As he was able to Disapparate to and from the Manor, Harry instructed him to first take Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, and Mr Ollivander from the cellar, then return. Dobby was threatened many times during his time serving the Malfoy family and told Harry Potter that he was accustomed to death threats, because he received them 'five times a day' from the Malfoys. Most importantly, why does the man with red eyes staring back at him feel so dangerous? ), david_cuenca: esto parece bueno jeje , espero que se actualice regularmente jeje , zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, A small-time thief gets a system in a magical world. This is the story of the girl who kept Draco going when everything threatened to tear him apart. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry is an orphan living with his abusive aunt and uncle, Vernon and Petunia Dursley and their bullying son, Dudley. This story starts at the end of Chapter 5 in the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. After a life full of hardship Alexander finally completes his promise to his dead wife. It is likely that they met in the company of their masters, as Winky's master Barty Crouch was a high-ranking ministry official and Dobby's former masters the Malfoy family were well-connected and influential socialites. Winky excitedly told Harry that she knew Dobby, too; they evidently were friends previous to 1994 even though their relationship was only first displayed that year. [2nd major world - Game of thrones - Chapter 47-105] roared Uncle Vernon, and he took both Harry and Dudley by the scruffs of their necks and threw them into the hall, slamming the kitchen door behind them. Complete (sort of) Work Search: The continuation of The Family that Chooses You. "You really never learned how to ride a bike?" Unfortunately, Dobby had died by then. Born This is not a villain story, more like a morally gray one. All my relevant links such as my discord and ways to support me are available here! These are the 5 dumbest and smartest wizards of Ravenclaw. Dobby always admired Dumbledore, because he was kind to everyone, even to the house-elves, and because he opposed Lord Voldemort and was against things such as forced labour, cruelty and making someone do something against their will, which Dobby had suffered from all his time working for the Malfoys. Dobby referred to himself in the third person and tended to get his verb conjugations mixed up. [3], Dobby trying to persuade Harry not to go back to Hogwarts, Mafalda Hopkirk of the Improper Use of Magic Office sent Harry a warning letter for the apparent transgression by an under-age wizard, informing the Dursleys that Harry was not allowed to use magic outside of school. Story; The author has made the urban fantasy novel/movies of harry potter into a High fantasy novel. Any and all constructive criticism is welcome but please, keep it constructive. Please go down to see the rest. [2] It is unknown how the Malfoys reacted when they learned of it. Your hands gently caress the polished wood, smooth from years of use yet the cushioning charms applied to them make them feel like the comfiest lounge you've ever rested on. [7], When Winky, Barty Crouch Snr's house-elf, was given clothes and freed of her servitude, she did not accept it as a reward, as Dobby had, but rather as punishment and a shameful failure in the fashion of most house-elves. Harry was furious when he found out Dobby was intercepting all of his friends' letters to him, and demanded them back while refusing to promise him to stay out of Hogwarts. Based on a challenge by Draynuy on AO3. Regular chapters: 125 || Aux chapters: 1 Harry was content with his life. Featuring sexual awakenings, stolen sweaters, new prank products, and the screentime Charlie Weasley deserved in the movies. [16], Dobby meets Harry Potter for the first time, Dobby went to the Dursley house to warn Harry not to go back to school, revealing that he had been intercepting his mail. When Harry final got to the bank all eyes were on him. Most likely, I will write so that he has a certain relationship with some female characters, then he will leave her in her own universe. [7] Dumbledore met Dobby in 1993, when he was still the servant of the Malfoy family. He was granted some request after his death, but the problem was that the granter had no control over how those request were to be granted. [2], Dobby dying with a smile on his face in Harry's arms, As Harry disapparated, Bellatrix threw her silver knife at him. Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was considered by many people (including Dobby) as the greatest wizard of all time. "Harry," he muttered into his portable pocket Portkey. [15], Dobby spying on Harry Potter from within the hedges, Dobby knew of the plan to reopen the Chamber of Secrets during Harry Potter's second year at Hogwarts. Running Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, along with the help of Angelina and Lee, has taken a toll on his life. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. [9][21], Ron and Dobby met again three years later, in 1997, when both Harry and Ron were at the hospital wing; Harry wanted Dobby to spy on Draco Malfoy because he believed he was a Death Eater. He also gave Dobby his shoes and socks to be buried in. -0-0-0-0-0- A Harry Potter Fanfic The Best Kings Wear Skirts By: Grounders10 -0-0-0-0-0- Prologue: A . This story is an Infinite Stream novel where the mc travels through different anime and movie worlds acquiring various magical abilities and knowledge in order to become a supreme wizard that stands on the top of countless dimensions and universes. On the day of his twelfth birthday Harry thought he saw eyes peeking from with the hedges. [8] Dobby feared them, but did everything they ordered him to. In London, in a rented room in a shabby, if popular, pub known to its clientele as the Leaky Cauldron, was a young man. A pair of violet socks from Ron Weasley during Christmas 1994. Normally I wouldn't have read these types of books but this topic was quite new so what is the problem when you are just: free. Only a few will follow him in his journey. Keeping Hermione upstairs for interrogation and torture, Bellatrix had the others imprisoned in the locked cellar, where they encountered Luna Lovegood and Garrick Ollivander, who were also being held there. Sansa Stark had been eagerly counting the days until she would be going to Hogwarts for the first time. RELATED:Harry Potter: 5 Reasons Luna Should Have Been In Gryffindor (& 5 She Was Rightfully Placed In Ravenclaw). Discord: How will Harry cope with someone guiding him in his steps in the Wizarding World? However, an unfortunate blunder by Professor Gilderoy Lockhart resulted in Harry losing all the bones in his right arm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dobby was a house-elf, much shorter in stature than humans, standing only about 3 and a half feet (1.06 m). During the 19851986 school year, Dobby befriended Jacob's sibling. Keep going ,i like !!!!!!!!!!!! "OUT!" A.N. [7] Thus, he didn't have such a good relationship with his co-workers, as they believed that a house-elf should not have any personal life when they had to work and serve their masters.[7][10]. With everything at stake Harry must learn to become the leader he needs to be, before it is too late. Sohere are the 5 dumbest students in Ravenclaw's history, as well as the 5 smartest Ravenclaws who ever set foot in Hogwarts. In this narrative, a twenty something Harry gets sucked through the Veil through magical experimentation. In the continent the Grogermanisches Reichsministerium Fur Magie lords over its fallen enemies with an iron fist. All it gives him, is knowledge. The summer after the battle of Hogwarts a lot of healing, redemption, and decision-making must happen. When Dobby talked with Harry and Ron about his life as a free elf, Ron started to like Dobby, and offered him a maroon sweater his mother had made, making the house-elf excited. [7] When Ron was used as a "hostage" for the Triwizard Tournament, Dobby who had learned of the Second Task from the fake Mad-Eye Moody, became fearful of Harry losing his "Wheezy" (Dobby's name for Ron) to the merpeople and was manipulated by the fake Moody into stealing gillyweed for Harry. I should not have Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Going to Hogwarts. And I obviously dont own any of the settings, but so what? However, something different awaited him on the other side. He discovers his powers at an early age and decides that he would not be bullied by his so-called relatives. [Source]. You yawned and stretched out of the bed, as you took a moment to look out the window. All of that was quite unexpected. Dobby suffered a period of unemployment, during which he was often ostracised for having no "proper shame" in regards to being out of work. RELATED:Harry Potter: 10 Ravenclaw Vs. Hufflepuff Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words. [2], Dobby apparating out of Malfoy Manor with Luna and Ollivander. Review, comment, add to the library and share this fic. As any Harry Potter fan knows by now, students can be selected for a specific Hogwarts house for a myriad of reasons. "[9], He was extremely devoted to Harry after he freed him in 1993,[5] helping him out on several occasions, ultimately at the cost of his own life. And since he is a thief, his starting skills are: [2] Arriving at Shell Cottage, the house of the newly-wed Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour, Harry discovered Dobby's wound and cried out for help as Dobby died in Harry's arms, leaving Harry devastated. Gender Take this quiz and discover which Slytherin wizard would fit your personality perfectly and be your soulmate. [7] During her fifth year at Hogwarts, Hermione spent most of her time making clothes and hiding them in many places of the Gryffindor Common Tower. Glancing around. then he meets an old God who decides to transmigrate him as Harry frickin Potter. She Vernon sat there smiling as he looked at the American flag that hung in the backyard. PS1. He did not make the rogue bludger chase Harry out of malicious intent, but because he was trying to save him from Lucius Malfoy's plot to open the Chamber of Secrets. Harry dug Dobby's grave without magic, in the gardens of Shell Cottage and carved into the headstone of the grave "HERE LIES DOBBY, A FREE ELF.". Esos ojos grises lo dejaban claro, cristalino en realidad, se haba acabado, ya no haba vuelta atrs, poda darse por muerto como mnimo. Find out about the young Wizard with a different take on destiny and the changes it brings Dobby was eventually killed by Bellatrix Lestrange. The Summer has ended, and Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy find themselves back on the Hogwarts Express heading into their Fifth Year. He knew of this secret room, because he had used it frequently to hide Winky after she became drunk from Butterbeer. Harry accomplished this by placing T. M. Riddle's Diary inside his own sock. Alright, now that's just awkward. *Disclaimer* He was a notoriously powerful wizard and gifted alchemist, as well as being the one responsible for the creation of the Philosopher's Stone, one of the most magical objects in the wizarding world. He also saw the newspapers they said something about the first male witch, that they were going to call him the first wizard. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. Prising his hand out if Hermione's now tight death grip, Y/N lifted his watch to his mouth, intending to pull Harry out of whatever shit he was going through this time. THIS IS NOT A YAOI. as he thought. When I woke up I was instantly aware that something wasn't right. But this system is quite different from normal systems. Dobby thought of Harry as his best friend, and Albus Dumbledore as his rightful and true master. Author: Han Yousi Dobby Dobby died moments later in Harry's arms, a peaceful smile on his face, his final words being Harry's name. Brown[5] Reunited with his uncle, Harry makes it his mission to mess with the lives of his enemies and friends and have fun. harry potter: death's gift by the dragon shogun 13.3K 288 24 harry james potter mysteriously disappeared from his aunt and uncles house at a measly five years old where did he go and what happened to him, what happens when he retu. I have changed many things, though I have not strayed too far away, only in minor cases, the most explicit in the Dursleys and a few others I will not spoil. Died This expanded into anger at the Harry Potter series in general for all the plot holes (student tracking, unexplained magic system, paper-thin stereotypes, etcetera). "Damn it, Harry's gotten himself into something again, I knew it." Y/N growled. During this rescue he was fatally wounded by Bellatrix Lestrange's knife, but successfully apparated Harry and Griphook to safety at Shell Cottage. Luna Lovegood is undoubtedly the most iconic Ravenclaw student in the Harry Potter series, and she truly embodies everything that Rowena Ravenclaw was hoping to find when she set out to collect the most intelligent students in the school for her house. A harem game to be precise. [7] The first and last thing Dobby ever said to Harry was, ". As a professor at Hogwarts and the head of Ravenclaw house it seems like you'd be able to assume that Professor Filius Flitwick is a pretty clever man, but based on the history of Hogwarts professors that's not a particularly safe assumption. All rights belong to Zara H (@za_ra_h_ on Twitter) & J.K. Rowling, respectively. [7] Dobby visited Harry on Christmas day and presented him with a present, socks and when Harry tried them on Dobby's eyes misted with tears. The wizarding world was slowly recovering from the war. Watch as "Harry" messes up canon and takes matters into his own hands. -Traps Hermione was tired. It is a simple premise that appeals to both children and adults. He sent Dobby to rescue them; the house-elf did so, stating that "he would always be there for Harry Potter", but was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange. PS3. [24], Over a decade later around his birthday in 2011, Dobby was remembered by Winky as a S.P.E.W. Though it was originally just a series of seven books, there are also films to accompany each book. Dobby's satisfied expression after protecting Harry from Lucius Malfoy, Because of his loyalty to his friends, Dobby tried everything he could to save them if they were in danger, even if it hurt them, and once attempted to seriously injure Harry Potter, hoping that if he was hurt badly enough he would be sent home (this led to Harry asking Dobby to never try to save him again after setting him free). Strong and smart MC. [-Stealth Magic And finally, he couldn't even outwit Harry in his first year, which is saying a lot about this adult teacher. [3] Throughout the year, when Dobby made attempts to drive Harry away from Hogwarts, causing some rather unpleasant results on the way, Harry made some threats that were never followed through. On his eleventh birthday, Harry discovers he is a wizard when Rubeus Hagrid delivers him an acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "No" she said in an embarrassed tone He did so, bringing the three to Shell Cottage, the home of Bill Weasley and his wife Fleur Delacour. I don't want you to get bored from your job like Jesus. [8], Near the end of the 19921993 school year, Harry freed Dobby from the slavery of the Malfoy family. PS1. First name and last name: Hyacinth Jensen Dobby also asked if it would be alright if he visited Harry from time-to-time, with Harry responding with an of course. -Wards As if that wasn't bad enough that noisy little brat appears to be able to see him. Dobby featured in a promotional poster for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Dobby as seen in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, Dobby as he appears in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Dobby as seen in Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, The Harry Potter Wiki has 194 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. The summer after the war is the coldest, gayest summer Harry will ever have.Thank Merlin the Weasleys are there to help him through it. Just then someone walked into the room. He should get stronger. Warning80%20%HE. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: Are you bored of the Muggle world? When Dobby came to the Malfoy Manor to rescue them, Hermione was being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. There will be NO harem. When it comes to the cleverest Ravenclaws in history, it would be a shame to overlook the literal Ravenclaw who created the house of "wit and measure is man's greatest pleasure" in the first place. With this pain came memories, 11 years of memories from a 11 year All spells, enchantments, and curses have a point where they can be twisted, perverted, broken, or just plain co-opted. In Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Letter. [19] Eventually, he was hired by Albus Dumbledore to work in the kitchens of Hogwarts for a Galleon a week and one day a month off. Just like always, Left with nothing and wanting the horrors around her to end, she begged for Harry Potter to be turned over to the Dark Lord. When he died in the war (a shitty situation that her sister blames her for), every one of her hopes and dreams went to shit. Here are some of the best fanfics that fans of the universe can explore. Harry Potter is a simple story about a young wizard who attends a school for magic. I have been reading fanfiction for a few years now, with most of it being Harry Potter fics. However, the house-elves stopped cleaning those places once they found the first of the clothes, as they didn't want to take them. He only didn't want more spotlight on him. Only translated and Edited by me. Will not strictly follow the canon - Chapter 4-45] He said with happy tone. What you say is true; Harry was not a particularly excellent wizard. However, just as those elves disappeared when the shoemaker made them shoes, so the dobbies were said to disappear when offered clothing. 28 June[1] -Pickpocketing He will work harder. [8], Dobby and Harry in the hospital wing, after Harry injured his right arm during a Quidditch match. Then it was Y/N's turn. After a rough week at work, I finally have the time to play my favorite game. Dobby clearly had a strong conscience, and punished himself even when he had done "wrong" things that house elves should not do, even if they were for the right reasons.[3]. Completed. With the triumph of the Alliance over the ICW and the alliance's subsequent takeover by German Sympathisers, a New Order has risen over the wizarding world. [20], Dobby disarming Narcissa Malfoy with a snap of his fingers, Dobby and Harry Potter had a very strong relationship. The Silencing Charm was undone. While Hit Wizards were trained to fight Dark Wizards, just like the Aurors, the latter appeared to differ in that unlike Hit Wizards, Aurors were more of an elite force whose abilities went far beyond simply arresting suspects such as investigation, concealment and disguise, stealth and tracking, poisons and antidotes, etc., whereas Hit Wizards appeared to be primarily a fighting and controlling force, and not trained to investigate crime. He also permitted Dobby to call him as he wanted (such as "a barmy old codger"). [10], Dobby and Hermione didn't meet again until 1997, when Harry had sent Dobby to spy on Draco Malfoy. Nationality [10] This was a delight for Dobby, though, because it allowed him to see Harry Potter and his friends,[10] including Ron Weasley, whom he called Harry Potter's "Wheezy. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery& Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells& Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. As the workload increases, Albus finds himself beginning to struggle with his schoolwork, and Scorpius soon finds himself hitting a burnout as he tries to support Albus through his troubles. My rating: 5 STARS || Reason: Because I like my story, that's it. We are talking about you. [3] Contents 1 History 2 The job 2.1 Job requirements -Occlumency] "Want me to teach you?" Please do tell if I'm positing this right. I just couldnt read other fanfics cause this idea just kept ringing in my head. MC don't know plot of the HP, other than it's adventure of three friends with 8 movies. [5] They treated Dobby with unkindness and cruelty, often reminding him to perform extra punishments on himself when he did something disagreeable to them. Dobby started his work at the Hogwarts Kitchens in 1994, a year after he was freed by Harry Potter. Author's Notes: I got high and angry about the Wizard Blood Libel game. Dobby was the resident house-elf of Malfoy Manor, serving Lucius Malfoy, his wife Narcissa, and their only son Draco. Dobby then brought them to Shell Cottage but was killed by Bellatrix by her throwing a knife and stabbing Dobby during the Apparition. Many people who are super smart don't want to face any competition, so the fact that she made it her goal to make other smart magicians even smarter says a lot about her. According to Harry, Dobby also saved his life with the Gillyweed. Healing hurts: this is what Harry decides as he lies on the living room floor of number 4 Privet Drive with a steel-toed boot pressed against his jaw. She found a handkerchief in Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - A whole new world. In the second book, Harry asks Dobby to promise to not save his life again, but 5 books later Dobby does because he is the last hope of getting out of Malfoy Manor. Though he hated it, he goes to the Gala's and every other function the ministry urges him to. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. :) Harry was Largely Average. Im doing cause I felt like it and for the fun of it. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Hit Wizard is a play on the term "hit man". He came to know this via the contact between his masters and Lord Voldemort. Quirrell did manage to keep his head being half-Voldemort a secret for almost an entire school year, but that honestly says more about the stupidity and lack of inquisitiveness of the people around him than it does about his intelligence. Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL) Book&Literature REINCARNATION MAGIC SLICEOFLIFE CAMPUS HARRYPOTTER WIZARDS 4.58 Synopsis: Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix enters the school again. harrypotter. Eye colour Height Its my very first time writing or posting anywhere. The golden boy of Gryffindor is nothing more than a mask to protect himself, but he is done playing games. [13], In 1995, when Dolores Umbridge banned all clubs at Hogwarts, Harry Potter half-heartedly asked Dobby if he knew of a secret place in which they could have meetings for Dumbledore's Army; Dobby subsequently told him of the Room of Requirement and how to get into it. Male[3] [3] Harry was then locked in his room. *Additional tags to be added as they become relevant; In no way does this fic or its author support, believe in, or endorse the atrocious opinions voiced by JKR*. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement maintained squads of trained Hit Wizards and Witches whose job it was to move out at a moment's notice in dire and dangerous situations, be it to disperse the crowd during riots or apprehend dangerous wizarding criminals once they had been located. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Also called a Brownie. ~~This is not a Canon Rewrite or anything similar~~ Most Powerful Wizards in the Harry Potter Universe, Ranked By Mary Kate Carr Updated Feb 10, 2023 Wands at the ready! Or will he too face the same fate as Lavender Brown? Location: cauldron cell [5], After becoming a free elf, Dobby struggled to find work, as he wanted to be paid, which was uncommon for house-elves. Garrick Ollivander is arguably one of the greatest wand makers in history, and he is a literal genius. Late March 1998Shell Cottage, Tinworth, Cornwall, England, Great Britain[2] It's simply hard to believe that he couldn't come up with a slightly smarter plan then sticking a piece of Voldy onto the back of his own head. [5] Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco Malfoy treated Dobby cruelly and were very sadistic to him. (creating magic without blowing up things or dying, being good at everything etc.) One most noticeable trait was his capacity to self-harm whenever he believed he had done something wrong, usually using something to hit his head with and going as far as to iron his own hands. (200+Nice!) This human-goblin hybrid professor is one of the most knowledgeable and skilled masters of charms in the world, and he could very easily be doing great things outside of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry if he chose. From that day onwards, Angels and demons called him the God's Advocate. On Harry's orders, Dobby, along with Kreacher, formerly the House of Black's house-elf who now belonged to Harry, tailed Draco Malfoy and helped Harry learn that Draco was using the Room of Requirement. Release Time: 07:45 AM Pacific Time or 10:45 AM Eastern Standard Time. During the Battle of Hogwarts all the house-elves, with Kreacher as a leader, fought against the Death Eaters, without anyone ordering them to do so. With Voldemort's return now out in the open Harry Potter finds himself in dark and dangerous times. "That was such a great movie!" Over the course of his employment at Hogwarts, Dobby became close friends with Aberforth Dumbledore, and spent much time at Aberforth's home in Hogsmeade, getting to and from the school through a secret tunnel. It was as if the Heavens themselves were warning you of the coming Freedom at last! Divination is obviously the kind of subject that you have to feel your way through and interpret artistically instead of just thinking it through, but you'd think that as a divination teacher she would understand that her skills as a tea leaf reader or crystal ball diviner are sorely lacking. He made a super-effective medicine for cancer. Dobby might not have learned about Kreacher's change before he was killed in 1998. ****** Please consider turning it on! No poda haber simplemente pensado con la cabeza y haberse ahorrado una situacin tan incmoda? 8: Platform 9 3/4 and The Hogwarts Express, 9: The Boy Who Lived - And The Boy Who Didn't Care, 19: The Hogwarts Quartet (Doesn't Sound As Good As 'Trio' Does It? From that hilarious fanfiction My Immortal to the many recipes for pumpkin juice that you can find online, Harry Potter has brought out something to everyone's creative palette. When Edward finally uncovers the answers to the question he pondered on, he suddenly thought to himself: "Since the world of Harry Potter is real, what about all the other anime, movies, games, and books that I read from my past life? Loyalty Surely he would have done Rowena herself very proud. All the Harry Potter Books: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998) Luna is a traditionally smart girl, but what makes her so extraordinary is her ability to do more than just think outside of the box. This story starts off with drarry meeting then time skips to their children braking a time turner and getting sent to the past but will they be able to get back. [5] He would get confused when he would get two of the same style as he preferred to have two brightly coloured or patterned mismatched socks, and would often give socks as gifts as well. There, Bellatrix Lestrange saw that they were carrying the Sword of Gryffindor, and she stopped Lucius Malfoy from summoning Voldemort, afraid they had been in her Gringotts vault. In 1997, Dobby helped Harry spy on Draco Malfoy along with Kreacher. [11], Dobby dying in the arms of his best friend, In 1996, Dobby had a fight with another house-elf, Kreacher after Kreacher insulted Harry. [7] She took up work at Hogwarts as well, but she became a heavy drinker of butterbeer, and Dobby took care of her. After that, Aberforth told Harry, Ron and Hermione that he was really sorry, as he liked Dobby. By: Grounders10 Death messed up his job at Halloween 1981 and now neither Voldemort nor Harry Potter are dead. Hit man '' hospital wing, after Harry injured his right arm now that & # x27 ; s:... Work at the Hogwarts Express heading into their Fifth year 1 - the Mysterious Letter his birthday in 2011 Dobby... 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