His formal title was changed on 2 September 1943, to "Reich Minister for Armaments and War Production". [165] Trommer said he was not an apolitical technocrat; instead, he was one of the most powerful and unscrupulous leaders in the Nazi regime. The battle is infamous as one of the largest . Finally, Speer states, "Because I failed at the time, I still feel, to this day, responsible for Auschwitz in a wholly personal sense. I knew that these must be Berlin Jews who were being evacuated. Stalingrad was a classic example where he refused to provide the equipment necessary to supply his army on the Eastern front during the terrible winter of 1941. [29] Speer modified Werner March's design for the Olympic Stadium being built for the 1936 Summer Olympics. This was probably the start of the downfall of the Reich. [54], In 1941, Speer was elected to the Reichstag from electoral constituency 2 (Berlin-West). [131], Speer's supporters maintained calls for his release. Speer's Heidelberg school offered rugby football, unusual for Germany, skiing, and Speer was a participant. [5], Following his release from Spandau, Speer donated the Chronicle, his personal diary, to the German Federal Archives. He was 76 years old. Hosted by askropp and Frech. Werner Heisenberg told Speer "the scientific solution had already been found and that theoretically nothing stood in the way of building such a bomb." Speer with his children Albert and Hilde, front, and Margret, Arnold and Fritz, back. [167] Brechtken wrote that his most brazen lie was fabricated during an interview with a French journalist in 1952. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Sept. 21, 2017. Albert Speer was a close confidant of Hitler, and the Third Reich's most celebrated architect. Martin Kitchen, writing in Speer: Hitler's Architect, stated that much of the increase in Germany's arms production was actually due to systems instituted by Speer's predecessor (Fritz Todt) and furthermore that Speer was intimately involved in the "Final Solution". Speer enthusiastically supported the program and in March 1942 made an order for A4 rockets, the predecessor of the world's first ballistic missile, the V-2 rocket. For early access to our videos, discounted merch and many other exclusive perks please support us as a Patron or Member.Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/the. letters that exist between ernst and the parents which he wrote and The Battle of Stalingrad was a brutal military campaign between Russian forces and those of Nazi Germany and the Axis powers during World War II. [91], On 14 April 1944, Speer lost control of Organisation Todt to his Deputy, Franz Xaver Dorsch. Victoria married. At the end of July 1942, a lack of fuel brought Paulus to a halt at Kalach. Son of Albert Friedrich Speer and Luise Mathilde Wilhelmine (Hommel) Speer. [83] His political rivals used the opportunity to undermine his authority and damage his reputation with Hitler. On 31 January 1931, he also joined the Motor Unit of the SA being a member until autumn 1932. During his life, he worked on redesigning city centers of . It was used for Nazi propaganda rallies and can be seen in Leni Riefenstahl's propaganda film Triumph of the Will. The task force was established by 1 March 1944, orders of Speer, with support from Erhard Milch of the Reich Aviation Ministry. [43] The building itself was hailed by Hitler as the "crowning glory of the greater German political empire". [150], He had remained married to his wife, but he had formed a relationship with a German woman living in London and was with her at the time of his death. [85] The growth, however, consisted in large part of models that were becoming obsolescent and proved easy prey for Allied aircraft. The journalist had unwittingly collaborated in one of his myths. He was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, principally for the use of slave labor, narrowly avoiding a death sentence. The Speer houses are on the right side. Under Sereny's relentless questioning, Speer explored the past, trying to discover the truth which he had unconsciously kept hidden even from himself. Detailed plans were completed in July 1937 and the first shell of the new chancellery was complete on 1 January 1938. First published in 1969, it appeared in English translation in 1970. He had become one of the most powerful people in Nazi Germany. Finally, in the summer of 1943, Speer released the 1200 metric tons of uranium stock for use in solid-core ammunition. [22] Speer quickly became part of Hitler's inner circle; he was expected to call on him in the morning for a walk or chat, to provide consultation on architectural matters, and to discuss Hitler's ideas. Of the 60,000 people who ended up at the camp 20,000 died, due to the appalling conditions. [1] In 1944, Speer established a task force to increase production of fighter aircraft. I'd like to know more about his life; all I know is that he was inside Stalingrad's. Post [88] The SS provided 64,000 prisoners for 20 separate projects from various concentration camps including Mittelbau-Dora. This led to the development of Germany's first cyclotron. The film began a process of demystification and critical reappraisal. [99] During January and February, Speer claimed that his ministry would deliver "decisive weapons" and a large increase in armaments production which would "bring about a dramatic change on the battlefield". Using misleading statistics, he promoted himself as having performed an armaments miracle that was widely credited with keeping Germany in the war. This is an apolitical forum for discussions on the Axis nations and related topics hosted by the Axis History Factbook in cooperation with Christian Ankerstjernes Panzerworld and Christoph Awender's WW2 day by day. [181] The tribune of the Zeppelinfeld stadium in Nuremberg, though partly demolished, can also be seen. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer (/ p r /; German: [pe] (); 19 March 1905 - 1 September 1981) was a German architect who served as the Minister of Armaments and War Production in Nazi Germany during most of World War II.A close ally of Adolf Hitler, he was convicted at the Nuremberg trials and sentenced to 20 years in prison.. An architect by training, Speer joined the . [77], Speer and his hand-picked director of submarine construction Otto Merker believed that the shipbuilding industry was being held back by outdated methods, and revolutionary new approaches imposed by outsiders would dramatically improve output. [123] Wolters raised a total of DM158,000 for Speer over the final seventeen years of his sentence. [45] Kristallnacht accelerated Speer's ongoing efforts to dispossess Berlin's Jews from their homes. [59] Speer proved to be ambitious, unrelenting and ruthless. [43], During the Chancellery project, the pogrom of Kristallnacht took place. Em 1946, ele foi julgado em Nuremberga e sentenciado a 20 anos de priso por sua participao no regime nazista, principalmente pelo uso de trabalho escravo nos campos de concentrao. He was charged with planning for war, planning a war of aggression, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. [155] In addition to the myth that he was an apolitical technocrat, he claimed he did not have full knowledge of the Holocaust or the persecution of the Jews. This movie is based on Speer's autobiography of the same name. German architect of the Nazi period (1933-45). He agreed to expand Auschwitz and some other camps, allocating 13.7 million Reichsmarks for the work to be carried out. the atmosphere was said the best ever it was actually worded they [77] By July 1943, he had gained control of armaments production for the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine. [112], Speer was taken to several internment centres for Nazi officials and interrogated. Albert Speer ( 19. bezna 1905 Mannheim - 1. z 1981 Londn ), celm jmnem Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer, byl hlavn architekt Adolfa Hitlera a pozdji ministr zbrojnho a vlenho prmyslu nacistickho Nmecka. In the letter, Speer says, "There is no doubtI was present as Himmler announced on October 6, 1943, that all Jews would be killed. Though stockpiling of materials and other work continued, this slowed to a halt as more resources were needed for the armament industry. After serving. Those who feigned illness, slacked off, sabotaged production or tried to escape were denied food or sent to concentration camps. [71] Speer and Sauckel cooperated closely to meet Speer's labor demands. [76], Following his appointment as Minister of Armaments, Speer was in control of armaments production solely for the Army. A speech by Albert Speer (there is an account of this speech in Albert Speer, Erinnerungen [Berlin, 1969], p. 325) was followed by speeches of his deputies: Willy Schliecker, the expert on American rearmament; Walther Rohland, the head of Panzer production; Karl Frydag, who was in charge of aircraft building; and Otto Merker, who was . [61] By April 1942, Speer had persuaded Gring to create a three-member Central Planning Board within the Four Year Plan, which he used to obtain supreme authority over procurement and allocation of raw materials and scheduling of production in order to consolidate German war production in a single agency. Ernst Speer. [55] At the same time, Hitler also appointed Speer as head of the Organisation Todt, a massive, government-controlled construction company. Speer was appalled by this order, and persuaded several key military and political leaders to ignore it. [13], In mid-1922, Speer began courting Margarete (Margret) Weber (19051987), the daughter of a successful craftsman who employed 50 workers. Speer died of a stroke in 1981. [56] Hitler appointed Speer in Todt's place. [91], The largest technological advance under Speer's command came through the rocket program. [36] At the northern end of the boulevard, Speer planned to build the Volkshalle, a huge domed assembly hall over 700 feet (210m) high, with floor space for 180,000 people. Speer was Adolf Hitler's chief architect before assuming ministerial office. After joining the Nazi Party in 1930, Speer became Adolf Hitler's personal architect. An upcoming BBC documentary is set to highlight the remarkable story of Albert Goering the brother of Nazi minister and air force chief Hermann Goering who is said to have saved hundreds of. His architectural skills made him increasingly prominent within the Party, and he became a member of Hitler's inner circle. It began in 1932 but had not supplied any weaponry. [179], Little remains of Speer's personal architectural works, other than the plans and photographs. Until 2 September 1943 the position's official name was Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions. This formed a key element of the myths Speer encouraged. [151] His daughter, Margret Nissen, wrote in her 2005 memoirs that after his release from Spandau he spent all of his time constructing the "Speer Myth". [37] Speer hired Wolters as part of his design team, with special responsibility for the Prachtstrasse. [95], Losses of territory and a dramatic expansion of the Allied strategic bombing campaign caused the collapse of the German economy from late 1944. On 23 May, two weeks after the surrender of German forces, British troops arrested the members of the Flensburg Government and brought Nazi Germany to a formal end. Speer believed his greatest work, the one that would truly stand the test of time was the Zeppelinfeld in Nrnberg, which held up to 340,000 people, and the Cathedral of Lights he orchestrated for nighttime Nazi rallies with 130 anti-aircraft searchlights placed around it. Speer states he became hopeful when Hitler explained how communism could be checked and Germany could recover economically. It was for the maltreatment of these people, that Speer was principally convicted at the Nuremberg Trials. Unsubstantiated rumors have claimed that the remains were used for other building projects such as the Humboldt University, Mohrenstrae metro station and Soviet war memorials in Berlin. Albert Speer, Hitler's architect, who became Minister of Armaments and War Production in World War II, died today at St. Mary's Hospital. Speer was formally arrested on May 23rd. Albert Speer (Mannheim, Nmetorszg, 1905. mrcius 19. These factories were death-traps; discipline was brutal, with regular executions. [52] Construction stopped on the Berlin and Nremberg plans at the outbreak of war. Speer II is more than an urban planner. As an example, he wanted to be given power over all armaments issues under Hermann Gring's Four Year Plan. Efforts were made and a search of Ernst's unit ended in failure. Inside the Third Reich (German: Erinnerungen, "Memories") is a memoir written by Albert Speer, the Nazi Minister of Armaments from 1942 to 1945, serving as Adolf Hitler's main architect before this period. Speer was born in Mannheim, into an upper-middle-class family. [92] The rockets were built at an underground factory at Mittelwerk. [125] He had completed his memoirs by November 1953, which became the basis of Inside the Third Reich. He was aided editorially by Wolf Jobst Siedler, Ullstein and Propylaen, and Joachim Fest. [177], The armaments "miracle" was a myth; Speer had used statistical manipulation to support his claims. Speer was to be replaced by his subordinate, Karl-Otto Saur. The family learned of this through some letters Ernst sent. The designs were rushed into production, and the completed submarines were crippled by flaws which resulted from the way they had been constructed. Feigned repentance at Nuremberg, saving his own neck. She was a kind and simple lady, living for her children. [28], One of Speer's first commissions after Troost's death was the Zeppelinfeld stadium in Nuremberg. [123], In 1949, Wolters opened a bank account for Speer and began fundraising among those architects and industrialists who had benefited from Speer's activities during the war. [90] By this time, 140,000 people were working in Speer's underground factories. Despite his opposition to the 20 July plot, he falsely claimed in his memoirs to have been sympathetic to the plotters. [12] In Munich Speer began a close friendship, ultimately spanning over 50 years, with Rudolf Wolters, who also studied under Tessenow. Described by associates as ice cold. [164] Even so, public perceptions of Speer did not change substantially until Heinrich Breloer aired a biographical film on TV in 2004. [5], Another kind of criticism is the claim that Speer pretended that he was unaware of the extermination camps and presented the figure of a "good Nazi". Speer was born in Mannheim, into an upper-middle-class family. For the record, Ernst Speer is discussed at p. 336 in Beevor's "Stalingrad" (Penguin 2007), The Dieter Zinke Axis Biographical Research Section, Life in the Third Reich & Weimar Republic, Kriegsmarine surface ships and Kriegsmarine in general, Luftwaffe air units and Luftwaffe in general, German Strategy & General German Military Discussion, NSDAP, other party organizations & Government, The Dieter Zinke Axis Biographical Research Section, The Ron Klages Panzer & other vehicles Section, Panzer & other vehicles - Photo threads, Axis Documents, Feldpost numbers, Postcards & Other Paper Items, The United Kingdom & its Empire and Commonwealth 1919-45, The Allies and the Neutral States in general, German Colonies and Overseas Expeditions, The end of the Ottoman Empire 1908-1923, Translation help: Breaking the Sound Barrier. She married Prince Albert who was her cousin. Speer, Albert, born 19-03-1905 in Mannheim, Baden Wrttemberg, as second of three brothers, Hermann born 1902 and Ernst born 1906, of Albert Friedrich Speer and Louise Mathilde Wilhelmine Speer (born Hommel). Speer's mother asked Albert to do something to get Ernst out. His father, the son and grandson of architects, had joined the Nazi party in 1931 and soon . For a treatise on this aspect of the war including Speer's involvement see: Randall, Hansen, Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 08:56, Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production, Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions, "Trials of the War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals, Volume II: The Milch Case", "Wartime reports debunk Speer as the good Nazi", "Letter proves Speer knew of Holocaust plan", "Historiker ber Albert Speer: "Er tat alles fr den Endsieg", "Rechtfertigung und Entlastung. Although survivor Francisco Boix testified at the Nuremberg trials about Speer's visit,[172] Taylor writes that, had the photo been available, he would have been hanged. Many more buildings were planned. [3] Henry T. King, deputy prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials who later wrote a book about Speer said, "Love and warmth were lacking in the household of Speer's youth. Oil production became so low that any possibility of offensive action became impossible and weaponry lay idle. Adam Tooze wrote in The Wages of Destruction that the idea that Speer was an apolitical technocrat was "absurd". [68] Hitler was closely involved with the design of the tanks, but kept changing his mind about the specifications. He coveted control of the production of armaments for the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine as well. Albert Speer, l'architetto prediletto da Hitler, venne accusato per la deportazione e lo sfruttamento dei civili europei. He had claimed that he was unaware of Nazi extermination plans, and the Allies had no proof that he was aware. [26], The image of the good Nazi was supported by numerous Speer myths. - London, Anglia, 1981. szeptember 1.) Speer joined the National Socialist Party in January 1931; he wrote "I was not choosing the NSDAP, but becoming a follower of Hitler, whose magnetic force had reached out to me the first time I saw him and had not, thereafter, released me." I presumably had a sense of somber events. I recommend this book without reservations. [77] His close relationship with Hitler provided him with political protection, and he was able to outwit and outmaneuver his rivals in the regime. His mother died in 1952. Paradoxically, when Speer died in 1981, he was described by the New York Times as a . The SS called this "Professor Speer's Special Programme". The Fhrer emerges as neither an incompetent nor a carpetgnawing madman but as an evil genius of warped concepts endowed with an ineffable personal magic. Albert Speer, Germany Architect. . The oldest brother turned into a thorn in his youger brother At the southern end of the avenue, a great triumphal arch, almost 400 feet (120m) high and able to fit the Arc de Triomphe inside its opening, was planned. Three days later, he also proposed to Hitler that Germany's remaining military resources be concentrated along the Rhine and Vistula rivers in an attempt to prolong the fighting. After one of these briefings, Hitler invited Speer to lunch, to the architect's great excitement. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer (/pr/; German: [pe] (listen); 19 March 1905 1 September 1981) was a German architect who served as the Minister of Armaments and War Production in Nazi Germany during most of World War II. [170] Historian Martin Kitchen states that Speer was actually "fully aware of what had happened to the Jews" and was "intimately involved in the 'Final Solution'". Martin Kitchen, a British historian, says that the choice was not surprising. shelved 32,158 times. Importantly, he provided an alibi to older Germans who had been Nazis. On 27 January 1938, Speer received plenipotentiary powers from Hitler to finish the new chancellery by 1 January 1939. Speer did not act on the request until mid-January 1943. [118] On 1 October 1946, he was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. [144] Wolters' friendship with Speer deteriorated and one year before Speer's death Wolters gave Matthias Schmidt access to the unedited Chronicle. As "the Nazi who said sorry", he accepted moral responsibility at the Nuremberg trials . by Durand 27 Jul 2005, 14:18, Post [27], When Troost died on 21 January 1934, Speer effectively replaced him as the Party's chief architect. By Thomas Rogers 23 May 2017 Speer asked Wolters to destroy the material he had omitted from his donation but Wolters refused and retained an original copy. In 1937, Hitler appointed Speer as General Building Inspector for Berlin. Albert Speer, (born March 19, 1905, Mannheim, Baden, Germanydied September 1, 1981, London, England), German architect who was Adolf Hitler's chief architect (1933-45) and minister for armaments and war production (1942-45). Speer, Jr., an eighty-two-year-old with a perennially serious expression and a fondness for energetic hand motions, is one of Germany's best-known urban planners. Po vlce byl bhem Norimberskho procesu odsouzen jako vlen zloinec ke 20 letm vzen. When the commission was completed, Speer returned to Mannheim and remained there as Hitler took office in January1933. [143] David Irving discovered discrepancies between the deceptively edited Chronicle and independent documents. (Black and white photographs from Albert Speer: His Battle With Truth by Gitta Sereny, published by Picador) To date, the foundation has given more than 500,000 in grants to more than 100 Jewish women for projects. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer (German: [pe] ( listen); March 19, 1905 - September 1, 1981) was a German architect who was, for a part of World War II, Minister of Armaments and War Production for the Third Reich. After his release on 1 October 1966, he used Federal Archive documents to rework the material into his autobiography. [173] In 2005, The Daily Telegraph reported that documents had surfaced indicating that Speer had approved the allocation of materials for the expansion of Auschwitz concentration camp after two of his assistants inspected the facility on a day when almost a thousand Jews were massacred. Albert Speer was a young architect initially seduced by the speeches and rhetoric of Hitler. He goes on to say that at the Nuremberg Trial he stated he "had to share the total responsibility for all that had happened", and that he "was inescapably contaminated morally". Despite this opposition, the two married in Berlin on 28 August 1928; seven years elapsed before Margarete was invited to stay at her in-laws' home. Concerned about retaining power, he did not appoint a deputy and continued to direct work of the Armaments Ministry from his bedside. [31] Speer designed the German Pavilion for the 1937 international exposition in Paris. The house had a studio were Hitler (see Hitler parents) often came to draw his . [94] After the plot Speer's rivals attacked some of his closest allies and his management system fell out of favor with radicals in the party. [43] The Schutzstaffel (SS) built two concentration camps in 1938 and used the inmates to quarry stone for its construction. [148] In October 1973, he made his first trip to Britain, flying to London to be interviewed on the BBC Midweek programme. After the disasters of the battle of Moscow (Operation Typhoon) and even after Stalingrad Germany manages to greatly increase its military production, even though the allies were launching a major bombing campaign against them. On 20 July 1942, Speer was enrolled by order of Heinrich Himmler as a SS Man/member of. From 1939 on, Speer's Department used the Nuremberg Laws to evict Jewish tenants of non-Jewish landlords in Berlin, to make way for non-Jewish tenants displaced by redevelopment or bombing. [49] Martin Kitchen described Speer's often repeated line that he knew nothing of the "dreadful things" as hollowbecause not only was he fully aware of the fate of the Jews he was actively participating in their persecution. [141] He found himself unable to re-establish a relationship with his children, even with his son Albert who had also become an architect. Included in the building works was material to build gas chambers, crematoria and morgues. [97] However, he concluded that the war was lost after Soviet forces captured the important Silesian industrial region later that month. The large capital investment was not repaid in military effectiveness. Discussions on the personalities of the Wehrmacht and of the organizations not covered in the other sections. They're private residences. With Rutger Hauer, John Gielgud, Maria Schell, Blythe Danner. by PanzerKavallerie 27 Jul 2005, 16:15, Post A groundbreaking 26-part documentary series narrated by the actor Laurence Olivier about the deadliest conflict in history, World War II. [157] In return they were paid handsomely in royalties and other financial inducements. [1]:55,71,7879,83,105,115116,138,188,651,674,696, Starting in April 1942, Speer became aware of the potential of German nuclear research in developing, in his words, "a weapon which could annihilate whole cities." 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