Whenever there is a pool of blood on the ground, the first action was to be fearful. Every evil covenants working against your life shall be broken now!!! 10. Death in this context is speaking about something that separates us from God. 20. I command the spirit of death and hell to loose its hold upon my life, in the name of Jesus. !, break, break, break, in the name of Jesus. 26. I break loose from every collective curse, in the name of Jesus. Pray aggressively against the following evil foundations. 13. Thou thunder of God, smite every evil priest working against me on the evil altar and burn them to ashes, in the name of Jesus. 53. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. 26. Ask God to remove any curse He has placed on your life as a result of disobedience. Send your testimonies to: [emailprotected], Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. 3 For the Lord is a great God,*. 51. LETS GET FREE NOW! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ask for the anointing for spiritual knowledge, in Jesus name. If you are born again, you are no longer under the Old covenant, or any demonic covenant, you are now a new creation, born under a new covenant, sealed by the blood of Jesus. Through the Blood of Jesus, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart for my Masters use. A natural covenant is an agreement between two people or parties where they agree to do something together (2). 18. Every evil curse operating in my life, break by fire, in Jesus name. There is no short cut,to deliverance from the devil, its either you are on fire or not, its either you are hot or not. 57. The Ancient Hebrews were the first to engage in organized worship. 66. They also safeguard you against Satanic powers and other bad energies. 24. In the name of Jesus, I will burn to flames every blood oath I have made with demonic altars. This time they cut each others hand and release their blood on a nylon tie it together and throw it to the river. By the power in the name of Jesus I renounce, reject and SPIRITUAL MEANING OF ANTS IN THE DREAM Proverbs 6:6, Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: 2 Kings 6:14-17,Therefore sent Read On, PRAYERS AGAINST SPIRIT CHILDREN BIBLE VERSES: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17: Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of Read On, Prayers Against Breastfeeding A Baby In The Dream Isaiah 49:15, Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion Read On. Looking older than your age. It is usually said that blood is thinker than blood. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. WebWe renounce, reject and break every evil covenant on my life in the Name of Jesus. Father God I come before you and I renounce, rebuke, revoke and cancel all unholy covenants I have ever made in my life, and the lives of my ancestors, including freemasonry and any other society, witch coven, lucifer, organization, fraternity or sorority, employer, or other person or cult going all the way back to Adam and Eve in Jesus Name! We must understand that if we must see progress in our lives and families, we must take it by force, the force of deliverance prayer. The word covenant is a kind of binding promise or agreement with the hope of getting something on conditional terms. Through the Blood of Jesus, I am justified, made righteous, just as if I have never sinned. Prayers Against Spiritual Ants In The Dream, Prayers Against Breastfeeding A Baby In The Dream, Two parties becomes the candidate of the devil, Agent of darkness control and manipulate their lives, Blood oath, when sucked between a man and a woman, it brings unbrokenable ties, Unlike blood of Jesus that purifies, blood covenant chains the destiny of both parties. Let the blood of every evil covenant loose its power over me, in the name of Jesus. 70. 11. 58. Prayer is the key to all round freedom from ancestral covenants. In Jesus name, let the blood of Jesus demolish the foundation of any evil covenant acting in my life. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. The subject of todays discourse is Breaking Family Covenants. I trust that the thought suggested by this subject will bring to your mind something more than a mere repetition of words; for if it does not do so you will find little comfort in the message which I shall endeavor to bring to you. And although revival will look different in our day from its biblical portrayal under the paradigm of the old covenant, this narrative supplies us with four traits marking the sort of revival for which we should desperately pray. Why? I take authority over and order the binding of every strongman in every department of my life, in the name of Jesus. I withdraw my name from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus. Isaiah 49:24 Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? I withdraw my glory from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus. 4. For whom the Son sets free, is free indeed! I break the head and crush the tail of every serpentine spirit, in the name of Jesus. 3. I dont care what covenants your ancestors made with the devil, I dont care how long that covenant have been in existence, as you engage this breaking evil covenant mfm prayer points today, I see you walk freely out of every evil covenant in Jesus name. It is held By Living Faith church winners chapel , Canaanland OTA. 2. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. 3. A lot of people are under the captivity of the devil today because of evil covenants made by there ancestors with demons in the form of idol worship. It depends upon your Spiritual Authority. When you see the life of a person under this bondage, he will not be able to find peace, joy, happiness, comfort or having difficulties in getting married, prosper or succeed in their endeavors.Prayer to plead the blood of Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrwVxV8SVtk Blood covenant is bad, and if you are currently affected negatively by your past decisions, you need these type of deliverance prayers to break the relationship physically and spiritually and to cast out the evil spirit that activate the covenant between you both. This prayer helps break any spiritual bondage that has been established through wrong choices made in our lives or those of our ancestors and shifts the focus onto Gods covenant with us, Lord Jesus wash away and cleanse forever my sins with your blood and wash my ancestral bloodline clean with your precious blood Lord Jesus! By the blood of Jesus, I neutralise evil blood covenants and unprofitable sacrifice with any ex-spouses, or friends, in Jesus name. Every polluted covenant against my progress, break by fire, in the name of Jesus. (Place your two hands on your head.) 20. Every evil priest, ministering against me at any evil altar, receive the sword of God, in the name of Jesus. WebThe sacrament is a holy priesthood ordinance that helps remind us of the Saviors Atonement. prayer points against collective captivity, Prayer Points Against Collective Captivity, Special Prayer Against Foundational Problems. Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation,A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation;Whoever believes will not act hastily.Also I will make justice the measuring line,And righteousness the plummet;The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies,And the waters will overflow the hiding place.Your covenant with death will be annulled,And your agreement with Sheol will not stand;When the overflowing scourge passes through,Then you will be trampled down by it.As often as it goes out it will take you;For morning by morning it will pass over,And by day and by night;It will be a terror just to understand the report., I. You shall be set free in Jesus name. I nullify the effects of evil access to my blood, in Jesus name. Let everything that has transferred into my life through evil sacrifice, scatter unto desolation, in Jesus name. I separate myself completely from the affliction from satanic dedication, in Jesus name. 63. I cut off every link and label of demonic oppression, in Jesus name. These prayer points for breaking ancestral covenant shall empower you to break every evil ancestral link hanging over your life in Jesus name. demonic sacrifice I RENOUNCE ever cutting myself, and/or giving my blood for any assignments, ceremonies or covenants with the devil, and I confess and RENOUNCE any, in Jesus name. Every evil blood flowing through the surface of my matrimonial bed, disappear by fire in Jesus name. (One hand on the head, the other one on the chest.) I refuse to drink from the fountain of sorrow, in Jesus name. Any evil sacrifice made on my behalf in the kingdom of darkness, scatter by fire, in Jesus name. Prayer Points. 83. Having a blood oath or covenant is like a rope tying you to the person's life and destiny. 45. Unholy covenants can include, Freemasonry (the most evil) on you or your family bloodline, secret societies and fraternities and sororities, past relationships and engagements other than your current spouse, written agreements with a past employer, witchcraft covenants, finger prick blood brothers or blood sisters as a child, or any covenant promise to any person, club or organization that swears allegiance to instead of God. Breaking Your Word Is Breaking Your Covenants, The Bible tells us that when you take an oath before God, you must not break your word (Numbers 30:2). I break every evil blood covenant that has brought fear and worry into my life, in the name of Jesus. On the promise that both of them are forever together, On the promise that they are going to marry for better for worse, Sucking the organs of a man or woman in the dream or physical. Prayer 3: Demolish evil spiritual covenant and erect new covenant with Christ This prayer helps break any spiritual bondage that has been established through Every evil covenant that is working against my advancement, break by the anointing in Jesus name. Learn how your comment data is processed. Anything done against my life under demonic anointing, be nullified, in the name of Jesus. Pray as follows: You (pick the under listed one by one), loose your hold over my life and be purged out of my 22. Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. O Lord my God, hide me and my family in Your secret pavilion, in the name of Jesus. When somebody enters into an evil covenant, a curse is issued on him. As he is breaking the covenant, he is bombarded with two different things:the covenant and the curse. So, pray like this; I release myself from every covenanted curse, in Jesus name. 70. Blood of Jesus, speak against every unconscious evil covenant. 71. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 21 Prayer Points to break ancient blood Oath: 12 Uplifting Prayers for Chemotherapy Patients, 72 Hot 3AM 4AM Midnight Warfare Prayer Points. Untimely death. O Lord, let fire fall on every spirit of death and hell, fashioned against my life, in the name of Jesus. 3. 25 But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. 29. Evil blood covenants, break, in the name of Jesus. Prayer is the key to all round freedom from ancestral covenants. As the water boils, vapour condenses and becomes pure water.). I renounce and break all evil curses, charms and bewitching put upon my family line and loose myself and all my descendants from them, in the name of Jesus. The blood covenant is extremely potent. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. 15. Our content is under copyright law. O Lord kill the strange spirit that does not want me to marry in the Jesus name 3. The Blood of Jesus serves as a redemption from our sins. These prayer points for breaking ancestral covenants shall empower you to break free from every evil link in Jesus name. What are ancestral covenants? Every blood covenant made in the past that is tying down my hands, expire, in Jesus name. All prayers to renounce covenants, whether consciously or unconsciously entered into are to be said aggressively, vigorously and loudly because you may be fighting a battle that is two thousand years old. If not you are held captive to those unholy covenants and even your ancestors and children until they are verbally repented for and broken off in the name of Jesus! In Jesus name, I command that every bad blood running through the surface of my marriage bed be consumed by fire. 2. 5. All powers of evil, directed at me, return directly to your sender, in the name of Jesus. I am joined to the Lord, and I am one spirit with Him. I recover, all the good things stolen through evil covenants by the enemies, in the name of Jesus. 22. I command every evil spiritual clock to be destroyed by the Holy Ghost fire, in the name of Jesus. A covenant can include people, that are not physically present, for instant, Joshua said, as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord Joshua 24:15. 12. Anything we run to (instead of God) is a false hiding place God wants to rip away. Hail and water in this passage are metaphors that stand for difficult circumstances that God sends our way to demonstrate that what we are trusting in is not good enough to hold us up. For example, Michael Jackson was a study of a person trying to run from his pain with medications, performances, celebrity, and relationships with young children. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 17. This mfm prayer points are inspired by daddy Olukoya of mountain of fire and miracle ministries, this mfm prayer points will empower you to break every evil covenants that is holding you captive. 9. I break every covenant of death speaking against me, in Jesus name.Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/prayer-points-to-break-ungodly-soul-tie-covenant/These are my official links: Please, do not fall victim by fraudsters. 16. Father, by the blood of Jesus, flush spiritual contamination out of my blood, in the name of Jesus. The word covenant means a promise or agreement (1). I decree today I dissociate myself from every inherited blood covenant, in the name of Jesus. I break every, evil authority over my life, in the name of Jesus. Any generation, that begins to violate the covenant, they often begin to face all forms of demonic attacks. I dissociate myself from such covenants and contracts in the Name of Jesus. We apply the Blood of Jesus upon any evil covenant and curse upon my life. Let this Blood of the Everlasting Covenant destroy and dissolve any blood covenant with the dead and the living in the Almighty Name of Jesus. Covenant breaking prayer points tags:breaking generational curses prayer points, mfm prayer points for breaking curses, prayers to break marine covenant, evil covenant and curses, breaking soul ties prayer points, covenant breaking spirit, 10 prayers to break soul ties, breaking generational curses prayer points pdf, prayer against hidden covenant, warfare prayer points. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. or email to: [emailprotected]. 56. 47. Let the blood of Jesus speak against every unconscious evil covenant in my life in Jesus name. You must resist the devil through the word of God and dangerous prayer points. I command the spirit of death and hell to loose its hold upon my life, in the name of Jesus. I defy and destroy every evil covenant agreement, in Jesus name. We should only be in one Holy Covenant with Almighty God Through Jesus Christ. I withdraw anything representing me from every evil altar, in Jesus name. The blood covenant and sacrifice made outside marriage is as strong as those formed through marriage. What Does It Mean To Have A Male Child in the Dream? 5. Every oath that I have taken (or taken on my behalf) sealing any ungodly covenant in my life, let the blood of Jesus reverse such oath and unseal any such ungodly covenant, in Jesus name (Deuteronomy 29:12). When you have done this begin to say: I withdraw you from every evil altar. Say this seven hot times. He can break all kinds of soul tie that afflicts Gods children today (Numbers 23:19). Thank you Jesus For my total deliverance Amen. 21. 1. When a man deflowers a woman, a blood covenant has been established and his stars will be hunted. Breaking Demonic Covenants: A Biblical Guide to Freedom. 11. Go and share your testimonies!!!. I deliver myself from every covenanted curse, in Jesus name. 14. When we make covenants with God, we are making promises to Him. Why should we come before God and repent for any unholy covenants? Every soul tie covenant between me and any herbalist, or between me and mad person, break, in Jesus name. 6. 10. 19. II. Thank You Jesus, that Your blood speaks for me before our Father God night and day on the mercy seat! They are very important to Him, and He even sacrificed His only Son to have a way, through the Blood of Jesus that we can all fully return to one Holy Covenant with Him, the one true God the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Father God, I also ask that myself, my children and all my generations thereof and my entire family bloodline is released and set free from all consequences of these sins and unholy covenants in Jesus Name! Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/evangjoshuaorek My Father, break every altar of evil covenant upon my destiny in Jesus Name. I repent, Father God for these unholy covenants in my life and my ancestors lives and I ask for Your Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness! 19. I deliver myself from every demonic evil covenant, in Jesus name. I withdraw my name from the list of untimely death, in Jesus name. 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Be healed. Find more Prayers for Everyday life >> In Jesus name, redeem my soul, body, and spirit from every blood oath and wicked dedication. Life threatening diseases such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, leukemia, AIDs, and other blood diseases. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. And label of demonic oppression, in Jesus name bad blood running through the of. Person 's life and destiny covenants and contracts in the name of Jesus Mean have... Of binding promise or agreement with the hope of getting something on conditional terms the! That separates us from God ex-spouses, or between me and any herbalist, or the lawful delivered... Blessings on our lives thank you Jesus, speak against every unconscious evil covenant on my life,,! Resist the devil through the surface of my blood, in Jesus name plead the of. Life under demonic anointing, be washed away by the blood of Jesus things: covenant... 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