Plans and provide unit level training for automation and communications systems and Signal support equipment. Serves as Human Resources Readiness NCOIC for a Special Forces Group consisting of three Special Forces Battalions, a Group Support Battalion, and a Headquarters Company with an aggregate strength of 1,950 Special Operations Soldiers; responsible for the health, welfare, training and supervision of five junior enlisted Soldiers; Unit Status Report(USR), and Personnel Actions; responsible for the timely and accurate eMILPO transaction submissions, strength reporting, Command Inspection Program; accountable for $125,000 worth of office automation equipment. Supervises, installs, maintains, and troubleshoots Signal support systems and terminal devices, to include radio, wire, and battlefield automated systems. Develop and administer on site training programs. S6 Staff activities focus on assisting OIC, XO and NCOIC on assisting with S6 tickets, troubleshooting and daily administrative tasks. Perform duties shown in preceding skill level. He is responsible for planning, coordinating, and staff operation facets of the battalion's missions. Serves as a Forward Signal Support NCO in a 155mm (Paladin) Battalion; performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment; and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers. Performs field level maintenance on authorized signal equipment and associated electronic devices. Served as the ______ S-6 Data Systems Integrator for _____; provided information technology assistance in building, restructuring, and management of the Command Post Platform (CPP) and fielding of the Command Post Communication System (CPCS); responsible for the development and management of the Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server (MOSS); responsible for management of active directory and user accounts on tactical SIPR and NIPR exchange services; enforces Army network security and information assurance policies. Supervises and plans the installation, operation, and maintenance of the signal support systems and network integration using radio, wired and battlefield automated systems. The S6 Game Clerk is responsible for one or more games currently in use on our servers. Perform duties of COMSEC custodian in accordance with appropriate regulations. Review, consolidate and forward final written input for the COOP. Serves as an Information Systems and Communications NCO for _unit_ Brigade Headquarters, supporting ten BNs and a Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment; responsible for the integration, installation, operation and maintenance of the Brigade's users on NIPR and SIPR networks; assists with information systems planning and maintenance, including hardware and software upgrades; plans and executes communications requirements for the Commander; ensures positive reliable command and control communications between the commander, senior civilians, and military leaders; responsible for technical support of _#_ Brigade VTC Suites. These levels apply across the entire spectrum of the enlisted force structure. Specifically, the S-4: (1) Plans, coordinates, and supervises the storage, issue and recovery of all supplies, ordnance, and equipment. At the battalion level, the S2 officer usually holds the rank of first . 25U Duty Description. Activates and inactivates circuits, trunk groups, and systems. Answer (1 of 10): The staff numbers are assigned according to custom, not hierarchy, traceable back to French practice; i.e., 1 is not "higher ranking" than 2. Supervises the deployment, installation, operation, and unit level maintenance of multi functional/multi user information processing systems. Staff sergeants usually direct one or more sergeants of lower rank. Manage security programs for satellite operations. The S-4 exercises responsibility for logistics, supply, and maintenance management activities of the battalion. Serves as the S6 for the Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 25th ID comprised of over 900 personnel; responsible for the morale, welfare, training and professional development of a Battalion S6 section comprised of one NCO and six Soldiers; Senior advisor to the BN Commander for all signal related matters; supervises the tactical communications and automated Help Desk support to the Battalion Command team, Staff sections and six Divisional General Staff sections; accountable for the security, care and maintenance of sub-handreceipted and tactical communications equipment valued in excess of $2,000,000. Perform network operations center tasks for planning, reconfiguration and employment of nodal systems equipment. Served as the Casualty Affairs NCOIC for the Regimental Casualty Affairs Cell (RCAC); responsible for receiving, tracking, and coordinating DA directed notifications for all killed in action, wounded in action, and non-battle injuries from the forward deployed Regiment; responsible for training and guiding the Regimental command group in proper handling of DA notifications; responsible for coordinating and arranging for proper funeral arrangements with the utmost dignity and respect for the Regiment's killed in action; responsible for the health, welfare and discipline of three NCOs. (3) Normal color vision. S6 Game Clerk provides reports to OIC, XO and NCOIC. Establishes unit Signal maintenance programs, policies, and procedures. S6 NCOIC duties and responsibilities are to act as aide-de-camp with both S6 XO and OIC. Communicates with OIC, XO, NCOIC to assess and report on efficiency and issues with their respective role. Need to understand the duties and responsibilities of their staff NCOs during the military decision-making process (MDMP). NCOIC of S-6 section of BSTB
Prepares input for statistical and other operational reports. Develops and implements training programs for Signal personnel. Daily syncs utilizing the battalion's communications plan, or PACE, will validate these systems initially, but communications checks at range and technical rehearsals will solidify the C2 relationships before the bullets . Writes standing operating procedures (SOP) pertaining to multichannel operations. Supervises and performs management and administrative duties related to personnel, systems operations, and logistics. Requests maintenance and supply replenishment for signal support operations. Assistant Task Force Training NCO: Assistant Training NCOIC for a forward deployed task force assigned to the _____; responsible for development, coordination and execution of in-service Afghanistan Police sustainment instruction and train-the-trainer program; accountable for the organization and supervision of a ___ man Provincial SWAT team and four team leaders to include combat readiness . He is a graduate of Claremont Men's College. City, STATE 2013 - Current Non Commissioned Officer, in charge of Commander's Support Staff at AFROTC detachment, managing over 30 administrative programs for over 140 cadets and cadre; Monitors and updates all cadet pay actions in excess of $1 million annually . Prepares and conducts MOS and unit training programs. Performs as team leader of combat camera documentation teams; determines documentation/production equipment and systems mission support requirements; coordinates and directs personnel and operational requirements to produce audiovisual, audio and television productions in both fixed and tactical environments. Experience. Supervises, installs, employs, maintains, troubleshoots and assists users with battlefield signal support systems, terminal devices, satellite communications equipment and automated telecommunications computer systems, to include local area networks, wide area networks and routers. Each NCO rank takes charge of specific areas of military organization. Serves as a Section Chief in a forward deployed Internment and Resettlement Military Police Battalion; responsible for the health, welfare, safety, and personal and professional development of two Soldiers; performs duties as a communications liaison to the Afghan National Army in support of train, advise, and assist mission; ensures proper Communications Security (COMSEC) fills are maintained for three camps; supports the Northwestern Joint Regional Correctional Facility with communications and automations support; assists with the planning, coordination, and execution of communications projects with outside contractors and agencies. Being an NCO leader in the Army is relatively easy. It is the first sergeant's duty to hold formations, instruct platoon sergeants and assist the commander in supervising unit operations. o Skill Level 5 MOSC 25U5O. Compiles production report data and quality control information. Assists in the resolution of frequency interference incidents, reports unresolved problems to higher headquarters for assistance, and reviews frequency interference databases for trends and repeat incidents. Supervises, install, operate and perform field level maintenance on IP based high speed electronic nodal systems; integrated network control centers; network management facilities; associated multiplexing and transit cased subscriber interface equipment; Communications Security (COMSEC) devices; and other equipment associated with network nodal operations. Develops and executes information services policies and procedures for supported organizations. Can't find yours or want to donate. Assists XO, OIC and staff with duties and responsibilities. Estimates time, supplies, personnel and equipment required to construct cable and wire communications systems. Supervise the installation, operation and maintenance of high frequency (HF) radios. Prepare or supervise the preparation of technical studies, evaluations, reports, correspondence and records pertaining to information system operations. duties and responsibilities and contract compliance. NCOER part III: block cDaily Duties and Scope Action required: Enter the most important routine duties and responsibilities in a series of phrases, starting with action words, separated by semicolons, and ending in a period. Develops frequency operational requirements, telecommunications service requests, and disseminates operations information to ensure C2 communications connectivity. Interpret operations orders affecting switching operations. The major duties, physical demands, physical profile, and skill levels were obtained from Army Pamphlet 611-21. Plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for user owned and operated signal equipment. Technical units assign staff sergeants to maintain and operate specialized equipment. Assigns work crews and coordinates activities of personnel to meet workload demands. S6 Developers are responsible for implementing tasks as assigned by OIC and XO. Supervise the installation, operation, deployment, provisioning, maintenance of electronic IP based nodal assemblages, combat net radios and all related COMSEC devices. Supervises personnel and plans operational workload and priority for creating, manipulating and integrating visual information products. Generate reports for the ISSO, set up and maintain logs, rosters, status boards, charts, graphs and viewgraphs. Thanks! Operates system control facilities as part of Signal organization management functions. Meets with OIC/XO/NCOIC monthly as per department guidelines. Conducts stressed and unstressed network operations. Plans, supervises, and integrates the installation, operation, and maintenance of Combat Net Radio (CNR), to include radio, wire and battlefield automated systems and Blue Force Trackers (BFT); plans and provides unit level training for automation and communications systems and Signal support equipment; assists in staff supervision of information services; plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for user owned and operated signal equipment; prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level signal support; responsible for the health and wealfare, mentorship and training of five Soldiers. Administering and monitoring the 7Cav organizations servers and resources. Supervise installation, operation, strapping, restrapping, PMCS and unit level maintenance on COMSEC devices. Prepares work schedules and assigns tasks based on requirements; plans technical aspects to satisfy on air maintenance requirements; develops and advises Commanders on TV broadcasting and VI production engineering requirements; establishes and applies quality control measures in TV broadcasting and VI productions; serves as team leader on VI/Audio equipment repair teams. They provide administrative support to units under their command. Plans, supervises, and integrates the installation, operation, and maintenance of Signal support systems, to include radio, wire and battlefield automated systems. They may also assist with security . S6 NCOIC is authorized to implement documentation and duties as assigned by his or hers superiors. Plans, supervises and integrates the installation, operation and maintenance of tactical through strategic satellite communications assemblages and systems. A non-commissioned officer In charge (NCOIC) occupies a position of responsibility and respect in the military chain of command. There is nothing ordinary about this job or those who go out and do it every day. They are responsible for the men and women in their unit, their equipment, appearance and personal conduct. We need more examples. The signal support systems specialist must possess the following qualifications: (1) Physical Demands Rating: moderately heavy
Use the present tense to identify what the rated NCO is supposed to do in his or her duty position. Assist in reconfiguration of IP based nodal systems equipment as needed. Consolidates system and network statistics and reports and submits them to network control/management headquarters. Generates Satellite Access Request (SAR) to proper controlling authority, receives Satellite Access Authorization, receives satellite frequency approval, submits assignment to frequency database, and informs user of the authorized frequencies. The department staff must function as a single, cohesive unit, and professional team. Maintains contact with military and civilian agency for the request and deconfliction of frequency use within the areas of responsibility. Staff members inform and advise the commander and other staff members concerning all matters pertaining to their individual fields of interest and related functional responsibilities. Request logistical support for switching teams, or shifts. Receives frequency interference reports from victim units, takes appropriate steps to resolve interference, reports problem to higher headquarters for assistance, and maintains frequency charts, diagrams, reports, and a database of frequency interference incidents. Here are a few of their primary duties and responsibilities. Perform information assurance functions for CERTS. Organizes, instructs and counsels subordinate personnel. Go to our comment section on the right sidebar. Determine capabilities and limitations of assigned equipment. Maintains communications with staff, OIC, XO and other S-Departments. S6 Duties and Responsibilities Memo 1. ), all S2s are responsible for acquiring and disseminating intelligence. Primary Mission Requirements of a Battalion-Level Personnel Assistance Center (PAC) The Battalion S1 (AKA PAC) has about six primary mission requirements and additional duties (categorized under miscellaneous) that can often be very time consuming The NCOIC must keep a good balance between the daily operations and additional duties in order for the PAC to function successfully . 25F Network Switching Systems Operator / Maintainer, 25N Nodal Network Systems Operator / Maintainer, 25P Microwave Systems Operator / Maintainer, 25Q Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator / Maintainer, 25R Visual Information Equipment Operator / Maintainer, 25S Satellite Communication Systems Operator / Maintainer, 25V Combat Documentation / Production Specialist. Generic NCOIC Duty Description
They oversee the administrative functions of the company. MOS 25U was known as 31U before fiscal year 2005. NCOIC Duties. Develop theater level and higher Army EMS management policy and procedures. Disseminate information services policy. Supervise, plan and directs the installation, operation and maintenance of satellite communication systems and networks, including strategic, tactical and commercial interfaces and gateways. executes requests from superiors and facilitates communications with other S-departments and players to educate and maintain relations. The S-3 can make or break your organization. Oversaw the expenditure of over $800,000 in operational funds for Brigade expenses and Battalion functions. Here are some common military term translations you can include on your resume: Establish and operate the printing and duplication program. Supervises, perform maintenance management and administrative duties related to facility operations, maintenance, security and personnel. Perform engineering quality control and continuity testing of circuits, trunks, links, systems, and facilities. Prepares and integrates signal operations orders and reports. Performs operational planning for an IBCT that is composed of over 4,000 Soldiers; supervises thirty Soldiers with processing operations, logistics, administrative and intelligence information within the largest BDE in the CA ARNG; provides tactical and technical guidance in order to professionally support organizations with accomplishing their missions thru effective Mission Essential Task List (METL) validations; supervises the execution of plans, tactical operations and training for six subordinate battalions; edits and prepares SOPs for up to 40 companies and detachments; responsible for 10x essential Mission Command systems valued at $10 million dollars; $6.1 million in munitions CL V; serves as the Plans NCOIC Mission Command Post. 25U Maintenance NCO
Develops and enforces unit level Signal maintenance programs, policies, and procedures. Supervise the operation, maintenance, troubleshooting and systems analysis of microwave communications and technical control systems or facilities. The S6 NCOIC is responsible for maintaining communication and reporting within and between departments as well as facilitate as a point of contact for external matters. Performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers. Detachment 165, Air Force ROTC Southeat Region - NCOIC, Commander's Support Staff. Request logistical support for teams or shifts. Provide verbal and written guidance and direction for the installation, operation and maintenance of specified battlefield information services. Supervise, implement classified document control policies, procedures, standards and inspections. Perform COMSEC management functions and ISSO/Systems Administrator (SA) duties for the certification authority workstation. Assimilates data and submits statistical and other reports to operational control elements. This document is a provisional outline of responsibilities and duties for S6 Department Staff. 2.1.1. Installs, configures, operates, aligns, conducts performance tests and performs unit and direct support maintenance on tactical through strategic satellite communications equipment and associated devices. Prepares and maintains reports, records, and operational databases used to conduct Signal support functions in both tactical and strategic environments. Rules, Regulations and Procedures of this document are in accordance with the S6 Acceptable use Policy (AUP) and S6 Administrator Standard Operating Policy (SOP). Supervises and performs complex and multifaceted switching operations functions. Operates and performs preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on assigned vehicles. Their leadership role is necessary and maintained on and off the battlefield. Serves as the rear detachment NCOIC for a 90 man light headquarters company over a 9-12 month deployment; responsible for the safety, discipline, training, combat readiness, and morale of 25 Soldiers assigned and attached personnel; responsible for administrative actions, property management, and training preparation for operations; maintains Soldier readiness in all areas to ensure they are either ready to deploy or fully prepared for their transition into the civilian work force. Operations sergeants major are often competent in several principles of mission command, to include mutual trust with their unit's staff NCOs, as well as understanding mission orders and risk mitigation. SEE PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT . 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