Also, as far as men losing their home, assets, and children, the flip side of double standards is that it ends up being the mothers responsibility to care for their children and because women either didnt make the same amount during the marriage or she was a stay at home Mom, the assets built during the marriage end up being awarded to her. If she has habits of responding to one night stands, chances are she will give into temptation when your back is turned. Please subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news in your domain of interest. If you can't, she'd be right to drop you. I completely understand your position on having a right to judge. No one wants to date or marry a hoe. This is, of course, regarding those who have been honest enough to disclose details about their past. That being said I will speak for both sides on ways I You can probably answer that. He is the Lion and the Lamb. more imperative because, if given a choice, men will choose the more virtuous These women oftenhave a very nontraditional view of the way a woman should carry herself in a relationship. I must have placed my comment in the wrong area so Ill place it here too. Hello Stephan, thank you for answering me. We're sinning again by lying! Drop them. Women should be honest, but we as individuals need to be more open minded and understanding. He settled down and married his partner, Gabriella Wesberry, in 2010, the same year that Simply Red broke up after two and half decades together. I completely disagree. It matter amd why I dont see my damn comment I posted on here about thisarticle? Redpill and PUA groups can't do that because their inherent premise is that women are lesser and that abusive action is acceptable toward them. I see more and more people concerned about being great in the bed, more than their concerned with the loyalty Im sick of all the excuses we create in society.. Diseases are incredibly rampant.. Knowing her past is good in understanding who she was and who she has become, but who she is today should hold the most weight in determining if she is the best person for you. As sad and hard as it seems its true Phsyically, Id agree. I have actually come First I would like to say that any woman who feel that there is a double standard with this topic, generally has a high count of partners. What does it matter how many people she's had sex with? Yes the thing I am most worried about is her cheating on me as her promiscuity could be a reflection of that. When we first met, we did the whole discovery thing about each other and kind of asked about our pasts like two weeks into the relationship she mentioned she was with 10 guys or soI said about the same, I have to admit that I typically used that as a way to see if this person is a potential long time mate, same moral values, etc we were in our early twentiesThis woman became my one and only a month into itwhen you know, you just know!6 months into our relationship she tells me she has something to talk about, I say oklet me have it. Im just curiouswhat is your take on any of your male gender having premarital sex? lose this person, they are exactly what you were looking for and they actually NO! I have yet to meet a woman that has had more than 50 sex partners and was in a solid, healthy, balanced, loving relationship. With whom and how often a woman choose to share herself, and her body, speaks to her values and character. Btw, there is only one true ALPHA in this entire universe. I do feel that there are always exceptions the rule and we should seek further understanding if willing. Now i think the man also has the right to either loke what u did or not pregnant with other males children, if given the choice. So take a second and ask yourself why it matters. Not always, but often. It is what it is, but the most important part is your STD FREE!!!!! Sheila, the books you rever; Bible, Talmud, Quaran, where all written long before science and common sense were a regular commodity. Im just happy you were open minded enough to actually read it again and see where I was coming from. Press J to jump to the feed. Speaking of lazy, I have looked over the study which you were apparently too lazy to just hyperlink to yourself after being asked to twice and the man is ESTIMATING his own word that the chances of marital dissolution go up for any woman who was not a virgin prior to marrying or cohabitating with her partner. If we save ourselves we have the same right to not be lied to and find someone we can be comfortable with. I have had sex with a really tight girl, but she was only tight because she had strong kegal muscles. Some guys value women with a low number, or who choose their partners sparingly. Be careful about judging people because you dont know all the reasons why people do the things they do. Nothing sums it up better, I wish I could sit down and heave beer with you. The gossip of slandering the girls name and calling her a hoe. I cant imagine the level of crazy one would have to be to think that not marrying the wrong person or before they know the implications of marriage is a bad thing, but hey, Im not you. However, the end result is still the same. If you're honest more than likely you wouldn't. I guess it really doesnt matter. And the truth is most men wont like it. You make a very good arguement and I like how you articulated it. It is the best indicator of who someone actually isyou knowhow theyve actually led their life. I know plenty of beta men who choose to date promiscuous womenusually because they settle, or realize they cant do better. Though speaking of Google searches, a quick one turned up that you have posted on several articles which discuss the same topic with the same username, so it would seem that a job and a life are sorely lacking in your case (it seems you feel the need to respond to anyone with anything to say on the matter). Macho-ism still exists. If you are dating with marriage in mind, it is important to look for qualities that would make someone a good life partner. Doctor lady walks up and says hey it has been forever how are you. Most lie, and it is because they are ashamed why would you be ashamed if you didnt think it was wrong? I dont feel, I KNOW that there is a double standard at play. No but ultimately the man that she winds up with will have to deal with the issues that come about from being with a woman that will, more likely than not, have very different thoughts and views on sex. We all have pasts things we aren't proud of who she was isn't who she is. I hole hearted believe both males and females can be whores. I told her not to be judgmental. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. They would always want to be with me even not wanting sex. In short 90% women fell under this category. It would be a lot easier to have a healthy attitude about others sex lives if we can accept our own without pressure to be a certain way by the world around us. But to think you cant find anyone compatible with you is B-S. People use the word perfect as an excuse to not have to live up to any expectations. In fact, its usually the other way around (though the gap is starting to close) or its because of physical, mental, emotional abuse, neglect, ect. choosing to be selective in whom they sleep with. Report. Think about this. They want a woman who has chosen THANK YOU DEEDEE26I HAVE A FRIEND WHO IS 37 AND IS A VIRGINONE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A VIRGIN BUT I APPLAUD WOMEN LIKE YOU WHO HOLD YOURSELF TOGETHERIF WE LOWERED OUR NUMBERS MORE MAYBE THEVALUE WOULD GO BACK UP! So yes your number matters a lot I dont care what any man says it matters, it is in our genetic make up and in our most natural instincts to want someone that is not tainted by another man. The point is that not every woman (far from it) has a past full of sluttiness. We enjoy a lot playing games and remembering her sexual past. All they ever wanted was one person they could be comfortable around and have compatible morals with, and not wanting casual sex is generally due to those morals. Here is my conclusion i guess. So with that, is nobody worthy of redemption or are we to judge people on their past and hold their previous mistakes over their heads forever? Its not your fault. Butit /is/ a fact that the more promiscuous the woman, the more likely she is to have a failed marriage. So in applying it to what you just said. I believe most men would prefer this. It is reasonable and advisable to judge someone based on their personal character. So that we, too, can be raised with you on the last day! When they should love e themselves. Women never need to work to get sex. If you are 30 and you had sex with 30 people, its hard to accept, But I hope u find the great guy tho. He thinks I was listening the whole time." Erin. Nowadays, everyone is playing games, and everyone will lose. Encourage people to better themselves? Ive seen friends go through 4+ relationships in a year. The amount of people Ive had So it's not like they are doomed to never find a quality relationship. Trust anyone that knows me can tell you I dont even like describing women as hoes or whores I just wanted to use that term to make a point. Stop sleeping around IMMEDIATELY if these are your values and what you want from another person, otherwise you're not allowed to be hypocritical. Its sad but girls qnd guys are just not wired the same So I guess what I want to say is yes, you do have the right to sleep with anyone as long as youre safe, and I would never call you a slut or judge you etc.but please realise that you could eventually be causing pain in the future to someone who loves you dearly. I still deal with the pain but I am far from the promiscuous young girl. Im always a lady first and what I do behind close doors doesnt define who I am as a person. If you arent proud of your number when I asked by a potential life partner, you could be a slut. Some women can have a very low number and be as emotionally damages (if not more) then other women with a much higher number. Reframe all of it into something that is actually constructive and supportive. others have been hurt that bad or that many times by c*nts (male or female) that they just stay single. Thats why they say check the Carfax. I just responded to your other comment so I will keep this response short. Sex is suppose to be something special between two people not the neighborhood. The only difference will be in how you now choose to perceive her and how you handle that perceptionThis article isnt trying to say it is right or wrong, good or bad, or whatever when it comes to promiscuity. It is the exact reason why there are tv shows depicting men on how to pick up women, but there is no show where women can pick men, because there is no science to it, women only have to spread their legs to get it. I applaud you Stephan for SOME of your opinions on this matter and for standing your ground. If you are afraid to admit how many men you have been with then its obvious you are ashamed of it. Cut it out and replace it with positive experiences. This statement makes no sense. Marriage is a serious commitment intended to last a lifetime. How many is to many partners for both men and women? This is because the kind of ppl who would say things like "dating a slut" view a woman sleeping with others casually as this terrible dirty thing. Would you still judge her as nothing more than a whore or was she simply a victim of a horrible act and didnt know or wasnt able to get the help to properly handle it. I appear to have acquired a stalker. And I find monogamy more fulfilling than anything else. Who you allow inside yourself matters. ) None of those reasons are truly about self respect and strength, or even being an alpha male. Level-Headed. Being old-fashioned is not an excuse. Then perhaps you also need to focus on the men who promote the idea that the only thing we have to hold over your heads is our sexuality, our ability to say yes or no to your advances, then maybe it will change. He is a very successful and attractive man so I know for a fact that he has been with many, many women so I think we both know to not bring up the topic. At the end of the day just understand that because there are many men who take a position similar to yours, many women will not be open and honest about their numbers. if that young man shows himself to be immature and not ready then make that decision based on his words and actions, not by a predetermined perception of men his age. My parents were the hippy free-spirit types who told me that I should enjoy and experience life and do what makes me happy. Dont get mad if needs/wants change. This is a really touchy issue for me. I have NEVER met a secure, balanced, confident woman who could just have sex, get up, leave, and feel happy never seeing the person again. Probably not, but its still a shock every time I think about it. Is this maths answer correct for probability? When I used the hoe stroll term it wasnt to be offensive, it was a term that I found funny (maybe not all share my sense of humor) a friend coined that simply described a period of time where many women (for whatever there reason) is more promiscuous then she has been in her life. Its a number but the bigger problem is the emotional baggage and damage that it leaves on a woman thats really hurtful to her partner, the man she ends up being with will have to deal with. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, FFS IDK WT HAPND 2MY QUESTION AND I DIDNT GET TO READ THE REPSONSE IF U HAVE As @ BIO, 2023 entry A100 / A101 Medicine fastest and slowest offer senders, TSR Community Awards 2022: Favourite Oldie - VOTING OPEN, BBC Fast Track Production Apprenticeships 2023. To give you all an example I will use myself because I honestly couldnt care less what you think about me. Whores will always be Whores no matter how you look at it. You threw out the number 50, but in this topic a high number is relative. Lol wow, do you realize there is a difference between wanting a girl that has been around versus not judging a girl that has been around. That is precisely why He came to to do what we couldn't do for ourselves. Ive read a couple of your blogs, and I think youre a great writer with even greater things to say ! I feel there is a price that is paid for the way you are choosing to approach this issue, but nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. You guys get to screw whomever however many and walk around like its a badge of honor. Why don't you take up this fun quiz and see who the future queen of your heart is going to be? Ask men you know who are good & who you can trust to tell you the truth not what you like hearing. How do you think we feel? Men, if you think a woman sleeping with 10. No. What matters in the end is if they are a genuinely good person or if they at least have good intentions. 3 Risk Factors For Women Who Sleep Around Having Unattached Sex The latter is a short-term prospect. I hope your relationship benefits greatly from it. That is what this article is really about. I would feel disgusted if I would know my wife had slept with so many men, For those who think they are not even obliged to say how many people they have slept with is like the ones who think that they can cheat as long as their husband does not find out it is living a lie and if your husband would ever find out you could have a bad surprise because he is not aware on who he is living with and he can get as disgusted as I do , You had the fun? Smh Of course Im gonna take the car with the less mileage on it. Nothing has ever been more important than that. Its fucking difficult to deal with no matter how much you love them. JESUS is calling souls that believe, know, love, trust,and have set their lives apart for HIS second coming, those HE is saying, HOLD ON just little while longer everything is will work as HE has plan it from the beginning. Are afraid to admit how many people she 's had sex with a really girl. Think it was wrong am as a person girls name and calling her a.! 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