According to legend, the Knights Templar was founded in 1118 AD to protect pilgrims heading for Jerusalem and the Christian Holy places, where the small band of warrior monks established a headquarters. He was actively involved in the plans of relocating this valuable treasure. The logo unites the Crown and the Cross symbols. If being linked to families like that, doesnt get you pumped and excited then I dont know what does! Abraxas and the Templars. One of the symbols is a Hooked X, used by only one group at that time - the Knights Templars. I was working an office job and found myself having a lot of extra time that I ended up using to research my own family lineage. According to Wolter, the controversial stones are evidence that the Knights Templar fled Europe for North America after their persecution in 1307, bringing with them the Holy Grail. Anyway, when Mexico took control of this area in 1830, the Spanish hid the mines by caving them in, hoping that Spain would retake this territory at a later time. The Cistercians lived under religious vows as Gnostic Christians. pxhere (Public Domain) Knights were the most-feared and best-protected warriors on the medieval battlefield, while off it, they were amongst the most fashionably dressed and best-mannered members of society. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. The author of this revisionist book is a professional geologist and not a historian. It is highly unlikely to have been known to a hoaxer and it appears on a few artifacts. He conducted the first detailed physical analysis since Winchells research 90 years before. Manual of Knights Templar Asylum Ceremonies . It was used by warriors and noblemen alike as a symbol of their strength and authority. In Part 1 we discussed the connection of the Byzantine church in Kalambaka with the local mythology, the ancient religion, and the general historical context in which the Knights Templars left evidence of their presence here at Meteora. The next most prominent symbol for the Knights Templar is the Red Cross, which would have been emblazoned upon the mantle (color varied depending on class). Illustration by Hulton Archive, Getty. Templar graves could be seen engraved with swords and the cavalry cross. The Templars may have also chosen this symbol as a remembrance of those words spoken by their early champion, Bernard of Clairvaux, who described them as ferocious lions. I found this The waters are often rough for the pre-Columbian, which says much for the runes etched onto its top. But Wolter has another hypothesis about the symbol. In a report published in the NEARA Journal, Sue Carlson endeavoured to translate the stones. Knights were also not allowed to retreat or stop fighting while the Beauceant was flying. But there is one thing that I favor even more than the lost mines and treasures from the Spanish in America: my family tree and heritage. Banners of Royal Arch Masonry. There are many interesting symbols used by the ancient Templars. This symbol is symbolic of charity as well as mercy. Some have speculated that the imagery of the Anguipede represents emanations of this being which are as follows: The human body is displayed as it is written that God created man in his own image. According to Sue Carlson from the New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), once Haugen called them fakes, legions of other scientists in the mainstream establishment wrote them off as such and wouldnt listen to any other theories. It is interesting to note that this seal was not used for particularly significant Templar documents, but can be found on ordinary, seemingly unimpressive, historical records like those dating from 1214. This alleged artifact had signs of a subsurface erosion process that required a minimum of 200 years. It took more than 100 years for scholars to correct the imperfect copy and to properly translate the text. Interested, he started to examine each individual rune with a scanning electron microscope. It is widely held that the Knights Templar went underground after the events of the early 1300s as some believe that the Knights Templar remain in existence today. Other hooked X specimens were found far from the Narragansett stone in 1971. 18. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. 3. Outfit Templar: shield, sword, two-handed sword, ax, mace, helmet, standard. 24. It was not until 1937 when they stated doing hydrological studies that it was cocluded for the state of Minnesota that the area where the stone was discovered was flooded with lakes and streams during the 14th century, as well as the 500 years before that. 13. What does that mean? The theory assumes the Holy Grail has been misidentified for generations as a physical cup in which Christs blood was collected during his crucifixion. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. This finding was very significant, for the reason that dotted runes only occur on the head stones of 14th century graves. This obviously was not a very popular belief in the 2nd century and Basilides is considered a heretic and damned by many historical Roman Catholic figures. No one knows the origins of Abraxas and the relics associated with him. It was lying face down and was twisted around the roots of a 30-year-old aspen tree. The tower was built with strange openings inside; some believe it points to stars and charts our galaxy, while others believe that it could be more like a map. Other accidental finds, unfortunately made by an unaccredited person, the three Spirit Pound stones were automatically deemed fraudulent by mainstream opinion. Relatively little is known about the founding of the Knights Templar symbols. Skeptics set out to fault his resolution by arguing that standards for mica degradation did not exist. If you read this article and you know of more information linked to it that may further my research, please reach out to me. Leaving no doubt of the verification of the Kensington Rune Stones 14th-century identity was indeed a true scientific triumph. It's important to note that the King of . THE PLAN AND VOYAGE TO SAVE THE TREASURE AND HOLY RELICS, PRESENT DAY DISCOVERIES OF THE KNIGHTS TREASURE, Teknetics Metal Detectors and Accessories. I hope to give something back and aid others like you aided me. Templars were still settlers of the island at the period of time the Kensington Rune Stone was carved. The history that has yet to be discovered is so complex that if a modern-day treasure hunter could have the resources to research and follow the clues, they could discover more than he or she thought possible. The current flag of Georgia, introduced in 2004, also features this type of Christian cross.. There are reports of tunnels and caves found in North America; man-made tunnels that show tool marks and are full of symbols that could be linked to the Templars. Little is known of this House, and the original structure is lost. The main focus of his revelations is that debatable, even contentious, artifact noted as the Kensington Rune Stone. It was, however, actually left there by the Knights Templar instead of the Norsemen. 1. The hook that is in the X symbolized the offspring or children, representing the continuance of the Goddess belief through common thought and bloodlines. Im a researcher that uses well-known and newly found evidence and lost history to find, structures, artifacts, and legends in America. The rune stone text goes back to the same century and references eight crewmen from Gotland. First, I learned that my family historys time in North America is relatively short, they arrived in North America in the 1840s from Scotland, and within a year, they traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, and parts of Idaho, and thats where many of us live today. It had been uncovered from the deep beneath the banks of the Red River near Climax, Minnesota. This is the church where Templar grand masters were buried in the Middle Ages. Some believe that the fleur-de-lis represents the Holy Trinity. The Crown and the Cross is also a popular symbol in Christianity. Theres the Clan Stewart of Argyll, Scotland who dominated the country for generations, the Clan Graham of Perthshire, Scotland who was instrumental in demolishing the Roman wall built by the Roman Emperor, the Clan Campbell of Argyll, Scotland was the most successful clan in Scottish history, and Clan MacDonald of Ross, Scotland whos roots run deep being the oldest and largest of all Scottish clans and Im just getting started! Among the least known, but most convincing, finding of its type is a one line, lithic inscription discovered close to Pojac Point in Narragansett Bay, a large river on the north side of Rhode Island Sound. There are several TV shows and documentaries that talk about similar things that Ive as well. It is a Skull & Bones Apron, linking the apron of the Freemasons to the Skull & Cross Bones of the Knights Templar. Colored vector illustration, made in the form of a coat of arms on white. While archaeologists and linguists were still insisting that the Kensington Rune Stone was a fake, a geologist at the Minnesota Historical Society, Newton Horace Winchell, had taken a detailed physical examination of the object for the first time. Its been a fun and exciting journey; Ive made many discoveries and found many surprises along the way. They were discovered buried alongside the shores of Spirit Pound close to Popham Beach. So if indeed Viking had visited the Green Land and Vine-land, the fact would be known to English and French brothers. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. A popular theory runs that when word got out that they were doomed, some knights transported treasure from the Paris Temple to the port of La Rochelle. 5. This was no easy task; it took patience and time to slowly make the arrangements of this incredibly detailed and thought out plan. Numerous other details leave no doubts that the tower was a provenance of pre-Columbian peoples. In 1117 these men decided to form a group for the proper protection of pilgrims in Jerusalem. They were the founders of the Knight Templar and survived its destruction during the 14th century. A giant boulder carved with cryptic 14th century symbols. In 2012 the stone with the symbol was stolen. For example, a knight's weapon or certain symbols that represent a nationality or kingdom. We were fishing one day. While Sue Carlson dismisses Wolters Knights Templar theory as outrageous, they do at least agree on one thing, and that is that the Spirit Pond stones have been unfairly treated since their discovery and at the very least deserve more objective research. These kind of conditions argue strongly against the possibility of a hoax. The name dates back to the Inquisition and torture of the Knights Templar about 1100 who, according to French chroniclers of the Crusades, confessed to worshipping a heathen idol called Baphometh. n.d. The carbon 15 examination displayed that the Newport Tower was standing throughout the years of 1440 to 1480. Sign up to get adventurous offers and the latest news on Treasure Hunting! They started out as small band of mercenary soldiers and by the time they were disbanded in 1312, just short of two hundred years later, they had became hugely rich from trade and banking within Christendom. Upon finding the stones, Walter Elliott took them to the Bath Maritime Museum, where director Harold Brown suggested that the marks might be in the Norse runic alphabet. These knights were monks who took up arms in 1118 A.D. in order to protect Christian pilgrims traveling from Jaffa (a port city in Israel) to Jerusalem.According to legend, the Knights Templar discovered the greatest treasure in history buried in the ruins of King Solomon's temple. Ivar the Boneless was likely the son of legendary Viking king Ragnar Lothbrok, and raided alongside his father and brothers, eventually becoming ruler of York in England in the 9th century AD. The seal recognises the humble, but noble origins of the Order. Templar's Meele weapon. Knights Templar. Forensic geologist, Scott Wolter, has put forward a radical new theory concerning a set of three inscribed stones found near Spirit Pond in Phippsburg more than 40 years ago. Ive read about the secrets of the Knight Templar, the Roslin Chapel, the Templar treasure, and anything else I could find to be of value. I would like to form an alliance of knowledgeable people and go after this story. However, most don't know that the embossed face of an Oreo cookie actually (well, according to the internet) contains a hidden symbol of the Knights Templar. There was an exact design, but the most common cross used was the cross pattee (a variation of the Greek cross). One of Haugens justifications for dismissing the Spirit Pond stones as fake relates to a crisscrossed character appearing throughout the inscription, referred to as the Hooked X or Stung A because it represents the a sound. 21. Some other researchers have proposed units of measurement that were used to create the tower were either the Norwegian alen or the Scottish ell. It is said that Abraxas created Nuos and Logos which led to Providence, Virtue, and Wisdom which gave rise to Principalities and Powers, and from "from these infinite productions and emissions of angels." Some say that this is the origin where the superstition of Friday the 13th began; a day that would forever be remembered and considered cursed. The Lion is a fairly obvious symbol for any Christian order as the lion is the king of the beasts so too is Christ the King of Kings. Its origins are debated, like most symbols, but many believe that it started around the 9th Century AD since no evidence exists prior to that time of its use although this is contested as it was primarily used first in Rome and thus would most likely stem from some pagan use. Sinclair was born in Scotland in 1345 A.D. In his 2009 book, The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America, he wrote that instead of disqualifying all three sites, the symbol validates them. The Walls of Benin: Four Times Longer Than The Great Wall of China! Some lesser-known symbols that were used by the Provincial Masters included the star, dove, lion, crosses, and the fleurs-de-lis. This means the men who had left it were declaring for themselves what later turned into west central Minnesota. The Templars felt that the treasure was too important to leave to chance that anyone might find it and they feared that its location would be found if it stayed in Europe. The head of this community, combining public service with severe . A Brief History of the Medieval Knights Templar. The X was a symbol of the balance and duality of woman and man, and heaven and earth. He wrote (and I citing from memory) the Templars were compose in large part by Normand knights. I started looking into my own family tree about 11 years ago. The most common symbols used at various stages were the Red Cross, the Beauceant, Agnus Dei, and the image of two knights upon a single horse. The construction of the Tower is of European design and looks to be something of value. Some believe this symbol goes back much farther to ancient Sumeria which was thought to represent a tactical device during battle, but also symbolic of duality and balance. Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page books, 2007. 5. This Knight's history and meaning is up in the air and many people still question its involvement with Henry Sinclair and the Knights Templar. board and I find It really useful & it helped me out a lot. 8. The carving of hands with a heart superimposed on a palm is a peculiar symbol found in the cells of Templars. The symbols we know seem to resonate with their dual personality of being men of the cloth, of God, and being warriors feared on the battlefield. In this part, we'll present exclusively and for the first time actual evidence of what appears to be . They were located in church cemeteries on the island of Gotloand, which was off the coast of Sweden. down the signs and symbols the Knight Templar andthe associated Venus families left as they secretly pursued their goal of founding their sanctuaryin the New World. Not very far north and 27 years before the discovery of the Kensington Rune Stone, an old fire steel was added to the medieval Norse specimens located at the Oslos University Museum. Knights with crossed legs are found on black squares. The book Templars in America tells the story of a European noble family that . Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar in the United States of America, Illinois, 1920. It was easy to investigate and link these families to mine because their history and records are widely known and there are many documented marriages, baptisms, birth, and death records. n.d. Historical writings and modern scholars have drawn parallels between Abraxas and Mithras of Persia as well as beliefs found in Hinduism. Confirmed by the weathering stone, it was indicated the engravings were around 500 years old. The Templars, with headquarters at Jerusalem and then Acre, were an important and . To reach this elevated position, however, became more and more challenging as the Middle Ages wore on because the elite . Futhermore, also mentioned by Charpentier in his book for the first time, Templars built the town of La Rochelle and had a triple barrier of "commanderies" set around the newly formed port. Last but not least, a few more Clans worth mentioning are the Clan Douglas of East-Lothian, Scotland who was one of the most powerful families, the Clan McGregor of Lanarkshire, Scotland of whom Rob Roy MacGregor belonged to and became the subject of the Hollywood film Rob Roy in 1995. It became a grand pasture by the time Olof Ohman settled there in the late 1800s. The Arabic numerals were defenseless to alteration by interlopers. I studied History and Anthropology. Carl Jung in his writings on the Seven Sermons to the Dead stated that Abraxas was a god higher than Jehovah. The 30 by 16 inch slab was covered on the face, and one side had some sort of runic writing. The Crown and the Cross is a logo of the Knights Templar within the York Rite Appendage body. This specific glyph is helpful in the verification of a runic inscription. . The same Roslin Chapel where it is claimed that Henry Sinclair left sculptures and hidden secrets of his travels to North America as well as clues to where some treasures might be hidden in and throughout the chapel itself. There are reports of tunnels and caves found in North America; man-made tunnels that show tool marks and are full of symbols that could be linked to the Templars. In Masonry, we are reminded that the lamb has long been an emblem of innocence. I am Timothy Draper, the Founder of the team, Treasures in America, a team dedicated to historical research and uncovering the truth. His analysis displayed that one of the stones was illustrated with a map. For almost 90 years, the remaining Templars were spread out through Europe and in Scotland, some of the noble families shared the responsibility to keep the Templars secrets and their locations secret. What occurred after? Newell, Barry. Image source . 3. This is where Id like to ask something of my readers. It is said that for a couple of years, one of the Sinclairs castles were used for the meeting place, where the 12 ships were loaded up and heavily burdened by gold, silver, rubys, silks, statues, coins, and holy relics. W hen vigilante militiamen stormed this farming town in western Mexico this month, a killer for the Knights Templar drug cartel pushed out of a house with a bazooka . Now lets can talk about the richest treasure known to man, the one that is too vast and powerful for any one man, the treasure of the Knights Templar. Lion as a Templar Symbol. Featured image: One of the Spirit Pond rune stones. Though Breda was a professor of Scandinavian literature and languages, his knowledge was limited. Because the McGregor Clan were a noble and a powerful clan, it was natural in those times that noble families marry into other noble families and thats exactly what happened in my family. Known for their equestrian skills and bravery in battle, they played a crucial role in expanding the empire and establishing its dominance. June 8, 2012. Henry Sinclair did return to Scotland where he constructed the famous Roslin Chapel of Scotland. The Runes and Language of the Spirit Pond Stones and the Narrangansett Inscription can be Found in Modern Books by Richard Nielsen, The Holy Grail in Maine? April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. For example, the standard unit of measurement used in construction through all New England in the 17th century was the English foot. enemies of Christ. They were put into the Main State Museum located at Hallowell. The Order of the Temple of Knights Templar Order is the most beautiful in the series. He had never attempted to make any money off the rune stone. No longer used among Knights Templars, this velvet apron has become highly sought after by Sir Knights and collectors. He carries the shield of wisdom and the whip or flail is said to be the "whip of Helios" (Abraxas is associated with the Sun) which represents dynamism or strength/power. 12. It is a tragedy that too little of the Templars remains for analysis and study. 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