However, the "Google Translate" option may help you to read it in other languages. The annual increase in compensation costs in New York was 5.1 percent in December 2022, compared to 5.5 percent in Boston-Worcester-Providence and 4.1 percent in Philadelphia-Reading-Camden, the two other metropolitan areas in the Northeast. NYS Position Has Both Equated Grade and NTE, Empl Req Review to Determine if Elig for Incr, For pay changes, position changes, and transfers requested on the Job Action Requests or Transfer Requests page with an effective date. Agencies must review employees receiving GEO and/or OPD to determine if the employees GEO and/or OPD pay needs to be updated as a result of the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases. If earnings were previously reported using Earnings Code RGS and a date range that exceeded the number of days reported, the system will calculate the adjustment of earnings based on the number of workdays within the range. 2 0 obj
Among the items agreed to by CSEA membership in the Tentative Agreement are: An increase in pay. ALBANY, N.Y. ( NEWS10) - It was announced on Wednesday that New York State will restore $600 million in retroactive general salary increases for state workers. If you rely on information obtained from Google Translate, you do so at your own risk. What's Related Please be advised that CSEA has filed with OCA a class-action grievance regarding our 2 percent salary increase. As you may know, CSEA was the only Union that filed an Improper Practice charge at PERB last October specifically claiming that the cost of testing was a mandatory subject of bargaining. Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today signed a new collective bargaining agreement with the county's Civil Service Employees Association that provides pay increases for some of the county's lowest paid employees and enshrines the county minimum wage as $15 per hour. If the employee has a Comp Rate Code of ANN, a Grade equal to 001-025 and an increment code other than 2222 and the salary is equal to a salary step of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary to the same salary step on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule. CSEA is aware that some health insurance plans have ceased paying the cost of surveillance COVID testing and are now only covering the cost of symptomatic testing. The legislation which included no job security provisions for non-judicial employees and would have reshuffled county courts into Supreme Courts and would end Court of Claims and Surrogates as standalone courts was defeated in committee. year for employees in titles equated to salary grade level six or below as of January . %%EOF
Anyone who has cast a vote through Election Buddy will not receive any further reminders. Therefore, beginning in Institution Pay Period 13L or Administration Pay Period 14L, agencies must report the adjustment amount for earnings codes such as Extra Time Override (EXO) and Regular Salary Override (RGO). This would allow municipalities to complete more work in-house. GET to KnowNew York State ComptrollerThomas P. DiNapoli. Title: CSEA Salary Schedule 2022 Author: Office of the New York State Comptroller Created Date: New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS), New York State Budget Analysis and Financial Reporting, New York City Economic and Fiscal Monitoring, Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs). Recipients of this mailing will be asked to fill out the request and return it to OSC for inclusion on the Special Wage Payment report to SSA. OSC will process the April 2021 and/or April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases for the following employees: The salary on each inserted row will be calculated as follows: Exceptions Due to Movement to a Non-CSEA Position. And, of course, a free t-shirt is included with all registrations up to August 28th! On December 23, 2020, the Office of the State Comptroller issued State Agencies Bulletin No. endstream
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Additionally, dont forget to visit our Local 334 website, there you will find digital copies of your CBA and extender agreement, as well as news and information direct from the Local. CSEA Civil Service Employees Association . NEW YORK STATE 2022-2023 FINAL Budget Highlights. For employees who had a change reported on the Job Data page, since the effective date of the payment and the action resulted in an overpayment of earnings, the automatic negative retroactive adjustment may not have been processed because the overpayment was either not recoverable or was recovered using an overpayment earnings code or an. April 2021 and 2022 Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Retroactive 2% Salary Increases Date Issued September 22, 2022 Purpose The purpose of this bulletin is to inform agencies of OSC's automatic processing of the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases and provide instructions for payments not processed automatically. . GET to KnowNew York State ComptrollerThomas P. DiNapoli. With your assistance, the Connors way team will continue to help the youth of our community, while remembering and honoring Connors life. CSEA has demanded that we be paid the 2 percent increase negotiated and contained in Article 7 of the contract including retroactive amounts from April 1, 2020. along with per-course minimum salary increases for adjunct faculty and 2 percent increases due on the PGY salary schedules for residents and fellows. &1Q$p Ce; !Y(VP^8 (UdGBRc
G Simply go to click on the Buy Tickets and Passes link on the top left click on the Promo Code? To learn more visit: NHRP709 Mass Salary Increase Exception Report. %PDF-1.7
Please refer to Payroll Bulletin No. 655 0 obj
Tell us more about you to receive content related to your area or interests. April 2023 Longevity Payment for Long-Term Seasonal Employees, April 2023 Public Employees Federation (PEF) Longevity Lump Sum (LLS) Payment, April 2023 Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Longevity Lump Sum (LLS) Payment, Schedule for Agency Payroll Submission and Availability of Reports and Files, 2023 Extension of Military and Training Leave Benefits and Stipends, Change to the Shift Differential Payment Amounts for Specific Nursing Titles, April 2022 CSEA Longevity Payment for Long-Term Seasonal Employees, April 2020 and April 2021 PEF Longevity Payments for Long-Term Seasonal Employees, PayServ Direct Deposit Access Changes Per the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) Data Security Requirements, 2023 New York State Paid Family Leave Rate Decrease, Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) for Tax Year 2022, Claiming Exempt from Federal, State, and/or Local Tax Withholding in Tax Year 2023, District Council 37 (DC37), Local 384 Dues Increase, District Council 37 (DC37), Local 2627 Dues Increase, Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the Public Employees Federation (PEF) or the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Working at the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by Council 82 AFSCME AFL-CIO (C82) Working at a Department of Health (DOH) Facility, Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) Working at a Department of Health (DOH) Facility, Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the Public Employees Federation (PEF) or the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Working at a Department of Health (DOH) Facility, Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the Public Employees Federation (PEF) or the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Working at Addiction Treatment Centers (Department ID 53500), Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the Public Employees Federation (PEF) or the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Working at the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by Council 82 AFSCME AFL-CIO (C82) Working at the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) Working at the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPW, Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the Public Employees Federation (PEF) or the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Working at the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (O, Pilot Program Establishing Temporary Overtime Rates for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by Council 82 AFSCME AFL-CIO (C82) Working at the Office of Mental Health (OMH), Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) Working at the Office of Mental Health (OMH), Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the Public Employees Federation (PEF) or the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Working at the Office of Mental Health (OMH), Two-Year Look Back for Tier 6 Voluntary Defined Contribution Program (VDC), 2023 Tier 6 Overtime Limit for New York City Retirement Systems, Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA) and Tax Deferred Annuity (TDA) Maximum Contribution Limits for Calendar Year 2023, Tier 6 Pensionable Overtime (OT) Earnings Limit for Calendar Year 2023 for Employees Enrolled in the New York State Employees Retirement System Plan (ERS). All retroactive adjustments will be paid in the Administration check dated 10/12/2022. Music in Our Schools Month. Partnership advisors are available to assist eligible CSEA-represented NYS employees with . Rest assured that the CSEA Team will continue to pursue an agreement that will address concerns and issues raised by the membership.
April 15, 2021. If you rely on information obtained from Google Translate, you do so at your own risk. New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS), New York State Budget Analysis and Financial Reporting, New York City Economic and Fiscal Monitoring, Payroll Bulletin 702 Recalculation of Salary When There is Movement Between Bargaining Units with Differing Raises. The report is sorted by Department ID, then by employee name in alphabetical order. Effective Dated Job Rows where a Non-CSEA Position is in Effect The salary will, If it is determined an employee was overpaid at the time the initial promotion was calculated with LLS portability, the overpayment will not be recovered. For each effective dated row where the employees compensation rate is equal to or less than $15.00, submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the appropriate Reason code (see below) to pay the salary increase(s). When a valid payroll check is undeliverable due to the agencys inability to locate the employee, the agency should follow the Agency Actions identified inPayroll Bulletin No. Please check with your Local President (Ian Spencer, mail to: if you do not receive a synopsis of the Tentative Agreement by November 18, 2022. 1728 for further details on the New York Retiree Indicator box. b
THIRD AND FINAL CONTRACT INFORMATIONAL MEETING. The 2022 Connors Way 5-Mile Scenic Memorial Run/Walk is scheduled in-person for September 18th. Get yours while they are here, they will not last long and are being distributed on a first come, first served basis. New York State Payroll System (PayServ) Fiscal Year End Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts. New York State Payroll Online (NYSPO) Tax Withholdings; Employment Verification Letters; Forms; Help Center; . 645 0 obj
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The retroactive adjustment will be paid in the Institution check dated 10/20/2022. 2102: . If an employee is in a seasonal hourly position and the hourly rate is equal to one of the minimum wage rates in effect on the effective date of the April 2021 and April 2022 CSEA Retroactive Salary Increases (See Effective Dates listed above), then the employee may not be eligible to receive the increase. A new, improved version of the MyCSEA app has been released and it features several enhancements. On September 22, 2022, the Office of the State Comptroller issued Payroll Improvement Project Bulletin No. CSEA is discussing this issue with the Empire Plan and as members notify us of other health insurance plan notifications, we are speaking with them about this issue. Genesee County acts as a pass-through in this transaction and is not required to pay any of the expenses of these projects. <>
A row on the Time Entry page using the Earnings Code MSP (Military Stipend Payment) to pay the stipend for each pay period the employee is eligible. ]yw)7_. An analysis by the Syracuse Post-Standard found that the City paid police officers about $227,000 to stay home amid the shutdownwhile also paying officers $850,000 in overtime. Overall, this budget is a positive for CSEA members across New York State. The row will be inserted using the effective date of the Hire, Position Change, or Transfer action. and April 7, 2022 (Inst.) Tap the Esc key to return to this page . We look forward to seeing those of you who RSVPd for the Local 834 yearly clambake on Sunday June 26th, 2022 from 1-6 at Sharkeys bar and grill in Liverpool, NY. Our CSEA AFSCME delegates, who were elected by members in each region, convened to conduct business at the 45th AFSCME International Convention in Philadelphia this years theme was All Together and the keynote address was given by AFSCME President Lee Saunders. 0
Agencies should submit the appropriate transactions to correct the employees record and submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the appropriate Reason Code to pay the salary increase beginning in Institution Pay Period 13L or Administration Pay Period 14L. Links will be sent in this notice and posted to the website here when finalized. The New York State Office of the State Comptroller's website is provided in English. The following procedures must be used by the agency when submitting transactions in Institution Pay Period 12L or Administration Pay Period 13L: New Hire transactions submitted in Administration Pay Period 13L must use the Hiring Rate of the employees grade on the effective date from the 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule. A new, improved version of the MyCSEA app has been released and it features several enhancements. CONTRACT INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS POSTED ON As PayServ does not include this information, OSC will be mailing a Request for Special Wage Payment Report to inactive individuals who are 62 or older in the calendar year and to active employees with the New York Retiree Indicator checked in Modify a Person who receive the retroactive payment. The ratified contract includes raises in each. At a second day of negotiations on June 16, CSEA Judiciary and UCS had its most productive day of negotiations, having reached agreement on some language changes and discussing others. SHARE. If the employee has a Comp Rate Code of ANN, a Grade equal to 600 with an equated grade equal to 001-025 and an increment code other than 2222 and the salary is not equal to a salary step of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule, OSC will process as follows: If the salary is less than the Job Rate of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary by applying 2.00% rounded to the nearest dollar. If you wish to change, correct or check your email address with CSEA, you can call or send an email to: *IN ORDER TO VOTE YOU MUST BE A DUES PAYING MEMBER*. MDEA President 212 days 2022-2023. We hope that many of you will be able to take advantage of this program. As you may be aware, CSEA Judiciary and UCS reached a Tentative Agreement on November 8, 2022. The New York State Office of the State Comptroller's website is provided in English. OSC will manually update the salaries after the automatic increase is applied. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships - three in each region - under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship. Our team has . Employees in the following bargaining units who meet the eligibility criteria are affected: Chapter 361 of the Laws of 2022 provides for a salary increase of two percent (2.00%) for fiscal years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 and includes the April 1, 2021, CSEA Salary Schedule, and the April 1, 2022, CSEA Salary Schedule. When certain conditions exist in an employees record, the automatic retroactive adjustment may be incorrect. CSEA Salary Schedule 2021-2026 Created Date: CSEA New Yorks Leading Union has reached a tentative agreement with the New York State Office of Court Administration on a new contract covering more than 6,000 non-judicial employees in the states Unified Court System. If there is a refusal to pay for overtime contact us immediately, you are entitled to that time. Effective Dated Job Rows where a CSEA Position is in Effect - The salary will be updated to reflect the April 2021 and April 2022 retroactive increases, as appropriate. If CSEA has an electronic email address on file, you will receive an email blast reiterating this message. Again this year the Local felt it necessary to do something for all of you, as a result tickets will be free to our 334 members throughout the Local. To avoid duplication, CSEA cannot send both the electronic link for balloting and a paper ballot to the same member. If the salary is greater than the Job Rate of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2020 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary by applying 2.00% rounded to the nearest dollar OR increase the salary to the Job Rate based on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule, whichever is greater. These will be paid in Pay Period 12L. . CSEA News: State employee wage increase pay dates announced April 15, 2021 Dear Carlos, CSEA has learned from the Office of the State Comptroller that the contractual 2 percent salary increases that were withheld last April will now start appearing in paychecks The State of New York, its officers, employees, and/or agents are not liable to you, or to third parties, for damages or losses of any kind arising out of, or in connection with, the use or performance of such information. read the full bulletin Translation Services While the session was constructive there is still much work left to do and we have set dates to meet in July, August and September. Per the CSEA Agreement, seasonal hourly employees who received an increase to minimum wage are eligible to receive the 2% salary increase provided the increase to minimum wage did not result in a wage increase higher than the negotiated increase. April 2022 CSEA Longevity Payment for Long-Term Seasonal Employees : No. This seasonal promotion is brought to you by CSEA Local 334. . The Local 334 Scholarship Committee met and awarded academic and financial assistance scholarships to graduating seniors, whose parents are employed by the Unified Court System and CSEA members in good standing. endobj
Stay tuned and thank you for your patience and continued support! The Lt. Michael Carraway Memorial Scholarship is named in memory of retired Judiciary Local 334 President, Sharon Carraways husband and Father of Local 334 Member/Scholarship Committee member Natalie Carraway. When an adjustment is needed for COVID-19 overtime such as CVO,ARCmust be used. Stay tuned and thank you for your patience and continued support! If the employee is newly hired or transfers into an eligible position after the payment effective date, OSC will automatically insert a row on the employees Job Data page using the Action/Reason Code of Pay Rate Change/CSL (Correct Salary) if the Comp Rate Code is ANN or the Action/Reason Code of Pay Rate Change/CRT (Change Rate) if the Comp Rate Code is HRY. Cuomo this month said he is not "accepting" the idea that Congress won't be sending unrestricted aid. It is important that agencies ensure the New York Retiree Indicator box is checked for rehired retirees. The contract extension runs from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. However, the "Google Translate" option may help you to read it in other languages. endstream
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Where clinically appropriate, redirect drug If any additional corrections are needed, agencies should submit transactions as soon as possible in order to avoid an overpayment to the employee. If the employee has a Comp Rate Code of ANN, a Grade equal to 001-025 and an increment code other than 2222 and the salary is equal to a salary step of the employees grade on the effective date based on the 04/01/2021 Salary Schedule, OSC will automatically increase the salary to the same salary step on the 04/01/2022 Salary Schedule. *S4I+:Lpt?u9i`~&wFGjNi_4(OdiA1:Pko}ee_wsn\}>rMA} `a./9u;#l7h|(:wWG|^t.
QGr8RMse%i"ThT7ZBq|Mk@%rx/rY:T's2l)3I3 Second Offer: 2021-2022: 2% base salary increase . The salaries of employees who moved from a CSEA Position to a non-CSEA position during the retroactive raise period (after 03/25/2021 (Institution) and 04/01/2021 (Administration) through payment processing) must be reviewed to determine if the salary of the non-CSEA position must be recalculated as a result of the increase to the salary of the prior CSEA position. Federal, State, and New York City income tax withholding will be calculated using the Aggregate method. Represented by the Civil Service Employees Association Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Inc. (CSEA), the Operational Services Unit is comprised of craft workers, maintenance and repair personnel, and machine operators including maintenance assistants, cleaners, and highway maintenance workers. Time: Dec 5, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada),, +19292056099,,96968057845#,,,,*336933# US (New York), +16469313860,,96968057845#,,,,*336933# US, Find your local number: Ian Spencer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. CSEA SALARY SCHEDULE: R -- (Overtime Amounts) 1786 Non-Negotiated and/or Undeliverable New York State Payroll Checks. . On September 12, 2022, the Office of the State Comptroller issued Payroll Improvement Project Bulletin No. Workforce Development Presented Before: New York State Senate Finance Committee Chair, Senator Liz Krueger & New York State Assembly Ways and Means Committee . You can find the app by visiting the Google play store or the App store on your iphone. Please remember that it would be unduly detrimental to the bargaining process, to set forth the specifics of any proposals. The deal for non-union. The Office of New York State Gov. The New York State Office of the State Comptroller's website is provided in English. Once you have voted on Election Buddy, the email will disappear, but you will receive a receipt confirming your vote. Other highlights of the five-day convention included a moving tribute to the late Jerry McEntee and an impassioned speech from Georgia gubernatorial candidate and voting rights activist Stacey Abrams. The Office of the State Comptroller does not warrant, promise, assure or guarantee the accuracy of the translations provided. Submit a Position Change Request to the Position Management Unit if the position information is incorrect on the Position Data page in PayServ but is correct in NYSTEP. All updates and reminders will be available on the website at Link below for Thursday, December 15th from 6pm-8pm. On the app you have direct access to all of your personal information as well as EBF benefits, member specific benefits for active CSEA members amongst various other information. The Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) approved the new contract with New York state, Governor Kathy Hochul announced Wednesday morning. 2021 and 2022 Retro Salary Increases. If you intend to vote by absentee ballot, the last day to request one by mail was June 13 OR in-person at your county board of elections by June 27. hmk0 KJ qmA5$IcB:Kc%Ip"%2C Q2"5IN4{ ))Kky%y1*nvte']EI'Z&tktk%umlqSf+?dY,\i9>Y:gSnJ.Q/Lr56C)~`scHq{_7g5&3?q:
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Yy&U5z|*o7Mg46{slk#>yazDrM"8:7Bw=7`{o^K#t Governor Kathy Hochul today announced the ratification of a five-year labor agreement with the Civil Service Employees Association, CSEA, which includes over 52,000 New York State employees in a wide variety of roles. If you have questions regarding specific benefits or claims, . Therefore, the agency is responsible for identifying employees who meet the following conditions and, if necessary, submitting the necessary adjustment: If an overpayment of earnings is identified after the automatic payment is processed but before the paycheck is received by the employee, the employee must be notified of the overpayment and the adjustment that will be reported in a subsequent pay period. We understand there is plenty of work and it has certainly increased since the court system has gone virtual and new laws and practices being implemented. The State of New York, its officers, employees, and/or agents are not liable to you, or to third parties, for damages or losses of any kind arising out of, or in connection with, the use or performance of such information. The Memorandum of Understanding with CSEA and the State regarding supplemental military leave has been extended through December 31, 2023. All active members will be able to sign into the website directly through the app without entering a password. This comes after state workers. On November 21, 2022 CSEA will send ballots to vote on this Tentative Agreement via electronic means . April 1, 2023]. Time Entry earnings codes that are submitted with an amount will not be adjusted automatically. CSEA News: State employee wage increase pay dates announced. Reason Code CSL (Correct Salary) for ANN or CRT (Change Rate) for HRY Comp Rate Code for subsequent effective dated transactions effective: 2021 Increase after 03/25/2021 (Institution) or 04/01/2021 (Administration), 2022 Increase after 04/07/2022 (Institution) or 03/31/2022 (Administration), If an employee has a check returned or exchanged on an. HMk@@a/~B4&CB}H2GY`#93'7c;DbpLdG}h~N>AgrrTU|L_=i.n;\-n],yXbI\\fe3- 2047 to inform agencies of OSC's automatic processing of the October 2022 CSEA LLS payment and provide instructions for payments not automatically processed. Agencies should utilize Locked Query LQ_PCD_PAYCHECK_EARNINGS_BY_ID to identify a complete list of regular earnings and retroactive adjustments if there are more than 13 earnings codes. Indicator box CVO, ARCmust be used that Agencies ensure the New contract with New York Retiree box. Here, they will not be adjusted automatically, first served basis Transfer action employees: No to grade! 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