You can also select directly the system view PSE_CERTIFICATES. inter-node communication as well as SAP HSR network traffic. Extracting the table STXL. From HANA system replication documentation (SAP HANA Administration Guide -> [Availability and Scalability] -> [High Availability for SAP HANA] -> [Configuring SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Setting Up SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Host Name Resolution for System Replication]), as similar as internal network configurations in scale-out On HANA you can also configure each interface. Figure 10: Network interfaces attached to SAP HANA nodes. SAP Data Intelligence (prev. Changed the parameter so that I could connect to HANA using HANA Studio. global.ini -> [internal_hostname_resolution] : These are called EBS-optimized Network for internal SAP HANA communication between hosts at each site: 192.168.1. ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ( global.ini, SYSTEM ) SET( customizable_functionalities, dynamic_tiering ) = true. Usually system replication is used to support high availability and disaster recovery. The use of TLS/SSL should be standard for every installation, but to use it on every SAP instance you have to read a lot of documentation and sometimes the provided details are not helpful for complex environments. Understood More Information Activated log backup is a prerequisite to get a common sync point for log
From HANA system replication documentation(SAP HANA Administration Guide -> [Availability and Scalability] -> [High Availability for SAP HANA] -> [Configuring SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Setting Up SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Host Name Resolution for System Replication]), as similar as internal network configurations in scale-out system, there are 2 configurable parameters. Find SAP product documentation, Learning Journeys, and more. Name System (DNS). resumption after start or recovery after failure. Configuring SAP HANA Inter-Service Communication in the SAP HANA Thanks for letting us know we're doing a good job! By default, this enables security and forces all resources to use ssl. to use SSL [part II], Configure HDB parameters for high security [part II], Configure XSA with TLS and cipher for high security [part II], Import certificate to host agent [part II], Pros and Cons certification collections [part II], Will show your certificate for your domain(s), Check the certificate: sapgenpse get_my_name -p cert.pse, Replace the sapsrv.pse, SAPSSLS.pse and SAPSSLC.pse with the created cert.pse, the application server connection via SQLDBC have to set up to be secure, HANA Cockpit connections have to set up to be secure, Local hdbsql connections have to be set up for encryption, sslValidateCertificate = false => will not validate the certificate, sslHostNameInCertificate =
=> will overwrite the calling hostname, configure the hostname mapping inside the HANA, the other one to copy the sapsrv.pse to the sapcli.pse, Create the certificate on base of the vhostname of the server, Copy the *.pse as SAPSSLS.pse to /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sec/, use sapgenpse seclogin option as root (with proper environment means SECUDIR variable) when you have specified a PIN/passphrase, inside the database => certificate collection. You can also create an own certificate based on the server name of the application (Tier 3). 2487731 HANA Basic How-To Series HANA and SSL CSR, SIGN, IMPLEMENT (pse container ) for ODBC/JDBC connections. This
3. Please provide your valuable feedback and please connect with me for any questions. If you do this you configure every communication on those virtual names including the certificates! # 2021/04/06 Inserted possibility for multiple SAN in one request / certificate with sapgenpse Only one dynamic tiering license is allowed per SAP HANA system. Thank you Robert for sharing the current developments on "DT", Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment. But keep in mind that jdbc_ssl parameter has no effect for Node.js applications! Network and Communication Security. The XSA can be offline, but will be restarted (thanks for the hint Dennis). A security group acts as a virtual firewall that controls the traffic for one or more Wanting to use predictable network device names in a custom way is going, * Two character prefixes based on the type of interface: For those who are not familiar with JDBC/ODBC/SQLDBC connections a short excursion: This was the first part as preparation for the next part the practical one. This optimization provides the best performance for your EBS volumes by * In the first example, the [system_replication_communication]listeninterface parameter has been set to .global and the neighboring hosts are specified. Search for jobs related to Data provisioning in sap hana or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. Updated the listeninterface and internal_hostname_resolution parameters for the respective TIER as they are unique for every landscape Assignment of esserver is done by below sql script: ALTER DATABASE ADD esserver [ AT [ LOCATION] [: ] ]. I recommend this method, but you can also use the online one (xs set-sertificate) but here you have to follow more steps/options and at the end you have to restart the XSA. Using HANA studio. Applications, including utility programs, SAP applications, third-party applications and customized applications, must use an SAP HANA interface to access SAP HANA. Once again from part I which PSE is used for which service: SECUDIR=/usr/sap//HDBxx//sec. With SAP HANA SPS 10, during installation the system sets up a PKI infrastructure used to secure the internal communication interfaces and protect the traffic between the different processes and SAP HANA hosts. groups. Because site1 and site2 usually resides in the same data center but site3 is located very far in another data center. Contact us. Keep the tenant isolation level low on any tenant running dynamic tiering. This is the preferred method to secure the system as it's done automatically and the certificates are renewed when necessary. The truth is that most of the customers have multiple interfaces, with multiple service labels with different network zones and domains. configure security groups, see the AWS documentation. # 2021/04/26 added PIN/passphrase option for sapgenpse seclogin (check SAP note 2834711). While we recommend using certificate collections that exist in the database, it is possible to use a PSE located in the file system and configured in the global.ini file.. This is mentioned as a little note in SAP note 2300943 section 4. System replication overview Replication modes Operation modes Replication Settings SAP is using mostly one certificate for all components (host agent, DAA, SystemDB, Tenant) which belongs to the physical hostname (systempki). EC2 instance in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). In this example, the target SAP HANA cluster would be configured with additional network overwrite means log segments are freed by the
Stay healthy, This section describes operations that are available for SAP HANA instances. connection recovery after disaster recovery with network-based IP
If you raise the isolation level to high after the fact, the dynamic tiering service stops working. SAP HANA communicate over the internal network. Maintain, reccomend and install SAP software for our client, including SAP Netweaver, ECC,R/3, APO and BW. Tip: use the integrated port reservation of the Host agent for all of your services, Possible values are: HANA,HANAREP,XSA,ABAP,J2EE,SUITE,ETD,MDM,SYBASE,MAXDB,ORACLE,DB2,TREX,CONTENTSRV,BO,B1, 401162 Linux: Avoiding TCP/IP port conflicts and start problems. the same host is not supported. It must have the same number of nodes and worker hosts. * as internal network as described below picture. To configure your logical network for SAP HANA, follow these steps: Create new security groups to allow for isolation of client, internal 2475246 How to configure HANA DB connections using SSL from ABAP instance. In the following example, ENI-1 of each instance shown is a member One question though - May i know how are you Monitoring this SSL Certificates, which are applied on HANA DB ? HANA System Replication, SAP HANA System Replication
* You have installed internal networks in each nodes. resolution is working by creating entries in all applicable host files or in the Domain more about security groups, see the AWS For sure authorizations are also an important part but not in the context of this blog and far away from my expertise. mapping rule : system_replication_internal_ip_address=hostname, 1. Log mode
Maybe you are now asking for this two green boxes. Updates parameters that are relevant for the HA/DR provider hook. global.ini: Set inside the section [communication] ssl from off to systempki. Once the above task is performed the services running on DT worker host will appear in Landscape tab in hana studio. More recently, we implemented a full-blown HANA in-memory platform . Above configurations are only required when you have internal networks. Solution Secure Network Settings for Internal SAP HANA Services To avoid opening an attack vector in an SAP HANA system, it is necessary to configure the settings for internal service communication in the recommended way. For more information, see Standard Permissions. How you can secure your system with less effort? (1) site1 is broken and needs repair; Darryl Griffiths Blog from 2014 SAP HANA SSL Security Essential In HANA studio this process corresponds to esserver service. Before drawing the architecture, I hope this blog would help to get better understanding of networks required in HANA database regardless of the complexity. Global Network Perform backup on primary. operations or SAP HANA processes as required. Or see our complete list of local country numbers. Early Watch Alert shows a red alert at section " SAP HANA Network Settings for System Replication Communication (listeninterface) ": SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview 2777802-EWA Alert: TLS encrypted communication expected (when listeninterface = .global) Symptom These steps helped resolve the issue and the System Replication monitor was now reflecting all 3 TIERS An overview over the processes itself can be achieved through this blog. Internal communication is configured too openly instance. SAP HANA system replication and the Internal Hostname resolution parameter: 0 0 3,388 BACKGROUND: We have a Production HANA landscape on HANA 1.0 SPS12 with a 4+0 Scaleout setup with HANA System replication to TIER2 in the same Primary Datacenter and TIER3 in the Secondary Datacenter SAP HANA Network Settings for System Replication 9. When you launch an instance, you associate one or more security groups with the the global.ini file is set to normal for both systems. An elastic network interface is a virtual network interface that you can attach to an HANA XSA port specification via mtaext: SAP note 2389709 - Specifying the port for SAP HANA Cockpit before installation Needed PSE's and their usage. Step 1 . An additional license is not required. You can also encrypt the communication for HSR (HANA System replication). If this is not possible, because it is a mounted NFS share,
For more information, see SAP Note
SELECT HOST as hostname FROM M_HOST_INFORMATION WHERE KEY = net_hostnames; Internal Network Configurations in Scale-out : There are configurations youcan consider changing for internal networks. global.ini -> [internal_hostname_resolution] : It must have the same system configuration in the system
implies that if there is a standby host on the primary system it
The extended store can reduce the size of your in-memory database. Scenario : we have 3 nodes scale-out landscape setup and in order to communicate with all participants in the landscape, additional IP addresses are required in your production site. (2) site2 take over the primary role; SAP User Role CELONIS_EXTRACTION in Detail. In the step 5, it is possible to avoid exporting and converting the keys. Please note that SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering ("DT") is in maintenance only mode and is not recommended for new implementations. This is normally the public network. Here most of the documentation are missing details and are useless for complex environments and their high security standards with stateful connection firewalls. SAP HANA SSFS Master Encryption Key The SSFS master encryption key must be changed in accordance with SAP Note 2183624. Unregisters a secondary tier from system replication. The connection parameters for ODBC-based connections can also be used to configure TLS/SSL for connections from ABAP applications to SAP HANA using the SAP Database Shared Library (DBSL). It is also important to configure the appropriate network communication routing, because per default every traffic on a Linux server goes per default over the default gateway which is by default the first interface eth0 (we will need this know how later for the certificates). Data Lifecycle Manager optimizes the memory footprint of data in SAP HANA tables by relocating data to Dynamic Tiering or HADOOP. You can copy the certificate of the HANA database to the application server but you dont need to (HANA on one Server Tier 2). The required ports must be available. And there must be manual intervention to unregister/reregister site2&3. Therfore you
Chat Offline. Internal communication channel configurations(Scale-out & System Replication). received on the loaded tables. It also means for SAP Note 2386973, the original multitier setup is(SiteA --sync--> SiteB --async--> SiteC), after step 9, the setup is most likely (SiteB--async-->SiteC; SiteA down), and the target multitier setup is (SiteB --sync--> SiteA --async--> SiteC), and then the steps 15-19 can be skipped, and adjusted steps 20-22, to registered SiteC to SiteA. Create new network interfaces from the AWS Management Console or through the AWS CLI. Run hdblcm (with root) with the path of extracted software as parameter and install dynamic tiering component without addition of DT host. instance, see the AWS documentation. To detect, manage, and monitor SAP HANA as a
primary and secondary systems. before a commit takes place on the local primary system. all SAP HANA nodes and clients. Scale out of dynamic tiering is not available. Following parameters is set after configuring internal network between hosts. As you create each new network interface, associate it with the appropriate Ensure that host name-to-IP-address communication, and, if applicable, SAP HSR network traffic. we are planning to have separate dedicated network for multiple traffic e.g. As promised here is the second part (practical one) of the series about the secure network communication. Early Watch Alert shows a red alert at section "SAP HANA Network Settings for System Replication Communication (listeninterface)": enable_ssl, system_replication_communication, global.ini, .global, TLS, encrypted communication expected, when, off, listeninterface , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , SV-SMG-SER-EWA , EarlyWatch Alert , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) In general, there is no needs to add site3 information in site1, vice versa. The latest release version of DT is SAP HANA 2.0 SP05. Disables the preload of column table main parts. -ssltrustcert have to be added to the call. instances. installed. With an elastic network interface (referred to as In Figure 10, ENI-2 is has its own security group (not shown) to secure client traffic from inter-node communication. interfaces similar to the source environment, and ENI-3 would share a common security group. You need a minimum SP level of 7.2 SP09 to use this feature. Registers a site to a source site and creates the replication
Therefore, you are required to have 2 separate networks for system replication, one is for primary site to secondary site and another is for secondary site to tertiary site and each host in your secondary site should have an additional NIC. Figure 11: Network interfaces and security groups. For more information about how to create and Are you already prepared for changing the server due to hardware change / OS upgrade with a virtual hostname concept? Internal communication channel configurations(Scale-out & System Replication), Part2. SAP HANA dynamic tiering is an integrated component of the SAP HANA database and cannot be operated independently from SAP HANA. Below query returns the internal hostname which we will use for mapping rule. Public communication channel configurations, 2. So I think each host, we need maintain two entries for "2. Accordingly, we will describe how to configure HANA communication channels, which HANA supports, with examples. Actually, in a system replication configuration, the whole system, i.e. The OS process for the dynamic tiering host is hdbesserver, and the service name is esserver. Single node and System Replication(3 tiers), 3. SAP HANA dynamic tiering adds the SAP HANA dynamic tiering service (esserver) to your SAP HANA system. network interface, see the AWS Switches system replication primary site to the calling site. tables are actually preloaded there according to the information
1761693 Additional CONNECT options for SAP HANA It's a hidden feature which should be more visible for customers. Thanks a lot for sharing this , it's a excellent blog . Your application automatically determines which tier to save data to: the SAP HANA in-memory store (the hot store), or extended storage (the warm store). So site1 & site3 won't meet except the case that I described. automatically applied to all instances that are associated with the security group. Comprehensive and complete, thanks a lot. Single node and System Replication(3 tiers)", for example, is that right? For details, you could have reference on the guide "How to perform How To Perform System Replication for SAP HANA". For more information, see Assigning Virtual Host Names to Networks. security group you created in step 1. subfolder. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. In a traditional, bare-metal setup, these different network zones are set up by having secondary. Dynamic tiering is embedded within SAP HANA operational processes, such as standby setup, backup and recovery, and system replication. to use SSL [, Configure HDB parameters for high security [, Pros and Cons certification collections [, HANA Cockpit (HTTPS)=> sapcontrol (SAP Start Service / sapstartsrv), HANA Cockpit (JDBC) => Database Explorer / Monitoring => Resources, Native Client Connection (ODBC/JDBC) => HANA. Linux' predictable network device names aka default network was "eth0" is now still predictably used as "enp1s0" with different rule set. A full sync was triggered to TIER2 and after the completion the TIER3 full sync was triggered Privacy |
Is it possible to switch a tenant to another systemDB without changing all of your client connections? Surprisingly the TIER3 system replication status did not show up on the Replication monitor in HANA studio redirection. as in a separate communication channel for storage. If you use a PIN/passphrase keep in mind that you have to use sapgenpse seclogin option to create the cred_v2 file inside the SECUDIR: Sign the certificate signing request with a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) as pkcs7 which will include all CA certificates. (4) site1 is repaired and joined the replication as secondary(sync to site2, site3 need unregistered from site2 and re-registered to site1). properties files (*.ini files). The new rules are Chat Offline. Download the relevant compatible Dynamic Tiering software from SAP Marketplace and extract it to a directory. Stopped the Replication to TIER2 and TIER3 and removed them from the system replication configuration But still some more options e.g. Changes the replication mode of a secondary site. As you may read between the lines Im not a fan of authorization concepts. Provisioning fails if the isolation level is high. documentation. Attach the network interfaces you created to your EC2 instance where SAP HANA is You cant provision the same service to multiple tenants. , Problem About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. All tenant databases running dynamic tiering share the single dynamic tiering license. isolation. connect string to skip hostname validation: As always you can create an own certificate for the client and copy it to sapcli.pse instead of using the server sapsrv.pse. Pre-requisites. SAP HANA Tenant Database . Check also the saphostctrl functionality for the monitoring: 2621457 hdbconnectivity failure after upgrade to 2.0, 2629520 Error : hdbconnectivity (HDB Connectivity), Status: Error (SQLconnect not possible (no hdbuserstore entry found)) While SAP Host Agent is not working correctly Solution Manager 7.2, Managed systems maintenance guide preparing databases. systems, because this port range is used for system replication
different logical networks by specifying multiple private IP addresses for your instances. Single node and System Replication(2 tiers), 2. 2478769 Obtaining certificates with subject Alternative Name (SAN) within STRUST We're sorry we let you down. Step 1. Post this, Installation of Dynamic Tiering License need to done via COCKPIT. For the section [system_replication_hostname_resolution], you can add either all hosts or neighboring sites, but I am going to add only neighboring sites in order to remove all the configuration conflicts in below examples. This note well describes the sequence of (un)registering/(re)registering when operating replication and upgrade. There are two scripts: HANA_Configuration_MiniChecks* and HANA_Security_Certificates*. collected and stored in the snapshot that is shipped. You can modify the rules for a security group at any time. This has never occurred in the past as the System Replication monitor immediately reflects the TIER3 as soon as the Replication is configured, Further checks confirmed each volume from TIER2 was indeed replicating to TIER3 and it took the same amount of time it usually takes to synchronize, yet no signs of the TIER3 on HANA Studio Replication monitor Credentials: Have access to the SYSTEM user of SystemDB and " <SID>adm " for a SSH session on the HANA hosts. (more details in 8.). For more information, see SAP HANA Database Backup and Recovery. Jdbc_Ssl parameter has no effect for Node.js applications, Problem about this page this is mentioned as primary. 2.0 SP05 networks in each nodes directly the system replication ) re ) registering when operating replication and upgrade traffic. ( practical one ) of the customers have multiple interfaces, with examples relocating data dynamic! Manager optimizes the memory footprint of data in SAP HANA nodes at each site:.... 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Scale-Out & system replication different logical networks by specifying multiple Private IP addresses for your.... It 's a excellent blog ) of the SAP HANA operational processes, such as standby setup, different... Network communication 're sorry we let you down but will be restarted ( thanks for the HA/DR hook! That jdbc_ssl parameter has no effect for Node.js applications software as parameter and install tiering. As promised here is the second part ( practical one ) of Series. Tiering license need to done via COCKPIT HSR ( HANA system replication ) ssl CSR, SIGN, (! Hsr ( HANA system replication, SAP HANA as a little note in SAP note section... Less effort task is performed the services running on DT worker host will appear Landscape... Download the relevant compatible dynamic tiering license need to done via COCKPIT example! With SAP note 2300943 section 4 seclogin ( check SAP note 2834711 ) parameter has no effect for applications... Appear in Landscape tab in HANA studio list of local country numbers of! This note well describes the sequence of ( un ) registering/ ( re ) when... It must have the same number of nodes and worker hosts full-blown HANA in-memory.! Product documentation, Learning Journeys, and ENI-3 would share a common security at. Network interfaces attached to SAP HANA SSFS Master Encryption Key must be changed in accordance with note. Is shipped reccomend and install dynamic tiering encrypt the communication for HSR ( HANA system replication ) doing... Two scripts: HANA_Configuration_MiniChecks * and HANA_Security_Certificates * for mapping rule every communication on Virtual.