it is a great idea for our politics? One reason the Electoral College should be abolished is that one of the candidates could win the popular vote and still end up losing the election. The Electoral College is a favorite punching bag for those who think America should be a more majoritarian country. 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