In the 23 other states, teens who engage in sexting can be prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison and receive a lifetime sexual offender status for production and possession of child pornography. 2012 Mar-Apr;20(2):86-96. doi: 10.3109/10673229.2012.677360. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The suggested approach would also allow for schools to conduct investigations, with punishments ranging from behavioral interventions to expulsion. As the following discussion demonstrates, estimated rates of sexting among minors vary between 4 and 25 percent. A comparison is made with 2 cases involving 18-year-old defendants. Adequately defining coercion, both qualitatively and quantitatively, will be an important step in moving this literature forward. This document addresses legal and practical issues related to the practice colloquially known as sexting. The plaintiff may have engaged in sharing a sexual image voluntarily, as opposed to involuntarily or unknowingly, and the level of volition can influence severity of distress or introduce some culpability of the plaintiffs in their own distress. Again, the minor must be under eighteen years of age, be completely or partially naked, in sexual activity, engaged in sexual conduct or on lustful display. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Searching police reports, online forums, hotline reports, or even hypothetical vignettes for teens could help establish more accurate estimates of prevalence.10, In sum, research from >40 studies to date suggests that teen sexting is common, is often consensual, increases with age, and is on the rise likely because of the increase in smartphone ownership in teens and greater acceptance among teens of pursuing sexual intimacy online.6, A consensus of experts has concluded that teen sexting is a modern form of flirting or romantic overture.6,13,18,24,32 Sexting appears to most often be done consensually compared with nonconsensually,8 and only a small minority of adolescent girls and boys report being coerced to sext.14,33 Although consensual sexting it is not known to be initially harmful to either party, the act of sexting does carry the risk of prosecution in many states as well as the risk of future nonconsensual dissemination of sexual images. Seventeen percent of the prosecutors reported that charges were brought even in cases where images did not show sexually explicit conduct or exhibition of genitals. What seems logical and appropriate, from both a pediatric and a legal viewpoint, is to separate consensual sexting from nonconsensual and coerced sexting as well as actual child pornography. Further research into effective forms and implementation of education for minors about sexting may help decrease the number of minors involved in legal sequelae. The officer asked the girls who were distributing her photograph to delete it from their phones. Sexting between adults is usually legal but there are some circumstances where sending nudes or exchanging other sexually explicit content is illegal. Did the school contact the police or parents when it became aware of the sexting? The phenomenon of teen sexting emerged as a result of the proliferation of digital technology. Sexting by minors has led to both criminal and civil legal charges, and has been the subject of legislative action in several states. Boys and nonheterosexual youth were more likely to be targeted, and boys were more likely to target others.42. Sexting is sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs, or videos, primarily between mobile phones. The forensic evaluator must be aware of which statute applies in the case and which of these aspects of a case should be considered when forming an opinion for the court and providing recommendations to the retaining attorney. Contact: If you are under 18: Youth Legal Advice Hotline, Legal Aid Queensland 1800 LAQ LAQ (1800 527 527) Nevertheless, pediatricians, child psychologists, and other teen-focused health care providers would agree that this behavior does not rise to the level of severe criminal behavior potentially requiring many years of incarceration and permanent sexual offender status. An in-depth review of the plaintiff's developmental, family, social, and educational histories is necessary. Another student, a 13-year-old girl, forwarded the image to all of her contacts as well. Previously identified risk factors including deviant sexual interests, antisocial values, and behaviors, pro-offending attitudes, and impulsivity are also important to elucidate. Sextortion among adolescents: results from a national survey of U.S. youth [published online ahead of print September 28, 2018]. Many are unaware of how widespread it is, and are oblivious to the possibility that their child could participate in sexting. The photograph was sent to students in four surrounding school districts. These tools would be especially important if sex offender registration were being considered. Between 2009 and 2013, 42 states considered bills to address youth sexting. A 2013 study of 606 high school students, representing 98 percent of the student body from a single private high school in the southwestern United States, found that nearly 20 percent of participants reported that they had sent a sexually explicit image of themselves via cell phone.4 Almost twice as many reported that they had received sexually explicit images via cell phone and, of these, more than 25 percent indicated that they had forwarded images to others. Sexual media and childhood well-being and health. A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis. The statute did not make a distinction between adult offenders and juvenile offenders. $1000-10,000 fine for first offense. In a 2014 study by Drexel University in Philadelphia, they reported that more than half of the undergraduate students had sent sexually charged messages to another person. A 2012 study of 1,839 youths age 14 to 17 indicated that 15 percent had engaged in sexting.5 Participants with the highest rates included older adolescents, African Americans, and lesbian, bisexual, gay or transgender (LBGT) adolescents. Transformation of Adolescent Peer Relations in the Social Media Context: Part 2-Application to Peer Group Processes and Future Directions for Research. The child protection rationale applied not only to the production of child pornography but also to the distribution of it because pornographic depictions of children are intrinsically related to the sexual abuse of children (Id. Teen behavior and digital invention have outpaced the development of new laws, and this has the potential to have dire legal ramifications for teens. The Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Western Division, ruled that the school was entitled to immunity on the claim of negligent infliction of emotional distress but allowed the case to proceed against the school based on violations of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and 1983.28. Sexting, Mental Health, and Victimization Among Adolescents: A Literature Review. Approximately 20 cases involved sexting between an adult and a minor. Recent research on sexting highlighted a relationship between this new technology-mediated behavior and psychopathology correlates, although up to date results are mixed, and so far, studies have often used simple and not clinically validated measures of mental health. Victor C. Strasburger, Harry Zimmerman, Jeff R. Temple, Sheri Madigan; Teenagers, Sexting, and the Law. Such transmission can be textual or image-based and typically occurs via cell phones, smart phones, computers, etc. Because smartphones did not become commonly used until 2010, the federal law does not specifically address sexting other than possessing sexual content on computers. This search engine provides content from primary law, legal news sources, treatises, jury verdicts, briefs, pleadings, motions, and expert witness transcripts and depositions. Accessibility The prevalence of unwanted online sexual exposure and solicitation among youth: a meta-analysis. Initial studies do reveal that more girls are asked to send sexual pictures than they actually do.13,14,19,66 Even within the context of a peer-to-peer adolescent romantic relationship, there may be instances in which pressure or coercion is applied to produce sexting images. Another example in which the media reported a case of sexting followed by suicide involved Hope Witsell, a 13-year-old from Florida.29 During the spring of 2009 when she was in seventh grade, Miss Witsell text messaged a photograph of her breasts to her boyfriend. It has become common practice among young people, as cell phones are being given to adolescents at ever younger ages. Sexting by high school students: an exploratory and descriptive study. It may also include the use of a computer or any digital device. Sexting means using your phone, computer, or camera to take or send sexy messages or images usually selfies. Copyright 2019 by the American Academy of Pediatrics, This site uses cookies. One could easily argue that if a youth creates a sext to be (consensually) shared with another similar-aged peer, he or she is not an exploited or abused child victim but rather an adolescent engaging in sexual behavior in the digital age. According to a recent study in Norway, among 1,000 teenagers aged 14-17, sexually active teens experience 4 times more physical violence as adults. Strassberg DS, McKinnon RK, Sustata MA, Rullo J. Arch Sex Behav. Keywords: sexting, minors, ethics, legal issues Technology is developing at an increasingly rapid pace, and ethical codes and laws are not always inclusive of relevant current issues. If a parent discovers that their child has been sent a nude they should ensure that they tell the designated safeguarding lead at their child's school as soon as possible. Examples Illustrating Content of Statutes Addressing Sexting and Minors. Older teens are more likely to send sexts. 53% of adults aged 18-30 years. To find a private lawyer. The court of appeals held that the court did not err in overruling defendant's motion to dismiss. legal implications. What can initially seem like a simple thing between two people can easily evolve . Separating consensual sexting from nonconsensual sexting and actual child pornography is a critical next step for law enforcement agencies and policy makers to catch up to technology. Sexting is the act of sending sexual text messages. We argue that prosecutions should be limited to the more egregious and nonconsensual acts in which there is exploitation via further distribution, commercial or otherwise, or in which a third party might be involved outside of the adolescent relationship scenario that might be indicative of coercion or exploitation. A search on February 15, 2014, using the LexisNexis legal research engine Lexis Advance, with the search term sexting returned 63 results. As adults, those adolescents are 2.5 times more likely to be sexually abused, 3 . Some people may also develop bipolar disorder (s) to adjust with the world in the aftermath of a sexting case gone wrong. The court reasoned that a teenager of ordinary intelligence would understand that the possession of child pornography is illegal. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, Forensic implications: adolescent sexting and cyberbullying, Prevalence and characteristics of youth sexting, Sexting by high school students: an exploratory and descriptive study, Sexually explicit cell phone messaging associated with sexual risk among adolescents, Sexting and sexual behavior in at-risk middle-schoolers. The remaining 19 states separate sexting as misdemeanor offenses and often have Romeo and Juliet provisions; for example, in Texas, if the minors are within 2 years of age of each other and are in a dating relationship, there is an affirmative defense to the misdemeanor sexting statute.57. Epub 2019 Apr 15. $10,000-50,000 fine. Cannot knowingly hire, coerce, solicit, entice, procure, use, cause, encourage or permit someone under 18 years old to be photographed naked, partially naked or in a sex act. Notably, many child pornography laws were written and passed before the advent of the digital technology era, and this has resulted in a patchwork of state laws that vary from noncriminalization of sexting and education to misdemeanor charges or felony indictments that can potentially result in 20-year prison terms and permanent sexual offender status. Research suggests that some sexts may be coercive in nature.14,15 Are unwanted sexts the equivalent of bullying? But sexts can outlast your crush or even your relationship. Because teen sexting can involve juvenile courts (teens and minors younger than 18) or adult courts (teens who are 18 and 19) and cover various criminal laws, there is a wide range of potential penalties that may apply. Forwarding sexts without consent may represent a potential form of cyberbullying and should not be excused or tolerated.11,15,67 Yet, this behavior does not seem to rise to the level of actual child pornography unless such images fall into the hands of adults, in which case the onus falls on the adult who retains, posts, or forwards the sexts. Such an assessment could include a juvenile who created a sexually explicit message, who sent a message, or who further distributed the image contained in a message. Copyright American Academy of Pediatrics. Legal implications are the results or consequences of being involved in something according to the law. Had the school implemented effective educational programs targeted at preventing sexting and informing students of the legal implications of sexting, including mention of laws addressing creation and distribution of child pornography? Sexting can either result in misdemeanor or felony charges depending on the circumstances of the individual case. Social media and new technology: a primer. The idea that heavy-handed enforcement of pornography laws is going to help these misguided, struggling teens is itself absurd.59. Klettke et al. It has become common practice among young people, as cell phones are being given to adolescents at ever younger ages. More recently, in United States v Stevens45 the US Supreme Court continued to endorse the intrinsically related to the underlying abuse standard that came out of Ferber and would seem to exclude sexting between romantic teen partners (Id. Sexting and mental health: a school-based longitudinal study among youth in Texas. There is no national consensus on exactly how the laws should be different or how sexting among minors should be prosecuted. NOTE: We only request your email address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it, and that it is not junk mail. Cases of sexual images and videos being disseminated have been reported to lead to pain and suffering and even suicide, as suggested by media reports covering the deaths of Hope Witsell27 and Jessica Logan.24 The focus of an evaluation would be to establish the level of emotional distress caused to the subject of the image by the distribution of the sexually explicit message. Even adults who have obtained self-produced teen images may merit prosecution, subject to any Romeo and Juliettype exception or affirmative defense. Up to 5 years in prison or 2.5 years in jail. The teenagers involved in the case have settled with Miss Logan's parents out of court. The number of results most likely demonstrates the relatively low number of cases involving sexting that have reached the appeals level. The key element cited was that child pornography emanated from the sexual abuse of minors, which the court described as a most serious crime and an act repugnant to the moral instincts of a decent people (Id. 2d 594 (S.D. In studies on the subject, rates of minors who have sent sexual images range from 4 to 25 percent, depending on the age of the youths surveyed, the content of the messages and other factors. Lawyers for the three teenagers reached an agreement in which the charges were reduced from a child pornography felony to a misdemeanor of telephone harassment. The problem is that the images are not completely gone from the cell phone. LEXIS 1298 (Ohio Ct. Indeed, 27 states have passed laws that specifically address sexting (see for a state-by-state interactive map; Figs 1 and 2). Sex online: pornography, sexual solicitation, and sexting. If the sexually explicit image was of a child under 12, felony charges were generally brought. A manic episode, hypomania, or intoxication could be reasons for disinhibition. The juvenile must be informed about the limits of confidentiality in a nonadversarial, nonjudgmental tone, to facilitate disclosure and engagement. Case examples are used to illustrate the range of legal outcomes, from felony charges to no charges. They will have to participate in an education reform program that involves a maximum of eight hours of instruction that provides information regarding the legal . Young people may send images and messages to their friends, partners, or even strangers they meet online. Snapchat is probably the best known and most widely used application for this purpose. In Table 1, we provide anticipatory guidance for pediatricians and health care professionals seeking to address sexting and its legalities with policy makers, teens, parents, as well as schools and communities. 7. The evaluation in a civil case would most likely be of a minor who is the victim/subject of sexually explicit material distributed by others. If such photos are shared with others, sexting can lead to much more than just embarrassment. Sexting is the sending or forwarding of sexually explicit photographs or videos of the sender or someone known to the sender via cell phone. 47. That is possible even when the individuals are 18 and 17, according to sexting laws. Civil litigation also may be initiated in cases of sexting among minors. 2019 May;143(5):e20183183. If there is a significant age, maturity level, or power differential between the plaintiff and the defendant, it may be advisable to use a forensic interview structure intended for children who are the victims of sexual abuse. Risks of sexting. Sexting and sexual behavior in at-risk adolescents. Efforts by schools, parents, and mental health personnel should be vigorously employed to educate adolescents about potential risks involved. Educate your kids. The prevalence of sexting did not vary by sex but did vary by age, with an increase in sexting as teens progressed through adolescence. The school resource officer was granted summary judgment, and the case was dismissed because of qualified immunity.27 The school also requested a motion for summary judgment. Some sexting cases have led to the bringing of felony charges against middle school students. Sexting is illegal when it involves anyone under 18 or to harass people of any age. Sexting can happen via messaging on cell phones or via . Ten boys in Quebec, aged 13 to 15 years, are facing child pornography charges for trading explicit images of young girls whom they convinced to send them photographs via Snapchat.34. The minor (and an unknown number of other people) received a text message with recordings of the consensual sexual acts of two other minors, aged 16 and 17, and further disseminated the recording. The level of structure and supervision within the home and the parents' willingness and ability to support intervention efforts must be assessed to establish the most effective recommendations. The .gov means its official. 3. The Washington Post states that sexting, which can include sending pictures, messages or videos, is done by approximately one in four teenagers across the country. The school or police liaison officer will want . The appropriate type and length of treatment indicated to address the emotional damage is important to determine. If the case involves another adolescent, it may be important to determine the developmental maturity of the defendant as well as the plaintiff. The trend reflected in statutes has been that minors involved in sexting without other exacerbating circumstances should be charged with a less serious offense. The results on Lexis Advance include some cases that have various opinions or appeals related to the same case. Source: Unsplash. Teen behavior and digital invention have outpaced the development of new laws, and this has the potential to have dire legal ramifications for teens. The Facts Behind the #MeToo Movement: A National Study on Sexual Harassment and Assault. Penalties for Teen Sexting. Gass AM, Klettke B, Agustina JR, Montiel I. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. Are multiple partners sometimes involved? Finally, the study reported that sexting occurs most often in one of three scenarios: exchanges of images between two romantic partners, exchanges between partners that are then shared outside the relationship, and exchanges between people who are not yet in a relationship, but where one person hopes to be.2. and transmitted securely. The range of possible repercussions depends heavily on the parties involved, their ages, and . It has become common practice among young people, as cell phones are being given to adolescents at ever younger ages. 1) Educate school personnel about policies and laws regarding the conduct. Sexual Performance by a Child. Epub 2013 May 15. Teenagers who engage in sexting should not face the same legal and moral condemnation [Ref. Although there is a lot of talk among teens of sending . The participants in the study who sent sexually explicit messages and photographs were significantly more likely to have had sexual intercourse and were more likely to have had unprotected sex. The . Miss Logan recounted her story on the local NBC television affiliate in Cincinnati to help educate other teens about the risks of sexting. A second defense is when only 1 teen is depicted, he or she knowingly and voluntarily participated in the production of the image without any coercion, and there was no distribution. Did the school attempt to intervene to reduce risk? How states approach teen sexting: pie chart. Significant legal expenses can also be incurred. While many people think this is only a problem among youth - all ages can be targets of sextortion or leaked intimate images. By contrast, an appeals court in Ohio in 2012 denied the claim that statutes are vague and charges should be dropped.25 A 13-year-old female juvenile defendant sent nude self-images to a juvenile male. Pursuing child pornography charges against teenagers encourages arbitrary and erratic arrests and convictions, which is one of the concerns addressed by the void for vagueness doctrine. State laws often follow the federal definition, but many states have now passed separate sexting legislation that specifically addresses this increasing form of adolescent behavior and perhaps constitutionally protected First Amendment speech. A forensic evaluator with a background in standards for mental health services within secondary schools would be most appropriate to provide an opinion to the court on these matters. Parental and societal concerns inevitably revolve around teens sexual activity, and sexting has brought those concerns front and center. We thank Ken Stalter, JD, for his valuable research contributions. J Midwifery Womens Health. These are some of the questions that may be asked by the retaining party. As teens and children increasingly . The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the A study published in January 2013 based on interviews of 378 state prosecutors who had worked on technology-facilitated crimes against children found that 62 percent had handled a sexting case involving juveniles.7 Thirty-six percent of prosecutors in the sample reported that they had filed charges in these cases, and 21 percent had filed felony charges. Renee Ferguson is given eight months' home detention and will be forced to relocate back to Tasmania for stealing over $5,000 in cricket membership fees. 2016 American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. The legal ramifications, while seemingly foreign to teens, are very real as is the weight of a felony offense. After her death, her family learned that she had seen the school social worker, who was concerned Miss Witsell might try to harm herself, and had Miss Witsell sign a no harm contract. No one from the school contacted her family to express concern about Miss Witsell's safety. Studies have shown that sexting is associated with incidences of increased sexual behavior. To file charges, most prosecutors mentioned that they would need some type of additional offense, such as harassment, unruly behavior, or stalking, to file charges and that the relationship would have had to move beyond boyfriend-girlfriend. 24]. A forensic examiner may become involved in a criminal or a civil case of sexting between or among minors. In studies on the subject, rates of minors . How many people was the image forwarded to and did those receiving it forward it further, delete it, or inform a person of authority? & Cnty. Know the law. The Initiative is exploring policy issues that fall . New media, old risks: toward an understanding of the relationships between online and offline health behavior. It did not distinguish between consensual and nonconsensual sexting. Training in child and adolescent psychiatry or psychology can be very helpful when evaluating these cases, because a complete evaluation and testimony would be related to child development. Sexting is using the internet or a mobile phone for creating, sharing, sending or posting sexually explicit messages or images. Establishing a clear understanding of the individuals involved and their relationship to one another is paramount. One such case involved Jessica Logan, a high school senior in Ohio, who sent a nude self-image to her boyfriend.26 After they broke up, he sent the photograph to other teens from Miss Logan's school, and the photograph was then sent to students from her school and another local high school. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. It would also allow professionals a research-based approach to get involved in advocacy for legal change and could guide professionals in when to support implementation of focused treatment and prevention, as opposed to penalties. It has become common practice among young people, as cell phones are being given Dr. McNeil is Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, and Dr. Binder is Professor of Psychiatry, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. Any history of sexual victimization of the accused would have to be explored and, if present, may represent a mitigating factor or influence the forensic evaluator to suggest treatment and diversion as opposed to punishment exclusively. A good example is the case of marriage. With the advent of smartphones, the past decade has witnessed a new manifestation of adolescent sexual behavior known as sexting. In these cases, the evaluator may be asked to address questions of liability and determine whether the emotional distress could have been prevented or minimized. Adolescent sexting research: the challenges ahead. Sharing sexual messages and photos online or by phone is called 'sexting'. In most cases, felony charges can result if the sexting involves child pornography issues and the recipient of the photo is an adult. SB 256. Many states agree that there is or should be a difference between statutes enacted to prosecute individuals for the creation and dissemination of child pornography and statutes used to punish or deter minors from sending sexually explicit photographs to other minors. With tweens and teens, incorporate sexting into your ongoing discussions of safe sex and healthy relationships. He pleaded no contest and was ordered to register as a sex offender in Florida until age 43 and to attend sex offender treatment classes. Disclaimer. South Dakota enacted legislation in 2012, establishing the definition of sexting and declaring it a misdemeanor: (Reprinted with permission from Ken Stalter, JD. Most of the cases did not fit the criteria of being exclusively between minors. Engaging in sexting, such as sending or receiving of sexual words, pictures, or videos via technology, is a common behavior in minors and a rising trend. To students in four what are 5 legal implications of sexting school districts made with 2 cases involving sexting that have reached the level! X27 ; sexting & # x27 ; to target others.42 and a minor possession of child is! Also may be coercive in nature.14,15 are unwanted sexts the equivalent of bullying felony... Using the internet or a civil case of sexting among minors relationships between online and offline health.! Used to illustrate the range of legal outcomes, from felony charges can result if the sexting mobile! 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