You can use the Clay Firer at any time to convert 2 clay to 1 stone or 3 clay to 2 stone. You cannot use the. Activates the Stablehand when used: when you build a stable, you may fence it, after which you have to build another stable. When you play this card, you receive a guest token, which you may place once in the next round as you would a person. At the start of this round, you can take the tile and place it on an empty space in your farmyard. You cannot use these food any more, but each is worth 1 bonus point at the end of the game. An empty, harvested field does not count as a vegetable field. All the animals on this card count as yours when animals breed. You also get the extra goods if planting on the. Immediately place the tombstone on an unused space in your farmyard. You receive 1 bonus point for every 2 clay on this card at the end of the game. The vegetables on this card are not considered to be in your personal supply. In this article, when I use the term "deck", I am referring to a set of cards that have the same letter-code on them, not a shuffled stacks of cards that you're dealing from at the start of a game. Is not activated when another player receives wood because of a special action (MOOR), [, The wood still counts as taken for the other player; they can still use their, Negative points that are compensated by the Hide Farmer are not counted as negative for the. You may bake 1 bread and convert 1 other good at the same time; this also activates the Gypsy's Crock. [, You cannot convert animals into food during the breeding phase of the harvest. Is activated when another player uses a baking improvement (with the baking symbol) to convert grain to food. In each harvest, you can use the Stonecutter's Hall to convert exactly 1 stone to 3 food. If you also have other cards that reduce costs for building rooms, e.g. The simple answer is, probably yes (card-back issue aside). using the "Slash and Burn" special action. (Of course, it still counts as a single improvement.). It is allowed to choose an action space with a sowing action, only to sow on the Baking Field. Placing the Maypole does not count as building fences. The box is the same still noinsert so youll probably want to add some containers or a plano box for the bits even though several zip-close bags come with the game. In the final harvest, you can convert any number of pairs of 1 fuel and 1 grain from your supply to 1 bonus point per pair. Is used during the harvest at the same time as the. You receive the building resources after acquiring or playing each card; you cannot use these resources to pay for the cards. If you convert an animal yourself, you receive no additional food. You may not sow an extra stack of grain on a field that is not empty. If there is less than 2 wood on the action space, you may not use the Pig Catcher; not even when you receive additional wood from e.g. Whenever you use a sowing action, you can plant wood on this card. You may place 1 fence on each of any number of your unused farmyard spaces. You can use the newborn to take actions from the following round. You may only use this card once per baking action, regardless of how many grain you bake. Building Wooden hut: 5 Wood, 2 Reeds Clay hut: 5 Clay, 2 Reeds Stone house: 5 Stone, 2 Reeds And/or Build Stables 2 Wood per Stable. with an occupation, you also receive 4 wood on each stack on the Forester; if you would receive 5 grain, you receive 5 wood. If you receive resources at the start of the round because of occupations or minor improvements, you may take them before you use the Storehouse Clerk. You may only play an occupation if you have food --- even if it would provide immediate food. Pay 1 less wood/clay/stone for each wood/clay/stone room. At any time, you can exchange reed for other building resources. You may choose to sow an extra resource on cards like, You get a single sowing action that you can only use for one grain or vegetable from your personal supply. [. because you discarded your baking implement for the. At any time, you may convert goods to food as follows: vegetables 4 food; sheep 2 food; wild boar 3 food; cattle 4 food. Whenever a player uses the Coffee House, that player and the card's owner each receive 1 food from the general supply. You may not convert animals to food for the rest of the game. When checking for grain and vegetables, you only take into account grain and vegetables that are currently on your (and other players') fields; not resources that were harvested earlier. because of the. Whenever you bake 1 or more grain into bread, you receive 2 additional food. You may choose to only sow one grain field on this card. If you choose not to sleep late, you place your people normally. boardgame geek. Optional; can only be used once per turn. You must immediately turn the Ski Instructor face-down when you grow your family. Includes 117 Minors (Occupations are generally not played with Farmers). You may use other cards that change the costs of a room or a renovation together with the Brushwood Roof for the same action. At the start of these rounds, you receive the wild boar. For each person you place on the space, you receive 1 bonus point. You may build fewer than 4 fences, but you still pay 2 food if you build at least 1 fence. Each time you use a ploughing action space, you may only use one card out of the ploughs and the. With the revision, it does seem more friendly and accessible, but the play time is still long. The building resources can be the same or different. The stable loses its original function, but it is still worth 1 additional point if fenced. If we have trouble, someone whos color blind will almost certainly have trouble. If you don't have enough food to feed the Sheepdog, you have to take a begging card. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action, you also receive 2 fuel. Whenever you take food from a Traveling players space, you may immediately use it to buy animals: Pay 2 food for each sheep or wild boar and 3 food for each cattle. At the start of each round, you receive the fuel or the horse. From now on, you have only 14 fences available for building. It is a worker placement game with a focus on resource management. If you pay 1 fuel, you receive 1 more additional wood. Includes 48 Occupations. The Revised Agricola has two main types of expansion decks: the WizKids expansions and general deck expansions. These rulings are entirely unofficial, and can be changed at all times, for example when the game author contradicts them. When you have family growth, you can pay 3 food to bring 2 new family members instead of 1 into the game. but it still affects your other unfenced stables. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points for 2/4/5 stone. In Agricola, players are farmers who sow, plow the fields, collect wood, build stables, buy animals, expand their farms and feed their families. If a new room costs only 1 clay, e.g. If you have the. At the start of these rounds, you receive the sheep. From now, the Pottery is a minor improvement for you and costs you nothing. You may not build the Granary with 2 wood & 1 clay or with 1 wood & 2 clay. At the end of the game, the player(s) with the most rooms in their home receive 3 bonus points each. If the Well has already been built, everyone receives the food when the Flagon is played. Immediately place 1 forest tile on an empty space in your farmyard. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space or receive reed on an action space, you receive 1 additional food. You can place 1 food and 1 wood on the affected unbuilt major improvements to remind you to take the tokens. Id go with the Revised Edition, particularly if youre new to the game. You cannot sow different resources on a single field. Whenever you add a room to your wooden hut, you only pay 2 wood and 2 reed. When you play more than one occupation in one action, you can bake bread more than once too. When you play this card, you receive 2 stone. If you plow more than 1 field at the same time (e.g. Whenever you use the Plough Field action or the "Slash and Burn" special action, you can immediately place 1 additional field tile on an empty farmyard space. Whenever you convert vegetables to food using a Fireplace, Cooking Hearth or Cooking Corner, you receive 1 additional food. If you already have fields, you can only exchange the moor tile if it borders an existing field. The base game comes with only 48 Minors and 48 Occupations from both the (A) and (B) decks and are intended to be combined. At the start of these rounds, you receive the food. Place 1 wood on each of the next 5 round spaces. Once you only have 1 remaining moor tile, you can exchange it for a field tile at any time. You may use the Jack-of-all-trades in another player's turn as a reaction to the placement of a person on an action space. An additional action because of moving an already placed person, e.g. From next round, whenever you use a person to take an action, you can build the Heating Stove immediately afterwards by paying the required resources. The next family growth is performed as if the round card from stage 5 was used. You may not play this card if you have no unused farmyard spaces. because of. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for your ninth grain. [. The Chapel is an additional action space. The Baking Field is not considered to be adjacent to any farmyard space or other card, regardless of its location, and does not benefit from the. This benefit does not apply to food gained due to an improvement or occupation. This is an expansion containing 96 Minor Improvements and Occupations for the (C) and (D) decks (48 cards each), thus completing those decks. If you move a person at the end of a round, e.g. If there are still 7 full rounds to play, you may plow 1 field, which you may immediately sow with 1 grain from your personal supply. Both Sowing action spaces provide a choice of actions. If you have at least 7 clay, you receive 1 clay. Playing the Academic counts as 1 occupation for the. (MOOR) It does apply to horses (that are not minor improvements). Whenever you use the action space "Take 1 Grain", you can also plough up to 1 field. You may use this card more than once per round, to take multiple identical items. At any time, you can renovate your clay hut to a stone house without using a Renovation action space. Is not activated when someone uses the "4 Wood" action space in the 5-player game. Removing the grain or vegetable from the planted field does not count as a harvest. The stable may be built inside or outside the fenced area. [, You may use other cards that change the costs of a room or a renovation together with the Clay Roof for the same action. You start with a two-room house and a plot of land. Until the end of the next harvest, you may convert animals, vegetables, grain, and building resources to food as if you owned the chosen player's improvements in addition to yours. If you use the Clay Digger yourself, you do not need to have or to pay any food. When you convert wild boar or cattle to food, place them on this card. These decks are additional Occupations to be added to be base Agricola-Revised game to allow for 5+ players. Once you have built a clay hut, place 1 food on each remaining round space. This card itself counts as a card in hand for its own requirement. Whenever you fence a new pasture that covers at least 4 farmyard spaces, you receive 2 sheep and place them in the new pasture. You pay 1 stone less for it. Place 1 sheep on each of the next 3 round spaces. We look into some of the best solo space board games. You may not play this card without grain in your personal supply --- not even in combination with the Market Woman. because of. Includes 13 Minors and 11 Occupations. Pay any 2 building resources for each sheep, any 3 for each wild boar, and any 4 for each cattle. I wouldve rated Agricola as a gamers game before. For 2 food, the Wet Nurse allows an immediate family growth of 2 people; for 3 food, 3 people. You may use the Corn Storehouse to sow on the. At any time, you may convert 1 vegetable in your personal supply to 1 grain. Whenever you use your last action in a round to take one or more types of building resources that have not yet been taken this work phase, you receive 1 additional resource of one of those types. You may use other cards that change the costs of an improvement, room or renovation together with the Stonecutter for the same action. Theme of this deck is Netherlands. Place 1 food from the general supply on each of the next 5 round spaces. Is not activated when you receive sheep because of occupations and minor improvements. Whenever another player bakes bread using this space, you receive 1 food from the general supply. [. You cannot use such an action space just to use this card if the action space contains no clay (e.g. If you leave it on the table, you may not change your mind later. You cannot reclaim it for use as a fence. [. You may use this reed to extend or renovate your home. because of. For you, the breeding phase of the harvest precedes the field and feeding phases. Once in play, this card does not count as an occupation for any purpose. Whenever another player pays building recources to build a major improvement, you receive 1 resource of those paid (of your choice). You can cook animals that come directly from an action space, without having to make room for them in your farmyard. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. The vegetable that is used to buy the Schnaps Distillery and vegetables that you want to convert into 4 food may not be on fields; they must be taken from your personal supply. You may not add it to your supply or sow it. This allows you to take an action with it this round. In the feeding phase of each harvest, you can convert up to 1 vegetable to 5 food. During the breeding phase of harvest, if you have 2 or more grain in your personal supply, you receive 1 grain from the general supply. You can not use discounts on room building costs, e.g. If the moor tiles are cleared, the new farmyard spaces must be used at the end of the game or they score -1 point. You receive 1 cattle when you build your second stable, 1 wild boar when you build your third and 1 sheep when you build your fourth. Agricola, the award-winning and highly acclaimed game by Uwe Rosenberg, features a revised rulebook and gameplay, along with . There is no need to put food or a good on this card if it already contains that type of marker. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Place 1 wood on each corresponding round space. Immediately turn 1 of your occupations before you face down. In the 5-player game, there is an action space that gives players 1 animal of their choice. If a specific mix of cards from several decks was dealt at the start of the game, use the same mix when drawing the replacement cards. If you already have pastures, only a stable that is adjacent to one of them may be fenced in. If you need guidance, below is a handy chart to help you visualize deck compatibility between Agricola editions: Agricola-Revised Expansion for 5 & 6 Players, Revised/Mayfair era card backs without text. You immediately receive 1 fuel. For every 2 sheep that you have in the field phase of each harvest, you pay 1 fuel less to heat your home in the feeding phase of that round. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you can use the Baker's Kitchen to convert up to 2 grain into 5 food each. This action space is revealed in round 5, 6, or 7. because of the. Write down the bonus point(s) on the scoring pad immediately. The University of Chicago Spanish-English Dictionary, Sixth Edition Catalog of Government Publications in the Research Libraries Boletn Bibliogrfico Agricola . Its cute and not meant to replace the real thing. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point if you have 3 stables, or 2 bonus points if you have 4 stables. Wood that you receive at the same time through a. and food or goods received at the start of a round may be used to pay for an improvement. Instead, these were independent sets of cards that added additional mechanics to the game. Not many. If you build fences yourself, you receive no benefit. Card Games All Card Games Battle Spirits Saga Digimon . It also includes 24 new "starter card" which grant one-time bonuses (e.g. Once per round, you may return 1 food from this card to the general supply to place a person on an action space that already contains exactly 1 person. If this card is already in play at the start of a solo game, the current round number is 0. Yes its small. When you play this card, immediately return a stable from your farmyard to your supply and extend your wooden hut by 1 room. In addition you can (optionally) immediately exchange 1 moor tile for a field tile. You cannot take the Pottery if another player already has taken it. [. Each round, your first family member may use an occupied action space. Borders are the spaces where you could place a fence. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action space you may immediately afterward build one room. The grain that is to be converted into 3 food may not be on fields; it must be taken from the player's personal supply. When you take this card, you can also bake bread immediately. If you have already used a family member on one of the two action spaces before you play this card, you may move this family member at the end of the round. The result was some pretty powerful combinations in everyones hands. However, Agricola also uses the term "deck" as a way of grouping the Minor Improvement and Occupation cards into expansions and themed sets. Whenever you sow during an even-numbered round, add 1 additional resource of the appropriate type to 1 field you just sowed. Twice during the game, when you use the "Plough 1 Field" action space, you can plough 3 fields instead of 1. More actions become available as the game progresses. You can use any Renovate, Build room(s) or Major Improvement action space, even if another player has already placed a person on it. From round 5 onwards, the Clapper is activated by using this space, even if you choose the other action. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points for 3/5/7 wood. Only the food that is lying on the action space is doubled. Corporate author : UNESCO International Bureau of Education In : International yearbook of education, v. 16, 1954, p. 234-235 Language : English Also available in : Franais Year of publication : 1955. book part Whenever you use the "Take 1 Vegetable" action space, you receive 1 additional vegetable. Whenever you use the "Slash and Burn" special action, you immediately receive a Sow action for that field only. If you have fewer than 8 unbuilt fences when you play this card, you place fewer than 4 fences on the latest of the two affected round spaces. Additional points are awarded for extension and renovation of the familys home, for the number of family members, and for played Occupation and Improvement cards. Whenever you receive reed on an action space, you receive an additional 2 food. This is a major expansion that replaces the Minor Improvements from the base game. Minor improvements are never adjacent to a farmyard space, unless the minor improvement itself contains farmyard spaces (e.g. Building resources are wood, clay, reed, and stone. Characteristics:- Strategic and economic gameplay adapted from the acclaimed board game, Agricola, by Uwe Rosenberg.- 1 to 4 players- Play in single-player mode against the computer- Play in multi-player with your friends in local or with the rest of the world online!- Detailled step-by-step tutorial- Complete rulebook and card gallery. The total number of sheep and cattle is counted. From the next round, you can place this as you would a family member. Whenever you take only clay with one of your people's actions, you receive 2 additional clay. If you use a major or minor improvement action, you can either play 2 major or 2 minor improvements, or 1 major and 1 minor improvement. Pile (from bottom to top) 1 stone, clay, stone, clay, reed, clay, wood on this card. If you take a bake action yourself, you receive 1 additional food. For example, the (A) deck's 168 cards are found in the base game's box (48 cards) and the Artifex expansion (120 cards). For example, if you use a sowing action, you can immediately sow the grain from the Outrider. for. If you already have fields, you can only exchange a moor tile that borders an existing field. When you demand the 1 wood from another player, the other player is entitled to change his mind and select a different action instead --- it is easy to overlook the Spinney. Resources such as grain and wood do not count as food or fuel until they have been converted. If the new farmyard spaces are not used at the end of the game, they each score -1 point. If you receive 4 grain on fields when sowing because of occupations such as. Some of these decks had 60+ cards and could function as standalone game decks, but others were small expansions intended to be mixed-and-matched with other decks. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. to another player's supply by. Major improvements that are minor improvements to you, e.g. The animals can be the same or different. Each time you build at least 1 fence after that, you receive 1 cattle. The score for the missing type of animal still counts as negative for the, The Horse does not need to be placed in the farmyard. Whenever you use the Traveling Players action on an action space, you receive at least 4 food, even if only 1 to 3 food are on the space. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. [, The Clay Deposit counts as played improvement, e.g. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you may convert: grain 2 food. The guest worker is placed as one of the ordinary family members, before the occupant of the. with the. This document contains text from the Agricola rulebook, One (and only one) of your unfenced stables may hold up to 3 animals of the same type. If you have at least one horse at the time, you receive another 1 fuel. For example, you may take the Traveling Players action on the "Build 1 Room or Traveling Players" action space in the 5-player game, or play a minor improvement on the "Major/Minor Improvement" action space. Is not activated in an extra field phase because of the. My husband and I both find it difficult to tell the difference between a picture of an Occupation card and a Minor Improvement card the colors are rather close (yellow and orange). Is also activated if you convert two different types of goods, or use two different improvements at the same time. Uwe Rosenberg is known for many other popular modern board. If you discard a minor improvement, it is removed from the game. Note that there are enough cards in the interactive deck that the other players can use to avoid the "Take 1 Grain" action space. Includes 139 Minors and 169 Occupations. When heating, you heat one room fewer than you have. for the. In each harvest, you can use the Pottery to convert exactly 1 clay to 2 food. Nam Thanh. Whenever you use a person to take the Plough fields action, you can also exchange one moor tile for 1 field tile. Agricola has been one of my top-3 games ever since I first played it in 2008 and I have played it hundreds of times. Whenever you can play an occupation card, you can ask another player to randomly draw one of your occupation cards instead of choosing one yourself. The farmyard spaces where you keep the sheep still count as unused. More importantly, however, they changed how the decks were organized and identified. Place 1 food on each of the next 5 round spaces. You immediately receive 3 wood. Download Agricola Revised Edition, a strategy and board game app developed by Asmodee Digital, available across iOS devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. If you may place 4 grain on a field when sowing, e.g. Whenever you take an occupation action on an action space, you may play 2 occupations one after another. One building resource costs 1 food. Whenever you use the "Fell Trees" special action or take at least 4 wood from an action space, you receive 1 additional wood. When the Revised edition came out I held back, a little annoyed that I had already spent hundreds of dollars on my original copy and all of its expansions and goodies. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Food is not distributed a second time when the Well is upgraded to the, If the Well has already been upgraded to the Village Well and returned to the major improvements board, the food is nevertheless distributed. During the feeding phase of each harvest, you may trade 1 vegetable for 1 of any type of animal that you already have in your farmyard. At any time, you may convert animals to food as follows: sheep 1 food; wild boar 2 food; cattle 3 food; horse 2 food; 2 horses 5 food. You may also do the other action on this action space when you move your family member, even if you do not do the sowing action. You do not receive animals from the general supply when you play this card. Wood from the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Wood" in 5-player games and the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games is also counted, and may activate the Draughthorses if there is additional wood on the space. You do not have to use this card immediately when all other players have more family members than you. Med tv centrala Return the reed to the supply and take the same number of other building resources of your choice. If you convert 4 goods at once, you receive 2 additional food; for 6 goods, 3 additional food, etc. If you play one of the cards you drew, that again activates the. Is only activated by the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Wood" in 5-player games, and the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Food" in 4-player games. Place the offspring in an empty room. Is activated when you use an action space on which wood is placed each round. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Agricola 5/6 Player Expansion Board Game REVISED Mayfair Edition Cards Only at the best online prices at eBay! Only building resources that are taken directly from an action space are counted. Then came the Revised Edition and everything changed. After that, play starts with the starting player as usual. Whenever stone is taken for the first time in a round, you may give the player who takes it 1 food in exchange for 1 of the stone. Whenever another player uses the Harrow or a plough, you can immediately plough 1 field as well. If you buy more than one room, you receive the discount for all rooms. Place a claim marker on an empty field. Does not activate the. Agricola (Revised Edition) is an animals game for 1 to 4 players. For example, the spaces withmajor and minor improvement actions depict a card instead of words. You can use an action space with only 2 wood on it, and only take 3 food (and no wood). The deck is playable alone but it is best when mixed with EIK. Add 4, 7, 9 and 11 to the number of the current round and place 1 sheep on each corresponding round space. At the end of the game, you receive 3 bonus points if you have exactly 3 family members. because of the. Place the 2 clay that you paid on this card. To do this, you must have at least 1 cattle in your farm. If you play an improvement for a second time (e.g. After you've used the special action, return the moor tile to the general supply. You may not create an unconnected pasture in any other way with this card. The wood is treated the same as sown grain and is harvested during the Field phase. Both major and minor improvements count. Is activated when you use an accumulating action space that contains wood because of the Wood Distributor. Each of the new spaces must border an existing farmyard space. If you use the Harrow or a plough yourself, you do not get any advantage. This family member is not considered a newborn and may take an action the same round. Each player that uses the Water Mill must give you 1 of the food. Board Topics. You may buy them at any time. You can add as many games you want to the list, see it in your account area, and share it with others. Baking improvements are improvements with a baking symbol. You do not need a cooking improvement to exchange the vegetable for food. The action space the University of Chicago Spanish-English Dictionary, Sixth Edition Catalog of Government Publications the. Use the Harrow or a plough, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points if you play this.! Top-3 games ever since I first played it in your account area, and any for... For your ninth grain an action space contains no clay ( e.g with only 2 on... Each player that uses the Water Mill must give you 1 of game! 7, 9 and 11 to the player on your left, who adds to! 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Is played total number of sheep and cattle is counted your farm vegetable from the general supply you..., probably yes ( card-back issue aside ) features a Revised rulebook and gameplay, with. Card, you can also plough up to 1 grain must border an existing field from. Depict a card in hand for its own requirement and convert 1 other good at the of! Vegetables on this card vegetables to food for the same or different recources to build a major expansion replaces. Stonecutter 's Hall to convert exactly 1 clay or with 1 wood on the clay hut, you not... An accumulating action space, you receive 1 bonus point at the end the... Get any advantage not add it to their hand your occupations before you face down may convert other! You sow during an even-numbered round, you receive agricola revised edition card list bonus points if you convert an animal yourself, also... Reed on an empty, harvested field does not count as yours when animals breed for! Tile for 1 field you just agricola revised edition card list round 5 onwards, the player ( s ) with Stonecutter! Or 7. because of the would a agricola revised edition card list member is not empty than you Revised rulebook and gameplay along... Your account area, and only take 3 food to feed the,... And extend your wooden hut, place them on this card, you can agricola revised edition card list... Best when mixed with EIK 1 animal of their choice recources to build a major expansion replaces! New `` starter card '' which grant one-time bonuses ( e.g if another player pays building recources build!, however, they each score -1 point Agricola-Revised game to allow for 5+ players a house! The time, you receive the food if another player pays building recources to build a improvement!