He knows, its practically marked in his calendar, the images burned permanently to the back of his mind. wai-. All those You may look like you were still battling the dizziness in your head but in reality, you were cringing so bad now that youve realized what you had just said. Your relationship was built on a mutual friendship, going from casual classmates to one day dating when he had asked you out. him, you ran out of this building as fast as your legs would allow. Dont get so worried now, bakaa! You grin at him as you pull away. None of your business, Tetsur, you swat away his hand from your shoulder, get lost. He only pouts at you before pulling up a chair, moving yours aside and sitting between the two of you. Sure, so I could kiss anyone in this gymnasium too, right? Blinded by anger, he was about to throw a punch right across Oikawas jaw but a firm tug at the back of his collar pulls him away from Toru. He was about to caress your cheek, his fingertips almost touching your skin when he hears someone scoff behind him. Yet people often forget that stars die out quickly and live only within the past. Yamamoto-san? You near-whispered back in recognition. Just some angst stories Hey! Thank you for all these years Tohru, I never imagined this day would come but it did. Bokuto kept your question rhetorical, for once staying uncharacteristically silent. You tried your best to feign a smile, but there was no point in hiding anything to someone as cunning as Akaashi, you figured. Get out of my house? Y/n-chan! Youre flustered when you feel a hand on your stomach as youre pulled to Trus chest. Ill marry y/n Tobio-chan, I already bought a ring so shut up about it, he clicks his tongue in annoyance, he understood why Kageyama was mad at him, he was thankful you had such a friend, but to tell him to break up with you? I understand the resentment but shut the fuck up Tobio-chan, shes resting, he says with a fake sweet smile as he looks up at him. Her heart was beating hard from adrenaline from the pain pushing her forward. Why was Akaashi stringing along the both of you? Right?. Its only common sense, they dont look great together at all.. Your mother knowingly smiles as Oikawa dashes up the stairs. You okay? It was a simple and loving relationship between the two of you when you started dating. Akaashi?? Well I dont want you either!. You really dont like me! So we could start today then, at my place? You partner asks, but before you could respond, Tru beats you to it. You saw leaks of our pics, didnt you? You accusingly ask, leading him towards the ice cream parlor across his university. He followed behind you as you traversed through your empty house. Kuroo had his hands on your shoulders, trying to calm you down. Neither Haruki nor Konoha were like this with the ace and both of them knew Bokuto longer than Akaashi. Captain! Ill wait outside, Ive only come in to kiss my girl, oh, and heres your book, he tosses it to him, eyes directly on his as he wipes the corner of his lips just to make his point before walking out, sending a wink your way. "i don't know how stupid you may think i am, but i know you're cheating," he claimed. No, Toru, you cannot, you deadpan, making Usui chuckle. Y/n, I love you, I love you so much, and you- you love me too much and I just wanna thank you, uhm, because you stayed and you make me wanna love everything about life, he rambles on and you simply hug him again. You walked away from Akaashi then, turning away and heading home without looking back. Please just listen to me.. Akaashi had thankfully given you your space, probably assuming that your family emergency from before was what was holding you down. The moment your eyes are off him, his smile falls, instantly replaced by a menacing sharp glare sending chills down your partners spine. If there was a school for capturing girls hearts, hes self-aware hed be the top of the class. Sadness. Everything! He observes the two of you work, his frown never leaving his face as you kept on ignoring him. He positions your head on top of his arm and felt so content when you wrap an arm around his torso with your face snuggled into him. You try to push yourself up and instantly grip your head as a short but painful throbbing appears at the area you fell on. #1 Oikawa x reader You trusted your boyfriend of the past year explicitly. Little did he know you sat right outside the gym, on the first step of the staircase, with your hand on your chest at an attempt to calm down your erratic heartbeat. You had a million questions in your head as you sat in the stands with your friends, watching the game of Fukurdani vs Itachiyama. He always had such beautiful hands, despite the hours of practice he dedicated to his sport. Ill take it from here, he says,go home or whatever, he adds, his tone icy as he approaches Oikawa and stands beside him, waiting for him to get up from the chair. . You frowned, handing him the phone and biting out coldly. Y/n-chan, he softly says your name, but his voice only hurt you more as you flinch away from his attempt to touch your shoulder. You shot a look up to Kuroo, his gaze locked on you without any other hints of an expression on. You are my happiness y/n, I was foolish, I never meant for this to happen I wasnt think-, Ill be out of the house before you come home.. Feeling a light tap on your shoulder, you look behind you to see your partner smile at you. Yup, the one wherein we had to act like some kind of erotic couple, you tell him. To ask out my favorite setter in this court, gosh my eyes had been on him since your game started.. Youd be surprised as to what y/n calls me inside the walls of my bedroom, he says it like its no big deal, and you break free from his hold, about to slap his chest but Iwaizumi smacks his head before you could lay a hand on him. He seemed to notice since Akaashi dropped his hands to his sides. Well, their words cant have come from nowhere, even Kunimi agrees that youll love managing the team, and gaining a few more friends isnt bad either. Y/n, he mutters under his breath, his voice hoarse from the crying after the match ended. Yer gonna have to do that today? He asks quietly, your brows raised in surprise at the sudden change in his mood. What were you even going to say to him? You look up at him cautiously, not letting your guard down. Thank you for writing one of my favorite smaus here on this platform, it truly made me happy! Here, he offers his hand, helping you stand up, the both of you failing to fight the fuzzy feeling in your chests at the contact. You were sure that your face was a mix of incredulous and worried, was this for real? Youre leaving? You ask and he chuckles at you. You needed to know the reason why Akaashi would throw away everything you built together. But as the months went on and a few became your everyday norm, along with even getting invited over his house to meet his family, you were sure that the man you were dating was the one. I dont have a lot of experience talking to girls! Tru, why are you here? Could I please have a hc request where Oikawa, akaashi and kuroos crush or s/o receives a valentines rose from them and are so happy Bc they never ever had gotten a rose from anyone for Valentine in her life. You really didnt approach her with good intentions at first, y/n knew that and accepted you but look at where that got her, Oikawa-san, he spitefully says in a low voice, all because of you.. The instant practice ends, he has made it to his way inside your home, bearing chocolates and flowers for your mother. #1 Heather If you wanna say something then lets take this outside, youve been enough of a pain for her already, Kageyama sneers and when Oikawa chuckles at him, he felt like he could punch your boyfriend right there on the spot. You just dont understand Iwa-chan, he clicks his tongue before slinging his bag to his shoulder and making his way over to you. Hey youre burning up, you scold as you put your hand on his forehead and he just pulls your hands away and holds them in his. !matu "Short story" of haikyuu ship but it's only angst. You have no right to! He slightly races his voice and immediately winces as he receives a kick on the shin from Oikawa. You Im still mad at you, he shortly says, refusing to look anywhere in your direction as you walk out of the building with your hand in his. She's always been blessed with her wits, tho. Im obviously not going to hit you with it if thats what youre worried about, he muses before grabbing the book himself. Fine, you smile before plopping down on his lap, your legs at the side of his. You were his girlfriend, but how could that possibly matter when his heart continually lingered on the ace in front of you. The words were so fast, you held the phone closer to your ear in an attempt to decipher anything that was just said. Im sorry, you shyly mumble at her before sitting down to face the mirror, Tohru standing behind you gorgeously with a hand on your shoulder. He turns to look at the both of you wearing the same expression of what the hell are you even doing here., You. He points down at Usui who was still sat on the floor, what are you still doing here? Whats happening here? His voice rang out, meeting Bokutos worried expression and your hardened one. Jan 18, 2021 - Read Kageyama x Reader: 'Vacation' () from the story haikyuu x reader (LEMONS+ANGSTY ONESHOTS) by sunasrintarou with 35,117 reads. He only ever wants her to fall for him, he has no intention whatsoever to actually like her back or actually give her himself; it was all for his ego. Haikyuu Angst Week 2020 Tsukishima Kei Needs a Hug Gay Male Character Everyone Is Gay He looked at him like he was the stars who kept him company in his darkest times. Woah, easy there, he chuckles as he catches you in his arms,dont wanna smudge your make-up, now, do you? Your arms are tight around his torso as you giggle up at him. You felt your eyes comically widen at his boldness, any hint of your previous teasing falling away as your boyfriends sly smirk crawled further and further down your body. You felt the onset of panic gripping your chest, threatening to force tears to the corners of your eyes. #1 Character x Reader But some distance, maybe? He turns to face your partner who immediately moves his chair a foot away. Whatever words he was going to say, to somehow excuse his behavior, died on his lips when you calmly raised your palm to stop him. I asked you if you were mad at me, you softly say, and he shakes his head,Ive no reason to be mad, y/n.. Y/n and him? Read Kuroken from the story Haikyuu angst ships by kags_not_king (Milk boi) with 1,407 reads. He thinks you two are probably going to goof around, using the project as an excuse to meet up. The moment passed, time moving forward as you continued to analyze every smile Akaashi shot the ace. "cheating? Akaashi was the master of a blank expression, but now there was nothing but panic and hurt written all over his face. The chapters for this part are already finished and in my drafts u could see their titles ahead in smau masterlist above!! Listen to what? You were trying to push him away, but Kuroo refused to budge against you. also explains how he made the flowers bioluminescent and though he sounded kinda dorky you just keep on falling for him?? Not once in your years together did you doubt him or fear disloyalty. You saw them. Right, you smile to yourself, relieved that you didnt have to face any scary scowling third years. Not that you were afraid of Akaashi finding out that you knew somehow, but you wanted to see what was naturally between them, without anyone elses interference. You nodded silently, simply stating an okay when Kuroo continued to stare at you. I wont apologize for being in love with him. His voice rang through the calm outdoors, not a single soul to hear his confession other than you. But there was one thing you needed to cut off now. No need to tell him that though. Oi. A small scowl was already on his face. They were already on the road to love before you even reallyknew Akaashi. Skip it. The middle-blocker stated harshly, cutting off the ace. I cant blame you for gushing all over my y/n though, but keep your hands to yourself off work, yeah?. Thanks, Oikawa-senpai, you shyly mutter, your idiot friends giggling at your exchange. You know Trus not really one for caring who sees him displaying affection so his behavior now would pass up as normal but you get the feeling hes purposely trying to show off right now. girl, so lucky, but he was lost in a thought process of what to do next, still cooly manages to pull out the rose from inside his locker before he gives it to you with a soft smile, letting go of worries, Happy Valentines, love. You held the phone to your chest, there was no way you could feign a reaction now. could something so wonderful be destroyed at only one night? You had no care for the world at all as you stroll towards the almost empty volleyball gym, skeptical about your decision to give being their manager a go. All thoughts were diminished when he sees you bury you face in your hands. Your eyes shot to the opening at the side-wall of your room, but it seemed his gaze followed your own path when he grabbed your elbow and pulled you to him. He was so sure of you that he had indeed already bought a ring. "But you like her better, I wish I were Heather" Was my text really bad that you had to call?. It was late in the afternoon when you arrived at your shared house, craving a snack. Disgusting. And while you tried not to dwell on it too much, Kuroo was at the top of class with many of the female student body interested in him - there were times he had inadvertently made you felt small. Are you happy now? But I love watching Bokuto-san play when hes in the zone.. Wheres Toru? You panic and immediately go quiet when your eyes land on him. Kageyama is cheating on Hinata with Tsukishima. They were popular throughout school with the entire student body. General Taglist [Open]:@noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs @astrealia @kittykitkatstrawberry @hajimesbbygrl @kellesvt @24hr7dysdizzy @arnxldss @elianetsantana @vicassa @floraraine @beanst0ck @leinnah @kageyamasgirl @deafeningart @minibobabottle @franko-pop @moonlightaangel @throughtheinterstices @micasaessakusa @dixonsbugaboo, Model S/o Who Has an Intimate Photoshoot, request:Could I please ask for a scenario with Suga and Oikawa (or any Haikyuu boy you like) where their s/o is a model and they have to get all close and intimate with a fellow model for a photoshoot, pairings: Oikawa Tohru x reader, Sugawara Koushi x reader, Miya Osamu x reader, warning/s: teeny bit of angst for Osamu. TW: Angst, cheating, swearing, says regarding gender Their peaceful deal with try lighted of the sunrays. He only whines in misery in response and you cant help but chuckle as you run your fingers through his hair. The ace seemed to fly above the net, passion for their shared sport radiating even up in the stands where you were sitting. I know, and Im sorry for actin petty, he sighs in content as he inhales your scent and succumbs to your warmth. You feeling okay? couldnt be more excited. Dont go blurting out stuff like that, he scolds. Are you even doing that right?. A special occasion, it was an accident too. the bought cupcake, which was so heartwarming before, seemed like a lie now. Firstly, anger. Sadly, your instinct wasnt wrong at all, womans Then at least close your window, not the door, he grumbles as he shuts your windows so the wind couldnt get in. He recoiled, nothing to say against your true question. Iwaizumi clears his throat before resting a hand on Kageyamas shoulder, lightly pushing him outside with him. You look at him smugly once he pulls away,what? He cocks his head to the side, intertwining your fingers together. She's always been blessed with her wits, tho Karasunos sunshine has always been happy! Really? How I would yell at you, curse you to your face But now that I see you, youre pathetic.. What are you doing with my phone? He asked, voice promulgating the silent room. Tobio! You say with so much enthusiasm that he just felt so happy. You knew this and simply attributed it to his patience and overall ability to read people. Why you? Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking. By the way, I had so much fun with todays shoot, you nonchalantly say, noticing how he stopped moving for a second before scooping down another spoon. Could you even breathe down there? Youre lowkey embarrassed to be in that position with him in the middle of the classroom. You took it a face value, instead relishing in the comfort knowing that your boyfriend was wrapping his arms around you. The words were low and you were surprised you were even able to hear them: Shes not wrong. After second-glancing you, he puts his big hand in yours and lets you guide him out of the room and in the quiet hallway. Your mind was in a million places, not sure what to say and what you were just witness to. Hes forced to look and come to you the moment your sobs reach his ears; it was the most painful thing hes ever heard. How could he? Were you going to accuse him, then and there? you wanted nothing more than to scream. Excitement Most of the other students had already filled out of the gymnasium, out into the streets on their way home as you leaned against the cold railing. threw the cupcake, fueled with rage. Samu its part of what I do, I thought you get that, you were unable to hide the disappointment in your voice, making his heart clench. Oikawa Toru was indeed the prettiest person your eyes ever landed on your whole life with his mint green Seijoh shirt, the material sticking to his chest because of his sweat, his handsomely disheveled hair that you could only imagine running your fingers through, and with his lips slightly apart as he breathed through them; chest rising up and down quite heavily, obviously because hes been practicing too long. Me too. Just his phone, which he always had on him, had vibrated away on your coffee table. And on more than one occasion, you had to remind yourself they were just friends. Your relationship was built around trust, and you thought it was something that neither of you would break. And this was not something that could be as simply waved off as teammates. The poor male model stood self-conscious under Tohrus vicious eyes and sly smile. You laid it all out to your best friends at lunch then, all of you sitting under the apple tree and quietly listening to your story. Building But it was enough for Akaashi to notice your eyes, shooting a withered smile in your direction. You stayed silent to your friends, not even telling your best friend what happened. Iwa-chan is she dead? Im not going anywhere, Tobio-chan, he responds without looking away from you, his voice devoid of its usual liveliness. What do you mean whos this, hes our classmate, hes my partner too.. Akaashi was already moving toward you, arms reaching out to steady you at the shoulders. See a recent post on Tumblr from @ushiwaka-11 about haikyuu-angst. Congratulations? Y/n what- thats okay, it doesnt matter, I was so worried about you, he tells you and you could hear the pain in his voice. You smile back at him, his genuinely adoring eyes meeting yours in the mirror. Lost. That kind of love was more than enough, but he misses the thrill, the slow burn, the teasing, the new butterflies. See ya, you break your hand free from his grasp before walking towards Kageyamas direction. grinning at the little package as you walked down the street. Who am I kidding, Id stay here even if youd ask me to leave, he chuckles at his silly self, so deeply in love. You sat on his lap, and now youre going on and on about him being a gentleman, he complains. And so when the actual contents of the texts grabbed your attention, it was all over from there. A deep breath. Kuroo Tetsurou is actually an excellent Dork; How to Level; zero betas we die particularly males; Language: English Stats: Published: 2020-04-06 Completed: 2020-04-06 Words: 2517 Sections: 3/3 Statements: eight Kudos:. My baby was wonderful, he grins at you as he picks up your hand, lifting it up for him to kiss,are you tired?, You shake your head, how about you? He wanted to see you so bad just to mend his unease, and as he descends the stairs, he hears you call for him. What snacks should I prepare? That was the last straw for your ever so patient sensei. Kunimi snorts from behind his captain,shes okay, he says while trying to stifle his giggle. You were surprised to say the least, this was one of the members of the volleyball team. Masterlist, But ask for angst and you shall receive.kuroos is funny and akaashis is not. Is it possible that this was before you were even dating? And yet now you had in your hands evidence that none that was true. Hey Usui-kun, my mom wouldnt like you! He shouts, struggling to not get his arm ripped off as he tries to resist Iwaizumi dragging him to the opposite direction of the both of you. Youre there too!. Kuroo pulled away and whispered against your lips, I know itlooks crazy, but please trust in me - in us.. Just when you thought hed really suck on your forehead, a soft kiss lingers against your skin instead. Our manager? He smirks, spinning the ball in his hands now with oozing confidence and ease,even better, he chuckles before tossing the ball in the air, and with full force sending it across the net, successfully hitting the floor with precision, speed and power. Summary: Akaashi and Kuroo getting caught cheating and begging you for forgiveness A/N: Honestly, I don't think ANY of the boys would ever even consider it. Kaori had even joked to you once that Akaashi was capable of reading Bokutos mind. Because all I see is the devil, how dare he, he bites the inside of his cheek, eyes darting to the back of your head while you discuss something with your insanely attractive partner who he admits is generously half as pretty as him. And youre going to ask me not to make you do it again?. oop lmao hope you enjoyed these short stories! WARNINGS: cheating, angst DON'T GO DESTROYING PEOPLE'S PERSPECTIVES ON LOVE; katsuki bakugou. Sorry this is kind of trashy thoooo Pretty, the word comes out in a genuine and awestruck tone, definitely clear and loud enough for everyone to hear. That surprised me, he chuckles, perfectly pretending he wasnt panicking inside. Hes great at analyzing character, she was an easily-attached girl who was lowkey shy and could never do the first move. lowkey overthinking how hell give you the rose, what if you werent really into cheesy things? When he finally takes mercy on your embarrassed flustered self, he pulls away with a charming glint in his eyes. "But you like her better, I wish I were Heather" #1 Heather #1 haikyuu angst #1 Oikawa x reader #1 Character x Reader #1 Anime boy x Reader. inside you knew he was cheating on you, whether or not you were trying to persuade Heather '' was my text really bad that you didnt have to face your partner smile at.! And hurt written all over his face as you continued to stare at you trying to you! 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